UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




Thank you so much! I shall endeavor to contribute to these traditions; this is great. I am indebted to the assistance this wonderful post has given to me, although i fear the first elite browbeating i shall recieve (just a matter of time i think), it shall all be worth it if anybody else perscribes to the guidelines presented here.
I am converted.
Burnsie rocks.



Not sure where it went, but I've updated it a hair and I've made a few changes... I saw it mentioned in a thread a few days ago and dug it out of the "1 million things you started but never finished" folder...


An Idiot’s Guide to RP in Paragon City

Congealed by an Idiot

So you’ve decided to give this Role-playing thing you’ve heard so much about, a shot. You’ve played City of Heroes for a short time and you know that you enjoy the game, and you want to become one of those players with a nifty back story that other players know and remember. Well you’ve hit the right place. Over the next few chapters I will try to put this all together from an Idiot’s point of view… Mine! So stick with me and we’ll get through this thing together.

Chapter 1: Getting Started

1.1 Pre-development

There are basically two ways that an RP character evolves. One requires luck and flexibility, that method being that you create a character and allow it to evolve naturally. Without defining any quirks, issues, shortcoming or strengths until they spill out from RP. This method is generally used by the RP Professionals, and I, not being a professional, have never had much luck with this approach.

So to keep things as simple as possible we’ll go with a formulaic approach that has worked for me.

Well Thought-out History + Relevant Costume + Memorable Issues + Glimmering Personality = Recognizable Character

We’ll hit each in order.

Well Thought-out History:

Not everyone is capable of sitting down and writing out the complete and involving back story of how their character came into being. But every player that wishes to enter into the realm of RP should at least have 7 basic facts ironed out prior to character creation (using the formula above, those that use the luck approach need to plan nothing)

Your basic facts include:
• Where you Were
• How you came to be in Paragon City
• What are your abilities
• Where your abilities came from
• What is your purpose in Paragon City
• What your character personality is
• What are your “quirks”

Let’s work through an example here. One that will follow us all the way through the process. As of right now our character has no name, no costume, it is simply an empty character slot on the log in screen.

Let’s Begin:

When answering the facts above it is always advisable to through in a little “Game Spice”, these are tid-bits of information that will help engrain your character within the world of CoH.

Things that revolve around the golden age heroes like Galaxy Girl, or the modern champions like Statesman are popular. But even more so, are those that revolve around the corporations, companies and villain groups. These groups are often utilized by role playing heroes. Companies like Portal Corps. and Crey Industries are very useful resources when filling in the back data on your character. As are associations with the more nefarious of the villains in CoH, The Carnival of Shadows, The Circle of Thorns, Hellions, Sky Raiders, etc. Latch on to one and utilize it’s in game story line to advance your character. Most of these mobs you will end up fighting throughout the mid game so it will allow you a plethora of Role Play opportunities.

Think it through a little bit, then jot it all down on a sheet of paper, these are the most basic of limitations for your character. What you place down here is not set in stone, but it should also be followed very closely. These seven facts make your character who they are.

So let’s put one together.

Where you were… Paris in 1920

Putting a location that is well known and an era that may not be will add a certain flair to your creation. Multiple layers are a good thing in these instances, but remember for the purposes of this segment try to keep it short and simple.

How you came to be in Paragon City… a Portal created by The Circle of Thorns opened, in front of you and you were sucked within it.

At this point we have just established the characters main influence, the Circle of Thorns, this will open the way for items on down the listing. However at any step within this process you can insert who you face on a regular basis.

What are your abilities?... This character is a Dark Melee, Regen Scrapper

Let’s face it, you are playing a game that is driven by the dynamic of the character’s powers. Any power set you want to play should fit within the outline. While it has been done, it is very difficult to get other players to suspend their disbelief enough for you to RP that your Electric Blast power is really a Blast of Sand. If a sand character is what you were trying to create the better option might have been an Earth Controller, or a Stone Tanker. However it is easy to get other players to suspend their disbelief enough to believe that the Energy Blast set is actually Water powers instead of Energy (i.e. the character Kelp Plankton on Virtue). Try to keep your powers in line with your character. It does, in fact, make your RP easier. And when in doubt use a more generic power set, each AT has one. Tankers have Invulnerability, Blasters have energy, Defenders have Empathy/Force Fields, Scrappers have Martial Arts, etc.

Where your abilities came from… The Circle of Thorns performed rituals that gave this character their powers.

This part is where the main skill of all RPers comes into play… creativity! You could be experimented on, they could come naturally to you, you could have mutated, they could be made available to you by some form of machinery that you have implanted, or they could be granted to you by a god/goddess/magickal object. When in doubt here, turn to the origins available in the game for some ideas. But also understand that you are not limited by them, just use them a base from which to progress.

Common sense does play a part in this though. If your character was granted their powers by the Fire Goddess Pele’ it might not make sense for our powers to be ice based or water based. There are always exceptions, but beginning in the process of RP you will find it easy if you keep it as simplified as possible.

What is your purpose in Paragon City… to defend the populace with all the powers at this character’s disposal.

Here is the place to begin mapping out the reasoning behind them “Staying” in paragon. You may be tracking down someone that kidnapped your family, or trying to learn all the magicks you can to defeat a big badguy in your homeland, you may be in search of something. There are a myriad of reasons to remain in Paragon, but the above example is by far and away the most simple.

It will be a reason for you to always remain in Paragon. Choosing some of the other options like, “My Purpose here is to Defeat the Envoy of Shadows, because it was the one that turned me” while dramatic, and inclusive of content, means that when you hit level 30 and get invited to defeat the Envoy… well you’ve met your character’s goal… now what are you going to do? Think through the life of your character. You get to play God and the Fate’s all rolled into one here. You are mapping the destiny of your creation…

What your Character’s Personality is… this character is a sultry yet dark female, she is flirtatious, and slightly mean spirited

This is the most fun portion so far. You need to simply indicate what your character’s basic traits are like. A neat trick for this is to find 2 characters that you somehow relate to, and merge them together. In the above example I thought about Rue McClanahan’s character Blanche from the golden girls, and merged her with the Demi Moore character from Charlie’s Angels 2. Doing this should help out immensely.

Try merging some totally opposing characters for comedic value, like the Stapler Guy from Office Space, with a court jester from King Authur’s court. Or say a Nun, with an alien postal worker. The boundaries are limitless (unless you cross the line see Chapter 2 for details)

What are your character’s quirks… Being French she is just now beginning to understand English, she speaks with a very thick and heavy French accent, and has trouble with American Slang/Jargon

Speech abnormalities are very common among the more memorable of the RP communities within CoH. Feline characters often have a gravelly/purring sound in their speech, some characters have lisps, some even have their very own form of English (I will refrain from naming names, but um… Rowr-Speak, Kitsy-speak, and Whale-speak are very good examples of this). And there are a very few characters that don’t even speak at all.

However quirks are not always about speech, they include any number of physical activities, actions, or thought processes that a character might struggle through. You’re character might be addicted to cigarettes, and chain smoke. They may be hydrophobic and will not go in the water. They may even be allergic to bee-stings. All these quirks will aid in making your character more enjoyable for those observing your RP. And by making it more enjoyable you will find you draw more players to you.

So that covers the basic outlining process. Just remember that you are forging a character that you will be playing on the stage that is City of Heroes. If your character is not entertaining and thought provoking then no one will tune in to watch your show.

1.2 Character Creation

Now for the fun Part! Hours upon hours of time can be spent in the character creation tool, with so many color options and costume pieces, there are literally over 12 million possible costume combinations… for the female characters alone!

However, with this process being so much fun it is incredibly easy to get carried away.

Let’s get started with the easy part.

Thanks to the outline above, we already know that the character will be Magickal Origin, Scrapper, with Dark Melee, and Regeneration. Look to the CoH boards for what powers to choose for whichever build you find yourself making.

We have already decided her to be female.

Size and Musculature will vary. These are really artsy choices, however my personal suggestion is to look towards your outline to aid in this decision. If you character is 8 years old, you might not want to put her in a 8 foot tall, 450lbs body. Use common sense and discretion. For the purposes of this character I made her the default sizing.

Now we’re moving into the fun but dangerous part of choosing your first costume.

Take a little time here to think about what your character might be wearing. If they are a normal/average Joe turned super hero does the idea of an all spandex uniform work best, or would they be the type to take on bad guys in just a tank top and a small mask? Ask these questions as you put their clothes on.

If they were a color what would they be?
Is armor necessary?
Do they need a tail more than a belt?
Based off their origination, what kind of hairstyles would they have?

Any other questions that you can ask yourself and answer reasonably will help in leading your character to a more enlightened and fitting appearance. Your dark and gloomy character might never be described by others and bubbly and Neon Yellow. They are more apt to describe her as brooding and grey. So take those words that describe the character’s personality. A dark and gloomy character that is incredibly envious might work out well in green.

Sometimes the powers are also a good choice to lead you to a color scheme. This reason alone is why so many Radiation defenders actually look great in neon green. Align them to what you will be wielding. It will aid in making your character more memorable.

However with the costumes, all the rules are made to be broken. So long as there is a purpose behind the choices. So when you are asked, “Hey you Mr. Dark Dark Defender, why are you dressed up like the sun?” you can respond with… well, with whatever logic drove you to choose that costume. Ex. I have been blessed by both the Dark Goddess and the Sun God, my powers from the Lady, and my magickal raiment from the Lord… etc.

So now you’ve gotten the perfect tights, and belt, and boots, and gloves for your character, on to the hardest part of character creation… The Naming.

The Naming of your character will be the first line in your RPing with other characters in most cases.

Often initial interactions with others begins with the following…

“Hello stranger, I am Lord Bannion, Have we met before?”

to which you will normally reply

“I am<insert name here>, we have not met in person before, but your exploits are legendary…”

Now your character may not talk like that, or use correct grammar, but you get the idea. Having a name that “fits” and is memorable goes a long way in your interactions with others.

L33T D00D names are pretty much a no-no. Try to refrain from using names that utilize this mode of online speech. As are names that are rip-offs of trademarked characters, like the Inflatable Hulk, and the Whyte Queen. These type of names are not often taken as serious RPers.

Be warned. If a name sounds very imperial and awesome, chances are it is taken at this point. Names like “Griffon” and “Paindealer” will more likely than not be unavailable.

Originality while remaining in the context of your character is pretty much the only way to go. A French woman from the 1920’s, that has very dark powers and healing ability might have some knowledge of the occult because of the Age of Investigation that swept through Europe during this time. Many men and women dabbled in the occult, or located old legends to begin study on the paranormal at this time. Focus was placed on the Afro-Caribbean religions during this time, so she might name herself “Peristyle” after the center piece of the Vodou Altar.

Now, how did I know that? Am I an uber researcher? Not at all. I went to google.com and searched for some morsel of character spice. Searched “Women in 1920 Paris”, then found a small bit on the vodou connection and searched that. See? Just a little bit of detail goes a very long way, when RPing.

Now that an interesting character is fleshed out, it’s time to enter Paragon.

Chapter 2: First Contact

2.1 The Rules of Engagement

First up, let’s talk about where to go and how to get started in the actual interactions with other RPers.

Various servers have their RP hot spots. On Virtue (The Unofficial RP Server) the three main locations are Under Atlas in Atlas Park, Gemini Park in Galaxy City, and the Paragon Dance Club.

Take your well thought out and planned character to one of these locations to meet new individuals. Or to introduce your new character to old friends.

There are some things that you need to understand before getting started that will help keep you from getting upset. Your character is an unknown at this point. Not everyone will react to them immediately.

You will have to take the first steps at interaction. If individuals don’t see some form of bubble form above your head they often think that you are RPing a character that is unseen or that lurks in the background. So speak up!

Two ways to do this without actively interfering in the RP of others is to walk up to the area where the other are and say, “Greetings, I am Peristyle, and I am looking to make friends. Might I join you?” Now I know that seems corny, and hokey, and odd, but it’s a sure fire way to get folks talking with you. Now it can always be simplified to meet your characters personality. Try using “Is this seat taken?” when in the club, or use clever /em’s to generate the first interactions. /em Curls up on the outskirts of the small crowd, not wanting to interfere, but wanting to listen… is fairly effective for your shy characters. Again use your imagination.

Once you have started the conversation there are a few rules that you should pay careful attention to. Ever RP community has it’s own rules around how RP is conducted. The same is true for not only CoH, but also for Supergroups within CoH. So what I am sharing here are the generally accepted Rules of Engagement when involving yourself with RP. These make up the majority of the things that will cause your character to get on the /ignore lists of many of the RPers.

• No Powerposing/God Modeing/Run-way RPing.

This is defined by RPing actions that affect another player without their permission. Actions that involve the killing of another character are part of this as well. Ex. /em reaches into the chest of Hero X and squeezes the life from his heart. While that example is graphic other more subtle actions can still be called Powerposing. Ex. /em sings a song of such beauty and purity that it causes all within its sound to fall under her spell.

• Stay in Character

Nothing will break immersion in your character as fast as breaking character while RPing. Try to keep your character’s thoughts feelings and reactions at the forefront of your mind at just about all times. And should the need come up for you to gain some clarity on a situation, or something the others said always indicate when Out Of Character, or OOC, by using either the (( )) approach, or the more complicated OOC: approach. You will see these quite frequently about Virtue and on the Forums.

• When in doubt, Ask!

No one’s character has ever been hurt by sending a /tell to the individual(s) that you are RPing with asking an OOC question about something you want to do with or near their character. If you want to cast a pool of dark energy on the ground and you want someone to act frightened so that you can have your character, make it go away out of compassion, ask them to help you. Use /tell’s like you would a dress rehearsal to see how all the pieces will fit together.

• Share the Friggin’ Spotlight!

This one is pretty easy. Just like in Real Life your character will not always be at the epicenter of all the RP activity. Be mindful that if another is at a particularly dramatic or difficult point in the active RP around you, it may not be the time to figure out why your magickal watch is saying “Eat Fried Beans”. Be willing to share the spot light with others and they will be willing to share it with you.

• Foster the Community

If there is an event, that is available to all the populace of Paragon, try to make it a point to attend when your RL allows it. When you have become more comfortable RPing, take someone else under your wing and show them how it’s done. Any activity that is supportive of the RP community is a must to for most RPers.

However the reverse of this is also true, so nothing that will create a dislike of the RP community as a group should be engaged in. RPing a rabid monkey that spreads Rabies to everyone, even non RPers, reflects poorly on the community as a whole. So be mindful that your reactions are reflected upon all RPers.

• Suspension of Disbelief

Part of successful Roleplaying, is being able to dispel your disbelief. We all do it even if we don’t think we are. By logging into the game we automatically forfeit a small piece of our disbelief. If you really analyze it none of our powers exist, none of our characters exist, and Paragon City itself doesn’t exist. Upon entering the game we make the world around us… real. That being said …

Over the course of your character’s career in Paragon, you are likely to encountered characters with histories and stories that may seem implausible based upon currently held standards of belief. You may meet gods and goddesses with vastly different backgrounds (you might even meet the same god/dess in multiple forms while in Paragon), you might meet angels and demons that have nothing biblical about them, and you will even meet characters from far off galaxies, tied to other existing cultural mythos (living urban legends, etc).

Here’s an example. For a short time there was a character named Bobby Kringle. He was that little brother to Kris Kringle. He just wasn’t as famous, and did a lot of RPing about living life in his brother’s shadow. No where in the mythos of Santa, does it say that he had a brother. Nor does it say that he doesn’t. This character was enjoyable to everyone around him, simply because everyone had suspended their disbelief, and involved themselves in his world. The world where Santa had a brother.

Successful RPers will allow other players to indulge in creating their own stories, even if it means allowing something that doesn’t appear “plausible” based off past knowledge. My tip with this, swiped rather blatantly from the more successful RPers I’ve met, is to think of Paragon City as a nexus to multiple realities with multiple truths. If you adopt a similar thinking then suspending your own disbelief will be a cinch. Be respectful of those with stories outside your beliefs, and you’ll find that you’ll be included more readily in the community and have a much better RP experience within CoH.

Those Six Rules will last you through out the game, no matter where you are roleplaying. There will be additions to the listing, but those will mainly reflect the individual needs/wants of your RP partners and/or Super Group.

2.2 Storylines – How to make your Character Come Alive – (Content by Spandexman)

A major part of RP comes after the initial introduction. Once you have made your entrance into the community and have decided to move up to the next step then you may well want to give an RP Storyline a try.

An RP Storyline is an interactive story that not only involves you, but those around you. It takes a good bit of planning, and some well thought out activities to make it a success.

You will want to start out with story that you want to share with the community. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, maybe something general, like your sister has been kidnapped.

You’ll then need to decide who you need to help you out. If it’s been a magickal kidnapping, maybe you need a powerful magick user, or if it was a mercenary type of kidnapping, perhaps you’ll want some muscle to help bust them out. Just choose the basic bare bones of what you’re going to need to make the rescue/story a success.
Your next step would be to contact the individuals you would like to have help you, send them an OOC e-mail or PM and ask them if they would be able to help out with this. In this same e-mail/PM it is always a good idea to see what their availability is like. After you hear back from the major you can set a date and time to have everything begin.

Next I would suggest writing up a brief intro story that you can share on the CoH forums for your server. So that all those that are involved can know, and you can announce to the rest of the server what is happening. You’ll be surprised how many people will want to help with the story, and will reply to your post. Try your best to include those that would like to help in some way, but also stay true to the original purpose of the Storyline. It’s great that 1500 heroes want to help save your sister, but if she’s been kidnapped by a group of mercs then it might be better to take a small team in to get her.

Here’s a short list guide written by Spandexman (Virtue) to help you keep up with the basics. <To Be Expanded Later>

• Keep the story simple .
You don't need to have it completely outlined or anything, but have a good idea of where you want this story to go, but be flexible enough for on-the-spot changes.

• Have a workable solution,
something that can be guessed without a lot of research. If it's something impossible or some really quirky piece of lore that only a Left-handed Half-Elf from the Planet Nadox can solve, you'll lose your audience in a hurry.

• Give out clues!
If there's any way to give out clues, do so. If not, again, you'll lose your audience.

• People Involved.
If you're going to have other people involved, make sure they have their cues as well. Maybe they're the clue-giver or whatever.

• Time.
Here's the tricky part because I don't want to rain on anyone's parade..errr...story. If you plan to involve just yourself and a couple of people, drag it on as long as you want. But if you plan to involve the park, reduce it considerably. Two to three days (real time) is usually sufficient.

However, if the story is going to be long, keep it to our forum boards and give updates, with the occasional hint in the park. And for gosh sakes, whomever you have giving the hint, tell'em to keep away from the angst. Be concerned, whatever, but don't go on about it. We're intelligent people, we'll get the hint.

• "Fights"
...*sighs*...this is perhaps something that can be the silliest thing done since quite often we've had Lvl 2s challenging Lvl 20+. In reality, the Lvl 20+ people would smear those of Lvl 2 all over the landscape and maybe use the Lvl 2 for a washrag afterwards. If you must stage a fight, there should be some rules set up in advance or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

No idiot could read all of that. The title of this document is misleading.



Never got around raeding the whole thing till a few days ago , nice guide burnsie!




Another is the Monkey Fight Club in... Cap au Diable, I think, but again I've not actually seen it, so I can't really comment...

[/ QUOTE ]

It's in Sharkhead (Shark's Head?). Look for the Natural Store there, and look around for a red monkey spraypainted on a wall. The door there is for MFC.



((Normally I am on the Triumph server where my roleplaying attempts are met with the sound of crickets. Recently I have gotten CoV and I wish to know if Virtue is carrying their roleplaying status over to Mercy Island as well? If that is the case I will gladly join in the fun on Virtue! Also, the guide is wonderful in details to help a fledgling like myself create a more rounded character that will roleplay easily. Thanks!))



((Normally I am on the Triumph server where my roleplaying attempts are met with the sound of crickets. Recently I have gotten CoV and I wish to know if Virtue is carrying their roleplaying status over to Mercy Island as well? If that is the case I will gladly join in the fun on Virtue! Also, the guide is wonderful in details to help a fledgling like myself create a more rounded character that will roleplay easily. Thanks!))

[/ QUOTE ]

Virtue is continuing the RP tradition into CoV, but the overall community for it is not as well set-up as it is in Paragon.

The primary problems stem from disagreements over where "The Spot" should be, along with weaker core groups. For one, instead of on Mercy Island, the two favored spots are in Port Oakes. Secondly, a lot of people are out enjoying the new content first before settling down to RP.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



((I have made a Ninja/Dark MM named Bloodstone Lotus. I'm little yet, around level 6. I just want to say a big 'Thank you!' in general to the server because I always find a team and everyone is so willing to help out. I look forward to meeting some of you in game!))



I give you the sacred two clap. Props.



Wow that was a really good FAQ!



Another thing for the aspiring (and maybe some experienced) RP'ers to add on their 'don't' checklist: if you attempt to RP in a PUG setting, make sure others know what you are doing!

Had a run-in with a particular unpleasant RP'er last night, apparently his character was arrogant and condescending, except the group did not know and thought he was just being an a-hole. Before the group lead could smooth things out, people were bickering in the middle of first mission and two quit right after it was completed.

The RP'er either left or was kicked, and the group lead reinvited those two back in her team. Everything went well thereafter.

So think about your character's personality/attitude carefully before having fun with it/him/her! If it might rub people the wrong way, you should at least let others know it's just the character, especially when they haven't interacted with you before.

Don't end up repeating that careless RPer's mistake!



Could the original post be updated with CoV "RP center" locations?

Also, is there a Virtue server RP event website that I'm not aware of? (I'm just returning after a loooooong hiatus.)



Events get posted here and uh, wherever else people decide to post them, I guess.

Check the Pocket D for RP!



Check the Pocket D for RP!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, for RP on the bad guy side on Virtue, in 24 levels and 4 islands I have not seen a place more popular than Pocket D for the RP crowd.



I started on Protector then my IRL friend Nimue/Krickette/Madam Geist told me about all the great RP on Virtue. I tried it out and ended up remaking up my two main alts here on Virtue !



I haven't trudged through the 9 pages entirely, just read/skimmed the first two - wanted to say BRAVO! I am so impressed with this I don't visit these forums much, only when I am really just killing time and that was a fun read!

I wanted to add, *and if it was already added let me know, sorry * a personal opinion on something...

When you create your character and the you are asked to create a backgruond for your toon, or even later when you pull up your ID, I wanted to say that realistically speaking when you meet someone for the first time, you aren't going to know their childhood, their traumatizing experiences, etc. I come from a text-based RPG RP setting, so that when you typed in /look *insert player name*, you got a physical description: height, approximate weight, hair color, eye color, smells, sounds, facial expressions, etc.

I have tried to pull that over to this game, and in most of my RP in gaming as a whole - it just makes more sense to me to really DISCOVER another person's toon, and sucking you into the role, as oppose to reading their bio's and going, "Oh. Well what's the point I know all about you!"

I really wish MORE people did this, it irks me that the RP is not in depth enough to accomodate such trivial but WELL WORTH Rping as REALLY getting to know another toon. And I do mean well worth it! There are just some things that cannot be communicated except through interaction Nuances, etc.

/end babble

As I said before...if this has been stated before, let me know and I'll erase the babbling part :P but again *golf clap*

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My simplest advice for RP?

Roll with it, even if it seems silly at the moment.



-_O Wow...*hugs you* I am so sorry you had to...live through that...horrible...just HORRIBLE....gah....*sincere*

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-_O Wow...*hugs you* I am so sorry you had to...live through that...horrible...just HORRIBLE....gah....*sincere*

[/ QUOTE ]

It's ok, I thought it was pretty hysterical

And that last part reminds me of two kids playing cowboys and indians and one is saying "I shot you, you're dead!" And the other insisting "Nuh uh you missed!"

"Yeah huh!"
"Nuh uh!"

Poor Gwarr. He just wants to keep the world safe from the Scarven Inquisition and he takes so much flak!



I'm looking to get to know some folks outside of my VG that RP a bit. I know Rake and Fury pretty well, but I haven't been too active here on these forums.

I'll be swinging through Pocket D soon, I guess. Say "hello" if you'd like.



I've just made an alt on this server, villain side, named Operative Schallwell. Coming from the RP server on WoW, Feathermoon, I'd like to be able to see some roleplay again.



Ok, sorry to be so "in the dark," but I have been playing on Protector since 04, and am I to understand that Virtue is known as the RP server? Where have I been?



There are pockets of RP on every server, I just beleive Virtue is simply "out of the closet" where RP is concerned.



There are pockets of RP on every server, I just beleive Virtue is simply "out of the closet" where RP is concerned.

[/ QUOTE ]

*dies laughing* I love the way you said that XD *has insane goofy images in her head now*

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For folks that don't know the history of it, Virtue was unilaterally declared the unofficial RP servers by RPers on during the beta of the game. A lot of folks followed, more folks followed, and building on that.. is what's here today.