Epic Architypes: Coralax and Incarnate.




Coralax, breaking up the word...


n : (Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina.


The Arabian gazelle (Gazella Arabica), found from persia to North Africa.


Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness. See Synonyms at negligent.

Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. See Synonyms at loose.

Loose and not easily retained or controlled. Used of bowel movements.

I think this will be our winged architype. Possibly an ethereal angellic type.


vested with bodily nature and form: an incarnate spirit.

Embodied in human form; personified: a villain who is evil incarnate.

I think this is pretty general, but sounds to me like it could be Statesman, the hero personified, good incarnate.



So, a negligent gazelle and <nothing> personified?

(<nothing> because you didn't say what incarnate. your example suggests evil, but umm, City of Heros)

Forgive me if I don't see the attraction.



So, a negligent gazelle and <nothing> personified?

(<nothing> because you didn't say what incarnate. your example suggests evil, but umm, City of Heros)

Forgive me if I don't see the attraction.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm... did you even read my post?



Yes, I did, all you posted was definitions for words. After I replied, you went back and provided very, very, simple explanations to how it applies to COH, but still haven't really said anything about what these Epic ATs would be like.

Neither gazelles nor Greek or Roman goddesses have wings, so I don't see the connection there. Nor do I see what the -lax part of the name has to do with the suggested "ethereal angellic" AT.

As for "Incarnate", that's extremely vague. "Good Incarnate" or "Hero Incarnate" could have any powers. What sort of stuff did you have in mind?



Cora was a Greek god, and thus heavenly and beautiful. Lax - "loose not easily controlled". I guess I imagined an ethereal whispy kind of angelic form, I do agree VivianSteel, it is definitely reaching.

Incarnate could be Good/Hero Incarnate which to me described Statesman.

I completely admit I am guessing... and that my guesses may suck, lol.



Coralax, breaking up the word...


n : (Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina.


The Arabian gazelle (Gazella Arabica), found from persia to North Africa.


Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness. See Synonyms at negligent.

Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. See Synonyms at loose.

Loose and not easily retained or controlled. Used of bowel movements.

I think this will be our winged architype. Possibly an ethereal angellic type.


[/ QUOTE ]

Or a stretcher/shapeshifter...

Torden - Lvl 50 Electric blast / Electric manipulation / Electric mastery Blaster - Triumph
General Thrax - Lvl 50 Mercenaries / Poison / Mace mastery Mastermind - Freedom



Coralax, breaking up the word...


n : (Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina.


The Arabian gazelle (Gazella Arabica), found from persia to North Africa.


Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness. See Synonyms at negligent.

Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. See Synonyms at loose.

Loose and not easily retained or controlled. Used of bowel movements.

I think this will be our winged architype. Possibly an ethereal angellic type.


[/ QUOTE ]

Or a stretcher/shapeshifter...

[/ QUOTE ]




We already know that Statesman and Lord Recluse are Incarnates.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



You mentioned the greek and roman gods. Does anyone smell Wonder Woman here?

Just an idea.



You mentioned the greek and roman gods. Does anyone smell Wonder Woman here?

Just an idea.

[/ QUOTE ]

Woder Woman smells?



Coralax could be related (by the devs at least) to corax, the genus of birds that contains crows.



Coralax could be related (by the devs at least) to corax, the genus of birds that contains crows.

[/ QUOTE ]
How about Coral... the stuff in the ocean.
Remember Statesman's favorite character is Namor... he has always said he wants an underwater zone... and, well, to be able to play a Namor-like character.



Nerf the Coralax!

Someone had to say it.



Coralax is NOT the winged Archetype.



So Incarnate is the winged archetype!



So Incarnate is the winged archetype!

[/ QUOTE ]

Noper... The Incarnate is the Statesman (and also Lord Recluse) Archetype.



As I said a few threads ago: Incarnate is Statesman, Coralax is _probably_ the mer-person. I think.
I proved the Incarnate theory right when checking the PDF on the DVD. Lord Reclus and Statesman are Incarnates.

La Pucelle

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and others...



Coralax is NOT the winged Archetype.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh well I suck, lol. Thanks States!



Seems to me that "Incarnate" is simply meant to represent an embodiment of something, like good, evil, pancakes, etc.

"Coralax" could be a derivative of correlate. It's a bit of a stretch but it does have a meaning of being complimentary or comparable. Not quite as strong a reference as "Incarnate" but has the same feel.

But then again it could be in reference to a gazelle with diarrhea

Justice server



I have a feeling from what has been said here it is probably Sea Monkeys.



Cora was not a greek or roman god.

Kore (pronounced similarly) is an epitath usually applied to Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, who ended up in the underworld after she ate too many pomengranite seeds. (Long story.) But as far as I know, Kore just means "the maiden" or "the daughter".

For whatever that's worth in the speculations...



Btw, why the automatic assumption that the derivation of the word splits at "Cora" and "lax"? If we're looking for evidence that it's the aquatic AT, then wouldn't it make at least as much sense to split it at "Coral" and "ax"? So that the base word would be, you know, "Coral". Like the animal that makes reefs in oceans...?

[edit: Whoops, just went back and reread the thread, and realized I'd missed HansJanus's post saying almost exactly thie same thing. Sorry!]



If lord recluse is an incarnate, he logically embodies the "essence" of spiderdom, if you will.



I prefer to think of lord recluse as "evil" or "villiany" incarnate. That means statesman can be "hero" or "justice" incarnate. Otherwise, if we go with spider-incarnate, what does that leave poor statesman to be the incarnate of besides states? :P (although it does lead to some entertaining images of him doing battle while shouting things like "Kansas Kick!" "Utah Uppercut!" "Mississippi maul!" "North Carolina crush!"...)



Woder Woman smells?

You sir, can die