UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




I'd just like to say that the guide is excellent. That having been said I have one minor complaint. If "l33t" speak is part of your character concept I beleive that it is okay to have your name in it. My 50, W1R3D 5T33L, is an ex-freakshow. She had her nervous system replaced with a bleeding edge fiber optic network that ups her reaction time into the 'insane' category. So her name is like that of the in-game Freakshow villians, in l33t. She doesnt talk in l33t mind you, that would be awkward and dumb really. I see your reasoning, as I have met many others who spell their names with numbers and to call them f-tards is an insult to the f-tard community as a whole. I just wanted to say that you can not always judge a book by its cover. Oh, and ten puppies to whomever can discern W1R3D's AT, primary, and secondary.



I'm gonna say, Broadsword/Super-Reflexes. It's a guess. At first, I would think Katana, but an ex-freak would more likely handle the big steel.



Ding! You get ten puppies. Just let me get a box for them. And your reasoning was spot on. If they had a "big-a**-hunk of metal melee" powerset she'd be that instead. As well as a "castoff hardware" epic pool. Her shuriken should be saw blades.

As for the speed, well I teamed with a Kin/Elec (also ex-freak) from 1-50. From 12 on I never had to worry that BS was slower than Katana. Only in activation time once I combined Hasten, Speed Boost, and Quickness. I was a whirling dervish of death and a**. I didnt even have stamina until the 40's when I wanted to be able to solo. Enough hijacking from me though.



I'd just like to say that the guide is excellent. That having been said I have one minor complaint. If "l33t" speak is part of your character concept I beleive that it is okay to have your name in it. My 50, W1R3D 5T33L, is an ex-freakshow. She had her nervous system replaced with a bleeding edge fiber optic network that ups her reaction time into the 'insane' category. So her name is like that of the in-game Freakshow villians, in l33t. She doesnt talk in l33t mind you, that would be awkward and dumb really. I see your reasoning, as I have met many others who spell their names with numbers and to call them f-tards is an insult to the f-tard community as a whole. I just wanted to say that you can not always judge a book by its cover. Oh, and ten puppies to whomever can discern W1R3D's AT, primary, and secondary.

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I agree with you fully. The choice of l33t speak for your character was part of an overall character design, it goes back to showing forethought and purpose for your character before they even hit the street. As long as the effort is there, then all things are well with the universe.

That being said, I Lurve the Concept!



I'd just like to say that the guide is excellent. That having been said I have one minor complaint. If "l33t" speak is part of your character concept I beleive that it is okay to have your name in it. My 50, W1R3D 5T33L, is an ex-freakshow. She had her nervous system replaced with a bleeding edge fiber optic network that ups her reaction time into the 'insane' category. So her name is like that of the in-game Freakshow villians, in l33t. She doesnt talk in l33t mind you, that would be awkward and dumb really. I see your reasoning, as I have met many others who spell their names with numbers and to call them f-tards is an insult to the f-tard community as a whole. I just wanted to say that you can not always judge a book by its cover. Oh, and ten puppies to whomever can discern W1R3D's AT, primary, and secondary.

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I would say scrapper, with SR as a secondary. The primary I wasn't sure, till I noticed you have it in your signature. So my guess is BS/SR scrapper. Where're my puppies?



You only get puppies on a technicality. And so there isn't such a run on them, no cheating by looking at my sig.



I've never been entirely comfortable with the (()) OOC thing. The first online game I played was extremely heavy on the RP, even though there were people mourning the lack of it every day.

One person who really impressed me was a leader in the community who had RP by the bucketload, and who encouraged all around to RP events that she'd spin out of the air as they occured to her.

I remember someone once asking her why she never used brackets or OOC to show when she was dropping character, and she pointed out that being in character was a state of mind and she was able to deal with even out of character situations in-character. It was also obvious which bits were out of character and which in character, and using any artificial system to indicate this was really just suggesting that the person's RP was so poor that it required signs to let people know when they were in character.

I therefore never bothered. My RP on Virtue is fairly resiliant and I think it's easy to spot if I am in or out of character. I couldn't speak for Rei Rei though.



Awsome guide! I have not Role Played since Ultima Online and want to start getting back into it. I got this game 4 weeks ago and, with my luck, picked a server I have yet to see RP on..freedom..looks like its back to the drawing board for me.
-I agree with the OOC thing. I think its fairly obvious when someone is OOC without saying it and it keeps things smooth in my opinion. Hope to see some ofyou in game!



I therefore never bothered. My RP on Virtue is fairly resiliant and I think it's easy to spot if I am in or out of character. I couldn't speak for Rei Rei though.

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I would actually say that knowing when something is said IC or OOC is normally done by the listener, rather than the RPer.

I've never actually met an RPer whose character isn't way out there (mute, roars instead of talks, whatever) in terms of interaction, and whose OOC cannot somehow be construed to be IC. (For example, one of my characters says very strange things that would appear to be OOC... but they're all IC, and it's part of a story plot.)

I figure that the double brackets help save on any potential confusion. They may not be necessary, but better safe than sorry.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



I was wondering if some of you who have long stories for their characters have run them over with anyone else or just wrote it and thats that.



I was wondering if some of you who have long stories for their characters have run them over with anyone else or just wrote it and thats that.

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(( I tend to keep my backrounds short and tend to develop them as my character levels. Do what you prefer. Many folks post there bios on these boards for input. You could try that))



I was wondering if some of you who have long stories for their characters have run them over with anyone else or just wrote it and thats that.

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Sometimes I run them by someone else before posting them.

The times when I definitely have someone else read my stories before posting is when I am using someone else's character in a story of mine. I don't post things like that without consulting with the player of the other character first. They always get veto rights, and I want to know if the dialog is right as well.

I also save them in a word proccessing program instead of just writing on the board.

Shae Firewarder



Whoo! good to see that RP is alive and well in this game.

And yes, it is a bit, uhm, tricky, to roleplay thru typing. I'm one of the faster typists out there, but I DO have to 'look at the keyboard' which means I can't roleplay and fight at the same time! Oh noes!

And by far my biggest pet peeve with RP situations is this:

Ye're tryin' right hard t' maintain a character with an accent, 'cept there's some joker that's near complete convinced 'e's knowin' moore aboot the way the accent works than ye do! Or 'e come oot and tells ye thet the spellin's off, or thet the grammer is an insult... give ye right mind to administer a good sound drubbin', it does!

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I've got a tip: Do not take your character 100% seriously! It's stifling to play and no fun at all.





I am looking for other RP'rs in the Virtue server. I am looking to join or start a (RP-superhero team), or jsut hang out an RP with some ppl online in C.O.H./C.O.V.

Monolith II...(Magic/Tanker).........Virtue

..well I posted...(crosses fingers)...I look forward to (ANY & ALL) RP tell's/Emails in game from post....."PLZ REPLY!".

Later all & Have Fun Always
[color:red] KingKaddish/LordStarscream [/color]



Check that supergroup thread for RP'ing groups and Gemini Park for random peoples doing stuff.




Is it considered proper RP etiquette to announce to your team members that you're RPing? I didn't think it was. When I RP, I just RP, regardless of with whom I'm teamed. For my own enjoyment, really. If the rest of the team RPs along, fine; if not, that's okay too. But tonight, after I mentioned I was experiencing "temporal shifts" (lag), I had a teammate say something like this to me: "((If we're supposed to be RPing, then why didn't you just say so? :P ))"

Aroo? It's not like I'd chided anyone for saying OOC stuff.



Not really. Sometimes people will search for a group with it in mind to join one that intends to roleplay, but for just some regular group off the street you don't owe them any explanation. Especially on a server like Virtue where a lot of players consider themselves to always be "in character," most people won't think twice about it.



Ok. So how do you do all this? Not RPing I mean, but all the talking and moving and stuff.

You got emotes and binds, ok. But how exactly do you use an emote while your toon is talking? How do you time it right? How do you do those... mmm... thinking bubbles?

I need a guide to this kind of idiocy.



I don't know if other people have binds, but I just try to type really fast.



But how exactly do you use an emote while your toon is talking? How do you time it right? How do you do those... mmm... thinking bubbles?

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To emote while talking, type what you want to say, then add "$$e <emote of your choice>" immediately afterward. For example, "/local Who knows?.$$e shrug" (minus quotes of course) would make you say "Who knows?" in local and do the "shrug" emote simultaneously.

The thought bubbles include anything typed after /e that isn't tied to an animated emote. So "/e shrug" triggers the shrug emote, but "/e raises an eyebrow." would display in the chat window as HeroName raises an eyebrow. Alternatively, you could use them as thought bubbles just by typing a regular sentence. Either way, it will only look nice in either the bubble or the window since one way leaves you with a bubble over your head saying "raises an eyebrow" and the other leaves a line of chat saying HeroName I know I'm forgetting something, or whatever else you may be thinking.

I hope this is what you were looking for.



I hope this is what you were looking for.

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Indeed. Thank you very much.



I hope this is what you were looking for.

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Indeed. Thank you very much.

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((passes out holiday pie))



Seasons greetings all. Over a decade of table-top, Free form & LARP experience and ZERO PBEM, Newsgroup & irc experience. I am exited to join the RP on this server, but i only own a copy of CoV and wonder if there is a location for RP in the Rogue Isles? The places you mention in your valuable guide either elude me or cannot be accessed by low level villains.
As a footnote, i would like to thank all those whose role-playing makes so much more of this setting! (As if you need the encouragement.)



Well, first and formost; Welcome to Virtue! Hope you enjoy your stay and interaction with others.

With that having been said;

There isn't a general gathering place that the general public has agreed on (like Gemini Park on the hero side), as yet for the villains. There are, however, several areas that some people frequent.

One of these, as has been mentioned recently in a post, is the Fort Hades area in Port Oakes, a patch of grass that is apparently quite enemy-free. I can't comment, really, as I've not seen it.

Another is the Monkey Fight Club in... Cap au Diable, I think, but again I've not actually seen it, so I can't really comment...

A third is the rooftop meeting place in Port Oakes, situated on the same building as the Quartermaster in Marconeville. Inside the building is a lift that allows lower-level characters to gain access to the roof.

Hope that helps!

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."