City of Heroes Fan Fest....when?




ok...only a matter of time with this games success!! I went to the SWG fanfest and it was off the chain...even though the game sucks......

Are the devs actively planning one or thinking of it?



anyone, anyone, bueller bueller?



I, for one, want one. Realistically, it would happen during the summer - so next year is a better target.



Sounds good.. here are a couple of talking points..

1) Hold it in Las Vegas

2) Statesman, please don't come in your tights.

3) Bring Ms. Liberty... hoofah!



To build on Jobble's ideas:

1) Hold it in San Jose area 'cause there should be some perk for living near Cryptic Studio.

2) And leave the cape behind too. Please?

3) and WarWitch



Ever spend a weekend in Detroit?

Odds are the first one will be out west but think of us out here in the Mid-West. The great lakes area is nice, we even had a branch of the Avengers for a time...hehe.



3) Bring Ms. Liberty... hoofah!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like to see if people randomly gravitate towards her and start dancing uncontrollably.



Ever spend a weekend in Detroit?

[/ QUOTE ]

I spent the first 20 years of my life in Detroit. I miss my hometown!! Give me a reason to go visit! On the other hand, have it in the Bay Area so I can drive home and sleep in my own bed that night =)



Orlando has some great convention facilities. One is even down the street from my office



Please make it after the start of July, as my bosses won't let me go until after then



I vote for Las Vegas too!!!



((first...what goes on during a fan fest...
second...three letters... N-Y-C))



Have it in Dallas. Everyone loves Dallas right? *Dodges tomatos being thrown at his head*
I guess not. But how about Dallas?



Folks -

CoH Fan Fests are definitely something Cryptic/NCsoft wants to do for our players. As Statesman mentioned, however, the first one may be a little while off. We promise to bring you details as soon as it's closer to becoming a reality!




Note to self: Forge the Dragoon helmet to conceal my secret identity...



Yea, but you know everyone wants it in Dallas. Its in the middle so people on the west coast will have to go almost the same distance as people on the east coast. Everybody loves Dallas.



I would be there in a heartbeat. To be honest this is the first game I have played that I would take the time out of my schedule to attend a fan fest. Just let me know where and when.

P.S Maybe us fans should have some mini fan fests sometime. Maybe just some lcoal area stuff. I think it would be great fun to meet people in your own area who play CoH



Yea, thats a great idea. I loved meeting people that play other games in my area so I think this would be even better.



((first...what goes on during a fan fest...
second...three letters... N-Y-C))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Oh...i get it now...
three letters... N-Y-C))



Are you kidding? We want to do this in Providence, Rhode Island!!! *mad gleam in her eyes* What better place than the Paragon City of an alternate reality?!

(and no, I don't live there. :P Want an excuse to visit there.)



We should have it in the center of the country - NO! THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!



nah.. we should locate a giant maze-like forested park that is filled with thugs that con purple to us.. and then have a giant fan fest in the middle of the maze! (Make sure the top of the trees form an impenetratable "ceiling" to prevent people from taking a helicopter in)




NCSoft is in Austin (so am I) I think it would only make sense to hold it in Austin. Besides after the day stuff was over we could all hit the warehouse district or 6th street and party like Rock Stars!



OK and if we have it Austin you can all crash at my place as long as you sneak in quietly and don't alert the wife.



Hopefully by the time the convention kicks off i'll be well established and be able to travel wherever it is. That is unless i'd be deployed.