Televison Interview (Open interview RP)





Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

My pleasure, but can we get this over with?

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

Well, it all started when I was drunk.. No, seriously. I was drunk, with some friends and on decided we should get tattoos.

I got this crazy old tattoo artist, and becuse I was drunk and found it funny I got this regal cat.. *she points to the dark black cat shape in the fur on her chest* Over the next few months I kinda changed in to this cat-girl thing.. Why I became a hero?

Well, a cat girl can have 2 jobs, super hero, or stipper.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Hmm, that's a tough one.. I think it's being able to sleep wherever I damn well please.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Well that whole always getting shot at thing.. What do you think?

Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

*smirks* you really wanna know?

"Damnit, how am I getting all this blood out of my fur? .. someone is going to have to pay for the repairs to this suit. ... do I smell cat nip?"

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

It's only natural, power corrupts.

Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

I dunno.. I'd guess probably things like "I want a monkey... Man, I shoulda hit the can before leaving the hideout.." etc.

Harris: How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

They're quite right actually, heroes do cause alot of problems. But, my opinion is. those groups would be singing a whole nother song if we heroes even stopped worrying about the minor gangs like the Hellions and Skulls. We keep their numbers down enough they don't have a gang war.

Harris: and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

Never have, probably never will. He's old though, none too shabby looking for his age, but way too old for me, even with all the power he's got.

Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Yeah.. now if you'll excuse me, I'mma go take a nap.



The search for Steven Harris had become a city wide media event. With their star reporter gone the TV station had to find some way of filling the space left by his live show. When they had finally found him he was not even given a chance to get changed or have a shower. David Harper, the executive producer had him brought straight to the studio. David never took no for an answer. Now, he was leading Harris down a corridor towards a waiting studio.

“David, I really just want to spend some time with my wife.” Harris tried to object, he was still feel tired from the events of the last few days. David had practically forcefully separated Steven Harris and his wife (who was taken to the green room). Off course the whole time he was trying to act like their friend, as f he was doing what was best for them.

“And you will. It’s great that Abi is awake again.” David replied.

“Amy.” Harris corrected him.

“Right, Amy. All we need you to do is one quick report. People have been worried. Everyone has been searching for you. You owe it to the city to tell them you are alright.” Of course David was really thinking of ratings rather then Harris’s well fair.

“Can I at least get a shower and a change of clothes?” Harris asked.

“Are you kidding? This will be great. You have the reporter back from the front lines look. Once this is over I’ll give you all the time off to spend with Abi that you want. I promise” David lied as he pushed Harris into the studio. “Everyone will be happy to see you again.”


The studio lights came on. The floor manager started to count down, the last three numbers counted in silence. The red light on the camera came on and Harris was live. The auto cue started to move but Harris simply looked into the camera. The floor manager started frantically pointing at the auto cue, trying to get his attention. Harris blinked, cleared his throat and started to read. It was then he realized he had not even been given a chance to read what was going to be on the auto cue before hand.

“Good evening. I’m Steven Harris coming to you live with a special report. For the last several hours as you may know I have been missing. Now I can finally tell you the story of my ordeal and the heroes who put my life in danger……….. I have been….”

The auto cue continued rolling but Harris stopped reading. The floor manager started frantically pointing at the auto cue again.

“I’m sorry. I can’t do this. This is a lie.” He looked at his desk, unable to look into the camera. “If anyone put my life in danger it was myself with my greed for a story and my ability to twist the truth.”


“What is he doing?” David shouted in the broadcast room. “Shut off the broadcast. Shut it off now.”

Sam, the broadcast room controller swiveled in his chair to face David and crossed his arms. “No!”

“What?” David shouted at him.

“As a mutant I’ve put up with a lot of [censored] from this job. I’m not shutting of this broadcast.” Sam had no outwards mutant appearance and he had never told anyone.

“What?..... You’re fired.” David shouted turning red.

“Fine by me but this broadcast is still going out.” Sam did not budge.


“Quick come here. Harris is back on TV.” The shout went out in the Paragon University student lounge.

Sam was almost pushed off the couch as other members of Dr Sanstad class jumped onto it to get a view of the TV.

“Did they say anything about Doc Sanstad?” Another student frantically asked.

Sam was quick to ‘shsss’ her with out taking his eyes of the screen. He sat on the floor (where he had been pushed to by the other excited students) still holding the TV remote control tightly.

The grim face of Harris continued to come from the TV. “I owe an apology and my life to Dr Sanstad and his wife, Girl Geniuse, Master Wonderful, Small Arms, Paul, Crystal Brown, Jack Stryker and Sarah Jenkins. If it was not for them I would not be talking to you now.”

At the mention of Dr Sanstad’s name a loud cheer went up through out the room followed by another cheer at the mention of Paul and Crystal. There was a slightly quieter cheer at the mention of Jack.


Dr Tony Grey sat in the hospital coffee lunge. Everyone had been franticly trying to find Amy Harris since she was taken from the hospital a few days ago. He was dreading it when Steven Harris found out. As Amy’s doctor Tony was sure it would be up to him to explain how it had happened. Harris would most likely sue the hospital. Tony had guiltily half hoped Steven Harris would not be found but here he was now back on TV.

Tony watched as Harris addressed the camera. “I not only have to thank them for saving my life but also that of my wife who is now out of the coma she has been in for the last several years.”

Tony spat his coffee out in shock. Harris continued talking from the coffee covered screen. “Amy, I love you so much.”


“I hope I am still the man you fell in love with.”

Tiers of happiness rolled down Amy’s face as she watched her husband on the Green Room TV.

“You are again now.” She said to his image on the TV.


“Over the last few days we discovered an underground war between The Lost and The Vahzilok and the terrifying lengths they were willing to go to in order to defeat one another.”

Jack watched the TV report from Crystal’s bed side. She had still not woken up and Jack refused to leave her side.

“Their plan was to each create a new kind of soldier using the same genetic altering drug. The implications of this for the rest of the city would have been devastating if it was not for the actions of the brave heroes I was with who despite the dangers put a stop to these plans. Both facilities and all traces of the drug have luckily been destroyed.”

Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out two vials of the green glowing drug he had been able to steal during a fight with a reaper. He thought about the offers from Crystal and Dr Sanstad to help him give up drugs. He did not know if that was what he wanted yet. He did not know anything. He just wanted Crystal to wake up. He put the two vials back in his pocket.


Martin and Em sat in the board room at McBeath technologies watching the broadcast.

“For me the experience has made me re-evaluate my life and my actions over the past few years. I am deeply sorry for the way I have portrayed the heroes of this city. I also owe an apology to Dr Sanstad as his wife for putting his family in danger. My reports over the last few years have been biased and twisted truths. The executive producers of this show would rather I did not tell you this and my career after this broadcast is most likely over. I know I do not deserve forgiveness. All I can do is apologies. Now, if you will excuse me I wish to spend sometime with my wife.” With that Harris stood up so only his chest could be seen on the screen. His fingers fumbled to remove his microphone from his tie and then he moved out of the frame. A few seconds later the screen became static.


A few days later a package arrived for Penny. It came with a note.

I know your armor and camera were damaged. I hope this can help you with your web site.

Signed Steven Harris

In the package was the portable hard drive video recorder Harris had used to secretly record the whole adventure.



(( For r4z0rZb14De, ex-Freakshow Katana/Regen Scrapper [also works as a computer hacker part-time.]))

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

r4z0rZb14De: My pleasure, man.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

r4z0rZb14De: It's not really family-friendly. I was a member of the Freakshow. Then, they tried to kill me. Now, I'm going to kill them all. Legally.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

r4z0rZb14De: Killi- er, arresting criminals, making the city safe, all that jazz.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

r4z0rZb14De: Yeah. You can't go and break stuff just for the fun of it.

What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

r4z0rZb14De: Not really. They get outta the way or they don't. I'm gonna arrest that guy, and if you go down with 'em, it's not my fault.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

r4z0rZb14De: I was one of 'em. It's all good until someone needs a mechanical heart.

What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

r4z0rZb14De: "Hey, man, free money!" Or, in the case of the Freaks, absolutely nothing.

How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

r4z0rZb14De: Sure, they got a point, I guess. Of course, they'll learn to shut the hell up, since the laws on my side.

and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

r4z0rZb14De: No, but he sounds like a real jerk to me. Always ruinin' everyone fun.

I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Yeah, no problem. It's what I do.



((Imma do this with Herr Automaton))

Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Ja, I luff to appear on der programs!

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

Der 5th Column turned me, vun uff their loyal soldiers, into a cyborg. So I freakink left. Now I beat people up, because I can, ja?

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

I get to beat up der vorthless Council. That, and upgrades to my armor.

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Everyvun cries so freakink much vhen you kill a stupid criminal! I mean, he is tryink to kill you, so vhy don't I do it to him?!

What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

I am thinkink...I vill destroy all uff der stupid villians...ja.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

I fight them all uff der time...they are girly men. Freakink girly men.

What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

They are thinkink "I vant to be beaten up!!"

How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

They are freakink girly men. I vill crush them!

and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

I haff never vorked vith him and do not vant to. He vould not like me.

I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Thank you, ja.




Uh... what happened to the thread number? Wasn't this, like, about 70 pages long when I last got on? That, or this is the wrong thread... your choice.



I guess a few 100 pages got deleted as part of maintenance..... ahhh this thread brings back memories.



**shrieks in horror**


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I thought so... it seems to have kept the end, not the beginning... makes sense I guess... Any who-sitz, What now? This thing has been bumped to the top, (No need to thank me! Aah! *Dodges tomato and runs from angry mob of people who hate others with too much pride*) and the story is pretty much over... what is going to happen to this thread? Just gonna die down?



OMG d00d! j00 have raised it from the dead and now were all going to diiiiiieeeee! Or not.



Wow. This is turning into a RP reunion. *sniff* I told myself I would not cry.... I told myself I would not cry *cries*

Are any of the others hiding around here?

I have an idea for something along the same lines of how this thread started which I might but together and post soon.



So, I wonder how long this will stay alive with all the runion (I know I botched that spelling...) stuff going on in the thread now. ^_^



OK, Citizen changed his Avatar... again, but now I have a surprise... I KNOW HOW TO DO AVATARS! OMGLOLZ!!!

...And a signature with AWSOMNESS written all over it... spelt correctly...



I doubt anyone knows where I got my sig from... Patchwork Heroes:GOOD.



OK, we have... Me, obviously (Dodges more tomatoes), Steele_Magnolia, Citizen_Tsu.... or something along those lines, and Master_Wonderful... Come on people, we need MORE reunioninging... reunioniaing... ren- Oh, to hell with it. We need more people to come have a Reunion.



Shameless bump until Citizen_Tsu gets his story together on here!