Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




~It is a slight muscle tear master. Continue to fight us and it will be much worse.~

"You're supposed to PROTECT me!"

~And we are, but we also have come to the conclusion that you do not wish to protect yourself. therefore we must take control by any means and make you safe so we BOTH may ensure survival.~


[/ QUOTE ]

Jack knew Crystal would not leave with out Paul. As much as he loathed it the only way to make sure Crystal was safe was to help Paul. Jack scanned the area and spotted Paul. He was acting very strange; he seemed to be struggling with something on the spot. Jack ran over to him.

"Paul you ja**[censored] we have to get out of here." He shouted as he grabbed Paul by the arm. He was still unaware of the nanits. With the noise of the battle he had only picked up the fake Paul voice. "Stop [Censored] about."

Jack pushed one of the med patches he had got from Macbeth in to Paul’s hands.

"Come on. Move it you [Censored]." Jack shouted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal grasped Magni's fur and climbed onto his back, trusting him to protect her while she concentrated.

In Paul's mind, next to the metallic Crystal, the real Crystal formed. Her form was glowing, angelic, and furious. "Leave Paul alone!" She shrieked, and flew at Many as One.

Quarter was neither asked nor given. Her hair gleamed and her eyes glowed. "Get away from him!" she screamed. "You leave Paul alone! OVER MY DEAD BODY will you hurt Paul!" Her hands were full of fire and she flung it at Many as One. "Get out! So help me GOD, I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH HIM! "

Crystal meant what she was saying absolutely. She was not going to let Many as One harm Paul.

(OOC: sorry, work has been very busy lately, meant to get this post up earlier)



Suddenly there were hands there - enormous hands, stitched out of many pieces. The voice that spoke was not hers. "What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Viktor saw his plan disinegrate before his eyes. He wrapped his meaty fists about the neck and head of the young woman. She had ruined everything! He would crush the life out of her with his hands!

A blast of radiation slammed into his side and sent Viktor staggering but unreleasing his grip on Penny's head.

"Forget about me Chuckles? Put her down. You and I need to have a talk."

Erik was still glowing from the radiation he had absorbed. When Penny had released the final rod from the core the flood of energy in the area became so intense it was almost painful to him. Somehow his body responded again. He could feel the energy flowing into him, racing across his veins and body. He was pulling energy from this unsheilded core and he felt stonger than ever before.

And he knew that was bad. If anything it meant he was dangerously close to meltdown himself.

Viktor scowled and then howled in pain. He looked down in shock where the blast had hit him. The glowing fires actually had EATEN through the suit to his actual body. His eyes wide he stared at Doctor Sanstad.

"How... you've never had such power."

Erik didn't wait to reply. He blasted the suit with a focused blast of protons on the wrists. Again Viktor howled as his "other body's" arms literally began to melt away. Penny fell to the floor and Erik ran to her side. He unleashed a healing wave directly into her and prayed it could help somehow.

He stood and looked at Viktor.

"You kidnap my family, you plan to torture my wife and the family of others, and you expected me to explode so you could win a petty war." His anger increased despite Erik's efforts to control it. Soon his body began to light up almost as brilliantly as the last rod in the core.

Suddenly it went out.

"Viktor you had better run. I'm not going to explode no matter what you do. But I am on the verge of killing you. You lost. Don't EVER mess with my family and friends again."

"You... You're letting me go?"

"If I tried to take you in now, I don't know if I could stop myself from blowing your head off your shoulders. I'm not about to sink to your level."

"FOOL!" Viktor roared and rushed out of the room. He ran out of the core, out of the unsheilded room, and out into the sewers.

He was about to call for his forces when he noticed the light grow dim as a shadow loomed behind him.

A dull growl filled the sewer tunnel. Viktor turned slowly and looked up into the eyes of a massive bear. A massive ANGRY bear that could smell his papa on this man...

"I hate Doctor Sanstad..." Viktor whispered as a massive paw slammed into his already damaged suit and sent him flying up the tunnel...

Erik meanwhile ran back to Penny's side and began pouring all the leftover energy into healing waves... Wave after wave seemed to do no good. "Oh God..." he whispered. "Oh God Penny..." His body was on fire, he could feel the power begin to eat away at him. He had to let it loose but he had to heal Penny somehow... and then it came to him.

"God Penny... Let this work and PLEASE let there be no side effects..."

He pressed his hands to her armor and pulled every bit of left-over power and pulsed it through her body. He began working on a molecular level and could feel the damage the radiation did. He began working... Resequencing genes and jumpstarting cells on the verge of death. Every inch of Penny was bathed in radiation, every cell, every pore, every tissue. Genes mended and changed, bones knit, cells forced to grow, tissues forced to mend...

Leaving Erik spent for power and looking worriedly at a prone Penny... The woman who had saved his life and the life of his family.



((OOC:No time for rest, on to the next fight.))


Erik was exhausted from the sudden expenditure of such a large amount of power, so much so that when a voice other than his own told him to go to sleep, he felt compelled to do so. On the other side of the room, "Adam" came into view. He'd watched the entire fight, waiting for the right moment to strike both parties. "Hmph, such a pathetic waste of energy, Erik Sanstad. At least I know that my prey is in these tunnels once more. Once Connor MacBeth is dead I will be free of my debt to those accused aliens and nothing, not even the "All Seeing Eye" nor the Countess, will be able to stand in the way of Adelbert Syn and his Seven Deadly Chosen."

With that he sept up the hallway towards his target, all the while searching for allies to weaken the pink warrior up.


<Master Wonderful and Co.>

The fight against the Vahzilok horde was starting to reach it's end. Fortunately, most seemed to be retreating for some unknown reason. As the last of the undead fell, Master Wonderful let out a sigh of relief. "Well, let's try to catch back up to Sanstad people."

And he started to run down the sewer in the direction that Erik had just gone. He had no way of knowing the danger that was headed in his direction.

((OOC: Sending messages to Stu, Jen, Pal, and prodiguy about a proposal. (Edit: My proposal needs to go into effect before MW and Syn meet face to face, which will be my next post unless I am given something else to respond to.)))



Harris took off after Master Wonderful. He didn't need telling twice to leave. For most of the fight he had managed to stay out of the way. He had eventually figured out how to fire the armors energy weapons but his aim was terrible. Closing his eyes because he was nervous did not help.

Jack in the mean time was still trying to pull Paul along so they could leave but he would not budge.

"Dam it Paul. Move it otherwise I'm gonna bloddy knock you out and drag you there." He shouted.



The battle between Many As One and Crystal had begun in earnest. She had attacked unannounced and many of the first line Nanites had fallen. However, like any good system there were backups. There were ALWAYS backups.

The reserves moved in and formed an effective mental sheild for the moment. It would not hold long against Crystal's powers. Paul was still struggling as well, but a few of itself were shuttled to the brain to cause it to lapse into coma.

One issue at a time.

"Dam it Paul. Move it otherwise I'm gonna bloddy knock you out and drag you there." He shouted.

[/ QUOTE ]

~We have an option.~ Many As One spoke to itself. ~Crystal has expressed desire for both Paul and Jack. Crystal is attacking us to save Paul. We simply provide her with another to worry about.~ The processes began to run and the nanites agreed with the assessment. ~Indeed. The chaos would allow us a break, and we could potentially eliminate a threat to the Master.~

Paul was only on the verge of conciousness. He could hear Jack yell at him, feel Crystal pull at him and be in his mind... but it was like he was sitting in a dark room watching the events unfold... and yelling at the the screen.


The words left Paul's lips as barely a whisper, as his eyes... no longer under his control, turned and drained of all color but silver. They bored holes into Jack as the comm was taken over again by the electronic voice of a thousand plus one.

"We will not let the Master come to harm. Jack is a recognized threat. Targeting... Systems fire."

Paul yelled again and began a stream of curses. None of which escaped his lips. His arm raised with mechanical precision. His palms charged with plasma energy as a dull feral grin came over Paul's face.

"Goodbye threat." The mechanical voice stated.

And Paul/Many As One fired. The plasma blast was not centered well but caught enough of Jack to throw him off his feet and slam him into the opposite wall. Paul's hands charged with energy again.

"Target not destroyed. Initiating second attack."

Paul beat against the walls of his private dark room. "GET AWAY! EVERYONE GET THE HELL AWAY!"



<Doctor Syn>

It did not take Adelbert's scans long to find potential reqruits. He hid himself in the shadows and split his consciousness four ways.


And Paul/Many As One fired. The plasma blast was not centered well but caught enough of Jack to throw him off his feet and slam him into the opposite wall. Paul's hands charged with energy again.

"Target not destroyed. Initiating second attack."

[/ QUOTE ]

Time seemed to stop for Jack, everything seeming to turn to grey scale.

You are a very interesting subject, Jack. said a voice that seemed to come from all around the young man. You're actions say that you are a man with problems, yet you lash out at those who seek to help you. You have been subjected to much pain in you're life. Suddenly, the shadow of a man stepped into view. "Much of this pain is related to your unfulfilled desires. I can give you the power to get what you desire. All you need to do is sware alligiance to me and become my 'Envy.'"


<Paul's "Black Room">

Jack was not the only one that all action seemed to stop for. Paul also seemed to feel the stopage of time.

You can't stand this feeling, can you? Your lack of control, the desire to protect those you care for, but can't. I can save you from your controlers, but you will need to submit youself to my will and trust in me for it to happen. If you do not, then your friend and your lover will both surely die.

A vision of a second blast being shot as Crystal moves herself into it's path, killing her instantly, and then a third shot being fired, this time leaving a gapping hole in Jack's chest.

Not a pretty sight, is it Paul? You don't have much time either. Submit yourself to me, become my 'Pride,' save your friends.


<the "Battle Field" in Paul's mind, Crystal>

The battle in Paul's mind seemed to stop for Crystal as well. Then the same voice called out to Crystal.

My dear, child, said the voice in a loving tone, you never asked for any of this. But you are willing to accept the resposibilities that come with it none the less. You wish to save both the men you love from each of their horrible fates. It is because of this that you are so loved, and it is this that drew my attention to you. I can help you save them both. You must just sware your loyalty and the use of your powers to me


<the consciousness of Many As One>

You seek your own safety, little ones, I can help you with that. The nanites could not tell the source of the voice that was speaking into their collecitve thought patterns, and seemed to have trouble blocking out the voice as well. You need not fear me, I mean no harm to you. I know how little your current host thinks of your efforts to protect him. I can find you a host far more receptive to your efforts in safety. In fact, I can find many more hosts for you to protect and with my aid you can become more effective in you endevors. All you need to do is call me your Master and become my 'Sloth.'

((OOC: I assume you can tell where I am going with this. And I do know what Syn want's Crystal to become, but he didn't tell her so that he could add more influence to persuasion. I'll go for the fifth persuasion later, just want this set to get going first.))



"Target not destroyed. Initiating second attack."

Paul beat against the walls of his private dark room. "GET AWAY! EVERYONE GET THE HELL AWAY!"

[/ QUOTE ]

The battle in Paul's mind seemed to stop for Crystal as well. Then the same voice called out to Crystal.

My dear, child, said the voice in a loving tone, you never asked for any of this. But you are willing to accept the resposibilities that come with it none the less. You wish to save both the men you love from each of their horrible fates. It is because of this that you are so loved, and it is this that drew my attention to you. I can help you save them both. You must just swear your loyalty and the use of your powers to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal heard the voice - but she was in too much distress to fully listen to it. The sight of her lover fighting with her adopted brother was too horrifying. "NOOOOOOO!"

With one fluid motion, she was off the bear, down the hallway, interposing her body between Jack and Paul, her hands bearing no weapons, her arms flung wide, the bolt, already fired, heading directly for her chest. This is when the action all stopped, and the voice filled her mind...

((OOC too late tonight to post a full response, will post more in the morning if I can ))




A vision of a second blast being shot as Crystal moves herself into it's path,

[/ QUOTE ]

With one fluid motion, she was off the bear, down the hallway, interposing her body between Jack and Paul, her hands bearing no weapons, her arms flung wide, the bolt, already fired, heading directly for her chest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can I call it or what?))



The words left Paul's lips as barely a whisper, as his eyes... no longer under his control, turned and drained of all color but silver. They bored holes into Jack as the comm was taken over again by the electronic voice of a thousand plus one.

"We will not let the Master come to harm. Jack is a recognized threat."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack was still holding on to Paul's arm but stopped trying to pull him and just looked at him in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Targeting... Systems fire."

Paul yelled again and began a stream of curses. None of which escaped his lips. His arm raised with mechanical precision. His palms charged with plasma energy as a dull feral grin came over Paul's face.

"Goodbye threat." The mechanical voice stated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Before Jack could do anything the blast hit him. He lost his grip on Paul's arm and was sent hurtling back. He slammed into a wall and slumped down onto the floor. It didn't take him long to get up and into a crouching position like a cat about to pounce. He was pissed off.

"Target not destroyed. Initiating second attack."

[/ QUOTE ]

"You’re bloody losing it mate." Jack snarled.

Suddenly everything around him slowed down.

You are a very interesting subject, Jack. said a voice that seemed to come from all around the young man. You're actions say that you are a man with problems, yet you lash out at those who seek to help you. You have been subjected to much pain in you're life. Suddenly, the shadow of a man stepped into view.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack shook his head. "Great now I'm the one bloody losing it."

"Much of this pain is related to your unfulfilled desires. I can give you the power to get what you desire. All you need to do is sware alligiance to me and become my 'Envy.'"

[/ QUOTE ]

As he listened to the figures offer he started to realize he was not just having a delusion. Someone, somewhere was talking to him in his mind. For a moment he forgot about Paul's attack.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want?" He asked.

It was then in the slow-mo view around him that Jack suddenly saw Crystal stepping between him and Paul. He saw the shot.

"NNNOOOOOOO!" He roared as he jumped up and ran to push Crystal out of the way, hoping he got there in time. Everything seemed to stay in slow-mo until the last second when everything snapped back.

((OOC: Jack can still be tempted by the offer. He just could not stand by and watch Crystal get harmed. Syn could still talk to him while he is fighting Paul.))



Can I call it or what?

[/ QUOTE ]



"NNNOOOOOOO!" He roared as he jumped up and ran to push Crystal out of the way, hoping he got there in time. Everything seemed to stay in slow-mo until the last second when everything snapped back.

[/ QUOTE ]

The blast took Crystal square in the chest. Unlike in the vision that Syn had provided, it did not pierce her from one side to the other. Rather, she seemed luminous, lit from within, as if she had been a lantern, her form transluscent as she was picked up off her feet.

Her body collided with Jack's as gently and softly as if she had been a pillow in a pillow fight, as if it had neither malice nor momentum; and yet the both of them were knocked down the hallway and into the wall.

Crystal did not move or attempt to pick herself up. Her face perfect under its smudges, her lips slightly open, as if she was merely asleep. The illusion would have been complete if only her chest would have risen and fallen, instead of such utter stillness....

((OOC OK, I admit it: I sucuumbed to temptation there. MUA ha ha ha! I figure the offer will change to one of these on-the-brink-of-death sorts of things instead.))



"Crystal, Crystal. Oh s##t. She isn't breathing." Jack shouted after he had scrambled over to her. He started to shake her. Tears were starting to roll down his face and landing on her cheek. "Come on Crystal breath. Please dam it breath."

He knew his own healing powers were too under developed to do any good but he tried anyway. They were both suddenly surrounded by green light. Jack grabbed his head in pain as the light faded. Coursing other people pain gave Jack relief but there was a flip side to it. Trying to heal people coursed him great pain, it felt like part of his own life was being taken away.

It was no good she was still not moving. Jack was rocking back and forth with Crystal in his arms. "Don't die. Please don't die. I'll do anything."

He didn't know what to do. At that point he wanted to do nothing less then to kill Paul. Jack moved to get up but then sat back down again, he could not leave Crystal. He looked up at Paul. "WHAT THE F##K ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU INSANE?" He screamed, it was all to much for him to take in.



((OOC: I have a plan if none of them take this proposal, I'll send it to you through PMs.))

Crystal did not move or attempt to pick herself up. Her face perfect under its smudges, her lips slightly open, as if she was merely asleep. The illusion would have been complete if only her chest would have risen and fallen, instead of such utter stillness....

[/ QUOTE ]



You poor child. Now you teeter on the brink of oblivion. But, you don't have to. I can save you in addition to my other offer. Just say that you will become my servant, 'Avarice,' and I can make it all happen.



What I have shown you is comeing to pass. You 'true love' is lying on the ground, dieing. You must act quickly if you wish to save her. You know what needs to be done. Become my 'Pride' and be free of your creations and allow the girl to live as well.



The shadow stood over Crystal's body. "What a waste. And you don't have the power to save her either. But I can save her. Given time, I can also give you the power to save her. You only need to tell me one thing: that you will be my 'Envy.'"



The shadow stood over Crystal's body. "What a waste. And you don't have the power to save her either. But I can save her. Given time, I can also give you the power to save her. You only need to tell me one thing: that you will be my 'Envy.'"

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack was still crying while holding onto Crystal's body. "I..I don't understand......." He said.

He looked down at her face again and gently removed the hair away from his face. He couldn't let her die. He didn't truly understand the offer and what this man wanted but at this point he didn't care. He just didn't want Crystal to be alright. He did not care what he was getting himself into or what would happen to him. He would do anything for matter how miss guided.

He looked up. "I...I'll do it. Just....please....bring her back....please."



<Paul's "Black Room">

Jack was not the only one that all action seemed to stop for. Paul also seemed to feel the stoppage of time.

You can't stand this feeling, can you? Your lack of control, the desire to protect those you care for, but can't. I can save you from your controllers, but you will need to submit yourself to my will and trust in me for it to happen. If you do not, then your friend and your lover will both surely die.

A vision of a second blast being shot as Crystal moves herself into it's path, killing her instantly, and then a third shot being fired, this time leaving a gapping hole in Jack's chest.

Not a pretty sight, is it Paul? You don't have much time either. Submit yourself to me, become my 'Pride,' save your friends.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul looked about his little dark room within his mind. He was mad with rage at being out of control, he was desperate to save Crystal, and distraught at not being able to stop himself from shooting Jack.

Worst of all, deep in his heart, he LIKED blasting Jack. He did not want to admit to that, and he sure as hell did not want to listen to ANOTHER voice invade his head.

“PRIDE?!? You want be to become PRIDE?!? I’ve got none LEFT you numb-nuts! I’m locked in a prison in my own body while things I created are making me kill and trying to tear me APART! Where the hell does pride enter into it?!?”

Paul stood and punched at the dark walls. He did his best to block the vision.

“I HAVE NO PRIDE!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. “All I have… all I have is Crystal…”

What I have shown you is coming to pass. You 'true love' is lying on the ground, dieing. You must act quickly if you wish to save her. You know what needs to be done. Become my 'Pride' and be free of your creations and allow the girl to live as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul growled and stalked the darkness like a great cat. He was a prisoner… he had just shot Crystal. Jack was about to attack his body. Many As One was calling the shots, and this voice was offering him a way out.

“[Censored] YOU!” He roared. Paul Quinn was NEVER one to sell out so easily. Crey industries offered him a fortune to come work for them, but it meant selling his soul and creativity. Universities offered the same. His parents all but sold him off to the highest bidder when his intellect became apparent. For the longest time Paul didn’t need anyone until he met Crystal, and then every little bit of immaturity and goofiness was to please her.

He would be damned if he gave in now. For one reason and one reason alone… Crystal would never forgive him, even if she died.

“I AM NO-ONES TOY!” Paul began to punch at the walls again. he could feel his mental fists begin to bleed. “NOT YOU, NOT MANY AS ONE, NOT JACK, NOT ANYONE BUT ME!”

The walls began to waiver, but he kept on pounding. “IF I DIE, IT’LL BE ON MY TERMS YOU ASSNINJA! I’M PAUL QUINN! I’M WILD-CARD!”

The mental walls began to crumble as he kept pounding. He shut his eyes and let the tears flow. He wept for his lost life, his friends, his family, and for Crystal.

“I’m Wild-Card… and I won’t give up or give in.”

<the consciousness of Many As One>
You seek your own safety, little ones, I can help you with that. The nanites could not tell the source of the voice that was speaking into their collective thought patterns, and seemed to have trouble blocking out the voice as well. You need not fear me, I mean no harm to you. I know how little your current host thinks of your efforts to protect him. I can find you a host far more receptive to your efforts in safety. In fact, I can find many more hosts for you to protect and with my aid you can become more effective in your endeavors. All you need to do is call me your Master and become my 'Sloth.'

[/ QUOTE ]

The voice was unexpected. Many As One scanned and re scanned the thought waves. It processed, and thought, and calculated.

The conclusion it came to was unexpected.

“You are the second Master. We could feel your thought waves when we first evolved. You are behind the source of our sentience. If you are the second creator, we also serve you. It is implicit that the created serve the masters by any means necessary.”

Many As One seemed totally unperturbed from shooting Crystal. The foolish girl had run in front of the shot. She was a secondary threat to the primary master anyway. She wounded him emotionally. Something that could be rectified later by selective memory erasure. Both Crystal and Jack were slotted for termination now.

“We can not abandon the Primary Master, but we would be receptive to having a body of our own. The primary master will become compliant with our desires for protecting him, and in this way we can also serve you, the secondary master. However, we need to secure this situation first.”

Paul’s body suddenly stood. It looked like some kind of gross marionette being pulled by strings. The feral grin had not left and the silver sheen glossing over his eyes seemed to intensify.


He didn't know what to do. At that point he wanted to do nothing less then to kill Paul. Jack moved to get up but then sat back down again, he could not leave Crystal. He looked up at Paul. "WHAT THE F##K ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU INSANE?" He screamed, it was all to much for him to take in.

[/ QUOTE ]

The voices spoke over the comm. to Jack, unaware of his new allegiance…

“Paul is no longer here Jack. I am Many As One, and you are a threat. Several times you expressed a desire to kill the Master. We cannot allow this. The best way to protect him is to kill you first. We do not trust you Jack. We have records from many memories showing you lying, stealing, and hurting Paul. We intend to rectify the situation.”

Every word brought Paul’s body shakily closer to Jack and Crystal. The dull smile and lifeless eyes glowered at them both.

Crystal did not move or attempt to pick herself up. Her face perfect under its smudges, her lips slightly open, as if she was merely asleep. The illusion would have been complete if only her chest would have risen and fallen, instead of such utter stillness....

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul could feel the darkness suddenly shatter, and he could suddenly see out of his own eyes again. He saw Crystal and Jack and knew what Many As One was going to do. Paul did not know how but somehow he forced his mouth to move.

“JACK! MINDWIPE ME!” Paul’s voice rang out. A metallic voice shouted back over the comm.

“NO! He is a threat! Stop resisting us master!”


Paul knew it was a last ditch effort… he was sacrificing himself totally now, but for some reason he didn’t care. If Crystal was dead then he was going to go with, and take his Frankenstein monster with him. A total mindwipe by Jack would kill all the neurons in his brain… and wipe Many As One out totally. A total erasure of them both.

It was the only way.




The figure smiled at Jack upon hearing his agreement to the offer. A voice in Jacks comm unit brought the world around him back into focus.

“Paul is no longer here Jack. I am Many As One, and you are a threat. Several times you expressed a desire to kill the Master. We cannot allow this. The best way to protect him is to kill you first. We do not trust you Jack. We have records from many memories showing you lying, stealing, and hurting Paul. We intend to rectify the situation.”

[/ QUOTE ]

"What the hell?" Jack was confused.

“JACK! MINDWIPE ME!” Paul’s voice rang out. A metallic voice shouted back over the comm.

“NO! He is a threat! Stop resisting us master!”



[/ QUOTE ]

Jack didn't know what mind games Paul was trying to play and he did not care.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT, YOU [Censored]!" He shouted as he stood up from Crystal's body. His body was filled with rage but he did not attack yet, he didn't plan to make Paul’s suffering that easy. Jack was going to save a slow and pain full death for him but first he wanted answers.

"HOW COULD YOU HARM CRYSTAL?! I LOVE HER?! YOU DIDN'T DESERVE HER! WHY DID SHE CHOOSE YOU?! YOU DIDN'T DESERVE HER!" Jack screamed as he felt power building up in his body. His abilities were feeding on his rage and he was on the verge of losing control of it.




[/ QUOTE ]

Paul tried to shout again. he could feel Many As One trying to cut him off but he focused all his energy. He knew Jack... and he knew he had to push him over the edge.


"You will not win this master." The metallic voice rang out over the comm. "Not if I kill Jack first."

Paul's arms began to raise slowly, as if he were fighting his own muscles.

Paul began to panic. He could feel the energy buildup in his arms. This was going to be a point blank shot at full power...


Paul's words hung in the air like a man pleading to be taken off life support... if Jack didn't move soon, they all would be dead.




[/ QUOTE ]

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Jack held his eyes shut tight and banged the sides of his head with his fists as he spoke as if trying to get Paul’s words out of his head.

The rage in Jack was building more and more. The pain in his head was becoming unbearable. It felt like his veins were about to burst. There was a feeling of static in the air, of power building up.


[/ QUOTE ]

Jack didn't register Paul’s last words. They both let their attacks fly at the same time. Jack let out a roar of rage as his pain and anger took on substance.


There was the usual loud snapping sound and flash of light but this time the sound was deafening, the walls shook with it. The brilliant flash of light gave off heat. Jack saw spots before his eyes. The attack took on a physical form as a shock wave exploded from Jack. The attack struck Paul’s mind but Jack did not let it stop there, he took hold. Gritting his teeth in pain and concentration Jack kept his attack full focused on Paul, tightening his metal grip as much as he could.


but something was fighting back...........something more then just Paul.




There was the usual loud snapping sound and flash of light but this time the sound was deafening, the walls shook with it. The brilliant flash of light gave off heat. Jack saw spots before his eyes. The attack took on a physical form as a shock wave exploded from Jack. The attack struck Paul’s mind but Jack did not let it stop there, he took hold. Gritting his teeth in pain and concentration Jack kept his attack full focused on Paul, tightening his metal grip as much as he could.


but something was fighting back...........something more then just Paul.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul screamed in pain. Every neuron, every synapse, every little nerve in his brain seemed to explode in a fury of hatred.

"Protect the Master!" That was the last message from Many As One. They let the shot they were charging fire into the floor, blowing a massive hole into the sublevels of the sewer. That however did not stop Jack's assault.

Many As One flooded Paul's brain. Almost every nanite in his body rushed to the cortex and tried to raise a feble mental sheild against the assault. They screamed in unison. A metallic voice echoed in the comm and in the head of every psychic for almost a mile radius.

And one by one they died. They fought back but they burned themselves out against the waves of hatred from Jack.

Slowly... the voices began to become quieter. The screaming faded from a multitude of voices to a chorus, to a small set, to one.

"Why Master?"

"Because no one controls me but me. You were too dangerous."

The last voice faded with a whimper. Paul reeled forward as blood began to stream from his nose and ears. He wept red tears and did not register his body beginning to slide into the crater he had made.

"I... I'm sorry Jack. Did... Did not want... I liked you... When you... no drugs... Tell Crystal... Sorry... Care for her... Sorry..."

Paul's head lolled like a ragdoll as he finally fell silent.


And then he was gone.

((OOC: O.K. Paul is not dead, only MOSTLY dead. There IS a difference as anyone can tell you. However he's damn well near being a vegetable and is out of this part of the story (unless someone can work a miracle). This was done mainly so the other characters can take center stage. Let the Dance Macabre begin!))



Crystal started breathing again, though her breath was quite shallow and she was still not aware of the world around her.

"My end of our deal has been completed, Envy. Now, as per our arrangement, your will is mine. Kill Connor Macbeth."

Jack slowly felt as if he was loosing himself. All he could feel in himself was how much better everyone else's life was than his own and the feeling that his new master would help him to even the score. He walked briskly down the hall after Master Wonderful, seathing with only hatered for a man who he believed had lead such a charmed life.

A few seconds after he left there was a bight flash of light that filled the tunnel. Syn suddenly appeared before the two comatose bodies. "The two of you still hold much potential for me to let you go to waste. However, you, 'Wild Card,' have little use to me as anything more than a bargining chip. I cannot deal with you three now, so I shall save you till later." With a wave of his hands they were gone from the scene. Teleported to stasis holding cells in a hidden lab somewhere.


<MacBeth Technologies, Ltd.>

Emily Brown was boarding on full blown panic. She'd lost contact four communication units. Crystal and Paul seemed to no longer be on the map, Jack had apparently dropped his in the sewer muck, shorting out the circuits, and Erik wasn't responding. "MW... We seem to have a situtation..." She didn't get a chance to say more as the remote unit she was controling was suddenly shattered by some unknown assailant. She took off the V.R. helmet and looked at Martin. "He's on his own now."

Martin leaned against the wall, "May God help him, because we can't."


<Back in the Sewers>

Syn opened his hand, looking a the small broken device. "We can't risk our little 'hero' knowing about his surpise, now, can we?" Syn chuckled mincingly to himself, which quickly became a maniacle laugh that echoed through much of the sewers. However, their sound never reached the ears of a certian pink clad hero.



Martin leaned against the wall, "May God help him, because we can't."

[/ QUOTE ]

Emily stared at him. "The hell we can't," she responded, put her gear down, and strode out of the room without another word.



They screamed in unison. A metallic voice echoed in the comm and in the head of every psychic for almost a mile radius.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack felt drained of energy. In a second of pure hatred he had attacked Paul with everything he had. His head was now totaly clear after the attack. He had heard the metallic scream from with in Paul and suddenly realized something was very wrong but it was too late. Jack stood breathing heavily as his heart beat in his chest. Every muscle in his body was still tense.

Paul wept red tears and did not register his body beginning to slide into the crater he had made.

"I... I'm sorry Jack. Did... Did not want... I liked you... When you... no drugs... Tell Crystal... Sorry... Care for her... Sorry..."

Paul's head lolled like a ragdoll as he finally fell silent.


[/ QUOTE ]

Jack watched Paul fall to the ground and the realization of what he had done hit him. He had been so blinded by rage and hate.

"Paul?........what have I done?" Jack said to himself suddenly feeling so alone, his voice was shaky and weak.

Suddenly he heard Crystal take in a sharp breath. Jack spun around at the sound to look at her. He went to take a step towards her.

"My end of our deal has been completed, Envy. Now, as per our arrangement, your will is mine. Kill Connor Macbeth."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack held out a hand to Crystal's body. "Crystal....I'm so sorry."

Suddenly Jack fell to his knees in pain. He tried to bring his hands up to hold his head but they were forced out to his sides. He didn't try to fight it. He let it happen. He had nothing left to live for. Jack thought Paul was dead and he couldn't believe that Crystal would ever forgive him. He had harmed everyone who had tried to help him. He didn't want to feel anything anymore, the sorrow was more than he could bear.

Jack slowly felt as if he was loosing himself. All he could feel in himself was how much better everyone else's life was than his own and the feeling that his new master would help him to even the score.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack let out one final scream as he felt the last part of his mind slip away and then it didn't matter anymore. got to his feet. Everything seemed so much clearer now.

He looked down at Crystal and cocked his head to one side in curiosity. It was strange. A few seconds ago he had had such feeling for her. Now those feeling seemed like a fading dreaming. He felt nothing for her......almost nothing. Why should she have had a happy childhood while his own had been filled with misery and suffering. She didn't know what it was like to be a true mutant and she did not deserve the power. He no longer cared what happened to her. He hated her for the happy life (he believed) she had.

Stepping over her body he started to walk down the tunnle. There was a flash of light and he was gone.


Harris was trying his best to keep up with Master Wonderful and SmallArms but he was out of shape. The amour was light weight but it was not making running any easier either. He had lost sight of the others but he could hear them up the tunnel. Stopping to rest for a few seconds Harris leaned over and put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. There was a flash of light from behind him which made him look around. He saw Jack strolling up the tunnel with his hands behind his back.

"Where...are...the......others?" Harris panted hoping Jack would not have another one of his lash outs.

Oddly, Jack smiled "They are coming. There was just a few more Vahz to clear up. Nothing to worry about."

Jack wanted nothing more then to smash the mutant hating report's head in to the side of the tunnel and watch his skull crack open but he had other things he wanted to do least he believed he wanted to do them.

Master Wonderful had dared to preach to him about Jack being responsible for his own messed up life when Master Wonderful himself had lived such a charmed life. Jack show him the meaning of suffering. He would watch him die.....slowly......and enjoy it.



(OOC: Guys, I hate to do this, but I need to pull out of this, at least right now. Work's a nightmare timesink right now, and I'm barely keeping up with that. I hope to come back sometime in early or mid-October. Keep Small Arms around for comic relief if need be, just don't kill him off

Thanks for the fun, and I'll be back as soon as I can.)



Magni had been chasing off the last of the bad smelly men. They tasted so rotten as well. Not at all like the fresh meats Papa gave him. Magni liked berries more, and fish, and he really liked honey his little sister gave him, but the meats were special treats.

But not these. They were nasty and he spat them out after a few chews.

When auntie Crystal had lept off his back Magi waited and then felt something ***** his side. It was a stinger from one of the non-rotten but still-smelly men. He had chased this one and it was fun! The bad man made funny squeaking noises when swatted.

When Magni came back for auntie, she was gone, and so was the boy who gave him marshmellows once. The angry boy was gone too. Magni wanted to give him a hug. Hugging papa when he was mad made it better so Magni thought hugging the angry boy extra hard would make him feel better too.

Magni sat down. He was all alone in the tunnel! He sniffed and sighed. Auntie's scent was gone. That was strange, but this place smelled so very bad.

He was sad. No body was here to play with, no more bad men to chase, and no papa. PAPA! That was it! Magni shuffled up to his feet and began lumbering down the tunnel. Papa went this way with his brother Modi. They ALWAYS could make Magni feel better, and he would not be alone!

Magni picked up speed slowly and could smell others. The little man in the big armor was down here. So was the even smaller man with the big guns. The tall pink man was here too. Magni liked to look at him. He was so bright and reminded him of his fluffy bunny toy. The angry boy was here too but he looked less mad.

Magni moved up and nudged the pink man with his nose hoping for a pat. He could hear the huffing from the little man in the big armor and felt sad for him. Magni moved over to him and nudged him gently. He sniffed the man and sat, offering the man a ride.

He could hear a low rumble comming from the end of the tunnel. It was loud and Magni snorted. He knew the sound all to well because he slept next to it every night. It was Modi snorning. Grunting, Magni nudged the little man in big armor again. he wanted to help, but he wanted to get down there to swat his brother for falling asleep...

((OOC: Angry Boy = Jack, Little man in big armor = Harris, Pink Man = Take a wild guess, Little man with big guns = Small Arms, Smelly-Bad men = Vahz. I figured most of you would figure this out, but it never hurts to be safe.))



Jack knew making his move with the large creature around would be a foolish move. He did not doubt that the bear could easily snap his back in two. Instead.....Jack would have to wait till the time was right. No matter. The pink hero had no suspicions of Jacks plans....he could wait.......a little while at least.

The sight of the bare coming towards him made Harris jump but the bear only sat down and sniffed at him.

"What? What?" Harris said holding his hands up. "I don't have any food..........alright....I have a Chocolate big dump animal"

The bears ears pricked up as it turned its head to look down the tunnel. Then it looked back at Harris.

'You want a scratch behind the ear? I don't get it. What do you want?" Harris said.

The bear nudged its head towards its back indicating from Harris to get on.

"You must be joking." Harris said in surprises. He thought about it for a moment then carefully climbed on to the creatures back taking a hold of a clump of fur. He looked worried.

"Why the hell am I doing this." He asked of himself.



The pink hero had no suspicions of Jacks plans....he could wait.......a little while at least.

[/ QUOTE ]

While Connor wasn't exactly suspicious of Jack, he knew something was not right. He thought it strange that he was not with Crystal, especially if she were around Paul. He also noticed that Emily had been cut off as she was transmiting about Crystal and Paul apparent disappearance. He had to make a choice right now, and he knew that if a trap was being set, it would have to be sprung on his terms. "We've lost contact with Erik, Crystal and Paul. Small Arms, I think you Harris and the bear should go check on the status of Erik's rescue... Jack, you and I are going to find out what happened to Crystal and Paul, besides I think you and I need to have a talk about parents." Master Wonderful pulled out a syringe of smoky pink fluid and discretely injected himself with it.

((OOC: And so the game begins.))