UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP





I can never seem to find people to RP with.

It seems silly to go up to some random person and be like "Let's RP" >_>

Unrelated question: Do you think having a backstory of being th e son of Manticore would be over-the-top?



If you're in Pocket D, try starting up a conversation with someone who doesn't seem to be talking to anyone. Or stand near someone who doesn't look to be doing much and give a general greeting. Though I suppose there's always the chance that person isn't talking because they're AFK, it couldn't hurt to try.

And yes, saying you're the son of Manticore wouldn't get much of a positive response. However, you could be some nut claiming to be the son of Manticore.



Er..what's pocket D?

I've seen it on the map, but what is it?



It's a place where heroes and villains can meet without violence all wrapped up in the form of an interdimensional night club.

Some love it. Some hate it, but your mileage may vary.



Just a quick question about representing the RP community. The guide says that I shouldn't go around spreading rabies to the non-rper's, but were isthe limit as to what you are able to do without breaking that rule, for example my reptillian villian has a semi-annoying speech quirk (and its not addaed s's), he speakes with softened sounds, meaning that there are some added h's and that can make som words (like thaaht) harder to read, is it acceptible to still use his quirk while talking the non-rper's or not.



I would say not. If you know that you are with non-rpers and you want to be understood I would say drop the quirk. Some will tell you to inform them you are RPing and they need to deal with it but I disgree. Too often non-rpers are required to just "deal" with RPers. But there are times the RPers have to bend a little.

But it really comes down to your own personal preference. On this particular server if you use (()) when speaking out of character then it is accepted.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



One of the devs was just asking us about the double parentheses over the CoHGuru channel a few nights ago. The parentheses have their place, but I can understand how a non-RPer would find it annoying to be talking casually within a non-RP team with one or two people who insist on saying everything in double parentheses. "Which one should I snipe first? The Behemoth Overlord or the Agony Mage?" "((The Agony Mage))" "((I agree. Agony Mage. He has less Health.))" "Oy."

If it's a decidedly non-RP group (like your average pick-up team), please, don't put "((" and "))" around everything you say. Other people will think you're being overly pretentious, and people who don't understand what they mean will only be confused, not impressed with your ability to roleplay. Me? I subscribe to the old "Local chat is for roleplay, Team and Supergroup channels are kinda-sorta, everything else most likely isn't" creed. Nobody on Global chat uses the parentheses, and for good reason; It's more oriented for players than their characters.

And please don't use them in private Tells; Just the fact that Tells are usually used for discreet, out-of-character conference should suggest that Tells are between players, not between characters...unless we're talking about telepathic communication or whispering to someone standing next to you, perhaps.

Just my 2 rubles.



And please don't use them in private Tells; Just the fact that Tells are usually used for discreet, out-of-character conference should suggest that Tells are between players, not between characters...unless we're talking about telepathic communication or whispering to someone standing next to you, perhaps.

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I rarely have OOC tells, and then only if someone's asking me to a join a pickup group. For me at least they usually do represent whispering or telepathy, and having the double parentheses around ones that aren't helps me keep the OOC ones clearly defined from the rest. It's not meant to be pretentious at all, it's just simpler for my easily-overloaded brain to follow.



Great guide, I've only been here a few months and eveyrone have been fun, helpful, and put up with my bad typing! I could use some clarifications on responses I've read to this guide and from what I've seen done around Paragon City...


When you create your character and the you are asked to create a backgruond for your toon, or even later when you pull up your ID, I wanted to say that realistically speaking when you meet someone for the first time, you aren't going to know their childhood, their traumatizing experiences, etc. I come from a text-based RPG RP setting, so that when you typed in /look *insert player name*, you got a physical description: height, approximate weight, hair color, eye color, smells, sounds, facial expressions, etc.

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I kind of agree with Sora, but in all honesty I kind of flip-flop on this because I have a rather detailed bio, and have gotten a lot of compliments on it, and even replied to a topic about bios HERE . I would like my bio to be a tool to help trigger an RP storyline (as I have yet to actually engage in one, it's just been IC interaction for me) but still keep it 'comic-booky'. Is there an 'unoffical' Virtue ruling or general consesus on this?

I subscribe to the old "Local chat is for roleplay, Team and Supergroup channels are kinda-sorta, everything else most likely isn't" creed. Nobody on Global chat uses the parentheses, and for good reason; It's more oriented for players than their characters.

And please don't use them in private Tells; Just the fact that Tells are usually used for discreet, out-of-character conference should suggest that Tells are between players, not between characters...unless we're talking about telepathic communication or whispering to someone standing next to you, perhaps.

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Seriously? I never knew that. But then I've had people send tells IC, OOC, with (( )), without and lord knows I'm guilty of just kind of going with whatever the heck I feel like typing in whatever channel. If I can get away with being IC with a tell, I do because what if you want to whisper to someone without the whole team or everyone and their mother hearing? Is there a preferred way I should be doing this. As a noob RP'er the thought of breaching RP ettiquete makes me feel all funny...

Just because I am a fanboy doesn't mean I have to settle for crap or lower my expectations.



Generally the only OOC chat, in my limited experience, is global chat.

Tells are RP'd as telepathy, phonecalls (when not on the same team) and other such things. SG chat is IC as is Coalition chat. So... yeah, any of those mediums where I'm not IC I use the (()).

As for your bio, do with it as you please. It's pretty easy to distinguish what a character should and shouldn't know and what is there for me OOC'ly to enjoy or take note of.



Eh. In tells, or if there's just the two of us in a team, I just drop to OOC without the (()) if it's understood that both of us are OOC.. besides, if you can't tell if I'm IC or OOC without the (()), I'm prolly doing something wrong anyways. =^^=

In an RP context, however, all channels are RP. Broadcast can be IC if it's in the D, same with in the SG base. For me, SG/Coalition chat is always IC.

But then, it depends on the people you're with.. if out of every 30 sentences only one is IC, maybe you ought to drop to unbracketed OOC.. Especially in PuGs, where it's clear that there are no other RPers, or you aren't IC. RPing in non RPing PuGs is an exercise in futility, anyway.. only rarely has it ever paid off, for me.

Just MHO. =^^=



I'm about to log into a new toon I'm hoping to involve in RP'ing...and the problem is I'm 100% new to the server, and only a few days into the understanding of roleplay...so if you wanna help me get my bearings, @xwhatsleftx is how you can find me. Add me to global friends, I don't mind at all. See you all in-game.



I've been looking through the rp guides, and am not sure that I have the answer I'm looking for.

In the past I've run my own rp group on IRC, which was very, very soap-opera-ish. It just went that way, without any influence from me (although I started it, and maintained the environment for it). I got highly addicted to it. I've resisted doing rp, hard-core or otherwise, on CoH for over a year now.

I decided to finally try to start a very, very *mild* rp group; but was told that the character that I created (and love) was "too angsty".

She's a "war orphan", teenaged drug-user street urchin, who was "rescued" by a Kheldian during the war. (I was told by one player that he didn't want to have to deal with issues like drug use in his gaming, and another player said that she was "foul".) (She isn't intended to remain the same for all time, I like starting characters at the very bottom of the heap, so that they can develop in a positive direction over time.) She didn't spend a lot of time talking badly, mostly she dropped little hints here and there, and didn't actually talk about her past unless someone else brought it up to her. But when challenged, yes, she would respond like an ex-drug-using gutter kid would.

I was rather hoping that I could bring her to Virtue and get a little more accepting reception, but I don't know how to go about introducing her. Should I just show up under Atlas, and start talking in character? Should I post an introduction or an origin on the forum (and if so, where? In Roleplaying? In the Virtue forum? What should I title it?)?

Or would a soap-opera-ish, angsty character be one of the no-nos of CoX role-play?

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Soap-opera angsty characters having no place on Virtue? Hahahahaha.

But uhh, posting an origin on this board is one option, or just speaking in character around other peoples who are in character works too.



I don't think you'd have a problem with that character. Some people might not be interested, sure, but that's true about any concept. You mentioned intent on developing her, and that right there is a winner to me.



I'm with Encharger on this one Nearly everyone is soap opera esque. My advice? Be sure to sprinke your RP life on here with mundane RP back ot back drama can get very: -_O

Hope things work out sweetie!

EDIT: Also, I would suggest going to the D or any RP locale and just start talking to people. If you feel compelled to show your origin with everyone then by all means do so We all love to read But, IMHO, alot can be said for discovery via ingame RP

((and posting it in Virtue would be fine, I believe))

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Hi! And welcome to the Virtue forums.

Hope you survive the experience. /chrisclaremont

I'll echo Sorah's suggestion of going to the D and looking for RP there. It'll probably be a little light right now (since I7 is live, many people are either working on their villains or trying out RV). But, if you happen to see my main there, come up and say hi to her. I'm very RP-friendly.



Thank you for the warm welcome, Encharger, SepTa, Sorah, Archimedes. :-)


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I have to ask....what does this mean/why did you put this? The reason I'm asking....is because I am a *huge* Chris Claremont fan.

Should I put Shrapn'l's intro in Virtue, and her origin story in Role-playing? Would that work?

And, oh, my, yes, and a wastepaper basket, too, she has a story arc ahead of her.....she has, not one, but two conflicted personalities, and both of them are going to have some big changes ahead of them....

Is there an rp-oriented SG she might fit into?

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Oh, and by the way.....

If you see a street urchin begging in the usual places, under Atlas, in the train stations, and so on.....that may well be Shrapn'l. Dirty blonde hair, green do-rag, torn jeans, black leather vest, platform combat boots, Goth makeup.....

"She was given her street name by other homeless people because, they said, she went to pieces so fast people got hit by the shrapnel...."

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Post away sweetie!

For the record, I have no idea what that means /chrisblahblah I'm such a n00b evidently <_<

There are hundreds of RP SGs to look into. My suggestion? Go look through the SG thread, if something really catches your eye do some research on the group first, find out what kind of RP and if they are really active, etc. Also, might wanna see if you are into just RPing within your SG or RPing OUTSIDE Of the SG - some SGs are very exclusive with their RP (don't ask me why <_&lt. Also I would suggest discovering through in game experience for SGs.

Good luxxorz! If you see me in the D sometime (Karnal Sin), you're more than welcome to come up to my toon and start conversing, she is friendly and socialable, so even if YOUR toon can't carry a convo, she takes it away for ya

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As long as the begging isn't "can you spare some influence?" you'll be ok.



As long as the begging isn't "can you spare some influence?" you'll be ok.

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[chuckle] It's "Spare Inf for a poor war orphan...?" along with the panhandle emote. lol And I've already had two people give her stuff, not that that is the reaction I'm really looking for....but the idea is to create....um..."atmosphere...." And to give people a reason to talk to her....last night she told one guy that she would be able to buy food now, and he emoted giving her a pizza.....(he, he....)

(Now, if he'd gone through the motions of actually taking her to a restaurant and then handing her food, I would have been delighted....)

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Thank you for the warm welcome, Encharger, SepTa, Sorah, Archimedes. :-)


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I have to ask....what does this mean/why did you put this? The reason I'm asking....is because I am a *huge* Chris Claremont fan.

Should I put Shrapn'l's intro in Virtue, and her origin story in Role-playing? Would that work?

And, oh, my, yes, and a wastepaper basket, too, she has a story arc ahead of her.....she has, not one, but two conflicted personalities, and both of them are going to have some big changes ahead of them....

Is there an rp-oriented SG she might fit into?

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During Chris Claremont's run on X-Men/Excaliber, it sort of became a tradition that whenever a character was introduced to the team, there would be a cover that said something to that effect on it.

The one I always remember is when Kitty Pride first joined Excaliber.



great guide



hi... juat wanted to say... ty for taking the time to write this... i enjoyed reading it... and .. who knows... maybe i learned something