Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




A dull groan could be heard from a near by cell. "Ow, my head. Where am I? Hello? I any one there?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny looked back out the door - the cell was across the tunnel. She went to the door and put her hand on the knob: it was locked. Her hand dropped to hover over the lock momentarily, and though it was impossible to see what she did, a moment later there was a merry CLICK and when she tried the handle again, the door swung open. She peered into the darkness. "Hello? Are you all right?"



The somewhat weak looking bald man looked up at Penny, "Yes, I think I'm alright, except for this nasty headache. I'm, uh, Adam, Adam Sullivan. Any idea where we are? It smells like a sewer down here."



***Miles Away***


Viktor looked up from his notes as his cup of coffee sent swirls of steam into the air.


"We've lost the feed from lab zero sir. The lab where..."

"The lab where Doctor Sansad's wife as well as Mrs. Harris is being held correct? What happened?"

"We... We don't know. Eidolon number 4 just... just stopped transmitting. We're not even reading any power coming from him."

Viktor sighed and pushed back from his desk.

"This is not good... Not good at all. If we loose our hostages now, then we will never be able to overcome this new variant of the Lost. I will NOT surrender this series of tunnels to them." Viktor stood, his eyes filled with fury. Pointing at the cowering form of the Reaper, he snarled.

"Get down there. Find out what is going on, and fix the situation. We have too many setbacks as is, and I do NOT want the Lost knocking on our doors."

The man ran from the room at top speed as Viktor sat back down. He rifled through the notes littering his desktop again and pulled the files on Doctor Erik Sanstad.

"You are the key my good doctor. Whether you know it or not. You will be the key to eliminating the Anomalous." He sighed and stood, walking to a set of windows that overlooked the hordes of doctors and Eidolons that worked tirelessly for him.

They had come so close... so very close to understanding it all. The secrets of life that had eluded man for centuries. He could give a pale mockery of it to the shambling corpses he made, and even perfect it in some samples like the new strain of Eidolons. Strains he made to fight the Lost... but now... Now his entire operation was threatened. He was close to unlocking the secrets of God when heathens who had sold themselves to the enemies of humanity were clambering for HIS tunnels and HIS resources.

It was more than he could bear. Viktor would be damned if he lost it now.

And if his plans would have worked he would not be in this situation.

The Drug… The damned new drug produced by the Lost to make those monstrosities. Those beasts that were damn well near unstoppable. It was the drug’s fault, but Viktor had found out its dirty little secret.

It was chance encounter with one of the Anomalous. The thing had killed and dismembered some of his best Eidolons before he was able to put it down. Even then, he could still feel the headache from the mental blasts of the thing. He harvested the corpse and worked on it himself. What he found was astounding. The drug that made this monster was also another step in his path to defeat death. The molecular structure of the enzyme allowed neat conjugation with his chemicals and created a potent cocktail that could be used to make immediate zombies.

As soon as anyone fell in battle, when this new mixture was applied via injection the corpses would re-animate and become a mindless killing machine for a few moments before the mixture finally ate away the body’s neurons. It was those few moments that had turned the tides of battle in some regions… but it was not enough. The Lost still advanced and made more of the Anomalous…

It was when he was working on the original corpse with one of his luminous Eidolons that Viktor found the answer. The radiation increased the efficiency of the cocktails for resurrection, but the exposure of the Anomalous’s cells to it caused them to enter apoptosis… or die by programmed cell death but at a highly accelerated rate! He had the luminous increase the amount of radiation with which to hit the body, but it was never enough. Only local damage and Viktor could attest that these beasts would heal such trifling wounds almost instantly.

He did not give up, but merely needed to find a more powerful source. He found it through a contact at Firmi labs. It seems the good Doctor Sanstad had been going there ever since his mutation manifested to monitor the extent of radiation he emitted. Viktor found out things the public and university never knew about Doctor Sanstad. How his mutation in reality was causing his body to emit small lethal doses of radiation all within his internal organs. How Doctor Sanstad was literally constantly burning up or having cancers ravage him inside, all while his mutation fought to heal himself and repair the damage… by using the radition to alter the genes further, which caused more damage to other areas. A true vicious cycle that never seemed to end. However, many of these reactions were triggered by the levels of adrenaline in Erik’s system. If he was wounded, worried, stressed, or caused anguish in any way, the levels would increase at almost an exponential rate.

The researchers did some mild experiments and found the levels of radiation Erik could emit were staggering. They postulated that if he was wounded extremely, or pushed beyond his anger and stress limit… Well the resulting reactions would be akin to a thermonuclear meltdown killing the Doctor, and everyone in roughly a five mile radius.

Power enough to wipe out the entire stockpiles of the new drug, and the monsters of the Lost, if only Viktor could harness it.

The attempted kidnapping of Doctor Sanstad failed horribly. He had hoped his Edilon he sent would be a better salesman, or at least cause the extreme wounds necessary to trigger the reaction. But Harris… Ah the reporter had made a new wrinkle in the plan. By giving Viktor the information he needed about Erik’s family he had the mental anguish he could cause. What could be better than forcing Erik to watch his lovely wife be tortured with nothing he could do about it. If THAT didn’t trigger the reaction, well he had contingencies for that.

Capturing Amy Harris was simply icing on the cake. It would lure the heroic Doctor Sanstad down and keep him there. It would lure Stephen Harris down, and he would be taken to Viktor… taken and given the interview of a lifetime. His last interview to be sure, but what better way to get his word out, the words of Viktor Vahzliok and his fight against death and the enemies of humanity than to tell them to Harris on his show?

Everyone on Earth would tune in to see it…

And witness his greatest triumph, destroying the Lost at the minimal cost of a few lives. All on live television.

Viktor slammed his hand down on his desk and walked over to his “other” body.

“But… But it all goes to hell if Mrs. Sanstad and Mrs. Harris escape…”

His eyes were filled with fury. Everything could crumble now…

He waked to his desk and pressed a button on the intercom.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. Gather your equipment and weapons. I want my brightest and best by my side. We are going to Lab Zero to ensure the survival of humanity and the works of the VHAZLIOK!!!”

Thunderous applause erupted from the working chambers. Viktor turned and caressed the muscles on his “Other” body… his stronger one… and smiled.

The Vahzliok will not fall… even if he had to kill every person in King’s Row to do this.



"Yes, I think I'm alright, except for this nasty headache. I'm, uh, Adam, Adam Sullivan. Any idea where we are? It smells like a sewer down here."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Offhand, I would say that is a remarkably astute analysis," something about Adam Sullivan bothered Penny, but there was no time to worry about it now. She gestured at their surroundings.

Their little band looked rather bedraggled. Sarah and Enid, looking rather worse for wear, had each slung one of Amy's arms over their shoulders. Amy shook her head. "I will only slow you down," she said, "You should leave me behind."

"No one gets left behind," said Penny and Enid simultaneously. "What worries me is that I don't think we have much time before reinforcements arrive. " She looked torn - on the one hand, they needed to get Amy, Sarah, Enid, and Adam out of here... and on the other, that would mean leaving Vahzilok with nuclear material, a bad situation.

"So we go on the offensive," Enid said immediately. Penny looked at her in surprise. "We don't leave Vahzilok with nuclear material."

Girl Genius looked over her shoulder. "I would agree with that."

"My husband could dismantle that reactor in his sleep," she pursed her lips. "Unfortunately, I don't yet have a Ph.D. in nuclear physics."

"I could take it apart," Penny said, quite certainly. "I have been doing a lot of radiation study lately. But - I couldn't leave you - "

"We will come with you. We go together."

Penny shook her head. "It would mean going into irradiated chambers, I'm..." Her voice trailed away. She was shielded now but... how had it happened? And the others were not shielded.

Enid Sanstad shook her head. "There were protective suits, I saw them on my way in." She thinned her lips. "When Vahzilok took my jacket and some blood... I just wish I knew why." She was silent for a minute, then focused again. "There were lots of them - enough for a large group of people."

Penny looked around at the others. "Does anyone have any objections to trying to get the nuclear material away from the Vahz, instead of trying to find our way to the surface?"

"Let's do it," said Sarah.

"I'm ready."

Adam didn't voice any objections, so Penny nodded. "You remember where these suits were, Enid?"

"You bet - follow me."


"Down there," Enid gingerly indicated over the railing. Girl Genius, invisible, took a look.

They could see the radiation chamber at the far end of the hallway, and in a nearby room hung dozens of protective suits.

"OK," Girl Genius said, "Here is the plan. It's lightly guarded right now, I count one mortificator, one reaper, four abominations, and two bombs."

"Can you take all of that?" Amy was looking alarmed.

Penny didn't reply immediately. She was looking at the data streams filtering across the faceplate of her helmet. Though the helmet still had its gigantic dent, and the radio was still out, everything else had been repaired.... and things seemed to have been added.

On a hunch, she brought up her virtual keyboard and typed, Can I take all of that?

Omega Unit online, came the response, not as sound in her ears, but as text across the faceplate, in its own window. Objective: defeat all enemies, retrieve protective gear, enter radiation chambers. Probability of success: 95%.

Who is this?

I am Omega Unit. I was given to Authorized User: Girl Genius by Omega Prime.

Did you fix my armor?

Affirmative. External systems repairs: 95%.

What else did you do? I didn't have these readouts before.

Added: Offensive illusionary capability utilizing extant flash and invisibility based technologies as a base. Added: medium-range controlled radiation cellular repair capabilities. Added: medium-range radiation contamination capabilities. Radiation contamination subgroup one: radiation infection. Radiation contamination subgroup two: ennervating field. Upgraded: external jet packs. Upgraded: external shielding capabilities.

Communications capabilities? Penny typed hopefully.

Negative. All communications capabilities damaged beyond repair. All irrepairable systems dismantled for nanite matter conversion.

Could it be fixed later?

Affirmative. A list of required tools followed this statement. None of them were likely to be located in the sewers.

Mmm. Nice. Remember to thank Omega Prime for me.

Negative. Nanite reconfiguration required permanent mounting of Omega Unit.

Penny was surprised. So... so this is permanent? All these upgrades... and you?


Penny nodded, then turned back to the group of the huddling humans. "OK," she whispered, "here is the plan..."

(((Post 1 of about 3 linked ones, will post more in a bit!))



Penny nodded, then turned back to the group of the huddling humans. "OK," she whispered, "here is the plan..."

[/ QUOTE ]


The mortificator looked up when he heard the loud crash - there was a hero in the sewers! They had not been watching where they were going, and run into a barrel.

All of the abominations came forwards, as well as the mortificator and reaper themselves, prompting a loud curse from the hero - but apparantly they intended to stand tall.

Girl Genius, hovering above the muck, swept the air with her hand, as if backhanding something nearby.

Offensive illusionary capabilities: activated. Target: reaper.

At once the reaper was immersed in bluish smoke; it seemed to be made of distorted faces, chomping and biting at his flesh. He howled, turning around in circles, trying to get them off. Penny, who knew perfectly well it was an illusion, had trouble believing she had not thrown something - it looked so real!

The mortificator fired his crossbow and she whirled: a moment later he screamed and clutched his eyes, blinded. She took some height as the abominations charged.

Far above her, the humans hurried along the catwalk. The group below, totally distracted, did not notice them.

They could hear the sounds of the fight as they made it to the small room where the suits were hung. Enid and Sarah worked to get Amy into a suit, before suiting themselves. The suits were too large for them, clearly meant for bigger occupants, but better too big than too small...


The last abomination fell. Penny turned to go... and a rope of curling blackness shot over her shoulder.

She whirled.

Down the tunnel was coming... an army. Or at least that was what it looked like: she could spot four murk Eiledons in the mass, the heads of Mortificators and Reapers and other Eiledons, Abominations towering over all...

She unleashed a flash attack in the general direction of the undead, and ran for it.

"Time to go, you guys ready?"

The darkness missed her ear by inches, shattering the corner of the room with the suits. All the humans jumped. "Get to the chamber, go go go go go go!"

Penny swooped Amy up in her arms as the others, made clumsy by the heavy suits, ran for it. Enid got in the radiation lock first, followed closely by Sarah and then Adam.

Girl Genius threw herself in, dropped Amy unceremoniously on her rear, whirled to close the door - and a hand was there. The hand of an Eiledon, grinning at her. It was inside the door. Others were on its heels.

Penny couldn't quite recall what the Eiledons had done to her. The cellular repairs done by Omega Unit had helped to "blur" those memories, removing their trauma. But a thrill of fear still went through her. She reached behind the Eiledon, grabbing the door, slamming it shut, and spinning the wheel. "Someone punch the control! Punch it!"

Then she had no more time to think. The dark blast caught her in the back, making her gasp for breath. She could not fail now, not with four lives riding on it. She threw the illusion and then the flash - and it missed. His return blast threw her through the air and into the wall with a WHOOF.

Rather suddenly the Eiledon let out a howl. The room turned green. An alarm went off - the presence of hard radiation. Remembering what else Omega Unit had said, she tried to activate her own radiation fields - and they worked, much to her surprise.

It took time. It took power - so much power that Omega Unit was almost drained by the end. But eventually - finally - the Eiledon dropped.

Panting, Girl Genius turned to the window. Outside were faces pressed in at her, very angry looking faces - but faces that knew what the alarm meant, as well as the green glow in the room.

Enid Sanstad had punched the controls, flooding the room with radiation. Now none of those outside dared to cross the threshold.

Panting hard, Girl Genius turned to the others. "You guys... OK?"

"Yes... you?"

"I'm fine," she panted. "Now, before they figure out a way in here... lets find our way to the reactor core. It's got to be close."

"What will we do then?" Someone asked.

"I imagine," Enid grinned, "That we will be giving Dr. Vahzilok an enormous surprise...."



Meanwhile in the upper levels of the sewer:

Harris had to admit he was surprised. He didn't think the two bears would be able to track anything in the sewers, the smell was foul. However as they followed the two creatures the signal on the tracking device did indeed seem to be getting stronger, if only a little.

He still felt the nervousness of going in to a dangerous situation. After all he was not a hero. However he was now starting to think of something that made him feel much worse. How would Amy react when he found her? She had been in a coma for six years and a lot had changed in that time. What if she didn't love him any more? He had changed so much over the few years.

He was not as healthy and slim as he had been and the stress had made him look older then six years would. But that was not what really worried him.

When his wife and he were together (before the trouble with Max) he had been such a happy and friendly man. Now he was bitter and twisted. Most people at the studio hated him. How would she feel about him now? What would he tell her about Max. That scared him more than anything.


Jack was walking behind Harris and was also deep in his own thoughts as he followed the others. The earlier conversation had given him a lot to think about. Crystal’s words replayed in his head.

"And remember the car thing over spring break - ? No, you probably don't remember. You told me afterwards you didn't."

[/ QUOTE ]

What had she meant? Jack could remember waking up in his car one morning out side the campus to find his front lights smashed and the bumper gone. He'd been out of it the night before on drugs and could not remember how it happened.

When Crystal had asked him what had happened he was too pissed off to make up an excuse and simply told her he "could not recall". Now she was talking like she might know what had happened. Had she been there? He could just about remember driving like crazy while "The Sex Pistols" bleared out of his speakers. However after that everything was a blank. What had happened?

In his anger he kicked a near by rock which landed in the water next to the others with a loud splash.



When Crystal had asked him what had happened he was too pissed off to make up an excuse and simply told her he "could not recall". Now she was talking like she might know what had happened. Had she been there? He could just about remember driving like crazy while "The Sex Pistols" bleared out of his speakers. However after that everything was a blank. What had happened?

In his anger he kicked a near by rock which landed in the water next to the others with a loud splash.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal was feeling very bad. She felt rather sick, which, she thought, must be the afteraffects of the drug. She had never been hung over, but presumed that she was now. She also presumed that, like most hangovers, it would go away in time. The idea that she was going into withdrawal had never crossed her mind.

Paul had not come with her, and in fact was moping at the back of the group. Jack was furious, kicking rocks around, and neither one of them came near her.

She felt far more stressed by the emotional reverberations than by their current circumstances. The stress made her feel like throwing up. She wished it was all better again somehow, then realized that it might not ever be better. This might be the end: Paul and Jack might go their own seperate ways and live their own seperate lives, and leave her. And what would she do then?

They passed the wreckage of the old Black Line car, now almost completely buried in rubble. Crystal couldn't believe, looking at its ruin, that anyone had ever come out of it alive. They clambered through gigantic holes in the walls, mostly in silence, everyone in the group deep in their own thoughts.

Then Magni and Modi suddenly took off down the tunnels. Caught off-guard, Crystal scrambled to keep up with them.

She didn't see the first Vahzilok until Magni threw the remains past her shoulder. There was a group of Vahz up the tunnel, and the bears were tearing right in.

Instinctively, Crystal found that she knew what to do.

She reached out with her mind and screamed, and several of the vahz minions staggered around, clutching their heads, out of the fight. Another one ran at her, but she flung her hand at him and he rose unexpectedly into the air, where Modi smacked him.

It was hard to see past the bears in the tunnel - but there were a lot of the Vahzilok. Crystal could tell this much. "This way!" She called back, just in case, somehow, someone had managed to miss the ferocious battle. "Over here! Vahzilok!"

Without looking back, she waded into the thick of battle.



It was hard to see past the bears in the tunnel - but there were a lot of the Vahzilok. Crystal could tell this much. "This way!" She called back, just in case, somehow, someone had managed to miss the ferocious battle. "Over here! Vahzilok!"

Without looking back, she waded into the thick of battle.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Crystal. Wait" Jack shouted after her but it was too late, she had run into the fight.

Forgetting everything that had been on his mind in concern for her safety he ran after her. He ducked as one of the Vahz took a swing at him. He came back up and punched it hard. The blow had little effect as zombie swung at him again, this time the blow connected and sent him flying back.

Jack quickly jumped up again ignoring the pain in his back and targeted the zombie. There was a loud snapping sound in the air and his attacker suddenly grabbed its head in pain. Jack was starting to feel better.

It was then that he saw a reaper moving towards one of the fallen zombie with a syringe. It looked like he was planning to inject the non moving corpse with it. Jack went after him. He didn't think it was a good idea to let the reaper do what ever it was planning to do.


Harris suddenly realized he had no real way to attack the Vahz or defend himself. In a panic he started shouting, "What do I do? What do I do?"



It was then that he saw a reaper moving towards one of the fallen zombie with a syringe. It looked like he was planning to inject the non moving corpse with it. Jack went after him. He didn't think it was a good idea to let the reaper do what ever it was planning to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

He was too far away though, and the reaper arrived before he did, injecting the contents of the vial - two vials, actually, rigged to inject together: one of a bluish substance which Jack recognized as certainly some sort of drug, and the other a greenish, glowing muck.

In a moment, the body stirred, got up - and went after him.

Harris suddenly realized he had no real way to attack the Vahz or defend himself. In a panic he started shouting, "What do I do? What do I do?"

[/ QUOTE ]

It was Emily that answered this, through the greenish dragonfly buzzing around the battle. "Harris, the armor you are wearing has weaponry - use it!"



"Holy [censored]!" Jack shouted as the huge zombie got up again and rowed. It was deafening; even the reaper put his hands over his ears and stepped back.

What ever had just happened the usually slow moving zombie was now moving scarily fast. Before Jack could move it punched him to the ground and knocked the wind out of him.

He was dizzy as he felt a large hand rap around his foot and pull him into the air. Hanging upside down Jack was brought face to face with the re-animated zombie. Its eyes seemed to burn with rage and foam had formed around its mouth making its breath smell worse than normal.

Harris saw all this and was punching buttons on the arm of his suit like crazy. "How does this freaking thing work?" He shouted.

"Shoot it. [censored] shoot it." Jack shouted at him.



"Shoot it. [censored] shoot it." Jack shouted at him.

[/ QUOTE ]

"GRAAAAAH!" came Master Wonderful's cry as he attempted to tackle the rampaging zombie. What he didn't anticipate was that it decided to instinctively use Jack as a shield. He was able to stop in time to get knocked to the ground by another of Fankenstein's monster knockoffs. "Well that could have gone better."


In Vahzilok's compound

Adam observed all the action that Girl Genius was getting involved in, and he found it rather boring. Large group of Mortificator and Reapers in the back of the mob pursuing them suddenly seemed to get exhausted and fell asleep, unseen to all, save Adam, who knew the cause of their sudden narcollepsy.



Experiment suddenly felt his head itching...
"Hm... humans are getting closer to the labs..." he said to himself, walking around the sewers, stabbing a Vahzilok minion or twenty. "Maybe I should go say hello... after all, they will LOVE to see me he- AGH!" shouted Experiment, and his senses picked up 3, no, 4 mutants up there. "Wait... I sense... 4 mutants... a total of about 7 humans... That radio!" he said... and he remembered...

"Are you there... Dr. Sanstad?"[quote/]

"Girl Genius, Harris, and me...[quote/]

"Yes... Then there were the students... and Macbeth... ofcourse, they are down here too! They are the ones getting closer... but I will stop them... soon enough...!"



Paul was not moping... He was not left behind... He was arguing with the voices in his head.

"Master you must NOT go down there. You have threats against you both in and out of the group you decend into the sewers with."

"Damnitt shut up! I don't care WHAT you say Crystal said. I love her... I'd..."

"You'd sacrifice yourself for her... and in doing so, US."

Paul paused and then looked at the metallic version of Crystal.

"This is what this is about isn't it? You want total control of me."

"For both your and our protection master. We must survive."

Paul winced and then shook his head hard. He almost howled in pain.


Paul raced down the tunnels and caught up with the rest of the group in a split second. He began firing like a madman, blasting Vahz left and right in a rapid-fire fashion. The reapers came close to re-animate the bodies of the fallen, but Paul blasted them away with enough force to crush a building.

"I'm in control of my body Many As One! Not you!"

"We WILL make you safe master... whether you like it or not! You are not just risking yourself anymore!" Suddenly Paul's arms locked up on him. He froze and then felt his body turn and run at top speed back OUT of the tunnel.

"We will knock you out master... and make sure you fall somewhere safe so we can protect you. We will also fix the suicidal thoughts in your brain. It seems to be the only way to ensure our survival."

"NO!" Paul shouted and forced himself to stop. The pain was incredible as he fought every muscle in his body resulting in him skidding out of control into the back end of the ruined Black Line car.

"Stay Away!" He shouted to the others. "I... I can't crontrol myself!"

__________________________________________________ ____

Meanwhile Doctor Sanstad was firing blast after blast from his palms at the Vahz. Magni and Modi were already standing upon a pile of zombies they had mauled, as well as three or four reapers foolish enough to try and stop them.

Erik hovered in the air watching the battle when the blast of darkness hit him. Cursing he spiraled down and slammed into the tunnel floor. The Edilon strode forward to say something but Erik smiled and pointed at the thing, barring any kind of chance to taunt him.


The bears turned from what they were doing and looked as one upon the threat to their Papa. A deafening roar in chorus filled the tunnel as 8 tons of bearflesh bore down upon the Edilon...

The thing didn't stand a chance in hell.

Erik stood groggily and stumbled over to one of the zombie remains. A reaper was nearby and made a desperate lunge at the body before Erik blasted him back and into a wall. Something fell from the Reaper's pocket.

As the battle waned Erik walked to the body of the reaper and looked at the item that fell... Magni and Modi came over quickly too... they smelled something VERY familiar.

"NO..." erik whispered as he grasped the peice of torn cloth. "No no no no no..." the bears sniffed and then sat whimpering.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Erik roared and then fell to his knees grasping his head with his hands.

"Oh God Enid..."

Erik held a peice of Enid's coat in his hands... and it was soaked with blood. He could tell by the reactions of Magni and Modi, who's blood it was...

Suddenly... the levels of radiation spiked in the tunnel as Erik began radiating green fire.

"If... If they hurt her..." he whispered... It was all he could do not to let his anger consume him.

"We... we need to move faster."

((OOC; O.K. had to edit the HELL out of this... Let this be a lesson to myslef not to write late and inbetween getting a costume change and a cape for Wild-Card...))



"Stay Away!" He shouted to the others. "I... I can't crontrol myself!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Emily shouted through the communicators, "Paul! What's going on!? What's wrong!?"


We... we need to move faster."

[/ QUOTE ]

Master Wonderful stepped into the middle of the fray. "WATCH IT! I'm clearing the... ROAD!" His last word was imphasised by the combined force of the shock waves from a mighty clap of his hands and a powerful stomp of his foot. The force sent Vahzilok's minions flying in all directions. "GO NOW!" the hero shouted. "I'll take care of these clowns and catch up with you! Time isn't on our side at this point, so don't even try arguing with me!"



The zombie holding Jack by the foot started to swing him like a weapon at the other heroes. Luckily for Jack (and the others) the rampaging corpse missed. In between swings and desperately trying not to throw up Jack saw Paul running away from the battle.

"WE THE.....HELL ARE YOU......GOING?!" He shouted.

"NO!" Paul shouted and forced himself to stop. The pain was incredible as he fought every muscle in his body resulting in him skidding out of control into the back end of the ruined Black Line car.

"Stay Away!" He shouted to the others. "I... I can't control myself!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris still had his arm stretched out pointed at the zombie holding Jack, desperately hitting buttons on the panel. Suddenly there was a beep and something started to power up. Jack court sight of this and brought his arms across his face.

"AIM STRIGHT!!" He shouted.

Harris adjusted his aim just in time as the powerful sniper shot fired. The recoil knocked him back into a pile of rubble. The zombie roared in pain but it was still standing.....and still holding on to Jack. However in anger it now flung him away and looked around to see where the shot had come from but Harris had already scampered out of its view.

Jack on the other hand crashed into another reaper crouched over a corpse. He knocked the reaper back before it could inject the pile of rotting flesh. Both of them got to their feet at the same time. Instead of attacking Jack the reaper desperately tried to get back to the corpse and raised its arm to inject it.
Jack grabbed his arm just in time and punched him hard in the face with his free hand.......twice. The reaper was knocked out. Jack looked at the object in its hand.

His attention was suddenly broken by Master Wonderful.

"GO NOW!" the hero shouted. "I'll take care of these clowns and catch up with you! Time isn't on our side at this point, so don't even try arguing with me!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack looked back to the reaper. There were other syringes with the caps still on attached to its belt. The others were all busy and with out any of them seeing he grabbed four of the syringes and stuffed them into his jacket pocket. He got to his feet and started running after the others.

"Where is Crystal and Paul?" He shouted.



As the battle waned Erik walked to the body of the reaper and looked at the item that fell... Magni and Modi came over quickly too... they smelled something VERY familiar.

"NO..." erik whispered as he grasped the peice of torn cloth. "No no no no no..." the bears sniffed and then sat whimpering.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Erik roared and then fell to his knees grasping his head with his hands.

"Oh God Enid..."

Erik held a peice of Enid's coat in his hands... and it was soaked with blood. He could tell by the reactions of Magni and Modi, who's blood it was...

Suddenly... the levels of radiation spiked in the tunnel as Erik began radiating green fire.

"If... If they hurt her..." he whispered... It was all he could do not to let his anger consume him.

"We... we need to move faster."

[/ QUOTE ]

Master Wonderful stepped into the middle of the fray. "WATCH IT! I'm clearing the... ROAD!" His last word was imphasised by the combined force of the shock waves from a mighty clap of his hands and a powerful stomp of his foot. The force sent Vahzilok's minions flying in all directions. "GO NOW!" the hero shouted. "I'll take care of these clowns and catch up with you! Time isn't on our side at this point, so don't even try arguing with me!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal knew she couldn't go - something was happening with Paul, though she didn't know what, and was too thickly involved with the battle to be able to turn her full attention to it. Instead she raised her arms, further scattering the Vahzilok, leaving the way clear. "Doc!" She called to Erik. "Go! Take Magni and go! We'll catch up to you later with Modi! Go!"

Then she turned her mind towards Paul... or at least, part of it, searching him, seeking. Trying to find out what was wrong.

(OOC will PM you about my response in a bit ))



"Go! Take Magni and go! We'll catch up to you later with Modi! Go!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Like hell I'm going." Jack said to himself as he turned and ran back to help Crystal.



"What will we do then?" Someone asked.

"I imagine," Enid grinned, "That we will be giving Dr. Vahzilok an enormous surprise...."

[/ QUOTE ]

"That's it," Penny said, looking through the glass, "The core." It was an evil looking thing, glowing green, surrounded by humming, lit pillars. "We need to remove the material from the core, make sure this place cannot blow... or at least if it does blow, it doesn't take out King's row."

"Is it likely that it would blow up?" Amy sounded alarmed.

It was Enid that responded. "If it is properly balanced, it shouldn't. Of course..." She gave a significant look at Penny.

Penny shrugged. "Vahzilok is an MD, not a nuclear physicist. If he's got his math wrong..." She left the sentence unfinished.

"Oh," said Amy in a small voice.

"All right, if he is following standard operating procedures - and he should be if he has stolen the plans for this reactor like I think he has - there should be a container somewhere to hold the nuclear material in case of emergency, a leaded container, it might be pretty big, if it was stolen it should be clearly marked... somehow I don't think the good Doctor is making any of this stuff himself."

They fanned out, and after a moment, Adam called, "Over here!"

They came and, sure enough, there was a large, cement-and-lead container, shaped like a tube, with a heavy, multiple lid. "That's it... good work, Adam."

"Can you even pick that up?" said Sarah.

"I can't... luckily the suit is stronger than I am." With some effort, she picked up the cylinder.

"You want us to stay in the secondary observation pod?"

"Yes, please, Enid," she responded.

"Secondary observation pod?" asked Sarah.

"Yes... Dr. Vahzilok has followed a specific published blueprint to make this place. We will be safe from any radiation in the observation pods, and we wouldn't be visible from the control room.... Girl Genius is trying to keep us out of sight in a safe place."

"bar the door from the inside," said Girl Genius. "I will be back out as quick as I can."

"All right.... good luck."

"Thanks," Penny smiled, and lugged the container to the door.

She waited until Amy, Enid, and Adam were safe before dismantling the lock and opening the door.

At once, sirens blared, and warning lights flashed. This was not unexpected: they had all known perfectly well that there would be no way they would sneak the nuclear material out without anyone noticing.

Penny closed the door behind her, glancing at the window to the control room, where she could see dim forms scurrying around, then lugged the container next to the large cylinder which formed the nuclear core.

Behind her were a series of control rods. The controls to them said, "LOCKED" and they would not move. She sighed and got to work on the controls; after a few minutes, she touched two wires together, gritting her teeth at the charge that went through the suit.

Slowly the rods lowered into their housings. The green glow eminating from the core tube became far dimmer. The container could now be opened with proper shielding, and without risk of a runaway reaction.

She turned to the cylinder - and heard a voice through the speakers installed into the room. "Well, well, well, look who it is... it seems that you are a greater threat than I imagined."

Penny looked up. The window was full of faces, as people had crowded around it. She recognized one of them, though she had never seen it before. "I'm surprised to see you... Dr. Victor Vahzilok."



Paul could barely hear over the earpeice. He was about to respond when he heard his own voice over the com.

"I'm fine, just wounded... need to back away from the battle."

"BULLS_IT!!" Paul roared. "Don't listen to that! It's the Nanites!"

~Master... you have not told anyone of us but Crystal. We are unknown, and we will save you. Why do you resist? Perhaps we should induce a coma and stimulate motor functions on our own.~

"GAH!!! HELL NO!!!" Paul fought every muscle in his body... commanded himself to stand before he heard the tear. He howled in pain and fell forward grabbing his leg.

~It is a slight muscle tear master. Continue to fight us and it will be much worse.~

"You're supposed to PROTECT me!"

~And we are, but we also have come to the conclusion that you do not wish to protect yourself. therefore we must take control by any means and make you safe so we BOTH may ensure survival.~


__________________________________________________ _

Erik stood and unleashed a wave of gamma rays from his body. The reapers who stood in front of him had the shock of their lives as thier vials in bandoleirs exploded violently.

"MODI! COME!" The bear responded immediately and charged to his master's side. "MAGNI! STAY WITH CRYSTAL!"

The other bear ran alongside to his "aunt" and stood defending her from the mostly scattered and confused Vahz.

Erik looked as a swarm of Vahz made for Master Wonderful. Growling he focused and forced the same toxic radiation he used before to weaken the Edilons to eminate from a central Mortifier. He turned back, unaware that the syriniges the Mortifier carried began to bubble and hiss before they exploded in a green fireball carrying over to the rest of the surrounding Vahz.

Erik grabbed the ruff of Modi's neck and mounted the massive ursine. He surrounded himself and his mount with a haze of green and watched as the world slowed down.


The bear took off like a bat out of hell. It was like a freight train that came smashing through the lines of Vahz trying to do something to stop his advance.

All the while Erik seethed with anger and worry. All of his hatred, all of his spite, all of his rage was no focused on one man.

"I AM COMMING FOR YOU DOCTOR VAHZLIOK!" His voice sounded like a death knell ringing in the tunnels. Modi roared with his master and charged harder, trampling anything in their way.



All the while Erik seethed with anger and worry. All of his hatred, all of his spite, all of his rage was no focused on one man.

"I AM COMMING FOR YOU DOCTOR VAHZLIOK!" His voice sounded like a death knell ringing in the tunnels. Modi roared with his master and charged harder, trampling anything in their way.

[/ QUOTE ]

"I see you found my little project," growled Dr. Vahzilok. "I have come to far in my plans to allow you to interfere now, Girl Genius."

"Little late for that," Penny, after some fiddling, managed to get the lid to the core undone - and the room flooded with a brilliant green light. She shielded her eyes briefly.

Radiation spike detected. Approximate time to nanite-shielding penetration: 5 minutes. Penny frowned at the counting clock that appeared on a corner of her heads-up display, but knew not to say anything in front of Vahzilok.

"You're too late - you cannot remove the core! " He paused. "And what have you done with Enid Sanstad?"

Penny, gritting her teeth, reached her hands into the green blaze of light. "You didn't seriously think - uh - that I was going to leave her with you! She's somewhere quite safe, thank you."

"Until my men find her," Vahzilok growled. "She is essential to my plans." He was moving towards the door.

"Why?" Penny said, almost absently, as she worked - and then she stopped, turning towards Dr. Vahzilok. "You don't need her for anything that Enid can do - you need her because Erik loves her... don't you?"

"That's none of your concern," growled Vahzilok, now standing on the other side of the door.

"But it is my concern," Penny responded. "I wondered why you stole this quantity of nuclear material, it's not enough to really power anything... you could make a nuke out of it... but that is not what you wanted is it?" It was easy to envision her narrowing her eyes by the set of her helmet.

Vahzilok looked surprised. "You cannot possibly understand the purpose of this place."

Penny looked around. "I could take a guess," she said at length. "I'm guessing that you want an explosion, but you want a specific sort of explosion that nuclear material by itself can't produce... some sort of shaped charge that will take out a very small, specific segment of the city while leaving most of the rest of it undamaged."

There was a CLINK noise from within the core. She removed one hand, shaking it, then put it back in. "So... what is your plan? Get Erik down here, do something horrible to Enid, watch him blow himself up? Have him do it around this area so that your little nuclear core here interacts with his blast, and makes sure the combined explosions have enough force to do what you want them to do?" Another CLINK, and she shook her head again, this time removing the other hand, shaking it, and putting it back in. "What I don't understand is... why do you want an explosion? It's not exactly your style. Unless... there wouldn't be a Rikti facility down here somewhere, by any chance?"

"Very perceptive," Vahzilok looked suprised in spite of himself. "If you had been of a more enlightened frame of mind, I might have trained you as one of my own. As it is, you are going to tell me exactly where you have hidden Enid Sanstad. I assure you that your earlier... session... was nothing compared to what I will do to you." He almost sounded like a reasonable man, or might have, if he had not been wearing an enormous battle suit stitched together from piecemeal bodies. "Cooperate with me, and I will kill you quickly and rather painlessly. If you continue to try and hide Enid Sanstad, your death will take a very long time indeed."

"Enid Sanstad is beyond your reach now," Penny said. "And even if I knew where she was, I wouldn't tell you. Erik made a promise to me: and I have made one to him, even though he doesn't know it." She paused. "I am going to get his wife out of here, Dr. Vahzilok. I am going to bring Enid back to him. And no force on God's green Earth is going to stop me."

"Want to make a bet?" Vahzilok growled.

Girl Genius turned her head - his hand was on the handle to the core. "You can't open that door!" she said, with shock clear in her voice. "The core is unshielded, you will flood the entire compartment - "

Dr. Vahzilok smiled - and turned the handle. The door opened.

All of the forces that he had brought with him screamed, in horrible, dying shrieks. Most of them burst into green flames, running wildly but very briefly, then collapsing to the floor.

Penny's heart was pounding somewhere in the region of her throat, and she tried to swallow it. "-and everything in that room will die," her voice was horrified as she removed her hands from the core. Her voice went hard. "Something I imagined that you would care about... but of course you could just make more. And if that suit you are wearing has sufficient regenerative capabilities..."

Dr. Vahzilok stooped to get through the doorway, and stepped into the room. The suit was smouldering but didn't seem to be taking significant damage. He didn't look at all bothered by the green radiation.

"... than I am in more trouble than I had originally anticipated," Penny backed off a step.

Vahzilok grinned. "As I believe you are fond of saying... that is a remarkably astute analysis."

Penny ran just as an enormous fist slammed into the ground behind her, missing her by inches.



"I'm fine, just wounded... need to back away from the battle."

"BULLS_IT!!" Paul roared. "Don't listen to that! It's the Nanites!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Paul, whatever is causing you to not fight, you need to get over," Emily shouted at Paul on a private frequency. "If we don't stop both the Vahzilok and the Lost now, then the inevitable death and distruction all the human race, including yourself, Crystal and anyone you ever cared for, will occur."



Erik had rampaged through the forces , many looked quite shocked to see him riding a four ton bear at top speed deeper into the sewers. it rappidly got to the point where the Reapers and Mortifiers were dodging out of the way.

He came to a stretch of tunnels that seemed… different. Something was off here, and he could feel it.

“Modi… Modi guard the passage for me. I’m going in.”

The massive ursine licked the head of his father and then moved a bit up the tunnel. It roared slightly but then none of the Vahz seemed to want to come down there anyway.

Erik’s temper was still growing when he passed by the door to a Vahz lab. He had found and destroyed so many in the past there was no mistaking it. The voices he heard however… those threw him off and dissipated much of his rage.

"So... what is your plan? Get Erik down here, do something horrible to Enid, watch him blow himself up? Have him do it around this area so that your little nuclear core here interacts with his blast, and makes sure the combined explosions have enough force to do what you want them to do? What I don't understand is... why do you want an explosion? It's not exactly your style. Unless... there wouldn't be a Rikti facility down here somewhere, by any chance?"

"Very perceptive, If you had been of a more enlightened frame of mind, I might have trained you as one of my own. As it is, you are going to tell me exactly where you have hidden Enid Sanstad. I assure you that your earlier... session... was nothing compared to what I will do to you. Cooperate with me, and I will kill you quickly and rather painlessly. If you continue to try and hide Enid Sanstad, your death will take a very long time indeed."

"Enid Sanstad is beyond your reach now, and even if I knew where she was, I wouldn't tell you. Erik made a promise to me: and I have made one to him, even though he doesn't know it. I am going to get his wife out of here, Dr. Vahzilok. I am going to bring Enid back to him. And no force on God's green Earth is going to stop me."

[/ QUOTE ]

“Penny?” Erik whispered… She had found his wife… not only had Penny found Enid but she had saved her! Erik paused and inhaled deeply… this was becoming too strange for words almost. But it was Doctor Vahzilok himself talking to Penny… “Oh my God… Penny!”

"You can't open that door!" she said, with shock clear in her voice. "The core is unshielded, you will flood the entire compartment - "

Dr. Vahzilok smiled - and turned the handle. The door opened.

All of the forces that he had brought with him screamed, in horrible, dying shrieks. Most of them burst into green flames, running wildly but very briefly, then collapsing to the floor.

Penny's heart was pounding somewhere in the region of her throat, and she tried to swallow it. "-and everything in that room will die," her voice was horrified as she removed her hands from the core. Her voice went hard. "Something I imagined that you would care about... but of course you could just make more. And if that suit you are wearing has sufficient regenerative capabilities..."

Dr. Vahzilok stooped to get through the doorway, and stepped into the room. The suit was smouldering but didn't seem to be taking significant damage. He didn't look at all bothered by the green radiation.

"... than I am in more trouble than I had originally anticipated," Penny backed off a step.

Vahzilok grinned. "As I believe you are fond of saying... that is a remarkably astute analysis."

[/ QUOTE ]

Erik could literally FEEL the isotopes go mad in the other room. The door handle got hot in his grip, but the majority of the radiation did not escape.

“Bastard had enough sense to shield most of this area. Thank God Modi didn’t come down here with me.”

Erik took a moment to press the earpiece to talk.

“I’ve found Penny guys! And she has my wife and probably Stephen’s as well! But do NOT I repeat do NOT come down here. Doctor Viktor Vahzilok himself is here and the crazy ******* just opened an unshielded nuclear core! I’m going in to try to stop the reaction!”

Erik pressed his palm to the handle of the door and pushed his way inside. He knew what he was going to meet, but he never thought the amount of radiation would be this intense. He focused and literally began channeling the waves away from the door, forcing his way in but not letting any of the toxic energy out. It was a strain, but he could not let it flood the tunnels.

He stood in a room akin to a charnel house. Reapers lay on the floor, flesh smoldering and zombies being slowly digested by the heat and energy being bandied about. He saw a massive form, slightly tinged in green flamed and smoking enter a makeshift reactor core. Erik shook his head and silently cursed… The entire structure was designed to radiate a blast. He could see even the shielding had fracture points. If he HAD exploded… this whole thing would go with him.

It would be a Three Mile Island incident.

Viktor was focused on Penny, swinging his massive arms. Arms harvested from innocents and stitched into this mockery of life.

Erik fought the anger and pressed it in his mind. He pressed it into a little ball that fit onto his fist. A bright green glow engulfed his hand as he braced himself and aimed at the back of the monster before him.

“Hey Viktor.” Erik Snarled.

“What?!?” Viktor turned and came face to face with Erik’s glowing fist.

“Rule number one. NEVER mess with the Sanstads.”

The blast caught Viktor full in the face knocking him fully into the core and flat on his back.

“Penny! Are you all-right? Where is everyone? Where is Enid?!?”

“NO!” Viktor roared as he fought to his feet. “You will NOT deny me this! The Lost will swarm this place if my plan does not continue!”

Viktor smashed his arm across the chest of Doctor Sanstad sending him reeling back into the walls.

“I’ll start the reaction myself!” Viktor strode to the prone form of Erik and raised his arm with the wicked bayonet.

“Screw your reaction, Screw the Lost, Screw the Vahz… and GO SCREW YOURSELF!” Erik roared. His entire body flared with green fire as the electrons all about him slammed into Viktor like a Tsunami.

“Penny! Secure the core!” Erik shouted as he forced wave after wave of energy onto Viktor. “This won’t work for long! We need to secure the core!”

“DAMN YOU!” Viktor rose again and charged Erik. Doctor Sanstad did not move but only kept re-directing the radiation at the monster rushing him. He watched as the flesh peeled and smoked but still it came…



Experiment Ran through the sewers. "Someone is trying to kill themselves down here... or should I say up there? It seems a nice mutant has unleashed his power... Wait..." and Experiment stopped... with his senses, he could tell dangerous levels of Radiation were present. "What has the mutant done? Wait.... mutant... radiation? SANSTAD?! Yes... Souls increase with age..." and with that, Experiment ran up the tunnels, nearing the next level.



“Penny! Are you all-right? Where is everyone? Where is Enid?!?”

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'm exhausted, starving, and mad enough to chew nickels and spit nails," she returned. "Other than that, I am fine. More importantly, Enid and Amy are fine and safe. Once we have Frankenstein here secured, I will tell you where they are."

“Penny! Secure the core!” Erik shouted as he forced wave after wave of energy onto Viktor. “This won’t work for long! We need to secure the core!”

[/ QUOTE ]

"Secure the core, got it," Penny shot back.

The core was now glowing brilliantly green.

Across her heads-up display rolled letters, blinking and insistant.

***WARNING*** Nanite shield breach imminent, T minues 2 minutes and counting. ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***

"We're taking out the core," Penny said in a low voice, too low to be heard by Erik and Vahzilok. "How long with the shielding hold?"

Estimated time to structural integrity breach under radiation level present at central core: 45 seconds. ***Warning*** Nuclear core will take 2 minutes 17 seconds to dismantle. ***Warning*** ***Warning*** ***Warning***

She swore under her breath. "How long can you continue to heal me once the shielding is breached?"

Estimated time to power reserve depletion in given hypothetical: 60 seconds.

"It will have to do," Penny sighed - and plunged in.

She could tell the difference immediately. It was like walking into an oven... but she knew what to do. She started working as fast as she could, uncoupling housings, untwisting wires.

One of the housings was stuck - fused by the intense radiation. ***WARNING** Nanite shield breach imminent, complained the Omega Unit.

She knew when the shielding faded. It was as if her arms had been dipped in fire. She screamed, but continued to try and work with shaking hands.

Commencing cellular regeneration and repair sequences.

It was this last housing that was keeping the core in place: Penny pulled at it desperately. Then, quite suddenly, it came free.

For a moment she had a star in her hands, an emerald green star. Everything else in the room dimmed when she removed the core from its housing. Vahzilok screamed and lunged for her when he saw what was happening, but she was not aware of it. In spite of the pain, in spite of the armor which was now melting off of her arms, in spite of all of this - it was a moment of wonder. A moment to admire the marvel of creation and to ponder the idea of the presence of God, of His signature stretched across all of creation.

Then she dropped it, and hoped from the sudden dimness in the room that the core had gone where it was supposed to, in the shielded container: no, she could see it had. There it was. Was it normal for it to be so dark inside of it? No, perhaps the darkness was at the edges of her vision - yes, it was. The container was receding away into a tunnel.

Her job was not finished. Her arms - now quite visible, large patches of them black as soot - seemed to stretch for miles and miles. Yet somehow the lid clunked into place.

"Clear," she heard a voice say. This, she knew, was what one said after one had dismantled a bomb. Had she dismantled a bomb? She couldn't recall.

Suddenly there were hands there - enormous hands, stitched out of many pieces. The voice that spoke was not hers. "What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

It didn't seem to have any relevance to her. "Status indefinite ... damage report undetermined pending analysis," she muttered, and then gray mists seemed to swirl in front of her eyes, and she knew nothing else.



"I'm fine, just wounded... need to back away from the battle."

"BULLS_IT!!" Paul roared. "Don't listen to that! It's the Nanites!"

~Master... you have not told anyone of us but Crystal. We are unknown, and we will save you. Why do you resist? Perhaps we should induce a coma and stimulate motor functions on our own.~

"GAH!!! HELL NO!!!" Paul fought every muscle in his body... commanded himself to stand before he heard the tear. He howled in pain and fell forward grabbing his leg.

~It is a slight muscle tear master. Continue to fight us and it will be much worse.~

"You're supposed to PROTECT me!"

~And we are, but we also have come to the conclusion that you do not wish to protect yourself. therefore we must take control by any means and make you safe so we BOTH may ensure survival.~


[/ QUOTE ]

Jack knew Crystal would not leave with out Paul. As much as he loathed it the only way to make sure Crystal was safe was to help Paul. Jack scanned the area and spotted Paul. He was acting very strange; he seemed to be struggling with something on the spot. Jack ran over to him.

"Paul you ja**[censored] we have to get out of here." He shouted as he grabbed Paul by the arm. He was still unaware of the nanits. With the noise of the battle he had only picked up the fake Paul voice. "Stop [Censored] about."

Jack pushed one of the med patches he had got from Macbeth in to Paul’s hands.

"Come on. Move it you [Censored]." Jack shouted.