Hamidon Enhancements in the Arena




In these MMOs, people play for a lot of different reason. I play to escape into another world that doesn't include judges and depositions and motions. I think a lot of people play to find some success that's missing in their real life.

Whatever the reason, you have to keep this stuff in perspective. I really wish they had never added PvP to CoH, because it brings out the worse in the player base. But now that they have, I think that people who play a lot and have more and better enhancers have a right to the spoils of their labor.

Remember its not their fault that Hami-Os are in the game. The developers put them there and based on Statesman's post, it seem like he's ok with the edge they give.

Well this reply has run on too long and I think I made my point.

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In CoH you get to be judge, jury and executioner! I find you, Behemoth Overlord, to be guilty of the crimes of -
sacrificial torture
terrorist activities
and bad one liners
your sentence, to be carried out by me at this very moment is EAT MY BROAD SWORD OF JUSTICE!

I'm glad PvP is being introduced, it adds a level of complexity and strategy to the game, which adds to its replay ability. And I'm not to worried about HO's to be perfectly honest. I'm an altaholic, I have 3 characters to 40, but none to 50, yet I'm pretty sure I'll have my share of success in PvP. Any one who knows their character well, plays smart and has a decent connection will be able to win some. No one can win them all however. If people are winning all, and if those people just happens to be full of HO's, I'm pretty confident the devs would step in to mitigate in some fashion that advantage.

In the meantime, PVP isn't even here, we don't really know how much of an advantage it will be. On paper it sure seems insurmountable. In practice though it may not be so huge. I vote we wait and see, and just enjoy the game for what it is.



My best wishes for your wife's speedy recovery. I'm truly sorry to hear that.

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Hey, thanks kcirrot.

I just wanted to report since I just attended my first Hami raid I got two HOs out of the deal, One I can use on a controller character and one I can use on a damage dealer.

I want to play more than one PVP character so I'm still looking at a huge, or conservatively speaking, ridiculous, time investment there to get where I would like to be "ah the elusive carrot Eeeyaw :P".

The lag was horrible, well and truly horrible even judging by past EQ 1 raid terms, and my P4 3.2 Ghz/1 GB/Radeon 9800 Pro has been more than enough to handle every other situation in CoH including 8 person TFs with 100 enemies in the same three foot square. After my graphical lag (minimum settings) Then we get into the server side lag in which commands could only seemingly only be input once every five minutes. I'm still amazed this didn't flub the raid. I guess it took two hours but I'm a bad judge of subjective time. Maybe some Guardianers could corroborate.

Regarding some of the points made lately, I don't agree you need items to sustain an end game. PVP alone is a fine albeit highly volatile to the community sustainable end game. Items just muck it up by giving it the timesink/scale problems beaten to death pretty well before in this thread.

Economies, trading and crafting look good on paper, but in MMO practice I have never found them to be very fun (some people like to be day traders and crafters, but I've just never found them to be very exciting and it's definitely not superheroic. My apologies in advance to Accountingman and his sidekick Ledgerboy, their tireless efforts against the evil Red Ink have served Paragon well *salute*.

I have had much more camaraderie with SG members/friends and better socialization on a TV respec with 1/100th the lag than a Hami raid. I can go to PI or Atlas and socialize anytime I want also.




They'd lose the extra bonus of hte HO, but not the dual-slotting advantage.


The amount of advantage that gives is pure speculation at this point and means nothing.

In fact Statesman who is the only one to post in this thread, that has anything like real experance with the system, said that the advantage of HO's when exmp'ed down isn't major.

It's not major to have 12 slots on a power instead of 6? Sign me up anyway...




They'd lose the extra bonus of hte HO, but not the dual-slotting advantage.



The amount of advantage that gives is pure speculation at this point and means nothing.

In fact Statesman who is the only one to post in this thread, that has anything like real experance with the system, said that the advantage of HO's when exmp'ed down isn't major.

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It's not major to have 12 slots on a power instead of 6? Sign me up anyway...



<sarcasm>Why don't we just throw slotting out the window all-together? It isn't going to be fair to those people who couldn't/wouldn't attend raids. Also, it isn't fair to people who don't spend gobs and gobs of time on the forums gleening information on the best ways to slot their powers.

It isn't fair that some forum*Bleep* knows the ideal way to slot Cloak of Fear and I don't. I have a life and I don't have time to read the forums and find the best way to slot my powers. My opponent has an unfair advantage based on this. Remove all slotting in PvP!!

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Reading forums and testing builds are activities equally open to all players. Hami raids, either by your schedule or the makeup of your server or "who you know" or all three, are not. The time investment between reading a few forums is infintesimal versus going on 120 Hami raids per character (1 in 3 drops get you what you want toward your 40 HO by my estimates). You can also read and post to forums while doing many other things where a Hami raid does require a little bit of attention


This argument makes about as much sense as the "remove Hami O's from PvP" argument. It has already been stated that when facing an opponent of a significant level difference that you will be auto-exemplared, thus reducing the benefits of Hami O's to SO level effectiveness. Yes, the owner of a cache of Hami's has an advantage, but not to the degree of a heavy-weight matchup.

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Another dead horse here, please read the prior thread before posting. First, people will want to compete at 50 with their 50.
Second, to educate you about one example, it has been repeatedly shown in this thread that high levels of accuracy will trump many defense based powersets altogether, even ones built around HOs themselves. Who knows what other ridiculous unbalances we might see when applied to health enhancement for instance, or end drain resists?? The owners of large numbers of HOs will in fact have the advantage of a heavyweight fighting a bantamweight. Perma 400% damage cap anyone? 300% base acc? Yeah sure, they won't matter. Refrains of "I can swing higher than you babies!" comes to mind.... Quoth States, "Hamidon enhancements are killer."


There is honestly no way to make the PvP Arena a completely level playing field. How would you factor in game experience? I don't mean XP, I mean experience playing the game, and having strategic knowledge of the various powers and how best to utilize them in any given situation. Is this kind of advantage ok?

Good, Im glad we agree that this advantage is ok. Well surprise! That kind of knowledge is a result of a time investment, just as Hami O's are a result of time investment. The fact that Hami O's are a tangible object, and game knowledge isn't, does not make a case to remove Hami O's from PvP.

I honestly don't see the developers removing the Hami O advantage from the game. Hami O's are another carrot dangled in front of high level players to keep them playing the game. If you remove the incentive to do Hami raids, you remove one of the only reasons any level 50 character has to continue playing the game. (at least for those players who constantly seek advancement in their characters' lives)

Would being able to view an opponents Hami enhancement count satisfy most opponents of Hami O's in PvP?

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Again, it's a ridiculous time scale versus reasonable ones. Not to mention time spent practicing (participating in PVP fights or random build tests) is going to be a lot more entertaining than a Hami slideshow. People have no problem getting beaten by someone who spends their time practicing SKILLS. HamiO's are ITEMS. We hope to have the devs see the light on this one. MMO vets such as myself have seen them break the routine MMO mold many times before so we are holding out hope. I will be doing plenty with my 50s such as constant PVP or even helping others on random TFs, AV killing, badge hunting etc. in the current game. I will have that much more time to do it without required hami farming too.



I don't agree you need items to sustain an end game. PVP alone is a fine albeit highly volatile to the community sustainable end game. Items just muck it up by giving it the timesink/scale problems beaten to death pretty well before in this thread.

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I think this is a very important point. The Arena and CoV make for a much better endgame then a single raid repeated over and over. But, the Hami Raid, left as-is, is gonna have a huge (for many negative) impact on PvP.

We're throwing out the Baby (PvP) out with the bathwater (Hami).



Again, it's a ridiculous time scale versus reasonable ones. People have no problem getting beaten by someone who spends their time practicing SKILLS. HamiO's are ITEMS. We hope to have the devs see the light on this one. MMO vets such as myself have seen them break the routine MMO mold many times before so we are holding out hope.

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If you want a level playing field for PvP, an MMORPG is not the place to find it. I suggest you go over and find some Quake 3 Arena, or perhaps UT2K4.

An MMORPG is a persistent world where our gaming experiences accumulate. To throw out a players supposed advantage because you don't want to make the same time investment is preposterous IMO.

And before you go referencing the EBAY trolls, I have already stated that as a deal-breaker: I truly think the reward system should be changed to allow a player to select their reward in the Hami raid. This in conjunction with not allowing the trade of Hami enhancements would bind such rewards to those that earned them to begin with, and ensure the reward you receive is a useful one.

Just curious, do you have a character between 45 and 50? If so, do you ever attend raids?



Reading forums and testing builds are activities equally open to all players. Hami raids, either by your schedule or the makeup of your server or "who you know" or all three, are not. The time investment between reading a few forums is infintesimal versus going on 120 Hami raids per character (1 in 3 drops get you what you want toward your 40 HO by my estimates). You can also read and post to forums while doing many other things where a Hami raid does require a little bit of attention

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Sorry but I have many problems with this paragraph. First of all, Hami Raids are not exclusionary in the least. They are completely open, versus the instanced raids that exist in games like WoW.

Second, there is no such thing as a useless drop, as far as I have experienced. One man's trash is another man's treasure. There is most likely someone of a different AT on the other side of the crater holding what you want, hoping to trade for what you got.

I would prefer picking the enhancement reward, and not permitting trading of Hami O's as I have previsouly stated. Then the Hami O economy would be solidified.

Lastly, Hami raids are not the tremendous time-sink that some people are making them out to be (at least not on the Freedom server). An hour's investment is all it requires. The only other event in the game that offers a comparable time vs. reward is the respec trial. If anything, the Hami raids are too quick and easy, but I guess you can chalk that up to good raid leaders.



There's always a way to rig a fight in your favor in MMOG's, and the people who have HO's slotted in all of their powers are generally the type of people who will try to find that way.

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This would seem to be a variant of the "if we cannot make it perfect then why try at all" argument. Applied to all aspects of the game nothing would change - someone will find a way to 'rig' PvE content so why bother correcting Burn or Smoke Grenade or Wolf Farming?

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I am not suggesting that they leave in a known exploit, I am trying to point out that if you really wanted a completely even playing field, this is not the genre of game you want to play. This game, and any other RPG, will always, by design, have a way for someone to improve their character to it's fullest extent. I am not trying to suggest that they "do not try at all" to do that would be ignorant. What I am suggesting is that they try and make it more even by giving people other options than the Hamidon raid to get these enhancements.

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This is a false or misunderstood arguement.
Most people do not expect or even want perfect parity in their game play. So none of this has anything to do with achieving perfect game balance. Instead what must be done is preventing serious game IMBALANCE. You have to flip your view of the situation around and come at it from the other end. It is not perfect balance that must be sought, but rather perfect power that must be avoided.

To clarify:
An empathy defender does not need to be able to go tit-for-tat with every other AT.

This is what is being argued. Making all the weakest equal to the strong. This is not the actual arguement though.

A regen scrapper MUST not be able to dominate all other ATs in PvP.

This is what people expect and want in PvP.
The real argument is that there must be many powerful play styles in PvP. No one single method must be allowed to dominate or PvP dies or horrible whimpering death.

Hamidon enhancements are a slight weaker sub-set of this arguement.
HOs will most likely allow perfect domination. Those that have repeatedly farmed the Hamidon will win and those that have not, will not.

The Hamidon is a gate in PvP that MUST be passed through to seriously partcipate. Most people will never willing choose to pass through the gate so most people will not be seriously partcipating in PvP.

So I again I say these people do not need to know that every thing will be perfectly balanced they simply need to know that they have a REASONABLE fighting chance.

It is ok to walk into a battle expecting to be out skilled, out thought, or out built. It is even exceptable, expecially if made up for in other areas, for your AT to be outclassed by most others.
It is NOT ok to walk into a every battle already knowing that you have lost for no reason other than "everyone losses against a regen scrapper" or "you are fighting a HO hero".

Perfect domination = Perfect PvP death



Just curious, do you have a character between 45 and 50? If so, do you ever attend raids?

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Just curious, do you ever read before you post? *points up*

If you're not willing to make the same time investment in posting as other players, don't post here.

Where is it written in stone that MMO PVP can't be balanced? Man some people would be happy chewing the same type of cud everyday for the rest of their lives. That argument doesn't have any rational basis to support it and is another dead horse.

So take your Hami changes and apply them to one, or better yet several different 4-8 person TF where HOs become accessible to everyone. Tell me why this would be bad for a change rather than why Hami is so good.

I bet the best answer you can give me is "I gots em and I don't want anyone else ta".



If you want a level playing field for PvP, an MMORPG is not the place to find it.

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This MMORPG is different from others. Do other MMORPGS adjust your combat level down to meet that of your opponent?

Honestly, if the system didn't already have that levelling mechanic in place, we wouldn't be having this discussion.



I've read quite a bit actually, but after 65 pages of this @#$%@# thread it's starting to run together. I'm not opposed to alternative means of acquiring "Hami O's", but someone will have to come up with a new nickname for them.

I hope they do come up with additional means of legitimately acquiring them; maybe then people will stop griping about their insecurities with PvP.
With all this sensational controversy surrounding Hami O's, raid attendance has skyrocketed. This is causing incredible lag. So yes, it's an even better time to come up with some new end-game content to broaden the distribution of "Hami O's".

Tell me why this would be bad for a change rather than why Hami is so good.
I bet the best answer you can give me is "I gots em and I don't want anyone else ta".

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Like I said, bring on the additional means to acquire Hami O's. Yes, I have quite a few, but not nearly as many as the bastards who KSed buds before the reward system was changed. If I were more like you I would be screaming to have those people nerfed somehow, because they are going to beat me every time in the arena. But I really don't care about that, I'm doing my best to cope with the impact that Hami O's *could* have on PvP. I suggest you do the same because they aren't going anywhere. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, that's all any of us can do until I4 hits.



What's the alternative? Not fighting PvP as a lvl 45-50 w/out having HO's? I'm sorry, are there not 44 other lvls go compete on? So by having HO's for the top 6 lvls, PvP becomes totally unplayable for you since all you have is one toon, and that toon happens to be a lvl 45+?



Like I said, bring on the additional means to acquire Hami O's. Yes, I have quite a few, but not nearly as many as the bastards who KSed buds before the reward system was changed. If I were more like you I would be screaming to have those people nerfed somehow, because they are going to beat me every time in the arena. But I really don't care about that, I'm doing my best to cope with the impact that Hami O's *could* have on PvP. I suggest you do the same because they aren't going anywhere. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, that's all any of us can do until I4 hits.

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another hero who's already lost in his mind. I for one will laugh at every single person worried about PvP when i beat a person w/ HO's w/ my lvl 36 toon w/ all trainers. I will laugh so hard at all of you that your moms will be embarassed to have given birth to you. The whole community as a whole can laugh at you because you lost before PvP came out. And, to top it off - you knew it.

Generally speaking here -
HO's aren't the Zeros problem - it's their lack of drive that is their problem. They don't even want to see if they can beat someone w/ overwelming odds. They aren't heroes, they are Zeros.



Like I said, bring on the additional means to acquire Hami O's. Yes, I have quite a few, but not nearly as many as the bastards who KSed buds before the reward system was changed. If I were more like you I would be screaming to have those people nerfed somehow, because they are going to beat me every time in the arena. But I really don't care about that, I'm doing my best to cope with the impact that Hami O's *could* have on PvP. I suggest you do the same because they aren't going anywhere. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, that's all any of us can do until I4 hits.

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another hero who's already lost in his mind. I for one will laugh at every single person worried about PvP when i beat a person w/ HO's w/ my lvl 36 toon w/ all trainers. I will laugh so hard at all of you that your moms will be embarassed to have given birth to you. The whole community as a whole can laugh at you because you lost before PvP came out. And, to top it off - you knew it.

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I think you misunderstood me. I am not saying I am automatically going to lose to the aforementioned Bud farmers, I was saying that is the self-defeatist stance so many people seem to be taking. I'm doing my end-game content (Hami being pretty much the ONLY lvl 50 content), so I will be prepared for the worst.
Please direct your authoritah elsewhere.



You'll note that some players have asked for such tools -- the option of HO-free matches or some way to see who has slotted how many HOs.

Oddly enough this doesn't seem popular with the pro-HO crowd.

Shall we venture a guess as to why...

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Excellent question. I'll be looking to see if anyone answers it as I plow through this thread.

So...why are the HO users not in favor of having the ability to see other player's enhancements? You don't have to think about it very long, do you?



Like I said, bring on the additional means to acquire Hami O's. Yes, I have quite a few, but not nearly as many as the bastards who KSed buds before the reward system was changed. If I were more like you I would be screaming to have those people nerfed somehow, because they are going to beat me every time in the arena. But I really don't care about that, I'm doing my best to cope with the impact that Hami O's *could* have on PvP. I suggest you do the same because they aren't going anywhere. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, that's all any of us can do until I4 hits.

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Giving people the opportunity to get HOs from other avenues sounds like a great idea, until you actually do the math on them. If nothing else, defense based defenses (SR, Ice Armor, Force Fields, Fortitude, Weave, some of the others) become worthless in a "everybody has HOs" arena. SR isn't entirely so, but a fully six slotted defense HO SR scrapper can only get to the point where going up against a fully slotted Dmg/Acc blaster has an effective 25% defense (IIRC, the numbers are further up the thread) and the Ice Armor tanker is only going to be able to get the defense he needs if he can get about 30 enemies to stand right next to each other and hits Energy Absorption plus runs six slotted toggles. IF that discrepancy was fixed, then HOs from alternate sources might make for an interesting idea, albeit a massive time sink. But, hey, there's nothing else to do with the 50s but play PvP or go raid Hami, as has been pointed out.

I don't know what the balancing point would be then, tho. Resistance based defenses become a LOT better with HOs, as there's an artificial cap. Until sonics go in, there's no point in adding extra resistance past that, so you can get away with a lot fewer slots in your powers, and/or a couple fewer powers. The current favorite for Invuln tankers (6 slot Unyielding, 1 slot TI, 1 slot RPD, 6 slot REl, 6 slot REn for 90% across the board) could easily turn into (6 slot Unyielding, 3 slot REl, 3 slot REn, 6 slot RP) means a savings of one slot AND one less toggle to run. Another option would be to remove RPD and run TI, which means higher energy consumption but 6 total saved slots. So do you crank up defenses, so that you have to slot less? Or make defensive enhancements be more powerful, meaning that everything but 6 slotted Acc/Dmg becomes a cakewalk with the current number of slots in a power? Or do you add some arcane math that makes it so that once you're above the amount of defense that would be required to take an unenhanced attack to 5%, your defense amount is doubled? That's confusing just writing it, the math or actually doing it would be doubly so, and still might not address the inequality. Or how about an accuracy cap of 2 times the unenhanced ability?

Until the defense issue is addressed, adding more HOs to the arena doesn't seem the way to go.



You'll note that some players have asked for such tools -- the option of HO-free matches or some way to see who has slotted how many HOs.

Oddly enough this doesn't seem popular with the pro-HO crowd.

Shall we venture a guess as to why...

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Excellent question. I'll be looking to see if anyone answers it as I plow through this thread.

So...why are the HO users not in favor of having the ability to see other player's enhancements? You don't have to think about it very long, do you?

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Here you go, my viewpoint from a previous post which I will provide here so you don't have to dig through 670 posts.

Ok, I can agree to an option to display an enemy's hami enhancement count. What I would NOT agree to is being able to view another player's build. In a PvP environment, I would consider my build to be sacred, and I wouldn't want to have a bunch of shmucks copying my build if it was found to be successful.

An option to turn Hami enhancements off? Lovely, so the players who covet their Hami enhancements will turn down fights in which they are asked to set them aside. I see this creating the same segregation in PvP that unrestricted Hami O's would foster (providing a way to view a prospective opponents Hami O's is implemented).

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I'm not opposed to players being able to make informed decisions. I'm opposed to "players who have invested their time and have obtained rewards legitimately" being treated as though they did something wrong.



I see the way i responded didn't separate you from the general perception of the zeros. I didn't mean you so much as the people who say they have no chance before they have even tried.



So by having HO's for the top 6 lvls, PvP becomes totally unplayable for you since all you have is one toon, and that toon happens to be a lvl 45+?

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Not 'totally unplayable', just totally unlike the other 44 levels in terms of balance. From levels 15-44, you can go up against an opponent of levels 15-44 and expect a fair fight, because it's built into the system. From 45 onwards, you could be fighting someone who was your approximate equal, or you could be fighting someone who had bought 40 HOs off fricking Ebay. That integral balance goes straight out of the window.

You see, we wouldn't be emphasising fairness and balance if the system wasn't already fair and balanced everywhere but the last five levels. For some reason, after level 45, it all goes to hell. So, we need some way to opt out of the whole HO mess, either by being able to see when our opponents have them, or turn them off and on.

I only have limited time to play in the day. I don't have time to waste on fights where the odds are stacked against me from the start, or where I can't see the odds in the first place. Sure, I might feel like a challenge sometimes, but if I'm going to make time to play in the Arena, I'd like to choose my level of risk. Up to level 44, the game takes care of that automatically. 45 and upwards, all bets are off.

Put it this way: how would you feel if someone else got to choose your reputation in PvE, and could determine how tough the enemies you faced would be, without you knowing?



I really like the TF reward idea.

Give me an impossibly hard 8 person TF and I will lead a small tight group to blow it up on a regular basis and god forbid have some fun along the way instead of the much lauded "work" of farming hami. I won't setup a minimum 25 person popularity contest every day. I don't pay a monthly fee to do "work".

Many people are expecting CoH to jump the shark on this one and take a big dive...dare to disappoint them.

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I agree with the "jump the shark" comment. The possiblity for that moment definatly exists in issue 4. The Arena could well be the single greatest make or break point in the game to date.

Sadly Sprite has their commercial wrong IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. The mere perception of vitally important loot could do irreperable damage to CoH before the Devs even get the chance to respond.

On HOs in TFs:
It should be all high level trials and Taskforces. Most importantly there should be one trial(can be as hard as you like) that takes less than 2 hours and gives a HO as the reward.

For example giving HOs for completing the Shadow Shard TFs is NOT an exceptable compromise. The shadow shard TF is too long and too annoying, farming that would be ten times worse then farming the Hamidon. Keep in the mind that point is to give out enough HOs to equal the playing field.

Allow me to blunt.
Attacking the Hamidon deserves no respect what so ever.
The only respect that can be claimed for fighting the Hamidon is the first two times an given raider leader leads a raid, then and ONLY then the leader deserves respect.
Being a well trained monkey and repeatedly engaging in a simple and monotous task, no matter how much you like it, means nothing and earns you nothing.
So spare me any "I fought Hamidon and that means something" arguements. The respec trial is signifcantly harder and more time consuming then the Hamidon.
If you actually think the Hamidon is some greatly chellenging foe then in my opinion you should re-evaulate your ability to play CoH.



I see so much avoiding reality goign on here. I for one don't want to pvp w/ some casual joe who has no ho's. It would be absolutely no fun for me. I in fact am not that jazzed about pvp, i started the game w/out the expectation of pvp. BUt if they are going to add it. If a lvl 50 w/ lots of ho's has a battle w/ a lvl 42, all the ho's get reduced in magnatude to that of dual enhancement so's. Hence that person is no longer as uber as he would be fighting another lvl 50. Still though, the lvl 42 shouldn't have a reasonable expectation of beating someone who is 8 lvl's his senior. So the 50 still having an obvious advantage should be expected.

Now when it comes to fights at their own lvl's. Between 50's and 50's, w/ a rating system as to who's number 1 and who's number 1,345 - there won't be many players in that bottom layer w/ lots of ho's. SO all the players that dont want to participate in aspects of the game will have plenty of people to compete against that don't do raids as well.

If I an elitist player who feels that HO's are totally unfair and i'm ranked 1,234 i should know that taking on a rank 100 player might be a stupid idea. And no matter what no casual player should have an equal opportunity handed to him to be the #1 ranked pvp hero. Selling HO's to players who don't work for them is just that.

And will people stop reiterating the failed conclusion that they can cap HO's to a single attribute and cap the attribute buff to that of a SO....If i wanted an SO in that slot, i'd have something better than a lvl 50 in there, so right there i'd possibly have a disadvantage placed on me cus the other player has 51++ in all his slots while mine now has randomly selected attributes at 50. This idea is as thoughtless as any of my rants, please stop reinventing it in the same thread over and over again people.

The weight classes don't sound like to me like it's goign to be an all out unfair battle for all non hami'fied players. Once rankings start to sort themselves out the ho players and teams will filter to the top where they are pretty much in a class of their own and the non hamified players will beable to fight amongst themselves being able to clearly see where they stand rankwise as a contender.

If the #1 ranked player in his weight class has all HO's, isn't that going to be obvious before a challenge is issued?

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This sounds like what everyone is fearing. PvP will not be about who is the "better" player...or who has superior tactics....or even who got lucky...it will boil down to whether or not you have HO's or not.

Whoo Hoo! PvP is getting less interesting the more I find out about HO's. (Which I didn't know about until this week...)



You said it all right here.

What other game has the ability to lvl you down to meat that of your opponent? Diablo 2 never did. A lvl 1 w/ every inventory slot filled w/ hexs could kill a lvl 100 in one hit. THis game has no chance of that sort of imbalance occuring.




Well, if you read Statesman's post, for now, that's how its going to be.

I don't think rank matches should have ANY restrictions whatsoever. Not just HOs.

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Well this is just a frighteningly naive statement.

So you think that a level 50 hero engaging a level 2 hero should have no restrictions and should count against the level 50 heros win/loss record.

And you can't see an issue with that?

Or are you saying that two level 50s square off and it should be everything goes?

Which is still quite naive but at least not frighteningly so.



A lvl 1 w/ every inventory slot filled w/ hexs could kill a lvl 100 in one hit. THis game has no chance of that sort of imbalance occuring.

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... except in the 45-50 PvP arena, where the characters are technically supposed to be on an equal footing because of their level, but in PRACTICE are going to be wildly disparate in their abilities.

The difference between levels 15-44 and 45-50 is that in the former, you are automatically on an even footing, but in the latter, you will have to go kill a blob a lot if you want a *chance* of being on an even footing.

If anyone can explain why the 45-50 door in the Arena should have a big blob of jello in front of it while no other door does, I'll be very impressed.