Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




"I think so. I mean.......still confused...thoughts conflicting in my head but its all settling down." He replied.

Then suddenly he remembered something. "You bloody slapped me." He said, rubbing his cheek.

"Anyway, what happened to the others?" He asked.



As the tunnel lights went black, Erik instinctively let the pale glow about his body increase in intensity. For one he was glad he emitted this low wavelength in the visible spectra, but it was hell on family photos.

"Um... I think the EMP wave finally went out." Erik grunted. he looked at Penny and shrugged. "Is your suit... well is it insulated against stuff like that? I know most of the City's powergrid is, and I'm sure the lights will come back on in a moment or two, but I'd hate to think I screwed up your suit."

Erik sighed and sat down. The aftershocks of the initial blast were still reverbrating through the concrete of the sewer floor. He looked up and shook his head. The Lost had re-enforced this tunnel and probably miles of other tunnels with Ritki technology and metals. Gifts from their masters.

For once he was glad they had done such a thing.

"Looks like we're safe at the moment anyway. But I'm not too sure we should move yet. At least we should wait until the power is back."

__________________________________________________ _

Paul/Many As One could feel himself fall. He saw the non-hostile unit hurt herself and could feel... concern? His body slammed against the rocks and knocked the wind out of him.

~Assessment of damage... Physical trauma at 45%, repairs in progress. Neural tissue regeneration ongoing. With new damage, Master's full functions will be online in 35 minutes. Lost 20% of nanite population due to EMP pulse, new insulations are in place against further incidents.~

Paul shifted his naked form and looked about. The other targets had fled or were crushed under the rubble. Including the ninja. Paul stood and moved to help Crystal, quickly tossing the rubble aside or blasting away bits too large to pick up.

"Non-Hostile, Crystal. Scans indicate massive physical and mental trauma. Subject is concious but heavily damaged. Can the subject understand us? Does unit:Crystal want us to help mend her?"



Tick-Tok got up and looked over at the glowing form.
"Well what is going on down here?" Tick-Tok asked as he walked up to them.
"I was doing my rounds and it seems that there was a massive EMP wave" Tick-Tok said fiddling with some buttons on his wrist.



((OOC: If you are talking about Erik being the glowing form he is in a completely different place at the moment to where Jack is. Just as Paul is in a different place from both Erik and Jack.))


((OOC: I just realized you might be talking about Em's glow stick. Sorry if I miss understood.))



((OOC: Sorry, got a bit distracted with RL things. Catching back up now.))

"Non-Hostile, Crystal. Scans indicate massive physical and mental trauma. Subject is concious but heavily damaged. Can the subject understand us? Does unit:Crystal want us to help mend her?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"It is quite fortunate that neither the Demon Jar nor the two of you were destroyed in that fall." Many As One turned, surprised that he had missed noticing that Kagete had somehow survived. The black figure of the ninja could be seen holding what looked like a jar with a wicked and monstrous face on it. "The horror that could have been unleashed from this has the potential of far worse than those fake supernaturals would have. And my efforts at freeing you would have been for naught if you ended up dead. Now I must take my leave of you."


The one-sided battle between Syn and MacBeth continued to rage through the darkness. Syn's glasses lay shattered in the sewer muck. He couldn't find an opening to escape. Suddenly he sensed the presence of two of his "children" and the attacks stopped long enough for him to transport himself and his minions to safety. Master Wonderful just stood there, eyes glowing in the darkness of the sewer, unable to find his enemy. The hero gradually lowered his guard, the tiredness of his exhertion finally catching up to him causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious.



Jack heard the familiar sound of a teleport and the sound of a body hitting the floor. With out saying a word he snatched the glow stick out of Em's hand and ran back to where the fight had been. He found Master Wonderful face down in a puddle of water and out cold. He ran over and rolled him over onto his back so he could breath.

There was a strange conflict in his mind between wanting to help him and wanting to attack him as the imprint of Syn's will faded from his mind. Jack shock his head and tried to focus.

Taking one of the healing patches from his pocket he slapped it on to Master Wonderful's neck.

"Hay.......Ali McBeal......get down here." He shouted back down the tunnel to Em.

Jack shock his head again and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to clear his mind of the thoughts put there by Syn. He was starting to feel dizzy and a little ill.



Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

WarMain: If you say so.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

WarMain: It wasn't by choice and unfortunately I still have to keep donning this monkey suit everytime I turn around.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

WarMain: What reward, the fame? Accolades? How about just living to see another day. Tell me Harris you ever lay your butt on the line out there in that concrete jungle?

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

WarMain: Plenty, like scraping your best friend off of the sidewalk after some Vahzilok scumbag used him for spare parts.

What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

WarMain: collateral damage. It happens, what can I say.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

WarMain: Thats why I'm here Harris. super powered criminals are a disease and I'm the cure.

What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

WarMain: Hopefully my sniper shot.

How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

WarMain: They are probably right, city would be better off it was some deadend burg with nothing but regulars running around.

and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

WarMain: Just another freak in some tights, could careless if I work with him or not. Hey Statesman, just stay outta my way.

I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Yeah, sure Harris, whatever.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



(OOC: I though it might be fun to interview some peoples characters and then edit the interview like I did in this topic: Interview with a norm . Imagine your hero is being interviewed by the reporter Steven Harris under the false pretense that he is doing a positive documentary on heroes. Just fill in the blanks between the questions and I'll re-edit them as Steven Harris for Behind the Mask later on to give them a different spin. ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Thank you for putting forth the effort to do this. This is my first time at RP, so be gentle, and if you see me in Infinity, say hi!!))

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Marcel: Thanks.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

Marcel: Sure.

/stands up in heroic pose with big toothy smile

Because I wanted to fight for Truth!! Justice!! and the Canadian way!!

/sits down with goofy looking grin.

Sorry, had to do that. A buddy of mine at home now owe's me a box of Beavertails for doing that.

Anyways. On to the thruth, as as much anyone knows of the truth. I was always a bit of a loner in school. You know the type. Smart enough to be liked by all the teachers, smart enough to be hated by the rest of the kids 'cause I liked school. Smart enough to be protected by the bullies because I helped them with their homework. Not an ideal life, but my life. Never really into team sports or anything like that. About the time I started secondaire 1, umm that would be grade 7 or 8 down here I think, I started taking martial arts. My parents forced me into it at first. "Don't want you spending all of your time in the basement in front of that computer."

Here I found something that just seemed right. You know that feeling. When something you do just fits with your soul and seems to be not something that you are learning, but something that you are remembering. That is what it felt like to me. So I kept in it. Spent most of my free time it it, and even went into the more spiritual side of it. The meditation thing, all of that. At the time, I was trying to better myself. Now I realize that I was already who I was destined to be, I just had to realize it.

I went to tournaments, fought. Won some, lost some. Wasn't at the top, but at the same time, wasn't a complete pushover. The other competitors respected me, which isn't as uncommon as you would think.

/Marcel's eyes lose focus. Pitch of his voice flattens.

A couple of weeks ago, there was a fundraiser for CHEO, a local children's hospital in my hometown. I was asked to do a demonstration. I agreed, and said I would get back to them with what i would need. I called some of my competitors and asked them if they wanted to be involved. I got a bunch from each of the disciplines. They all seemed enthusiastic. 20 of the top competitors, having fun. That was it. We started the show. Then, it happened. Remember those portals that opened up here a couple of weeks ago. Well, one opened up at home, near the hospital. Didn't last very long, but one or two...things...came through. Started killing kids, parents, doctors and nurses. We tried. We did what we could. The top martial artists in the world, and we were useless. They shrugged us off like we were mosquitos. I don't know how I survived. Last thing I remember is flying through the air and hitting a wall. They said later that the bushes I hit broke my fall.

I woke up in the hospital 1 week ago. Had the wierdest dreams. All the other competitors saying goodbye, and passing me something. I don't know what. I woke up, and found I was, different. Stronger. My movements were more precise. More athletic. Tougher. I healed faster than the Dr's had ever seen.

I heard on the news that Paragon City was the only other place that these cretures were seen. I need to be here.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Marcel: The kids. Seeing them able to be kids.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Marcel: What. You mean besides the zero possibility of getting a date?? Yeah, there are downsides. Just because I am a hero, doesn't mean that I went to some hero school that teaches me how to unlock your car, I can't fix your ADSL. Also, do you know what the insurance rates on my apartment are like??

Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Marcel: It is hard to say. there is always a part of me that is worried about that. I guess that is why I never got into any guns or stuff like that. There are techniques that I can use to attack at a distance, but if I miss...where does it end up?? I can get teleported to the hospital, one of the "perks" of doing this. Civilians can't. That is why I get sent to the hospital more often than average. If I have to go to the hospital to let a civilian get away. So be it.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

Marcel: Do you want the PC version or my version...&lt;laughs&gt; The PC version my government preaches is that you need to talk with them, have a dialogue and find out what demons drive them and resolve it peacefully. I think that talk is credit, and I am the cash that is used to cover the bills when the credit card company comes calling. They have all had their chance. They saw what happened in the invasions, the deaths that occurred. They stated where they stand by their actions.

Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

Marcel: I wish I knew. I know that there are some that are thinking of buying formula for their baby, or food for thier dog when they are doing this. That is why I never use lethal force. If you kill them, they don't get a chance to reconsider, travel the straight and narrow.

Harris: How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

Marcel: It is, but at the same time, it isn't. All of the great democracies have a tradition of opposition, dissent, stuff like that. It is all part of the democracy. They are exploiting a feeling that does exist in the population, and it would be wrong of any hero to ignore it. That being said, if they want heros to go away, show me that they can protect this city as well as we can.

Harris: and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

Marcel: Statesman. Heck, I have enough trouble working up the courage to talk to Blue Steel, Ms. Liberty and the other trainers out there without worrying about what to say to Statesman.

Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Marcel: Thanks. My pleasure. And if you see me on the streets, say hi!!




Outside Operation Virtue temporary military base.
A man in camo stands in front of the US flag. Behind him, two MPs check IDs at the walk in gate.

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you, Sergeant Riley, for taking the time to appear on the program.

I was ordered to.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

We're not heroes. We're US Army soldiers, Marine Recon, Navy SEALS and Airforce First force along with several allied nations finest fighting men and women. I joined because I saw a lot of injustice being done in the world and wanted a crack at shooting the people doing it.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero- er, soldier fighting along heroes?

Rescuing the citizens of Paragon city. Not a lot of jobs give you a real, tangible result from your work that you can feel good about. Shooting aliens and evil superpowered gang members does.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a in your line of work?

Same as being in the military. People say things about you that aren't true. They complain at how ineffective you are and then expect that you can solve all their problems but you just CHOOSE not to.

Harris:What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Not so much scary as unsettling. Myself, I'm a precision sniper. I've been responsible for very few civilian deaths. But every time I was in a dangerous situation I was thinking, "don't [censored] this up [censored]-head, this woman's prolly got a family."

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

Well, I'll tell you one thing, I like getting them in my sights. Even if they're so superpowered that a high powered rifle can't take them down in one shot, I still love the thump and the look on their faces when they realize that I've hurt them in a way few people can at a hundred yards.

Harris:What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

It'd better be, "I hope Metaforces isn't around." Not that they know until that first round comes in. I guess they think that they can do whatever they want because there's no one there to stop them. They need to check the rooftops better. If my work in this city does any good, it will be to get them to START thinking, "Is this worth it?"

Harris:How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

Well, you wouldn't think that we'd be upset by it but we are. People rally against the military for different reasons in their mind, but it's the same thing to us.

I have one thing to say to all you anti-hero and anti-mutant groups. Either start fighting the aliens and supervillians yourselves or shut the [censored] up before I personally shove your [censored] lazy [censored] into a [censored] howitzer and [censored] fire your [censored] stupid [censored]

Harris: Let's, let's move on. I can see you feel strongly about that.

There's a recruiting station near you if you REALLY want to make a difference.

Harris: Yes, yes, alright. They all want to know this one. Have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?


Harris:&lt;stare&gt; I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

It's what we do.



Tick-Tok looked around. He had no idea what was going on.
"Um, what is going on?" Tick-Tok said.



"Hay.......Ali McBeal......get down here." He shouted back down the tunnel to Em.

[/ QUOTE ]

Emily scowled at being equated with the anorexic "lawyer" and came over to see what Jack was looking at. She checked to make sure that Master Wonderful was still alive and then called back to her back up. "Martin, we need to get him back home soon. It looks like he's only overexerted himself, but there seems to be more too it than that."



As Jacked helped Emily and Martin lift Master wonderful he asked, "More to it like what?"

Then as an after thought he added, ".....and what are we going to do about finding the others?"



Emily shook her head. "I don't know, but my instincts are telling me something is wrong and he needs to get out of here."

She and Martin shouldered the wait of the limp hero. "As far as how to find the others," Emily gestured at Tick-Tok, Experament and Jack. "I think that you three should be more than able to find them."



((OOC: So, what next? I want to get fully wrapped before it gets deleted.))



After discussing what to do next Jack was storming off down the tunnels with the other two following behind. He showed no indication of waiting for them as they searched for the others.

"Why do I have to group up with the psycho soul sucker and the toaster with delusions of being a hero." He mumbled angrily to himself with his hands in his jacket pockets.

As he turned a corner what he saw shocked him beyond belief. There standing over Crystal (who seemed to be out cold) was Paul. Jack had still believed Paul was dead, killed by Jack himself when he lost control. Although he had hated Paul he found himself suddenly happy at seeing him.

"HOLY [censored]. PAUL YOU'RE ALIVE. THANK GOD. I THOught I.....had....killed......" Although he was yelling with relief his speech slowed and stopped as he register something else.

They were both naked. A look of confusion crossed his face and annoyance at Paul. Jacks feeling for Crystal had not changed and he total misunderstood what he was seeing.

"What the bloody hell are you doing. This is hardly the bloody time and place for you two to be getting jiggy with it."



((OOC: Sorry for being away so long from this story. Work and other life issues interveined and my veiw of certain characters has drastically changed. Erik and his family will remain the same, but Paul (aka Wild-Card) is no more. Paul is dead, or at least brain dead, and now only Many as One remains. He will probably be my first villian I create when CoV comes out...))

"HOLY [censored]. PAUL YOU'RE ALIVE. THANK GOD. I THOught I.....had....killed......"

"What the bloody hell are you doing. This is hardly the bloody time and place for you two to be getting jiggy with it."

[/ QUOTE ]

The aftershocks of the blast finally settled most of the dust and debris floating about. However, the being that was once Paul stood and shifted the rocks from his form as if they were paper.

“Damage analysis. Host body fully repaired, subsequent trauma to the brain has rendered most neural functions inert. Host in coma, repairs can not be performed at this time.”

The light Jack used panned over both Crystal and what once was Paul. A strange metallic sheen was seen, bulging under Paul’s skin. The being turned towards the light, as a dark purple energy haze filled its eyes.

“Processing environment. New target acquired. Memory from previous version has corrupted file on target… status, serious threat.”

“Target is Jack. Jack… You did kill Paul. We are Many as One. You shall deal with Us again.”

The figure turned and raised his arms. The subsequent blast tore a hole into the remaining substructure of the sewer walls. Many as One moved faster than Jack’s eye could follow, moving Crystal to Jack’s arms, Pushing them both out of the room, and then running out of the exit it had just made.

All the while, Jack could feel the being’s mind begin to evolve and take the place of what was once Paul…

Wild-Card was dead. This was Many as One.



((OOC: No worries. I have been away from it for a long time too ))

Jack stood still holding the naked form of Crystal in his arms. For a while he was unable to say or do anything. His mind was still trying to catch up with everything that had happened in the last few seconds. Suddenly he seemed to remember where he was and the fact that Crystal was naked. Quickly he covered her with his long jacket and continued to carry her out of the sewer and back to Macbeth’s private hospital.

He would have to carry on looking for the other later. Right now he had to get Crystal help and at some point he would have to try and track down Many as One. Jack was not willing to accept that Paul was dead again. Mostly because he did not want to have to be the one to tell Crystal.



Erik sat in the cold dark of the sewers with Penny. His dull green glow their only light. The topics of conversation had run the gammut from biology, to movies, to books, and now it was politics.

"It's not that I have a problem with the government. In fact they way they have behaved in the whole Ritki Crisis has been admirable. But I just think there are a few things they just could have handled much better than they have. And don't even get me going on thw whole anti-mutant lobbies in the the senate. I've actually had to testify in several of those "meetings." It was closer to some kind of twisted clan rally than any kind of meeting. The thing that scares me is the opposition can be just as bad if not moreso."

Erik shrugged and shook his head.

"I do my best to help mutants on campus, and am involved in several support groups. And I have had my office torn apart on several occasions. I think the best moment however was when I SAVED one of the anti-mutant students that tore apart my office when he was being attacked by the Vahz... He came by afterwords and not only apologized but started comming to the support meetings. He's a nice kid."

Pausing Erik felt the ground. He looked at Penny and offered a weak smile. "Let me know if I'm putting you to sleep... I uh... I tend to babble when I get nervous."

"You always have love... You always have."

The voice got Erik not only to sit up but uncontrollably fly up and smack his head on the supports for the sewer cavern.


In answer two massive forms bore down on Erik and tackled him... And began licking and hugging fiercly.

"Magni! Modi! Ha ha ha!! Down boys! Oh thank God you're all-right!"

"They would have been better if "papa bear" haden't let them chew on formaldehyde soaked flesh." The voice was sarcastic, but almost filled with tears of releif. Enid stood with two other women and smiled weakly at Erik. Without another word Erik rocketed forward and slammed into Enid in a massive hug rivilang that of his bears.

He wept anashamedly.

"Oh God Enid... Oh God I was so worried..."

"It's O.K. It's O.K. Erik... I'm safe now... Oh God I was so worried about you too."

The embrace seemed to last forever. The bears in the back happily watching Mama and Papa reunite. Modi even moved to help the little man in big armor up after he accidentaly threw him off to get to his Papa.

Enid grinned and then stepped back to look at Erik in his raggety "clothes" Penny had liberated from the Lost.

"Honey? What ARE you wearing?"

Erik laughed and shook his head. He waved to Harris while Modi nudged him onto his feet.

"I'll explain later Love... I just want to make sure everyone is safe now... and get home to a nice hot shower."



(Note: I've corrected a couple of spelling and grammar issues with Harris' part of it, and I've added a tiny bit of extra dialogue to Harris to make it seem like they're in the same room, and the interview is being shaped by Rush's responses. So, apologies in advance for that, if it's a problem. Anyway, on with the interview...)

Interview with Rush

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Rush: Hey, it's not a problem. I'm honored.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

Rush (chuckling): Can't give away too much, but my powers came about as a cure for an illness that almost killed me. It healed me and gave me adrenaline-triggered powers and enhanced senses. That's the how.

As for why: I've admired the heroes for all of my life, as well as all people who help others because it's the right thing to do. Sounds corny, I know, but it's how it was raised. Seems like most of my life has led up to this, and I wanna help out any way I can.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Rush (pondering this for a moment): Y'know, any answer I could give would sound shallow, stock, or whatever. I'm not interested in the reward. It's not about me; it's about the people I help out.

(Shrugging) I get a sense of satisfaction out of what I do, and I certainly have fun doing it, but those perks are beside the point. I'd still be doing this regardless of any reward.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Rush: Yeah, but again, if I list them, it's not gonna come out on camera the way I want it to sound. Basically, there are, y'know, perks and drawbacks to any activity. Some parts of the hero biz absolutely suck, but some parts rock and I'd rather focus on that, man.

Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Rush: Yeah, seriously. It could happen any time I rescue someone on the street from a mugger, or during a hostage situation, or any time. One wrong move on my part and the person I'm trying to save goes home in a box. Add that to the fact that I'm trying to resolve a situation without anyone getting killed -- civillian, criminal, or villain -- and the pressure's on. The stakes are high, and it's really scary. The only real advantage I have in that situation is that the adrenaline level bolsters what I can do, so fear's a good thing. It keeps me alert.

Harris: How do you feel about people who use their powers for crime like the Outcasts or the super villains we are starting to see around the city?

Rush: I can't say I respect 'em, or even like 'em, but I do understand how easy it can be to get lost in one's power. I understand that part, but I'm gonna deal with 'em when and if I can.

Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals' minds when they commit these acts?

Rush (after a short pause): My own power is really easy to trigger, and it practically begs to be used once it's on ... and it takes quite a bit of discipline to stay in control. It can be like a tidal wave. And some people, I guess, never learned that discipline, or they haven't mastered it as easily. Or ... some circumstances in their lives have caused them to do things with their gifts that I and other heroes just ... wouldn't. I'm not gonna say "couldn't", because that potential lies in everyone, norm or superhuman.

Harris: How do you feel about the various anti-hero and anti-mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

Rush: They have a right to their opinions, but I just can't see it from that point of view. Or from either view, really.

Harris: Either view?

Rush: Anti-hero or anti-mutant. Those're really two separate viewpoints, and they're not mutually exclusive. You can dislike heroes without being against the idea of mutants. And vice-versa.

I think the anti-hero groups have to realize that costumed heroes can't solve every problem. It's ... it's not in us to do, no matter how godlike or powerful we might be. I don't know how you can really say we create more problems than we solve without doing a point-by-point breakdown of what we create and we solve. I mean, heroes helped put this city back together after the Rikti invasion, and while it's not a one-hundred-percent solution, the key word in that sentence is "helped". We ... and by "we" I mean heroes; I wasn't a hero at that time worked together to tackle a common goal ... and y'know what? I think that's when super-types are at they're best: when we're working alongside civilians to solve problems.

Harris: And anti-mutant groups?

Rush: Oh, right. Them I have even less patience for. Mutants are people who're born with superhuman gifts, and they didn't ask of them. I can't see how someone is gonna attack on general principle the idea of people having those gifts.

(Getting progressively passionate) It doesn't make any sense, because people are, y'know ... they're more than just powers. Personalities and upbringing play into a person's development, too. I mean, some people are born with talents that others have. Mechanical skills, artistic skills, or ... let's say computer aptitude. Some people happen to have a knack for computers. If some of 'em grow into computer hackers, does that mean it's a bad thing for people to born with that knack? 'Cause different people do different things with that talent. Some people help others. It's not what you're born with that should be in question -- it's what you do with 'em.

Harris: And finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

Rush: Nope. Never worked with 'im. I'd like to -- I've heard a lot about him, and he's an inspiration to me. I've just never been in the same room or gathering as him. Heck, I don't even know what I'd do if I met him.

(Chuckling, grinning widely) Knowing me, I'd probably make an idiot of myself, right? I'd either talk way too much or not enough. Hey Statesman? If you're catching this: I'm not mental, I promise! (Laughter)

Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show, and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon City, thank you for keeping the streets safe.

Rush: Again, it's no problem, man. Glad to be here, glad to help out.

(Edited to add: And now, having read more of the thread, I feel like an idiot. This looks horribly out of place.)



(Wow... My comp sucks... had to get it repaired... and it blew up over and over... till I went to a new repa- bah, you dont need to hear.)

Experiment looked at the three heroes in the sewer... making a song, then wondering what had happened... till he had a green light flashing in his pocket. He left the group and put it to his ear... it was PDA contacting him.

"So... mind telling me what the [censored] happened, or shall I guess?"
"Ok... you transformed, smashed me on a wall, then ran down a sewer, but someone or something caught you, then you escaped, and a hero-"
"3 heroes."
"Whatever, just get the hell up here and get me, I think hellions are closing in."
"Later, right now these heroes are talking."
"I am seriously gonna electricute you on of these days."
"Thanks, I am soooo wanting to pick you up now," retorted Experiment, "Gotta go." and he closed the phone.

After a brief look around... seeing nothing unusual, he walked back to the group. 'Hmm...' he thought, 'Maybe I could find out some things about the Lost that attacked me... and what he did to me... ah, but not now, I gotta see what these guys are up to.'



ooc: Thoguht id let my ll 22 control take a shot at this

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Neko-Man: Pttf! foget about it!

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

::Blink, blink:: To get girls, hot spandex clad girls. ::laughs dryly:: Actually was bored and decided to so some experimenting in the lab. Next thign i know i can control mind and manipulate kenetic forces.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Finding a date has never been so easy, its such a stresh reliver after youve taxed your brain putting the villian populace to sleep to find a good woman to go take that pain away.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Not a one.

What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Nothing really, that situation never happens, if the civilians look like their in trouble i project my telekensis field so the ycan fly away while i make the thugs tank a nice nap.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

I'm psychic, trust me you don't want to know what goin inside their heads, some of those groups...lets just says their a City of Villians bubbling under the surface and leave it at that.

What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

See my last comment

How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

They all have valid points, heck i'm distrustfull of myself, would you trust a guy who can read minds? What about one who can summon phantoms who can really hurt you? Fling fire from their hands? In the end were all human, and we have to put our faith in someone, which is way that entire Red Razor case was so hot a patato.

and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

No comment

I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Again Don't think about it...hey wait your a reporter right? Let me leave you a parting gift!

::Neko man stands up extending his hand toward his distinguised interviewer::

"Fade from my sight!"
"And drink your Coffeeeeee"

As NEko-Man flies out the window our intrepid reporter finds himself temporarly granted invisibility and a Speed Boost.

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



On second Harris had been on the back of one of the bear like creatures then the next thing he new he was in on the ground. In it's excitement the bear had ran to Erik.

Now it was trying to help him up again by nudging at him with its nose.

"Har..s. .........there? ...can't for......." The bear suddenly stopped and started to sniff at Harris armor in surprise because of the voice that now seemed to be coming from it. It sounded like the angry boy it did not smell like him.

The voice of Jack stared came in more clearly over the coms unit in Harris armor. "Harris. You better bloody answer. We can't transmit for long."

Harris searched for a reply button on the suit. Finding one that looked like it he pressed it and started to speak. "Jack?"

"No, its Statesman Who do you bloody think it is of course it is me." Jack fired back. "Now just shut up and listen. We've boosted the signal and its not going to last long.
We got the others out Crystal, Pink Boy, Ali Mc Beal and Highlander are all here."

"Who?" Harris asked not recognizing most of the Mickey take nick names he had given the group.

"Just trust me everyone one is here at McBeath's place. Get back up here." There was another reason why Jack did not use most of the groups real names, he did not wont to explain about Paul yet.

It took Harris and the others two hours to find their way back to the surface and McBeath's building. Jack spent that whole time sitting at Crystals bed side waiting and preying for her to weak up.



(OOC: Are there going to be more posts to this thread? I've been enjoying it very much, the characters are wonderful. You can send me a PM if you don't want to post.)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



((OOC: There will be at least a couple more sections to this RP that should bring this to a close. We are just hashing out the details))



(OOC: With Stu's permission)

(OOC: Interview with Maxwell Croninger, Chief of Security for Crey’s Paragon Protectors Program, a background character for my Whitmoore Apartments character Simon-Says/Simone St.Croix)

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Croninger: You’re quite welcome, Mr. Harris. Crey Industries and I thank you for the opportunity to be here.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you work with heroes?

Croninger:Regardless of the views of many gen-centric organizations, We as humans must all realize that metahumans are here to stay. If we do not welcome them, embrace their diversity while requiring them to adhere to the conventions of society and law, their only recourse is villainy. However, despite their amazing abilities, not all heroes are suited to law enforcement and military lines of work, or freelance heroing. While many disparage the Paragon Protectors as mercenaries or “Heroes for Hire”, what right do we have to demand they use their abilities without some form of compensation? Heroes also have the right to live their lives and support their families. It’s far too easy to forget that.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Croninger: Working with the fine men and women of the Paragon Protectors, I see their courage and pride on a daily basis. At the end of the day, these brave people know that their efforts have made a real difference, in greater peace and safety for Paragon’s citizens.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Croninger: As I said before, they’re often misunderstood. And often, their gifts come as a tremendous burden, even a curse. Ostrasism, bigotry, even hatred. As humanity, have we come so far but learned so little? It was only a few decades ago that an entire people were nearly extinguished in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other places. And yet we still hate and fear those who are different.

Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Croninger: It is a scary situation. I’m no hero, but working with the Paragon Protectors and my years in the U.S. Army and Central Intelligence Agency, I dealt with such situations on several occasions. Above all, I try to avoid civillian casualties and suffering. It is the same with the Paragon Protectors, protecting the innocent comes first. Always.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

Croninger: I think that they must be very disturbed, or even evil, people. While many lost and misguided find their way into such situations, we can never discount them as merely “troubled”. Evil exists. And we must fight it, yet somehow save those who can be saved.

Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

Croninger: Simply, “What’s in it for me?” The ultimate greed and hubris. Heroism is the act of self sacrafice. Villainy is the oppposite.

Harris: How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

Croninger: I recognize them for what they are: A shallow façade, a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler’s brand of hatred masquerading behind a veil of otherwise valid concerns. Just as we police the police, we must also keep an eye on heroes. This is the price of society; after all, metas are people too. But these groups… bigots.

Harris: And finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

Croninger: I’ve never worked alongside him, though we have met. I’m sure he doesn’t remember me personally, I was just a child among other children that day. But I will never forget what it was like when he flew in with the Allied Forces and freed us. He is a true hero, and a man worthy of our respect.

Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Croninger: Thank you, Mr. Harris. And thank you to all of the heroes who labor on our behalf.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.