More answers....




I remember reading somewhere that the idea behind Epic Power Pools would be to counter innate weaknesses.

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My innate weaknesses is pretty much vs any status affect except stun. So much for the unstoppable tank.

I'll have to pickup any Epic pool that gives mobile status protection. Range is the last thing I want.



1. We're going to be re-evaluating ALL the armor sets - not just changing their art. So EVERY issue involved with Ice, Dark, Stone, etc. is going to be looked at.

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Thank you. Thank you very much for the response.




And what is the "Comic Booky" idea you told us about some time ago for Tankers?

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The Hulk/Thing flavor of ramping damage, as they take more damage. In other words, the more you get hit, the more damage you do.

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That was before the "Something comic booky" comment.

That comment was made in the last HoC chat, after saying that Tanks would NOT get ramping damage.



2. Fear changes are across the board. Any power with fear will change from "foe running away" to "foe cowering and not moving."

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Just had to ask if the disorient effects, especially from Energy Melee, will still make the target run as they have. It's been obscene how quickly they run and that they jump while disoriented. Will there be a fix for this? Especially since as an Invuln, in order to stay unstunned myself, moving isn't a good idea.



Yes, we'll put stores on the map.

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Not a big deal, but it will be greatly appreciated, I'm sure.

Yes, we'll look into timed missions counting while offline.

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(Oh, you wanted a question)

Just how hard would it be to stop that timer if the player logs off, and there are no teammates still working on the mission?

And another question: Can we please do something about the repetitive sound effects? The one for Practiced Brawler makes me play without sound when I play my scrapper alt, very often. I like what was done for the sound for Combat Jumping. A "whoosh" sound when you turn it on, and then nothing.




That was before the "Something comic booky" comment.

That comment was made in the last HoC chat, after saying that Tanks would NOT get ramping damage.

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My bad. I must have missed the hoc chat notes... thx for clarifying.



Any plans to make untyped damage resistable by anything? Currently my Unyielding Stance and Unstopable seem to offer me no protection against this despite claiming to resist all damage except psychic.




The questions most on my mind are the following:

The high level game basically ends. Hamidon seems a hopeless cause to many and having participated in several raids against him a place where melee in general and tanks in specific have little place. Even so he only represents a small fraction of the high end. Once we hit 50 it seems like there realy isn't all that much to do and there isn't even advancement to work on. I know alot of level 50's who are turning it in from lack of anything to do, some plan to come back and see what there is to see in issue 3 or in COV but many do not. This is the way of MMORPGs but still disheartening. What is being done to address the high end game and add to it so there is no longer just a dead end. Specifically:
1) Is there more plot content being added for the 46-50 group, new contacts, new story arcs, new missions, something that doesn't play out or just become absolutely repetitive like the shard missions. There doesn't seem to be anything new to explore now, going back and doing the same missions and arcs and the same grind with other characters, even the new EATs seems like it will only have so much appeal, I have several alts and even with the updates to the arcs and missions they have all been done before and are familiar at this point. Alot of people like their character concept of their high level character and aren't all that interested in replaying old stories with a new one, what is there going to be for people who don't want to hit restart?
2) You have stated that the epic power pools are on top of existing powers. Does that mean they are a 5th pool or you get additional power slots for them. I know personally I don't have much I could give up at this point to take a new pool, I am sure others are in similar positions. On top of this some people no longer have a respec available to take new powers added late in the game and even those who do (I do) may not want to start using them up now wondering what the next thing coming down the line will be that they will want to respec into. New powers without anything new and challenging to do with them will only amuse for a very short period of time.
3) Is there any planned method of further advancing characters once they hit 50 without advancing their level, something a player can your toward. I haven't played other MMORPGs but I understand Everquest had an alternative advancement system for people at the level cap, something like that idea (and I don't know exactly what it entails).

4) Regarding tanks specifically you have stated things regarding fixing sets and fixing aggro control and hopefully doing something about our low damage output but what about the problems of untyped damage? When we come up against untyped damage our entire primary power set becomes useless, our reason to be there becomes moot. For example against Hamidon's Mitos we cannot tank at all. Being there we are weak damagers with no ability to sustain ourselves at all. Is damage going to be typed and are tanks going to be given some defense against toxic damage? I don't care if Hamidon's mitos do large amounts of typed damage, enough to actually hurt us through the inv or armors but which give us a fighting chance to survive and get healed and participate in the fights and have fun instead of standing around and watching.

Thank yo very much for your continued efforts,

Lord Valhala, Level 50 Stone/Stone Tanker on Freedom
Valhala II, Level 19 Inv/Stone Tanker on Freedom
Fyre Elemental, Level 11 Fire/Kinetic Controller on Freedom
Master Liam, Level 6 Katana/Inv Scrapper on Guardian
Contained Blaze, Level 9 Fire/Fire Tanker on Guardian

Many others



2. Fear changes are across the board. Any power with fear will change from "foe running away" to "foe cowering and not moving."

So they are working like a hold except it wont drop toggles?

While i hate scattering mobs, i think some careful consideration of this is in order.

DA secondary comes to mind, so does the presence power pool.

By stacking those AoE's almost nothing could attack you save AV's/Monsters. Kinda makes the game pointless at that point.



Are you ever going to look at the Gravity powerset more indepthly? Many of us feel that we only have one solid group control where as the other power sets also have an immobolize and a disorient with a hold to alternate the AoE, we are stuck with a just an AoE Hold and immobolize and with out the disorient awe are not able to utilize that fully.

We have a couple powers that seem to have no good use.

Dimension Shift, This has really no good use for controllers it doesn't control the battle and at best it is an oh crap button. not something that is useful in any offensive battles.

Propel, the animation is to long and the damage has a smaller DPS than brawl. Not exactly what someone call Heavy damage or even High Damage. I call that low damage.

These are the biggest problems in the set, if these were changed a bit it would make a great set.



In regards to the trenchcoats:

May I assume there will be a fairly diverse group to choose from? Like a Western style duster, or a shorter version, say a waistcoat?



What about Controllers being able to solo? I feel silly grouping with a Regen Scrapper and actually doing NOTHING, and him not even noticing...

Me and a buddy did a little test. I went through and "finished" a mission by killing all the mobs in it but not clicking any of the glowies. He then grouped with me and we reset the mission. We both went in and he solo'd the mission with the higher number of mobs. He is a regen/broadsword scrapper, I'm a gravity radiation controller.

My time 42minutes, 38 seconds.
His Time: 16minutes, 22 seconds.

I helped in no way during his go through, he is 2 levels lower than me. That just doesn't seem right on some level.



Statesman said:

17. Mind Control - outside of Fear - there are not any more changes planned in the immediate future.

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Are you aware of the bug in sleep powers (not sure if it's mind only) that allows a mob to still occasionally slip in an attack or other action when re-applying sleep? The damage precedes the sleep effect by a second.



Are there any plans to investigate the Gravity Control primary?

Gravity Controllers largely feel that we're stuck with only one offense-friendly, debilitating AE control power, while all other primaries have at least two available.



Dimension Shift is real usefull for patrols that get into battle with you and when you are attacked from several points or pet agros another huge group.

In the post 40 game the shadow shard tfs have huge indoor ambush groups. Having a grav controller with dimension shift or a dark defender with the similar power would have saved the team numerous deaths.



How about a way to refuse non SO enhancements, or non have any DO or training enhancements drop from +35s?



Can we get an estimate on when we'll get customizable power graphics? At this point, even an on/off switch would be good; my characters are as much concept-driven as power-driven, & there are powers & powersets I'd love to play but won't (Dark Armor, Regeneration... also Hasten for my dark/dark defender) due to the effects that don't work for the concept. I appreciate the art department's efforts, but their idea of what a power should look like doesn't always fit with the player's concept.



Actually, any chance that supergroups will get a higher limit to the number you can have in one? 75 is not a lot when your friends want to have alts in the same group, and I can't imagine having enough in a single SG at the right level to do SG only task force missions.

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I think the best proposed solution to this was to have the 75 character limit become a 75 account limit. So if I have myself and 7 alts in the SG it only counts as one because the most I could have on is 1.

Currently, if everyone in the SG has 7 alts, the most people that could be online at one time in the SG is 11 (that poor guy with only 5 alts and 10 others). If you change it to use the account as the limiting factor then we could have 75 people on at any given time.



I have a question...

Will invulnerability scrappers remain sparkly after the armour art revamp?

I'm still a little disappointed with the removeing of sparklies from the martial arts powers but if the invulnerability sparklies go I'll need a new battle cry.



7. We are not looking at Flight...

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Right. Gotta keep with that comic book feel. I mean, every member of the X-Men, JLA, and Avengers has Super Speed and glowing orange feet, right?



How about a way to refuse non SO enhancements, or non have any DO or training enhancements drop from +35s?

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Great idea. A toggle we can turn on that says auto-destroy trainers and DOs



Statesman, is the GUI getting looked at?

The black map background does not accept the transparency value, which would allow the player to view more on screen while the map is open. Empty inspiration sockets also do not accept the transparency value while an empty power socket does. I think there were a few other things i noticed, I just can't remember them off-hand.

Thanks for taking the time to share the information.



Sorry, saw this thread after it had reached 20 pages. So considering these two statements in regard to Spectral Terror from the Illusion control primary...
2. Fear changes are across the board. Any power with fear will change from "foe running away" to "foe cowering and not moving."
11. We aren't planning on adding more Pet Controls anytime soon, but they are definitely needed as we expand pets (remember what I said about adding a 10th power to every set....)

Does that mean that the Spectral Terror will finally be helpful in a situation other than grouping with blasters and putting next to the reactor in the Terra Volta trial? Or is Spectral Terror not going to be changed? I'm coming up on my last power, and not sure what to get. I might get Spectral Terror just for the fun of it, Otherwise Whirlwind it is.

The Magnificent Ghostly Creole
Illusion / Kinetics Controller
The Sinister Malchemist
Necromancy / Poison Mastermind

As a confessed altaholic, I have countless other heroes and villains(and 6 other lvl 50s)



Since things are being looked at and I haven't spotted any dev comments on this. Will Vahz zombie vomit ever be typed damage? Right now at low levels the Vahz are the nastiest enemy group because of the large amounts of untyped damage the zombies do combined with the slow darts of reapers and morts.



Statesman, do you ever sleep?