"I got a rock"




Happens when you switch zones, too.

....and i was saving mine for Hamidon....



I used aim and Build Up with my rock and scored a whopping 66 pts of humiliation on an even level Rikti minion! That alone ought to be payback enough for what they did to Paragon City.

Modest Heroes
ChaosJuice - Eskimo Pie - Chaos Booty - Blatant Ripoff - Freezer Frenzy - Tone Def - Risen Sun
Humble Villains
Backslider - Naughty Eskimo - Peon - Juice



I created an account just to join the bandwagon on this. This game and its Devs are gems.



My rock kept leaving my tray whenever I zoned/logged, but it was still there under the powers list when I came back.
Actually, I had two rocks listed under temp powers, logged out and back in, and only had one! I panicked and ran to hamidon to throw it before it left, and once i threw it it was still there and I got to throw it the second time (then it vanished). Maybe they combined or something.

P.S. The rock doesnt QUITE one-shot hamidon, to my debt earning misfortune



I called my pet rock George.



Laughed so hard when I got my first rock. The nearby 5th who's head I threw it at found it considerably less amusing.

Funniest moment is when my ToT team saved up a bunch of rocks and in a moment of silliness used them to stone a witch that came through the door.



i had 5 rocks...i switched my tray (cause i was saving them) and all my rocks were gone...i wanted to cry but all i did was ;grief for awhile...i still have 1 in my power list that i'm going to nurture and watch him grow into a big boulder and then i'm going to cooke's and buy supplies to construct a giant slingshot, then i'm going to set up in perez park and see how far i can launch it...now where's my other 4 i need ammo!



I called my pet rock George.

[/ QUOTE ]

And it shall be my Squishy, and I will call him Squishy. And his friends are George and Fred.



Yah, none of my rocks remained after I logged out so I have no rocks. but I DO have full sets of halloween badges on 10 characters and a few misc badges here and there.



Amazingly fun event. Not a time, influence or anything else sink. Just plain halloweeny fun. Nice treats and very nice tricks. Thank you Cryptics Studio.

Idea (may have been mentioned):

Make the (the incredibly cool) "rock" the accolade power for the halloween badges. Usual 25 min recharge time. Heck even bump down the damage if you like.

To balance it for those that didn't get the badges... perhaps an alternate badge combination that requires more work than the halloween event (which just about any of the normal badges require).

Thanks again. I had a blast.



The I shall call him George bit is from a Bugs Bunny cartoon about the abominabl snow monster. When he catches Bugs he says "My own little bunny rabbit. I shall hug him and squeeze him and love him and pet him and call him George. "



"Accualy" The "I will call him George" is a reference from "Of Mice and Men" by Steinbeck. The Bugs Bunny cartoon referenced that.



Positron all the way on the rock.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

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My question is what do rocks have to do with halloween? Many things may be thrown, eggs and TP, but rocks?

Was this supposed to be about stoning witches and other monsters to death? I just don't get it.



Positron all the way on the rock.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

[/ QUOTE ]

My question is what do rocks have to do with halloween? Many things may be thrown, eggs and TP, but rocks?

Was this supposed to be about stoning witches and other monsters to death? I just don't get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's from "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." CB went trick or treating, and got a rock instead of candy. Good grief!!!

Mr. Lithuania

Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."



so when are they going to make the rock an accolade power for getting all six halloween badges? Because we all know they have absolutely no choice but to do so.

[/ QUOTE ]

[color=hotpink] YES!!!

I shall start a petition... or something to make teh rock teh accolade except they should call it 120><><012



oh snaps, if i realized i got the rock trick or treating, i wouldn't have thrown it at that stupid vahzilok!



I was in my Superman tribute/Halloween costume during ToT, and whenever anyone in my group announced that they got a rock, I would scream 'KRYPTONITE! ARRRGH!'

Was funny the first couple of times.....

I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai



/signs the petition to make the rock the accolade power for all 6 halloween badges

i loved getting my rocks. i miss them.....



It's a big rock.

I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big.




Funniest moment is when my ToT team saved up a bunch of rocks and in a moment of silliness used them to stone a witch that came through the door.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know I shouldn't laugh at that what with how many have actually been stoned to death in history, but lord is that a funny thing to envision.

I really wish I had saved my rock and gone to Atlas to one shot a thug. That would've been priceless:

"Dude! You just knocked that guy out cold!"
"Yeah, well....he had a loaded gun..."
"You hit him with a rock! In the head!!!"
"...he was stealing an old lady's purse, man..."

Good times in CoH.



I wish they would give us "A Rock" as a basic power like brawl. I only got 1 rock and I chucked it at a villain, that was the best. "You are such wimp, I will chuck this rock at your head" and my character snatched up the rock and threw it with such style, the guys in Outbreak can't compete.



ding ding ding!! you got it right :P



So - months and months later: does anyone still have their rock?

/e Beams with pride at the small chunk of granite in my pocket



I still have 2 on my main. Along with 4 Christmas present inspirations



Yep, still got a rock. Gonna hit the first player villain I see with it.