Blaster Damage




Actualy while I don't like to be in melee range with my blaster, its not a problem to me. What bugs me a bit is how its viewed as being stronger then the primary.

You... ok I... would figure if one was to make a total damage class, damage done by both primary and secondary would both clock as great... not good/awesome.

Hey, you gave me an idea though.

Use AOE strong primary, Energy Secondary.

Primary knocks out the minions and lts of enemy groups, Secondary to take down the bosses. Just need to avoid the one shot KO...

Hmm... time for some planning...

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Congratulations. You are now on your way to becoming a more balanced blaster. The melee was there to take down hard targets fast. Except for Thunderstrike. I don't know what they thought that power was supposed to do besides get used to demoralize a minion every once in awhile.



A true fact stated by some of the other post our best defense is a offensive one.... if if there are other tactics like divide and conquer, trapped in the spider's web and a few more are in the arsenal of the blasters at any time it doesn't take slot nor power slot: meaning that the blaster greatest asset as well as the controller is there mind we to call in tactics and have patience is like you were given a sniper rifle and you had 2 options ( wait patiently for the right moment or shoot everytime you just have him close to ya and hoping to blow his brains out). I see much more potential in the blaster than just shooting and killing, think plan stalk and pounce on your enemy with them knowing( terain like buildings are the best ya know)with that said its true scrapps are better in sytanding a fight sure I admitt that and as well as tank at tanking( the name saids it all people) we need our mezz protection and our resistance but that doesn't make blaster useless its more like a controller just with particle cannon and less crowd control for the insane dmg....( I bet your saying Im talking crap right? be honest with me).



The one thing that annoys me with saying blasters have wits over scrappers is that if someone does both, most of the time they'll do better with the scrapper then the blaster. Tactics will make a good blaster, but equal tactics will make an unstoppable scrapper.



The one thing that annoys me with saying blasters have wits over scrappers is that if someone does both, most of the time they'll do better with the scrapper then the blaster. Tactics will make a good blaster, but equal tactics will make an unstoppable scrapper.

[/ QUOTE ]its a good point this tactics mentioned are for blasters only since scraps have a different playing style than blasters for scrapps normally I have been thinking of tactics with there sec effects in there powers especially with MA.. well as before blaster are more tactical base instead of the scrapps and tanks.



This is what I would like to see happen to blasters.

1. Impliment PvP damage resist bypass in PvE.

2. Increase the range of all primary powers to be greater than the Diameter of Foot Stomp. Greater.

3. Take all PbAoE status effects and toggles in Blaster Secondaries and make them summonable drops or target toggles. Other than cloaking device of course.

4. Make all current melee attacks have a range of 20 feet, either by changing the animations or just letting them have the range. Increase the damage on Melee AoE attack powers again.

5. (stolen idea) Give each single target attack a -10% res that lasts 5 seconds. This not only helps boost the blasters damage a minute amount but also allows the blaster to help a team. Thus encouraging teaming.

6. Swap the damage caps of blasters and scrappers.

7. Remove the rooting effect from blaster attacks.

8. Faster activation times on powers for blasters.

9. Making level 32 nukes into more useable AoE powers like Head Splitter or Full-Auto and less situational all end consuming powers.

Just my thoughts on where I would like blasters to go.

[/ QUOTE ] Okay heres when stupiditty shows his face,( swaping dmg caps) that just plain stupid I admmit blaster dmg dmg cap is lower than scrapps but theres a good reason why, scrapps are frotline fighters, and blaster stay on there sofa chair throwing power until the run away warning.You got to admitt that most of the time your safe and sound( I know that your feel not contributing to the group) but in my experience I find blaster can be more helpful if they last longer and the devs just make there attacks a little stronger( not swaping dmg cap beacuse thats kinda outrageous especially with scrapps that are losing there defenses and some are just broken) in the end as a scrapp and tank I still approved of the extra dmg upgrade and a little more defense( not defense cap of scrapps totally( universal meaning of defense BTW))

Of course Im always willing to join with any blaster no matter there build( eng not against it but a little problematic for me) good luck getting a better defenses and attack power(no swaping!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Spoken like a true scrapper (whithout an inkling of what the blaster life is). My friend, scrappers deal almost as much damage as a blaster, have a higher cap AND have massive defense in comparison. For a well built scrapper-, you will deal 90% of blaster damage while taking only 10% of the damage 9even whiel in melee). See the comparision? You can take 10 times the abuse, thus standing in battle 10 times longer, dealing almost the same damage. thats the disparity. Again, most savvy blasters are asking for a bit more damage, and a bit more diversity in the secondary to help mitigate damage. (ie give us more tricks and tactics to use). Since I have cited devices as a "complete" secondary, I will make the same comparison using them. WIth fully slotted smoke grenade and cloaking shield, devices blasters can eek out about 40% defense in the average battle. With targeting drone and an extra SO in each attack, he will eek out a net damage increase of about 10% (doing 280% base damage instead of 250%). WIth trip mines/time bombs, he has a tool he can use as a part of a strategy/tactic to survive a particually hard battle( large group/big boss). Yes it costs time to lay mines, but at least you can complete a hard part of a mission (something that other blasters find impossible shy of massive debt). These are the tools all blasters should have, but dont. Buildup is not a catch all and melee punches shoudln't be the solution-thats SHOULD be the scrapper solution.

As i said-this is not intended as whining but as constructive criticism to guide fixes. Making the squishiest of toons survive is a fun challenge for me, though hunting groups of blues/greens or orange solos to survive hardly feels "heroic" to me, when I seek large groups of reds/purps. or hordes of whites with other toons for a good challenge!



The one thing that annoys me with saying blasters have wits over scrappers is that if someone does both, most of the time they'll do better with the scrapper then the blaster. Tactics will make a good blaster, but equal tactics will make an unstoppable scrapper.

[/ QUOTE ]its a good point this tactics mentioned are for blasters only since scraps have a different playing style than blasters for scrapps normally I have been thinking of tactics with there sec effects in there powers especially with MA.. well as before blaster are more tactical base instead of the scrapps and tanks.

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Reguardless of what AT you play, Tactics are tactics, there are different tactics for different ATs, but assuming someone has the same level of tactics all around, they'll do good as a blaster, but as a scrapper they'll be a death god.



A true fact stated by some of the other post our best defense is a offensive one.... if if there are other tactics like divide and conquer, trapped in the spider's web and a few more are in the arsenal of the blasters at any time it doesn't take slot nor power slot: meaning that the blaster greatest asset as well as the controller is there mind we to call in tactics and have patience is like you were given a sniper rifle and you had 2 options ( wait patiently for the right moment or shoot everytime you just have him close to ya and hoping to blow his brains out). I see much more potential in the blaster than just shooting and killing, think plan stalk and pounce on your enemy with them knowing( terain like buildings are the best ya know)with that said its true scrapps are better in sytanding a fight sure I admitt that and as well as tank at tanking( the name saids it all people) we need our mezz protection and our resistance but that doesn't make blaster useless its more like a controller just with particle cannon and less crowd control for the insane dmg....( I bet your saying Im talking crap right? be honest with me).

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I am not sure if you are replying to me. If you are, read my guide down at the bottom in my signature.




[note: these are more or less generalistic comments; we all know there's an exception or two to each of them; but even two or three of those sticking to a build would be too much. And its more like 'all but two-or-three' right now]

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After reviewing the list, I only perceive one, although I perceive others perceiving more than one.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



This is what I would like to see happen to blasters.

1. Impliment PvP damage resist bypass in PvE.

2. Increase the range of all primary powers to be greater than the Diameter of Foot Stomp. Greater.

3. Take all PbAoE status effects and toggles in Blaster Secondaries and make them summonable drops or target toggles. Other than cloaking device of course.

4. Make all current melee attacks have a range of 20 feet, either by changing the animations or just letting them have the range. Increase the damage on Melee AoE attack powers again.

5. (stolen idea) Give each single target attack a -10% res that lasts 5 seconds. This not only helps boost the blasters damage a minute amount but also allows the blaster to help a team. Thus encouraging teaming.

6. Swap the damage caps of blasters and scrappers.

7. Remove the rooting effect from blaster attacks.

8. Faster activation times on powers for blasters.

9. Making level 32 nukes into more useable AoE powers like Head Splitter or Full-Auto and less situational all end consuming powers.

Just my thoughts on where I would like blasters to go.

[/ QUOTE ] Okay heres when stupiditty shows his face,( swaping dmg caps) that just plain stupid I admmit blaster dmg dmg cap is lower than scrapps but theres a good reason why, scrapps are frotline fighters, and blaster stay on there sofa chair throwing power until the run away warning.You got to admitt that most of the time your safe and sound( I know that your feel not contributing to the group) but in my experience I find blaster can be more helpful if they last longer and the devs just make there attacks a little stronger( not swaping dmg cap beacuse thats kinda outrageous especially with scrapps that are losing there defenses and some are just broken) in the end as a scrapp and tank I still approved of the extra dmg upgrade and a little more defense( not defense cap of scrapps totally( universal meaning of defense BTW))

Of course Im always willing to join with any blaster no matter there build( eng not against it but a little problematic for me) good luck getting a better defenses and attack power(no swaping!)

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You quoted the entire thing just to complain about the damage caps being swapped? If you play a scrapper it shouldn't make any difference to you. In the scrapper VS. Blaster thread it was made very clear by several scrappers that they never see their cap so I don't see why you would complain about it.

It is amusing to see a scrapper saying that they deserve the 500% cap though. Especially when scrappers were given defenses so that they could be frontline fighters. Now if scrappers didn't have defenses, then I could see a higher damage cap. Useing the logic that being a frontline fighter is the basis for deserving a 500% damage cap tanks should also have a 500% damage cap, since they are also "frontline" fighters.

Okay heres when stupiditty shows his face

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If you want to say that my ideas are stupid then please back up your statement with something intelligent.




Okay heres when stupiditty shows his face,( swaping dmg caps) that just plain stupid I admmit blaster dmg dmg cap is lower than scrapps but theres a good reason why, scrapps are frotline fighters, and blaster stay on there sofa chair throwing power until the run away warning.

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If I could have a "sitting on a sofa while flinging energy bolts" emote, you can give me any damage cap you want.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



scrapps are frotline fighters, and blaster stay on there sofa chair throwing power until the run away warning.You got to admitt that most of the time your safe and sound( I know that your feel not contributing to the group)

[/ QUOTE ]

If anything makes anyone look stupid, it is this statement.

If we were safe and sound, why in the world would blasters be racking up debt faster than any other primary? If we were safe and sound, why do mobs sometimes decide to one shot blasters on sight even though the scrapper has engaged them? If we were so safe and sound why in the world do you think so many people say that blasters are the most challenging AT to play?

The only way you can be safe and sound is if you are around the corner from the mobs and not doing a bloody thing except breathing. While you get xp this way, your group contribution is less than stellar.

On the other hand, my scrapper is in so much danger that I can get off the sofa, head over to the fridge and microwave a burrito, eat it, then come back and finish off the mob. The danger obviously warrents having a higher damage cap. Brilliant, its so obvious to me now. Why didn't I see how much danger scrappers were in while they were herding their own mobs so they could demolish them in a trashcan. Well, I guess it takes a certain kind of perception that I don't have, I am just stuck with reality I guess. Maybe someday I will be able to afford the rose colored glasses that other people see through.



The one thing that annoys me with saying blasters have wits over scrappers is that if someone does both, most of the time they'll do better with the scrapper then the blaster. Tactics will make a good blaster, but equal tactics will make an unstoppable scrapper.

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The problem comes in inter-AT playability/balance. There's a world of difference in the effectiveness of a well played blaster vs. a poorly played blaster. That's the way a game should work. For Scrappers, you can barely tell the difference as long as their build is correct. That's why so many people find Scrappers boring to play; they see relatively insignificant results when they play "smarter" vs. straight button-mashing.

It's like school, why put in 100% effort to get an A average when you can put in 20% effort and get a B+ average anyway? You have to find a way to inject challenge.

Removing significant challenge from Blasters = Nerf, IMO.



It's like school, why put in 100% effort to get an A average when you can put in 20% effort and get a B+ average anyway? You have to find a way to inject challenge.

Removing significant challenge from Blasters = Nerf, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. However, results speak for a lot as well. Getting an F for playing bad and a B for playing excellent does not make me feel better if I can look over to the next guy getting a B for playing bad and an A for playing ok.

Blasters are built such that they should be hurting far more than melee classes for playing poorly, but we should be doing noticeably better when we play well. And by that, I mean feeling like I'm a superhero.

So far, the game is nicely balanced so we eat it more than any other AT for playing poorly. However, even playing extremely well, the best we can hope for is not to fall too far behind the others.



Who drudged this old corpse up. It only serves as a reminder of statesman's promise to look into blasters.... and then not looking into blasters.



Who drudged this old corpse up. It only serves as a reminder of statesman's promise to look into blasters.... and then not looking into blasters.

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I believe you drudged this up.



I believe you drudged this up.

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He didn't, the post was sitting there with no new posts for a bit. I believe who ever rezzed it deleted their post to avoid blame

Infatum on Virtueverse



I believe you drudged this up.

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He didn't, the post was sitting there with no new posts for a bit. I believe who ever rezzed it deleted their post to avoid blame

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Well kudo's to whoever did rez it than.



I believe you drudged this up.

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He didn't, the post was sitting there with no new posts for a bit. I believe who ever rezzed it deleted their post to avoid blame

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Well kudo's to whoever did rez it than.

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Why? Paging to the end of the forum and resurrecting ancient posts by a developer whose opinion no longer matters isn't exactly a feat of forum brilliance.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



You think if they look far enough back they can find out what happened to all those votes that went missing in Florida in the 2000 election?



You think if they look far enough back they can find out what happened to all those votes that went missing in Florida in the 2000 election?

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Hey, did you hear that JR got shot?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



A Blaster is a ranged Archetype. What should you do to make a ranged Archetype stronger?

Simple. You give it even more range. It doesn't "ruin" the idea of a Blaster and if twice the range isn't enough, then triple or even quadruple. Obviously, range is a VERY powerful thing if you can hit someone across the map :P.

Here is the problem states.

The ONLY way a blaster can outdamage a scrapper is if the blaster uses his melee attacks. The primary blaster attacks are a joke compared to the secondary. The melee attacks are several times stronger. This forces blasters to go into melee. This is especially true in PvP.

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There's 1 thing you're not considering. The Scrapper uses BOTH the Primary and Secondary. You're saying that the Blaster should be on par with the Scrapper while ONLY using the Primary...this isn't going to happen.

Blasters are seriously overpowered if their Primary alone can be a threat to another Archetype that is making use of both of its Primary and Secondary.



You realize you're replying to a post by someone who quit the game years ago?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Yes, but that's not the point. As you can see, this problem is still ongoing and I'm just addressing the problem itself.



I just hope they don't nerf other AT's to make them as bad as blaster. They should fix defiance, and make it work more like vigilance and fury, the more you and your team mates get hit, the more damage you do, including DoTs, and duration is extended, maybe even throw in the endurance discount.
Defiance doesn't do anything the way it is. Right before you die, you see the bar suddenly fill up, and you might get one shot off before you bounce off the floor. This thing needs to start ramping up as soon as you get hit the first time.



Yes, but that's not the point. As you can see, this problem is still ongoing and I'm just addressing the problem itself.

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the problem will remain for as long as there is a cox. blasters get the shaft... and I an't talking about archery.