The past updates and the future
Those were mostly educated guesses. "Hopefully, X will be in Issue 5". The official rundown of each Issue has always been correct.
Also, jeaf7, you are discounting the things that ended up in Issues that were never promoted before their Test Server release.
Asking for projects like this to never have a delay isn't reasonable, nor is it realistic.
There is no REAL way to determine exactly how long something will take. If they delay the release of a feature because it is not perfect, most people are ok with it.
We know that we'd rather have something released correctly and late, than be sloppy and bug ridden but 'on time'.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
Im gonna make this short... For the past updates all of them have had content pulled out of them and pushed back to the next update. Im just wondering how long this will go on and why tell us the content that suppose to be in an update and then push it back to the next one.
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Software development is a fairly constant battle between what you want to put in the next release, and what can be coded, tested, and verified stable by the (rough) release date to which you are committed. If a module starts failing milestones, then you end up making the hard calls - what HAS to go out the door, and what can wait; what CAN you get back on schedule if you shif resources, and what wouldn't be ready if Christ and His Saints came down and crunched code for you.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
If this is about the Skills System, I can easily see why it was delayed an issue in lieu of the arena. The Skills System is almost like an entire game unto itself in terms of missions and ways to get XP. It's going to take a lot of time to code and perfect that before we can test it. The arena, on the other hand, just takes some small tweaks and a new Arena map. I'm sure issue 4 will have the usual: a new zone, some new TFs, many new badges, and a new villain group, too.
You know arenas will make it into Issue 4. You can be reasonably sure that there will be a new zone, possibly a new enemy, and possibly a new server wide event.
In the future you can be sure that they will add the skills system, powersets, epic ATs, zones, villain groups, power customizations, player housing and/or SG bases, and many more things. You should be clear on one thing though: there is no absolute set date for any of these. None. It has been that way since day 1. Don't count on anything until you see it advertised on the main page here, even if a dev discusses it or says something like "we're aiming to put addition X into update Y."
So if new powersets gets pushed back into update 8 or whatever don't come crying to the boards.
Sorry, just remembered an old Statesman post and I figured I'd get the speculation train rolling.
Remember when he said this?
Now, I was ready to bet my soul that it would be 1. Arena and 2. Skills.
Now we know skills will NOT be in Update 4, so then, what was the other thing?
It's "Real post 50 content." That's my guess.
The altoholic in me hopes it's new costume options. The soon-to-be level 50 in me hopes it's endgame content. The cynic in me noticed that stackable armors was on that list and thinks we already got our second "want" already.
I'm going to go with "more customizable body types" as evertheskeptic brought to the table. Statesman already said a fix for the model bug some experienced with issue 3 is coming, and that would be it.
Im gonna make this short... For the past updates all of them have had content pulled out of them and pushed back to the next update. Im just wondering how long this will go on and why tell us the content that suppose to be in an update and then push it back to the next one. I do understand problem come up and need to be fixed, but this so far has happened in every update. Im just wondering what will really make it into update 4 and what wont.
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No offense, but this is the reason why devs dont like to say anything, dates, expected projects, etc. You cant expect them to not have delays in certain things, especially when trying to make systems perfect.
Just be patient and give them a break. It'll be here when it gets here.
Sorry, just remembered an old Statesman post and I figured I'd get the speculation train rolling.
Remember when he said this?
Now, I was ready to bet my soul that it would be 1. Arena and 2. Skills.
Now we know skills will NOT be in Update 4, so then, what was the other thing?
[/ QUOTE ]
End-game content or a new EAT...I'd go with EAT. More End-game content would just piss off the people who say they cater to powergamers even more, plus it would shut up the people who are always moaning about how they deserve an EAT based on how much money they've paid them or something.
It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario"...
Some people would like to know what we're working on, even without dates.
Thus, I try to give general guestimates (though never exact dates). I like to communicate as much as I can with the forums about the status of different issues. Sometimes I do well, sometimes I don't - but I do try.
I NEVER give specific dates on anything because game development is a fickle thing. I do try to give at least an Issue #, because that provides a ballpark estimate for you guys.
Naturally, there are some who will criticize when we don't adhere to even that rough guess.
There are people who will also criticize the rain at the end of a drought.
Everyone has different priorities.
I don't care in the least about PvP, Trenchcoats, or Global Chat.
I care a lot about SSOCS, more patterns for our costumes, and I would LOVE to see the "Comic book cover" idea for souveneirs implemented.
But I'm not in charge, and I've liked the vast majority of what the game's done so far. That's why I've been here since before opening day, in the ONLY MMO game I've ever pre-ordered.
I, for one, am glad to get these glimpses into what is coming. It's interesting. And, it's a lot easier to get your two influence in when something is in the idea stage than when it's existing in code
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario"...
Some people would like to know what we're working on, even without dates.
Thus, I try to give general guestimates (though never exact dates). I like to communicate as much as I can with the forums about the status of different issues. Sometimes I do well, sometimes I don't - but I do try.
I NEVER give specific dates on anything because game development is a fickle thing. I do try to give at least an Issue #, because that provides a ballpark estimate for you guys.
Naturally, there are some who will criticize when we don't adhere to even that rough guess.
[/ QUOTE ]
Blah... [censored] 'em I say. You guys do great. I do software for a living, and I know what you guys have to go through and you and your team kick butt. Ignore the whinny people and keep on truck'n.
It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario"...
Some people would like to know what we're working on, even without dates.
Thus, I try to give general guestimates (though never exact dates). I like to communicate as much as I can with the forums about the status of different issues. Sometimes I do well, sometimes I don't - but I do try.
I NEVER give specific dates on anything because game development is a fickle thing. I do try to give at least an Issue #, because that provides a ballpark estimate for you guys.
Naturally, there are some who will criticize when we don't adhere to even that rough guess.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can't place all of the blame on those people who get upset when you don't follow your "rough guesses." It's not always clear how much is a rough guess and what is set in stone. It would help to prevent disappointment if you maybe stressed a little more when you are updating us on things (especially through interviews) that these aren't set.
For instance, the post in question was (paraphrased) that arenas are in issue 4 and skills are in issue 5. Is that a rough estimate again or is it set in stone? How are we supposed to take those posts in comparison to the ones you made back in september about issue 3?
Like some people have said in this thread, we all have our priorities. I personally didn't care for issue 3, and issue 4 sounds like it's not for me either. The thing in the works that I'm waiting for is the skills system. So obviously I'll be disappointed when your rough estimates become further and further away.
So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.
You can't place all of the blame on those people who get upset when you don't follow your "rough guesses."
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, you can. Software is organic, not linear, it isn't as straightforward as building a house. You can't set hard deadlines, because you can't deliver hard deadlines.
Most people want to know what's coming. Most dev teams will tell you "We'd like to do x, y, and z by thisdate." Z turns out to be a much bigger project than anticipated, and x+y+q is delivered instead (while finishing work takes place on z).
If you interpret a plan as a promise, you will always be disappointed with software development. If you demand 100% bug-free you will always be disappointed with software development (there hain't no setch animal).
So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is easy: *NONE* of it is set in stone....ever. Even when it gets put on the Live servers, it *still* isn't set in stone. Things change all of the time....every update changes something. A lot of powers from release aren't quite what they are now.
It only gets changed from a guess to "this is what it currently is" when it's on Live. Anything said, hinted at, demo'd, screenshot'd, or put in big flashy colors is an idea that could come to the players at some point, maybe.
Take it all for what it is; a guess with no concrete date, plan, or form.
I've already forgotten about most of you

So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem. From here on every single thing I mention is just a rough guess. My discussion of features and their potential release are, at best, internal goals.
So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem. From here on every single thing I mention is just a rough guess. My discussion of features and their potential release are, at best, internal goals.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fear me for I can read Statesman's mind!
I've already forgotten about most of you

No problem. From here on every single thing I mention is just a rough guess. My discussion of features and their potential release are, at best, internal goals.
[/ QUOTE ]
That sound like me talking to my boss
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem. From here on every single thing I mention is just a rough guess. My discussion of features and their potential release are, at best, internal goals.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe you should put that into your sig for new people and people who don't find this post because the Dev Digest is busted.
This post wasnt to upset people, it was to understand more about the process and why content gets pushed back. Im just curious on how things work and how. I really looking forward to see what will be in update 4. I have heard all kinds of things. I would like to know what s Statesman s goal for Update 4. Statesman whats your realistic goals for Update 4. I do know problems come up and push content back, but I would a rough guess of what as of now is your plan for Update 4. Note, I do know that what is planned doesnt always happen. So no one should take it as hard facts until it goes live.
Im gonna make this short... For the past updates all of them have had content pulled out of them and pushed back to the next update. Im just wondering how long this will go on and why tell us the content that suppose to be in an update and then push it back to the next one. I do understand problem come up and need to be fixed, but this so far has happened in every update. Im just wondering what will really make it into update 4 and what wont.