Televison Interview (Open interview RP)





"You tell whomever you are with to get to 1515 South Claredon in Atlas Park. Tell them to get a truck and to get here now. We have waited long enough. Your wife is in danger, as is mine, and they are torturing Penny. It's time we taught these @$$holes that the dead should STAY dead..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'm on it." Harris put his hand over the phone. "Dr Sanstad needs picking up and he said bring a truck, a big one. Needs to hold 8 to 10 tons. Drive it down to 1515 South Claredon in Atlas Park and quick. We are wasting time."

This was the kind of thing he was use to. Shouting orders at other people. Of course this time he left out the swearing the demand would usually have included. He felt like he was back in his element.

Harris then took the device from SmallArms. This was not the kind of thing he was used to. The pressure of a TV network station he could take (usually by venting his anger at some poor underling) but having someone’s life in his hands......this was a new kind of pressure he did not really want.

"I wish you had told me you were going to take this thing apart before you did. Now we will never know what is happening to her" He said, missing the bigger picture.




~Jack is a threat Master, and we will protect you no matter what.~

[/ QUOTE ]

"Qwight a grip you got there for someone who just spent the last few hours out of it." Jack said as he left the group hug.

He was not aware of what was really happening under the surface. It was more the kind of comment someone would make after receiving a firm hand shake. He sat down on the end of the bed near Paul’s feet. Crystal was still holding Paul.

"So now that we are all here and awake again......what’s the plan? Personally I like the idea of going out there and hitting some bad guys." Jack said still trying to play nice. He would have words with Paul later when Crystal was not around.



"I'm on it." Harris put his hand over the phone. "Dr Sanstad needs picking up and he said bring a truck, a big one. Needs to hold 8 to 10 tons. Drive it down to 1515 South Claredon in Atlas Park and quick. We are wasting time."

[/ QUOTE ]

"On it," Em had been on the phone even before he had said anything. After a hurried conversation, she put the phone down and said, "OK, truck will be at the front gates in three minutes, loaded with lots of goodies, everyone who is going needs to get down there. Mr. Harris, we have some body armor laid out for you if you want it. "

She put on her gloves and helmet, and a moment later the dragonfly rose sharply from the table. "If you don't know where the front gates are, follow me," it said in a tinny imitation of Em's voice. It hovered for a minute, to allow people to get up and follow, then whizzed down the hallway when everyone was ready, leading the way to the truck at the front gates.



"So now that we are all here and awake again......what’s the plan? Personally I like the idea of going out there and hitting some bad guys." Jack said still trying to play nice. He would have words with Paul later when Crystal was not around.

[/ QUOTE ]

"We need to get to the front gates," Crystal rose, though her form was still in Paul's mind, glowering at Many as One. "They are putting together a group to go and rescue Mrs. Sanstad, I want to be in it."



"We need to get to the front gates," Crystal rose, though her form was still in Paul's mind, glowering at Many as One. "They are putting together a group to go and rescue Mrs. Sanstad, I want to be in it."

[/ QUOTE ]

"You go ahead and tell them to wait for us. I'll help Paul get there." Jack suggested.

Cystal hesitated.

"Go on, we'll be fine." Jack said with a smile. He watched as Crystal slowly left the room.

"That mind reading thing is getting creepy." He said with a smile once he was sure Crystal was out of ear shot.

Then the smile was gone from his face. He didn't move to help Paul out of bed. He didn't even look at Paul as he talk.

"I'm still going to work with you to resolve this mess. However, your actions dragged Crystal into this whole thing and forced her mutant powers to manifest themselfs. If you had not been so cocky when facing that first group of Vahz it might have never happened and she could have still led a normal life."

Before Paul could ask how he knew about that first encounter Jack cut in again. "Crystal told me all about it. What she sees in you I'll never understand......... Next time someone is in danger. You might want to put your ego on hold."

Jack stood up and started moving towards the door. Paul was obviously going to have to make his own way down to the van. Jack stopped in the door way with his back to Paul. With out turning around he spoke again.

"Oh...and Paul." It sounded like an after thought. "If you ever put Crystal in danger like that again.....I'll kill you," and with that he left the room.


Harris was struggling to put on the body armor he had been given as he hurried down the corridor towards the van. He hopped on one foot as he tried to pull on a boot and hold the rest of the armor plus the tracking device in his arms.

Jack walked past him. "You've gone from hating heroes to being one have you now." Jack said in a pissed off mood with out looking back at Harris.

"I have more of a reason to be here then you." Harris shouted down the corridor after him.

((OOC: Palaquinn and myself agreed that Jack should start to argue with Paul more so the nanos start to see him as more of a threat.))



Jack stood up and started moving towards the door. Paul was obviously going to have to make his own way down to the van. Jack stopped in the door way with his back to Paul. With out turning around he spoke again.

"Oh...and Paul." It sounded like an after thought. "If you ever put Crystal in danger like that again.....I'll kill you," and with that he left the room.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal headed down to the truck. It was an enormous thing, full of all sorts of goodies, as well as some hired help who were doing various sorts of organizing. One of these employees handed Crystal some body armor; she nodded without comment and began putting it on.

Now that no one was looking, one hand stole to her temple, rubbing absent-mindedly. Her head hurt ferociously, but she didn't know why.

Was this normal? She wondered. She had never really thought about having a life with paranormal abilities. Was this what Jack went through? Did his head hurt all the time too? Was that typical?

She wondered what to expect now. Her hair had changed color, and it seemed her head was full of thoughts not her own. Were more changes on the horizon? Or, once mutant powers manifested, did they blossom fully formed, so that it was simply a matter of finding out what they were?

She wasn't willing to admit it to either Jack or Paul, but she was scared... scared and worried. Her parents hated paranormals with a passion. She had no illusions about what would happen when they found out...

That thought suddenly gave her pause. Dad would certainly yank her college funds, the second he found out. She still had two years to go... how would she pay -?

~Well, hell, job time,~ she thought as she put on one of the boots. She wasn't sure what she would do for a living: the thought of being a hero was one she had never seriously entertained. And besides, she hadn't heard of heroes actually being paid.

She might normally have thought of talking to Dr. Sanstad about it, but the present situation precluded the idea. Just imagining what she would have done in his position - if someone had taken Paul captive and held them down there - made all her problems seem insignificant. And as much as she loved Jack and Paul... she didn't want to tell them either. They were just too wrapped up in their own problems.

Nothing to do about that, she supposed, and worked on putting on her chest plate. She wished they would quit squabbling and come on already.



"I'm on it." Harris put his hand over the phone. "Dr Sanstad needs picking up and he said bring a truck, a big one. Needs to hold 8 to 10 tons. Drive it down to 1515 South Claredon in Atlas Park and quick. We are wasting time."

[/ QUOTE ]

Remington reached into a a pants pocket and retreived a cel phone of his own. After hitting a single button, he got a nearly instantenous answer. "Get the engine runnin'. We'll be down in less than a minute," he told his driver gruffly. "We need to head to 1515 South Claredon, Atlas Park. And don't bother with the red lights." There was a brief response on the other end, which caused his bushy eyebrows to knit together angrily. "Screw it, if he cops wanna ticket up for runnin' the red, let 'em follow us. Probably for the better anyway. Just try not to hit anyone on the sidewalks." He did not bother to wait for a response this time, and turned the phone off.

"I wish you had told me you were going to take this thing apart before you did. Now we will never know what is happening to her"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Sorry, given the time and equipment I had with me, I don't think there was much else I could do. But it'll say us a lot of time looking in the wrong directions."

Remington grabbed the mini-comp and toolkit, stuffed the latter in the breast pocket and cradled the former in both hands. He headed for the door, not bothering to see if Harris followed him. Knowing that he would have to change in the limo, he was glad that he had practiced quick changes into his costume from street clothes. By the time he reached the elevator back down, he was already begining to unbutton his shirt.



*SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH* Experiment ran through the sewers, and then, jumped on the roof, spikes holding, to keep himself from being seen. ~These guys dont have as much soul as I am looking for... wait, didnt those humans have good power? They will do nicely.~ he said, as he dropped and massacered a whole group of Lost, absorbing their souls and growing stronger...



While everyone else went to their respective vehicle, Connor MacBeth ran to the roof, changing to his normal pink and green suit and shades as he went. "Em, you are going to need to track me and let me know when I'm going in the right direction once I get to Atlas Park. I doubt I need to say this, but keep me posted on the others' status."

With that, Master Wonderful jumped from the roof and flew towards Atlas Park as fast as he could.



*SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH* Experiment ran through the sewers, and then, jumped on the roof, spikes holding, to keep himself from being seen. ~These guys dont have as much soul as I am looking for... wait, didnt those humans have good power? They will do nicely.~ he said, as he dropped and massacered a whole group of Lost, absorbing their souls and growing stronger...

[/ QUOTE ]

The normal, garden-variety version of Lost didn't hold up particularly well against Experiment's spines. The fights became tougher as he continued underground, and began encountering Eramites. However, he also slaughtered several of these.

Then he turned a corner, and ran smack-dab into an Anomolous.

It was like running into a brick wall. A massive presence overwhelmed his mind. His body shut down. His will fled from the presence. He was picked up as easily as if he had been a rag-doll, and examined dispassionately.

~You wish to slaughter the humans,~ came the thought within his mind. ~Very well. You shall be permitted to continue your existance. You shall be our guard dog.~ The presence pressed down upon him, re-ordering his thoughts as the presence felt necessary. He was enslaved, mind and soul. The enslavement of body came shortly afterwards, when a collar (strangely electronic looking) was snapped around his neck, and strange silver bands were snapped around his wrists and ankles. There was nothing binding them together; he was free to move, in certain areas, and in certain ways. Free to guard the Anomolous as they permitted him. However, certain thoughts (such as thinking of the Anomolous as anything but his Masters, or forming the idea of attacking them) were not allowed to him, and certain actions (such as attacking any Lost, garden-variety or not) were not permitted to him. There would be no more Lost souls for him: but other than that, he was free to hunt as he would... especially Vahzilok... and the Heroes that were coming after them.

((OOC Experiement - I am IM'ing you. Please do not respond to this post until you get my IM. ))



((OOC: Fair warning folks. I have a retreat I HAVE to go to this weekend (yipee... shoot me now) so I won't be able to post until Sunday. No one blow up the planet until then.))

Many As One tilted thier head as it watched the woman appear in the mental plane.

She appeared to be visibly upset and angry.

~I heard that,~ Crystal crossed her arms and glowered at Many as One. ~You don't mind if I crash the testosterone party do you?~

[/ QUOTE ]

~Testosterone? Are you implying that we are male? We are Many As One and we have no gender.~

"Back off," Crystal spat at Many as One. "You don't know anything about anything. Let me make this perfectly clear: you think Jack is a threat and are making a move to hurt him. OVER - MY - DEAD - BODY," She was furious and it showed. "If you want to hurt Jack, you have to come THROUGH me first, do you understand that?" She poked a finger at Many-As-One's silver shoulder. "Just like, if Jack ever made a move to hurt Paul, he would have to come THROUGH me first, and you need to understand that too." She took a calming breath. "Now I want you to try REALLY hard to get off of the testosterone-poisoned, one-upmanship high-horse and come back down to earth and start doing your JOB. We're going to rescue Dr. Sanstad's wife from the Vahzilok, and there are going to be REAL threats that pose REAL danger to Paul, and I expect you on your toes making sure that you do your damndest to protect him. Do you hear me? Your JOB is to make sure that Paul stays safe and healthy, and I want you to quit being distracted by this macho crap, and FOCUS on your DAMNED JOB!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Many As One was totally taken aback by the rant from Crystal. They moved aside as her finger lanced through their shoulder and weighed each response carefully.

~But... We are not envious of this Jack. He makes threats against the Master. Need I repeat his statement?~

In a disturbing shift Many As One morphed into the form of Jack and in Jack's voice stated clearly "Oh...and Paul, If you ever put Crystal in danger like that again.....I'll kill you."

Still Many As One shook thier heads and changed back into something resembling Crystal.

~You are the foremost thing on the Master's mind. You are always there and he feels deeper for you than even his own life. The threats from Jack cut deep. Master blames himself for what happened to you earlier, and what may come of you soon. We only want to help him... heal him. Jack does not want this, but... but if you insist on acting as a buffer we will relent. We will be at full power for Master and leave Jack alone.~

Many As One sighed and slowly began to dissapate.

~But know this, if Jack makes a move on us, a true threat by attacking Paul physically or mentally with his powers, and you are not about to buffer, we WILL defend the master.~

Paul was left alone with Crystal in his mental landscape. He looked almost helpless and wanted to break down.

"I... I didn't mean to... I never want to hurt Jack... Crystal I'm..."

She left Many-as-One and mentally came over to Paul, and kissed him on the forehead. "I am sorry for barging in," she told him, and stroked his hair very gently. Her face was fond. "I know I shouldn't lose my temper like that but... that just scared me. And I... I know you could have handled it but... well sometimes I have trouble not jumping in and saying my mind." She put her head on his shoulder. "I am so glad you are all right!" Then she gave him a mental kiss. "Now come on.... we need to go and rescue Mrs. Sanstad."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I... I'm ready. I'm READY! I'll meet up with you on the docks. I love you Crystal... Thank you."

Paul awoke back in the hospital bed. He looked about and shook his head hard. "O.K. you little bastards... no more trying to move me without ME saying so! Now lets see what you can do."

He could feel the power in his body suddenly build as the data streams flooded with information. A bright glow began to flow out of his body.


Somewhere in the span of three seconds Paul had 1) left his bed, 2) RAN down 30 flights of stairs, 3) Ran back up three flights, 4) and got to the docks.

He was sitting there grinning like a cheshire cat when the rest of the group arrived.

He winked at Crystal and waved to Jack. Deep inside of his head however he could feel the thought well up... "Try to kill me huh? You'll have to CATCH me first you little Mother Fu... OH HEY! Mind readers... shut up Paul..."

And he began humming the theme to "I Dream of Jeanie."

__________________________________________________ _
Doctor Sanstad
"You going to leave again Daddy?" Cassie looked up at her father with big bright eyes. Erik smiled and hugged his daughter.

"I have to... to go save the Vahzliok from Mommy." He kissed Cassie on the forehead and picked her up.

"O.K. hun, I called my good friend Carl. You remember Doctor Johansen? He and his wife will be by soon to pick you up. You get to spend the day with him!" Cassie loked none too pleased.

"Daddy... they're BORING!" Erik shook his head and sighed.

"Boring perhaps, but they are safe. And besides, Carl said he had a friend you may like to meet. Someone named Chess..."

Cassie sighed but kissed her father's cheek. He set her down to let her gather her things for the sleep over. In his mind however, erik ran over the details once again. If the worst should happen... the absolute worst, Cassie would go to her grandparents. He prayed that would not come to pass, and he knew Carl would keep her safe. He watched as she picked up her toys and grabbed a few books.

He ushered his daughter and his two pets upstairs to wait for the truck. Carl arrived first, and Erik kissed his daughter good-bye and whispered to any God listening to make sure this was not the last time he would see her.

That left him alone in the house with two cave bears and a lot of pent up anger...



(OOC: Got the PM)
Experiment felt his will pulled from him... he could still feel the urge to capture souls... but he didnt want his masters... 'Master?' he thought to himself... and shook it out, then he could sense a weak soul nearby... and a human... 'Vahzilok...' he thought as he jumped on a roof and clinged to it again. A few seconds later, a scream split through the level, for only a split second. Experiment absorbed the souls of the animated corpse and the human. 'I could get used to this... but the human soul gave me more power... and more human souls are coming now... They should give off more than enough soul power I need!'



"I have to... to go save the Vahzliok from Mommy."

[/ QUOTE ]

OOC: I just have to say that comment made my week. I am STILL laughing! Ha ha ha ha!



That left him alone in the house with two cave bears and a lot of pent up anger...

[/ QUOTE ]

Master Wonderful had to do a double take as he came over head. There was who he assumed was Dr. Erik Sanstad, but he had a pair of extremely large animals with him. He landed across the street from Sanstad residence. As he approached, both bears growled at him, ready to protect their "pappa."

The pink superhero raised his hands slowly in a show of piece. "Whoa, there puppies, I'm not going to hurt anyone. Well, at least not anyone here. I'm guessing you are Dr. Sanstad. The name's Master Wonderful, and I assume those two are the reason why you wanted a truck sent."



He winked at Crystal and waved to Jack. Deep inside of his head however he could feel the thought well up... "Try to kill me huh? You'll have to CATCH me first you little Mother Fu... OH HEY! Mind readers... shut up Paul..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack was confused. He'd left the room first, how did Paul get down to the dock before him. He looked back as if he expected to see Paul there coming up behind them. Instead he just saw Harris dropping another bit of body armor.

He looked back to Paul. "I guess he can move a lot faster than I thought," he thought to himself.

Jack was still going to be as professional as he could and try to get on with Paul to keep Crystal happy (which was not easy) but seeing Paul grinning like crazy and waving to him like Jack had said nothing a short while ago took him by surprise. But he just figured Paul’s motives were much like his own. Deal with the job at hand, keep Crystal happy and put aside any problems they had with each other.......for now.

Jack did not return the wave. "How many more people are we waiting for?" He asked instead.

Harris finally court up with them. He almost had most of the body armor on but he had a look on his face like a man who did not know what he had just gotten himself into.

"So what do we call you now?" Jack asked him in a mocking tone. "Captain Reporter? Super Journalist? O....I know....Anchorman."

Jack had to vent his annoyance at someone, if not Paul. Harris said nothing. He just looked unhappily at the young mutant.



Jack was still going to be as professional as he could and try to get on with Paul to keep Crystal happy (which was not easy) but seeing Paul grinning like crazy and waving to him like Jack had said nothing a short while ago took him by surprise. But he just figured Paul’s motives were much like his own. Deal with the job at hand, keep Crystal happy and put aside any problems they had with each other.......for now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal rubbed her temples. The animousity between Jack and Paul was making her stomach twist. Her head throbbed insistantly. Even her hands wanted to tremble, though putting on the body armor had helped to still them.

There was nothing to do about it though - she couldn't MAKE Jack and Paul like each other. She wondered what she would do if they became enemies, and she had to choose between one or the other.

The thought made her want to throw up.

Instead, she left both Jack and Paul and went up front to talk to the driver. The tension didn't seem to be as severe there.

Jack did not return the wave. "How many more people are we waiting for?" He asked instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

At that moment, the door closed. "Paul was the last one, let's moved." The truck lurched into life, flying down streets and around corners.

"So what do we call you now?" Jack asked him in a mocking tone. "Captain Reporter? Super Journalist? O....I know....Anchorman."

[/ QUOTE ]

In spite of herself, Crystal smiled a bit when she heard that line. Jack could sometimes be extremely funny, and the quip was an instant classic. She suspected that, like it or not, Harris might indeed have a "superhero" name from now on.

The truck arrived less than a minute after Master Wonderful; they had made good time. As requested, it was a very large truck, and had room even for the bears.



In spite of herself, Crystal smiled a bit when she heard that line. Jack could sometimes be extremely funny, and the quip was an instant classic. She suspected that, like it or not, Harris might indeed have a "superhero" name from now on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seeing Crystal smile made Jack happy. She had been through so much lately and looked like things were starting to get to her. Jack had picked up on the little signals; rubbing the temples, shaking hands, stuff like that.

"Please don't let her go through the crap I did." He thought to himself. "Please don't let her suffer in the way I have with the headaches and black outs or the mutant haters. I would give anything for her to just lead a normal happy life, anything" Jack had never set foot in a church and he had never asked god for anything but he was asking now.

The truck arrived less than a minute after Master Wonderful; they had made good time. As requested, it was a very large truck, and had room even for the bears.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack jumped out the back of the van. "Doc, how are......"

Jacks greeting was suddenly cut off by the sight of what looked like two bears. They were growling at Master Wonderful but one of them turned to Jack. Jack stopped dead in his tracks and put his arms up.

Harris poked his head around the side of the van doors at the sound of the growling.

"Please tell me this is their way of saying a friendly hello." Jack said.



(I swear, you all are some seriously early risers or insomniacs! )

By the time, Remington made it to the car, he was removed everything but his pants. And that only reason he had left those on was he would have tripped while running, trying to take them off.
Normally, he would have been much more concerned with his modsety. Despite his height, he had the over all physique of man a decade younger. He trained physically everyday and practiced a bit of yoga on the side. He was not a true brawler, but again any average joe, he was likely to come out on top. Rarely, though, did he ever fight an average joe, anymore.

However, with several innocent lives on the line, he could not worry about his modesty. Besides, the driver would not be able to see him change once the limo's privacy screen was raised.

The driver already had the door to the back open and the engine running when elevator doors opened to the outside. In fact, the driver had pulled the vehcile so close, Remington dove from the elevator entrance into the limo. The door was closed by the time Remington had landed on the seat. By the time he had removed his pants, the limo was speeding away.

~You know, I've really got to perfect that insta-change device I've been workin' on~, he thought as he struggled to get his battlesuit on. ~This duckin' in the limo bunk is for the bird.~

The driver, true to his orders, did not stop for a single stop light. Thankfully, the streets were all but empty. The wee hours of the morning had seen to their vacancy. Still, Small Arms found himself being tossed occassionally as the driver hit a hard turn or shifted lanes, barreling past another vehicle.

Nevertheless, by the time they had arrived at the given address, Small Arms was armed and presentable.

The driver started to get out to let his employer out, but Small Arms flipped the handle to the door and kicked it open. Rifle over his shoulder, he jumped out and took in the level of destruction to the household.

"Dear Lord..." Small Arms shook his head to clear it. Homes could be repaired and possessions bought again. However, lives could not be replaced. "Dr. Sanstad!" he called out. "It's Small Arms, the guy you met with Harris in the sewers!" He turned to look at the driver, who shrugged at the lack of response.

A brief period of heavy thumps, almost like something galloping, sounded behind him. Small Arms saw his driver blanche and pointed behind his employer. Whatever he was seeing had terrified the man.

Though it was still a few hours from sunrise, it suddenly got darker around him. He was in the shadow of somethings that were much taller than himself. Much taller than the average human. And if the growling he was hearing before he turned around was any indication, much less human...

(OOC: Sorry, Pal. I figured if you could take a little liberty witn one of my NPCs I could do the same with one of yours. Besides, the image was just too grand to let slip by. )



Jacks greeting was suddenly cut off by the sight of what looked like two bears. They were growling at Master Wonderful but one of them turned to Jack. Jack stopped dead in his tracks and put his arms up.

Harris poked his head around the side of the van doors at the sound of the growling.

"Please tell me this is their way of saying a friendly hello." Jack said.

[/ QUOTE ]

Though it was still a few hours from sunrise, it suddenly got darker around him. He was in the shadow of somethings that were much taller than himself. Much taller than the average human. And if the growling he was hearing before he turned around was any indication, much less human...

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal came out of the truck. The first thing she did - apart from raising a hand in greeting to Erik - was call, in a high, sing-song voice, "Where's a beeeeaaaaarrrrrrrr?"

Both bears whirled and immediately went for her. Unlike most of the people in the van, Crystal was someone they knew. Crystal was one of Enid's babysitters, and had been since her high school days. She had often studied for tests in the Sanstad house after putting Cassie to bed.

The bears came galumphing across the yard like dogs anxious to see their owner. One of them jumped a little, putting its paws on her shoulders: Crystal, of course, had no chance of staying vertical. Once she was down, both bears moved in, anxious to lick her face and press their noses in her pockets, looking for treats.

"Hey! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Cut it out guys! Tee hee! Eek! No no! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I don't have any marshmellows! Ha ha ha ha! NO marshmellows.... Uh-oh, someone smells granola... ha ha ha ha... OK come on, lemme up - lemme up, go on - "

After a thorough licking both bears backed off. Crystal rummaged in her pocket and came up with a rather squashed, forlorn looking package of granola bars. "Thank God I hadn't opened it yet," she muttered to herself, then held up a finger to the bears. "Sit," she said, rather sternly.

Both bears obediantly sat.

"Good bear! Good bear!" She opened up the package of granola bars, something clearly exciting to the bears, though they didn't move. "OK, sit - sit - " She balanced a bar on Modi's nose, and the other on Magni's nose. "Sit - " She stood well back. "OK, SNATCH!" She called, and laughed as both bears jumped up at the same time, causing the bars to sail into the air, and then biting them with gigantic teeth, devouring them whole. Crystal laughed and clapped her hands. "Good bears! Good bears!"

Magni came to Crystal and butted against her with his head, then rolled over on his back. She fell to her knees at once. "Who needs their tummy rubbed? YOU need your tummy rubbed! Yes you do-"

For a moment she looked almost like her old self, laughing and greeting the bears as if they were old friends. It felt so good, and so normal: animals were accepting of human faults, and always generous with their love: that was something that Crystal needed at that moment. She loved on each of the bears, scratching their tummies and rubbing their ears as they nuzzled her. "OK, guys, heel," she said to the bears, and the both lined up as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and followed as she went to talk to Dr. Sanstad.



Jacks greeting was suddenly cut off by the sight of what looked like two bears. They were growling at Master Wonderful but one of them turned to Jack. Jack stopped dead in his tracks and put his arms up.

Harris poked his head around the side of the van doors at the sound of the growling.

"Please tell me this is their way of saying a friendly hello." Jack said.

[/ QUOTE ]

"OK, guys, heel," she said to the bears, and the both lined up as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and followed as she went to talk to Dr. Sanstad.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh yes, that was really heroic." Harris said sarcastically at the sight Jack's reaction to the two bear once Crystal had calmed them down.

"I didn't see you doing anything." Jack said as he lowered his hands and put them into his jacket pockets. He followed Crystal to talk to the Dr Sanstad.



Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

Luciferion: Hmm..yes. Its my first time.

Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

Luciferion: Well its based on the Intergalactic Luciferion Theory as a whole. Good and Evil as a Uviversal way of forming Cosmic Post Apocalyptic fundementals. Not by man or gods. I was raised this way. My family beleived that might is right and never turn the other cheek. Do not worship any gods before you.

Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

Luciferion: Well there are some fine lookin ladies around Paragon City and i'd be lying if i said i dont partially do it to get into bed with some of them. Theyve chased me as many as 15 blocks just to show their affection...but some are willing to show more. I cant tell ya how many times ive slipped into a dark allyway for a quickie hehe! I also do it because i am a violent person. I dont arrest Villians i beat the hell out of them and/or kill them. I know City Hall isnt always happy with that but they arent frowning on it either. Besides it saves them alot of paperwork. Villians disappear, the bodies are found later. They usually end up being a John Doe. Tag em and bag em, end of story! Haha!

Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

Luciferion: Oh hell yes! For one i have a bad back not to mention ive formed an addiction to a drug called Respite. Its very similar to Cocain. Pair it up with an Enrage and your a instant lunatic. On the other hand i used to be addicted to Superdine and thats some horrible stuff! You feel like a god until you take a look in the mirror and see your body mutate. Trollkin sell it cheap in Skyway. I got it from them as a payoff back when i had an apartment there.

Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

Luciferion: Well it doesnt hit me right away. When i dont get to a civilian on time i usually get real friggin angry. I dont start balling my head off till i get back to my apartment and see it all over the news not to mention most of my contacts are real jerks. One time Vitaly Cherenko screwed with me on wrong day and i picked him up by his beard and threw him to the clocks. Then he was all wanting to be nice to me so i jumped in and saved him. Needless to say he doesnt have such a smart mouth anymore. If he stops selling me respite i'll get it somewhere else.

Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

Luciferion: Well i guess its how they make a living. But hey, we need them as much as they need us. Without evil there is no good and visa versa. Its what makes Paragon city turn nowadays really. Like it or not.

Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

Luciferion: Everything and nothing. I know because ive been there. Alot of it is fueled by hatred. They feel ripped off. Didnt you feel ripped off after everything went down the toilet right after the invasion? Those people still live there! Its still the same day to them! Of course there is going to be corruption!

Harris: How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

Luciferion: It doesnt upset me. If thats how they feel then screw em. When they are being torn apart by Skulls in some dark alleyway their crappy opinions will change quick. When im running 7 blocks just to get their purse back they'll think twice. Maybe i should just turn my head when i see them being victimized. As for mutants i used to date a chick who was a mutant and lemme tell the somthing! She died at the hands of Villians while saving some old fool who was gonna die soon anyway. Go ahead and tell me she caused more problems and i'll bash your friggin face in!

Harris: and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

Luciferion: No ive never worked with him nor do i really want to. He's too much of a goodie two shoes in my opinion. I think its all a put on. I know a few heroes that met him and they said he's too friggin nice.

Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

Luciferion: Oh i would like to say hi to Lisa,Debbie,and Gina and hell-o to my younger brother Lord Necro! Wassup!



In the Vahzilok laboratory

"We have to do something," said Amy. The thick glass transmitted sound well enough for them to hear (faintly) the screams from the tormented hero.

"He is doing this for us," snarled Enid, "To break our spirits. To scare us."

"Well, it's working," said Sarah, who looked scared but resolved.

"We have to get him to stop somehow, he will kill her!"

"Well... how?"

"Distraction, maybe?" Amy's face was resolved. She was reeling from all that the others had told her: but determined to get out of this alive.

"What could we do for a distraction?"

They were silent for a while, looking at the green hell on the other side of the window. They could distantly hear the hero scream.

"Fight?" suggested Enid.

"I don't think I am strong enough," Amy admitted. "I just.... tire so easily, I don't seem to be able to stand for long."

"Not surprising," Enid said soothingly.

"Enid and I could stage a fight, and you could scream," offered Sarah.

"That's not bad... not bad at all," said Enid.

"When they run in here, what do we do?"

"Whatever we can - we won't overpower them but maybe we can sort of... set things up for a later move... and it would give the hero a break, if nothing else."

Sarah nodded. "Think you can scream, Amy?"

Amy grinned. "Like a sexy teenager in a horror movie."

She turned to Enid. "You want to throw the first punch?" She grimaced. "I probably deserve it."

"Your boss deserves it," Enid said. "Just - make it look good, OK?"

"You got it - ready to scream, Amy?"

"Just make it look good," Amy said, and smiled.


The Eiledon paused at the noise coming from the other room. Looking up he saw that two of the women there had gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fight.

This was an annoyance. He had left several abominations guarding the door; but the abominations wouldn't have any idea of what to do when confronted with such a situation. Furthermore, one of the women, Mrs. Sanstad, was to remain in good condition, at least for the present. She would have her own turn in the green room later, when her husband came, so that he could watch and understand that his absolute obediance was required.

He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. He did not shut off the radioactive tools he had been using on the hero; it would not be fitting that their torment should cease under such circumstances.


Sarah two handfuls of Enid's hair. "Here he comes," she whispered, "Make it look good now." One of her cheeks was swelling and there was a trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm going to flip you over," Enid whispered. A black eye was already blooming spectacularly on her face, and she flipped the journalist over. Amy was screaming obediantly.

The Eiledon came into the room. He didn't mess around: he simply picked up Enid Sanstad, then picked up Sarah. He didn't pay attention to their struggles but looked from one to the other.

You are not mission critical, he said to Sarah. You will be killed. He dropped Enid and picked Sarah up with both hands.

"No!" Said Enid, and the Eiledon paused, looking down at her. "Leave her alone, I'll - I'll behave."

The Eiledon considered this, then dropped her. If you fight again, you will be killed, he said simply, and strode out of the room.

There was silence in his wake.

"Well that worked," Enid said, grimacing.

Sarah smiled. "It certainly did." She opened up her hand. In the palm was a small silver key. "Look what he had in his pocket..."

Enid smiled wickedly.



In the Green Room that the Eiledon had so recently vacated, Penny had passed out again. Her head lolled gently against her helmet, which itself lolled gently against its restraints.

The Vahzilok had made a mistake with her. They were proceeding on the assumption that she was a paranormal hero, wearing armor. The truth was that Penny was a normal human, and any abilities she possessed came from the armor. That armor had been locked away quite tightly, in restraints that had resisted her struggles.

The armor, however, was no longer worked precisely the way that her partner, Overhaul, had designed and built it. Girl Genius, herself, had not yet discovered the difference. But it was there, and it was important.

Buried in her enormous left glove was a unit beyond anything that Overhaul had ever dreamed of. It had been given to her by a robot named Omega Prime, to be used as a power source, when her own batteries had been running too low.

It was, however, far more than a simple power source.

Now, flooded with a sustained spike of radioactivity, the safetys on the unit tripped as it reached the maximum amount of energy absorption that Omega Prime had allowed to it.

Unit awakened.

It was aware of the events that had transpired up until the time that Omega had shut down many of its higher functions, to give to the less-powerful hero. Unit had understood that it would remain deactivated with the less-powerful hero until it was replaced, at which time it would return to Omega Prime.

Now it was in a situation which Omega Prime had not anticipated. It checked its protocols and found none addressing its current circumstances. It therefore reverted to its secondary protocols and activated scanners. Silent and for the moment passive, Unit began gathering information about its current surroundings, to be used to formulate a course of action.



Small Arms turned to see two massive towers of fur and muscle. These were the being that had created an artificial night in the darkeness. And both were looking at him, as they would look at a salmon swimming upstream.

Small Arms doubted he would have enough time to put out his rifle before they shreded him.

Crystal came out of the truck. The first thing she did - apart from raising a hand in greeting to Erik - was call, in a high, sing-song voice, "Where's a beeeeaaaaarrrrrrrr?"

Both bears whirled and immediately went for her.

[/ QUOTE ]

"No, lass!" he cried despirately. "Don't..."

The bears came galumphing across the yard like dogs anxious to see their owner. One of them jumped a little, putting its paws on her shoulders: Crystal, of course, had no chance of staying vertical. Once she was down, both bears moved in, anxious to lick her face and press their noses in her pockets, looking for treats.

"Hey! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Cut it out guys! Tee hee! Eek! No no! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I don't have any marshmellows! Ha ha ha ha! NO marshmellows.... Uh-oh, someone smells granola... ha ha ha ha... OK come on, lemme up - lemme up, go on - "

After a thorough licking both bears backed off.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh for the love of..." he muttered sorely.

"Good bear! Good bear!" She opened up the package of granola bars, something clearly exciting to the bears, though they didn't move. "OK, sit - sit - " She balanced a bar on Modi's nose, and the other on Magni's nose. "Sit - " She stood well back. "OK, SNATCH!" She called, and laughed as both bears jumped up at the same time, causing the bars to sail into the air, and then biting them with gigantic teeth, devouring them whole. Crystal laughed and clapped her hands. "Good bears! Good bears!"

Magni came to Crystal and butted against her with his head, then rolled over on his back. She fell to her knees at once. "Who needs their tummy rubbed? YOU need your tummy rubbed! Yes you do-"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Great! I was nearly ripped a new one by some damn teddy bears. At least, with right handler, they are." He suspected some of his reaction was from the hammering of his heatrt which had finally just started to settle down. However, he admitted to himself (and would not admit it to someone else) that some of his anger was from a case of 'male pride injury syndrome'. He had expected to be the rescuer and not the one needing rescue. And sure as hell not from a girl about have his age from two bears that look like they had been given nothing but steroids since birth. Remington had no real problem being resuced, be it by a man or woman, as needed. It went with the job of being a superhero; sometimes, you just got in over your head.

But this? This was downright humiliating.

She loved on each of the bears, scratching their tummies and rubbing their ears as they nuzzled her. "OK, guys, heel," she said to the bears, and the both lined up as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and followed as she went to talk to Dr. Sanstad.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Great. The two trained guard bears are nothin' more than Yogi and Boo-Boo on stilts," he muttered through gritted teeth. "This day just keeps gettin' better, every bloody second." Arms tightly to his side, the diminuative hero marched into the house, following the wisp of a girl and her two domesticated killer bears.

Suddenly, Small Arms got a brief, vindictive (and petty, as he knew) smile as he thought about something. "Housebreakin' them must have been a nightmare." Feeling better, at least briefly, he gave a low, jaunty whistle as entered the house, looking to finally reunite with its owner.



It was a rather rapid moment of commings and goings. Erik was about to reply to the pink gentleman who had landed in his front yard when the truck arrived. Magni and Modi sprang into guard mode as they had been trained, but soon a familiar voice rang out and the bears true nature came to the fore.

"Crystal!" Erik shouted. he ran up and gave his favorite babysitter a huge hug and beagn to scritch Magni behind the ears.

"Dear lord child... What did you do to your hair?" Erik grinned and smiled as Magni and Modi rolled about relaxed as everyone else approached.

"Small Arms? I owe you my life earlier. Master Wonderful? A pleasure sir. Stephen? You look good, thanks for getting the truck."

Erik shook hands and smiled at each in turn. He was still surprised at seeing Crystal, but that was nothing compared to the shock when he saw Jack and Paul.

"Jack?" Erik walked over to his earstwhile student and offered his hand. "Jack you surprise me." Erik had a certain fondness for the boy. He could see Jack was often in pain... pain from his mutation. He knew that all too well, and he did his best to help Jack, but the boy constantly refused and had even begun skipping classes.

"Thank you Jack. For comming to help, and I'm assuming that you were one of the students who tried to come after us earlier?"

He offered his hand again and shook Jack's firmly. "I'm glad..."

He then looked at Paul and shook his head. "And YOU Mr. Quinn... Where the hell is the term paper you owe me!?!"

"Oh like I've had time to wirte it with all this!" Erik strode over and clasped Paul's hand. "You have until Monday... if we make it out of this." Erik grinned that wicked smile only professors could do. "And I will not except dying as an excuse."

He turned and then looked at the group gathered. Master Wonderful and Small Arms he had only met, and he hoped to speak with at length later. They seemed to be in charge. Harris, he was loathe to admit, he was glad to see alive and well. Finally his three students, Crystal, Paul, and Jack were an excellent addition to the group.

"O.K. folks. Now that you've met my pets, let me explain WHY. These two know me and my wife as their parents. Crystal would be like a close aunt to them if you will. They know our scents like nothing else and are massively instinctual when it comes to protecting family. Just like I am."

The bears stood and walked to either side of Erik. he reached up and rested a hand on either of their heads. "However, these two also have a remarkable capability to track in general. Their noses can pick up scents and follow them better than any bloodhound.

Erik paused and dug out the earpeice Penny had given him. She had removed it from her helmet and he could only pray that it was close enough to her skin earlier for his boys to get the scent.

He held it out to the bears and let them get a good smell. "You smell me on there don't you... but who else boys? You smell her? we need to find her. She needs us, and she will be near mommy." Magni and Modi sniffed fiercly and Erik had to keep a tight grip on the small thing or loose it up one of thier noses. the bears looked up at him and seemed to understand.

"We need to get back to where the train exited the tunnel. With these two we can track Penny down... and I can assure you. Nothing will stand in thier way. Meet your shock troops ladies and gentlemen." He pet the bears and each stood on thier hind legs. It was an awe inspiring sight.

"This is Magni." Erik stated as he rubbed the belly of the slightly larger of the two. Magni was a bit older than his brother and the fiercer fighter of the two. "And this is Modi." He pet the other bear who promptly licked Erik's ear.... wetting the entire side of his head. "He's ah... affectionate." Erik stammered as he pushed his hair back into place.

"So if we are ready... lets load the boys up and get moving. People need us now."

Without waiting he looked at his pets and grinned. "CAR RIDE! IN THE BACK!"

The bears jumped and acted like pups, wrestling with each other as they rushed the truck and clambored into the back. Paul had just enough time and warning to drop the loading ramp beofre they ran up it.

"Shall we?" Erik stated as he marched to the truck.