Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




(OOC: WOO HOO! Grats man! ))


Paul raised his arms to cover the brightness of the light, everything faded for a moment and then he was looking up at a sea of masked faces and medical professionals.

“Um… What’s up docs?”

[/ QUOTE ]

In the conference room, Crystal's head suddenly jerked up. "Paul?"

Then she jumped up and darted out of the room, without a word to anyone.


The words had hardly left Paul's mouth when Crystal came flying down the hallway, and pushed the doors open, looking for him. "Paul?"

Then she saw him awake, and flew to him and clung to him like a limpet, crying far too hard to say anything. Everything was right with the world again.



Penny was dreaming.

It was a good dream. She was sitting on the floor, watching Overhaul do his morning workout routine. He was doing bicep curls, which was one of her favorite parts to watch.

She wanted very much to touch him. He almost invariably wore the same sleeveless shirt, and either soft shorts or else sweat pants depending on the weather, and she could see the muscles in his arms. She had thought, from time to time, about how it might feel to run her fingers down his skin while he was working out.

In the dream, she was free to do such things, and so she investigated his arm, until he finished what he was doing, put down the barbell he had been working with, and went into the workroom.

Penny followed. Overhaul had put on his baseball cap and goggles, and the old button up overshirt, which meant he wouldn't be leaving for several days. On the table was a female form built entirely out of spare parts. It was laying on the table with its eyes closed: these were the pieces and parts and bits that he loved so much.

"Why didn't you ever notice me?" She asked him, as he worked with his tools. "Wasn't I pretty enough? Wasn't I smart enough? Or was I just... boring? If I was an android, like her... would I be more interesting to you then?"

"Hand me that screwdriver, will you?" said Overhaul, without looking up at her, not noticing the daring black negligee that she wore.

"Sure," she said, the familiar feeling of disappointment welling up in her. She walked over and handed him the screwdriver. "I am mad at you, you know," she told him.

"Oh?" He said, completely unpreturbed. "Why is that?"

"Because I need you, and you are not here. Because you have never noticed me. Because I... I wanted you to love me...."

"And I never did? Well, what are you going to do about it? Love can't be forced, you know. Either you love someone or you don't... you can't MAKE me love you."

"Yes.... I know." She handed him a wrench without needing to be told. "I don't like the idea of being replaced."

"Now, we had a talk about that. I told you straight up you couldn't be replaced."

"Well... yes. You did do that."

"So it is a promising sign - plug that in, would you? - that I was so resistant to the idea, don't you think?"

"Well, at first I thought so, but then I remembered that you were initially resistant to the idea of field-testing your creations. I had to talk you into that, and later you agreed that it was a good idea. I am afraid that you might be initially resistant to the idea now, but later on you would realize that really I am right, and can be replaced by anyone my size, and be all for it."

"So, what are you going to do?" He hung the light up and continued to work.

"Well... I ought to move on, really. I ought to... you know, start dating and stuff."

"I thought you had started dating."

"Well... I've tried... it's always such a disaster. I'm not very good at it really."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I want you to notice me!"

"But that is not something you can control. You can't control what I do or how I feel. You can only control what YOU do. What do YOU want to do?"

"I want to stay," she admitted. "Even if - if it is only as the girl who wears the suit - even if I can only watch you... I want to stay."

"Then stay."

He reached out his hand for hers. She reached out to take it.

The shock jolted through her system, shattering the dream. She opened her eyes and the Eiledon was there, smirking at her. Her head pounded and her back and shoulders felt like they were blistered.

I believe, he purred, that we were discussing your companions.

"No, I believe I was telling you to perform a feat which is probably anatomically impossible," she snapped, her temper breaking.

The world went green again.



((OOC: Congratulations ))

She thought about this for a moment, turning it over in her mind and looking for flaws in the logic, before she said, "Any thoughts? A lot of this is just guesswork but... it seems logical." She nodded at Remington. "I believe you are correct... Vahzilok is after stability."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris had listened to the whole thing, trying to peace it together with everything he had witnessed. It all seemed to made sense.

"The Vahzilok had some kind of Rikti technology in their lab. It didn't look like it belonged there. They had messily rigged up to their own equipment. I remember seeing it before they pumped me full of what ever drug it was that made me start seeing things." Harris said.

"Girl Genus had been tracking a Riki under Kings Row before this whole thing started." He added as an after thought not knowing if the information was any use.

Crystal's head suddenly jerked up. "Paul?"

Then she jumped up and darted out of the room, without a word to anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Excuse me." Jack said after a few seconds as he got up out of his chair and followed Crystal. He didn't wait to hear if anyone objected to him leaving as well. Crystal was already half way down to the medical area before Jack had even got out of the room. He slowly made his way down to Paul’s room.

Then she saw him awake, and flew to him and clung to him like a limpet, crying far too hard to say anything. Everything was right with the world again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack stood in the doorway watching the two of them embrace. His fists tightened at his sides. It was hard but he had to push away his anger and jealousy at Paul, for now.
Jack didn't enter the room. He just turned away and walked down the corridor while rubbing his temples, the headaches were back. His hands were starting to shake again too. He stopped at a water cooler to get a drink of water and took two of the pills in his jacket pocket.



Remington stroked his long beard thoughtfully as he listened to Emily's theory. He turned it over in his mind before he spoke, looking for flaws. "It makes sense," he said finally." Or at least as much sense as you can get from tryin' to understand that bag of nuts."

He was silent for a few seconds more before continuing. "All right, so we've got a whole bunch of factions involved so far, some voluntarily, some not. Given that only a 40% chance of successful mutation- as in it doesn't kill the user outright- exists, normally it would make sense that the Vaz would have no problem kinapping potential victims to test the stuff out. After all, when the Doc was tryin' to conquer death, it's not like he was above taking people off the streets to experiment on. Nor is particularly picky about what he does to them, as long as it furthers his research.

"As for the Lost, they've taken homeless individuals off the street; people who, for the most part, no one would likely miss anyway. And they've been mutated by...something down in the sewers, from everything we know. The Rkiti definately have been known to be down there, and they're suspected to be involved in some way.

"You know, I'm beginin' to wonder about something. What if the Rikti developed this to some extent and the secret got out somehow, be it to Dr. Vahzilok's people or the Lost? Everyone gains something out of an arrangement like that. The Lost and Vaz get new and more powerful members. The Skulls and Hellions get more superpowered footsoldiers, even if it might cut into their ranks. And, as for the Rikti..."

Remington turned and faced everyone, scanning their faces. "With the large number of heroes that have been poppin' up since their invasion got put down, the Rikti get the one thing that they need more than anything else.

"Shocktroops, who can take us on, possibly weaken our forces and, in the long run, leave us damned vulnerable to what forces that they have remaining."

He shook his head sadly. "The others do all the work, make all the sacrifices, and they can get ready to march in when the time is right. Damn, this is not lookin' good."



"Shocktroops, who can take us on, possibly weaken our forces and, in the long run, leave us damned vulnerable to what forces that they have remaining."

He shook his head sadly. "The others do all the work, make all the sacrifices, and they can get ready to march in when the time is right. Damn, this is not lookin' good."

[/ QUOTE ]

Em nodded slowly, her face thoughtful. "When the Lost get enough forces, they are bound to go after Vahzilok, he's the only other major player inhabiting the sewers. Vahzilok won't go down easily. It'll be full scale war in the sewers, that will boil up to street level in King's Row."

Her face was dark. "And then what? There's nothing in King's Row that can handle that kind of threat - most of the heroes around that area have a security rating somewhere in the range of 10 or 12. The county coroner's office is tentatively placing the threat level of that Anomolous that they dissected in the mid thirties. It would be a slaughter. The Skulls would be pulled in, and that would pull in the Hellions. " She leaned forwards, now watching Remington's face. "At that point we would be pulling heroes of a higher security level out of their usual routines to come back to King's Row and quell the chaos, potentially leaving places like Brickstown, Independence Port, and Talos Island undermanned."

She was silent for a while. "But I don't think that is the worst of it," her speech was slow, as if she was only coming to the realization. "The Vahzilok maintain a strong presence both in Atlas Park and in Galaxy City. If war broke out in King's Row, and then spilled over into Atlas Park, Galaxy City, or both, it could not only wipe out every fledgling hero in the city, it could threaten both city halls. I don't think I have to tell you what the ripple effect would be like if even one of the city halls was taken out of commission."

She exhaled slowly. "The longer I think about this, the uglier it gets. I think we need to nip this thing in the bud." Her lips thinned. "And I am open for suggestions on how to do it."



The words had hardly left Paul's mouth when Crystal came flying down the hallway, and pushed the doors open, looking for him. "Paul?"

Then she saw him awake, and flew to him and clung to him like a limpet, crying far too hard to say anything. Everything was right with the world again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul didn't notice it, but tears were streaming down his face as he held Crystal.

"Oh God... Oh God Crystal I thought I had lost you."


The voice was in his head now. Paul snapped his eyes open and suddenly was away of streams of data crossing his feild of vision. They gave tactical advice on everything on the room, as well as heat, uv, threat assesment, and security levels.

~Master, ease up on the pressure in your arms. You are stronger now, and don't want to hurt this woman.~

Paul winced and slightly eased up on the hug, suprisingly he saw a reading showing a 10% decrease in muscle power used in his fore-arms.

"Good God..." Was all he could whisper.

~Master, be advised. A target has entered and then left the vicinity. It was showing high levles of heat and adrenaline. Target assesment is named "Jack." I believe he is a threat master.~

Paul shook his head and clung to Crystal. ~Not now~ He forcefully thought. ~I just want to hold Crystal now, I don't want anything else.~

~As you wish master. Jack will be listed as a potential threat for further analysis by us however. Many As One out...~

Paul didn't know what to think... but for all he cared, all he really needed was here in his arms.

((OOC: I'll leave it up to the various sundry psychics if they can "hear" Many As One. They are more than machines now, but still process and communicate via electrical pulses. If that works then I guess you can listen in while Paul argues with "Himself."))



After a while of walking around the corridors Jack had been able to calm down. The pills had also helped. He didn’t feel like going back to the meeting so he decided instead he better make a show of going to see how Paul was and play nice, if only to make Crystal happy.

Slowly he walked back to the room. Paul and Crystal were still holding each other when Jack knocked on the open door.

"Hi, I thought I better come down and see how you are doing," He said rather awkwardly as he entered the room.



"Hi, I thought I better come down and see how you are doing," He said rather awkwardly as he entered the room.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal half-turned and let go of Paul with one arm. The other she opened wide to Jack.

To include him. Because he was her family as much as Paul, and she loved him just as much, if in a different way. Her face was wet but her eyes were angelic.

It was group hug time.



It was group hug time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack hesitated for a second, then walked over to join in. If it had been anyone else but Crystal he would have walked out the room. But he joined in....and felt like an idiot.



Jack hesitated for a second, then walked over to join in. If it had been anyone else but Crystal he would have walked out the room. But he joined in....and felt like an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

"You guys are my family," Crystal told them, looking from Paul to Jack. "Don't you ever forget that." She looked at Jack intently... then hugged both of them to herself. "I am so glad you guys are all right. I am so glad!"



Erik was on his third can of Red Bull. Mari looked at him with an amused smile on her face.

"You STILL haven't given that stuff up? I thought Enid had worked on you harder than that." Erik chuckled and swallowed the last drops from the can.

"Well it's a hell of a lot better than that local crap... Red Beast? Who the heck are they kidding?" Erik sighed and looked at the can while rubbing his neck.

"Besides... You know I'm a caffeine addict. It... It helps with the pain."

Doctor Mari Morgan looked at her charts and then back at Erik. A man she knew well and knew that it was killing him to be sitting here while his family needed him.

"You never told me about the pain. I had no clue the mutation you possess hurt your body so."

Erik mutely nodded and looked at Mari. "Enid taught me to suppress it, and control the anger that seems to flare up with it. Hence why I'm a Tai-Chi advocate as well as heavily invested in anti-stress things." Erik looked up and sighed. "All of that is moot when I'm worried about my family however."

Doctor Morgan nodded and made a few final notes. "Well you are totally healed as far as I can tell. You are emitting normal levels of radiation for you, but... I'm concerned about the pain you feel."

"Mari... My pain will be gone the moment I can begin looking for my wife and child."

Mari nodded and stood. "Well, I can't hold you here. The hero who saved you is named Small Arms and I am sure he will want to see that you are all right." Erik nodded and grabbed his clothes off a nearby chair. He dressed quickly and made no further comments.

"Um... In addition, your friend Mr. Harris went to the MacBeth Technologies headquarters. I don't have all the details but I am sure he wants to meet you there."

Again, Erik simply nodded and buckled his belt. Quickly he felt his ears and then cursed under his breath.

Mari held out the earpiece. "I'm not going to lie to you Erik. This young woman, Girl Genius, she has been transmitting the whole time you've been out. It's... It's scary what they seem to be doing to her."

Erik grabbed the earpiece and snapped it into place. He winced as he heard Penny scream and then ramble off the thoughts in her head.

"That's not half as scary as what I'm going to do to them. Doctor Vahzliok has gone too far this time." The fire behind Erik's eyes grew. Mari looked at her friend and sighed.

"Don't do anything rash Erik... PLEASE. And go to this MacBeth Technologies place. Your friends need you there."

Erik nodded and walked out of the door after he hugged Mari. "I'll go right there, but I'm going to stop at home first. I... I have to see it for myself."

Before she could protest, Erik was up in the air and flying at top speed back to his home. He landed on the front lawn and looked at the streamers of police tape scattered about the grass. He wanted to cry. He remembered planting the garden with Enid, playing with Cassie on the swing…

He walked up to the door, and found a small package lying there. It was written in a scrawled hand and smelled of the sewers. Erik snarled and ripped it open as he entered the house.

Somehow oblivious to the bloodstains on the walls or the smell of death he pulled the videotape from the package and put it into the player.

The tape was short and to the point…

Enid considered, with her eyes narrowed, and then finally turned to the camera. She looked perfectly composed. "Erik," she said firmly, "breathe." She took a deep breath. This was something that she had taught to her husband, trying to show him how to relax, and release his worry and stress.

"Now then: I'm going to be late. You'll need to fix your own dinner - look in the largest freezer, there should be some enchiladas and beef casserole. And don't forget to put the blue phone in its charger, I don't think I remembered to replace it before I left. And don't worry! Everything will be all right."

She turned and glared at the Eiledon. "Satisfied?" She spat.

[/ QUOTE ]

“Son of a…” Erik began to laugh. He laughed loud and long knowing that the Vahz had picked the WRONG woman to kidnap. “Dear God Enid don’t piss them off too much.” He whispered as he wiped tears from his eyes.

“Big freezer… Blue Phone… Oh no way.”

Erik stood and ran to the back wall of his house. He pressed his hand to the wall and suddenly an array of lights activated. He allowed his finger to be pricked, his retina scanned, and his prints run before a solid steel door six feet thick slowly rolled back. He ran into the opening as soon as there was enough space for him.

His feet hit the carpet Enid had installed and then he felt the rumble in the floor.

“Oh Crap…”

Almost 8 tons composed of two bears came rushing at him and quickly took him up in their paws for mighty hugs. The licking and hugging knocked him off his feet and Erik had to laugh.

“MAGNI! MODI! DOWN boys!!! Come on DOWN!” The bears reluctantly moved back and seemed to grin from ear to ear. To their eyes, their papa was home. Erik could not help but feel loved by these two he had rescued so many years ago.

“Dada?” Come the small voice. Erik stood and ran to the other room. There sat Cassie, marshmallow fluff caking her face as she watched Sesame Street. Erik took her up in his arms and hugged her tightly.

“CASSIE! Oh God Cassie… I thought I lost you.” He spun around with his little girl in his arms while she laughed and his two pets hopped up and down happily. Cassie hugged her father, getting marshmallow bits all in his beard, and kissed him.

“Dada… Mommy wanted me… She told me to wait here, and tell you she went to go spank the Vahzilok. And that I could watch T.V. and have food.”

Erik smirked and kissed his little girl again.

“Somehow honey, I doubt she meant for you to eat the marshmallow fluff, and… what’s this? Oh honey, don’t give Magni and Modi honey!”

“But Fluffy LIKES honey! Just like Pooh!” Erik shook his head as Cassie hugged the bears. “’Sides… Their breath was all stinky after playin’ with the bad men.”

Erik winced and hoped his daughter did not SEE Magni “Play” with the Vahz that entered his house.

“Honey where’s Draco?” He walked over to the animal pens and saw that the one containing the specimen from portal 852 was gone.

“Mommy let him out first and the stitchmen blew him up. I was really sad… I LIKED Draco.”

“They… Oh jeeze. Crey industries are not going to like that.”

Cassie sighed, grabbed her fluffernutter sandwich, and began the process of making a mess again. Erik laughed and then looked about the room.

He grabbed the phone, a secure line he had installed, and dug through a stack of phonebooks. “Come on… Come on… HA! MacBeth Technologies.” Cassie giggled and shook her head as her daddy talked to himself again.

Erik smiled and dialed the number. He waited patiently as the phone rang. When a secretary picked up Erik perked up. It was not often a corporation had a live person answer the phone anymore.

“Um hello. This is Doctor Erik Sanstad. I was told that Stephen Harris was there. Is there any way I could speak with him please? Yes… Yes, I know this is odd but if you need call Doctor Mari Morgan and confirm with her. Yes I’ll wait.”

Erik sighed as he was put on hold. He was not sure what was worse, what he was hearing from Girl Genius, or the muzak… He paused and then tapped his ear gently.

“Penny? Penny It’s me Erik… I’m not sure if you can hear me, but hang in there. I’m coming Penny, I gave you a promise. Hang in there please.”

He had no clue if the message would go through, but he could only hope…

“Honey… CASSIE! PLEASE don’t give Magni marshmallow fluff! Oh Honey… look at him!” Erik shook his head as his daughter laughed, Magni tried to lick the fluff from his face fur, and Modi tried to help his bother…



“Um hello. This is Doctor Erik Sanstad. I was told that Stephen Harris was there. Is there any way I could speak with him please? Yes… Yes, I know this is odd but if you need call Doctor Mari Morgan and confirm with her. Yes I’ll wait.”

[/ QUOTE ]

The wait was surprisingly brief: thirty seconds, if that, and then the phone cut in again, this time with the crisp voice of a young woman. "Dr. Sanstad? My name is Emily Brown, I am one of the information directors for MacBeth Technologies. Your friend Mr. Harris has been assisting us with a... situation we believe is developing. I would like to extend an invitation to you to join him here. While I realize that time is of the essence... it's important." She paused. "Really."

Before he could respond he could hear a door opening in the background, and Harris voice. "Erik's on the phone?"

"Ah, Mr. Harris. Dr. Sanstad, I am transferring you to Mr. Harris now - "

There wasn't even any hold music - Em just handed Steven the phone.

“Penny? Penny It’s me Erik… I’m not sure if you can hear me, but hang in there. I’m coming Penny, I gave you a promise. Hang in there please.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny had long since lost track of time. She was drifting in and out of consciousness now. The Eiledon was not pleased with her and it had no hesitancy about showing its displeasure. She remembered she was trying to buy time but couldn't quite recall why. For the moment, however, she had a break: it looked like the Eiledon was adjusting something.

When her radio squawked into life, it was a complete surprise to her. The words were distorted - sure enough, the radio had taken some damage - but she thought she could make out some of it.

“Pe... *bzzt* ... Erik… *bzt* not sure ... *bzt* hang in there. I’m coming Penny, I gave you a promise. Hang in there please.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Erik? Penny tried to focus. The sound from the radio definitely helped. It was a link to better times and hearing it made her spirits lift. And she had something important to tell him... she knew she did. What was it? Something to tell him...

Then she had it. Though her vision was full of stars, drifting gently like snowflakes, she could see the darkened room beyond hers, and inside it she could see three women, with their heads close together, talking in urgent whispers.

Her voice, when it came out, was a soft croak, too soft to be heard outside the helmet. "Erik... I can - hear you..." She swallowed hard, trying to speak more clearly. She was insanely thirsty. "Got - something important - " She swallowed again. "Women here - in the next room - think... think one of them is your wife..." She had to stop and swallow another time. The thirst was awful. "Listen - she's OK... can you hear me? She's fine, not hurt... I can see her... and she is OK." She was certain he would want to know that.




There wasn't even any hold music - Em just handed Steven the phone.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Sanstad? You're awake, thank god." Harris quickly looked around to see if anyone was listening. They were not but Harris still lowered his voice anyway. "Sanstad listen, these guys are just standing around talking. Its a joke. Penny is still in danger. My wife and your family is still down there. We have to do something."

((OOC: I'm not trying to throw a spanner in the works. This is just Harris character. If no agrees with him he will wait.))


"You guys are my family," Crystal told them, looking from Paul to Jack. "Don't you ever forget that." She looked at Jack intently... then hugged both of them to herself. "I am so glad you guys are all right. I am so glad!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul was to busy looking at Crystal to see the look on Jacks face as he looked at him.

"Family don't put each other in danger," Jack thought to himself. He still blamed Paul for what had happened to Crystal.



"We've got hundreds of miles of sewers in this city, and that just counting the areas that can normally be accessed." Small Arms pulled out a small pocket computer he had been carrying in the breast pocket of his suit. Opening it up, he used the built-in stylus to bring up a map of the sewer system he had begun to compileearly in his costumed career. "But I seriously doubt that they'd put a base for something like this in an easily accessible area. All it would take is one hero coming through on another mission and the jig's up."

He zoomed in an out of various areas, shaking his head occassionally as he discarded ideas. After nearly a minute, he sighed. "We need some way to narrow it down by a hell of a lot." He closed eyes, trying to think. Then, suddenly they shot open. "Hey, Harris, you still got that radio that GG gave you?"



"Hey, Harris, you still got that radio that GG gave you?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris almost dropped the phone in fright. For a second he thought they had heard what he was saying.

"Hang on a second Sanstad." He said into the phone then turned to the others.

"I do." He took it out of his pocket and held it out. "But we already know where that base is. We just have to back track the way we escaped."

Although he was addressing the people in the room he was still holding the phone to his ear so Sanstad could hear him.



"I do." He took it out of his pocket and held it out. "But we already know where that base is. We just have to back track the way we escaped."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Heh, leave that to me." He opened his jacket and pulled out a small tool kit. " 'Never leave home without it'", he said, deadpan. But a smille was almost immediately back on his lips.

"I'm going to use her radio as a reverse tracker, like I had intended to do in the sewers before out two playmates went ballastic. And now, with this mini-comp, I can use it's map to pinpoint it's location."

He extended a hand, waiting for Harris to hand it over. "Come on, boy! Time's a wastin'!"



He extended a hand, waiting for Harris to hand it over. "Come on, boy! Time's a wastin'!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris hesitated for a second then handed it over. "I want that back when you are done." He said then went back to the phone.



Remington narrowed his eyes dangerously. The man might have learn a few lessons, but minding his manners was not one of them.

Remington took the heasdset, moved over to a table in the room and jumped up into one of the chairs. Settling himself, he placed the headset, mini-comp and toolkit on the table, then began to examine the headset.

"Oooo, if she built this, she's good," Remington quietly cooed. "Almost a shame to take it apart."

But, admiration for another engineer aside, he did start disassmbling part of it. His intention was simple: he wanted to turn the radio from a receiver/transmitter of audio into a tracker that worked by using a pulsating transmission. The problem would be that it wouldn't receive any audio transmissions, nor could it actualy send any. However, when slaved to his mini-comp, and that slaved to the electronics in his suit, the coordinates would be narrowed to within a hundred yards on the surface, and probably less underground. If he had more time and better equipment, he would probably have been able to narrow the location down even more, but given the alternative of wandering aimlessly in the sewers, it was better than nothing.

Nevertheless, it took a little longer than he expected to get it started. He was forced to jury-rig a few connections, since it was not immediately compatible with his own equipment.

And that lead to the problem that he encounter.

He called over to Harris, who seemed to be still in conversation on his phone. "Well, the good news is that it works, from what I can tell. I'm getting a signal, though the strength varies at times. Might be the distance or the fact that she definately underground somewhere. I can't be sure right now. And it is definately showing a constant location. Wherever she is, she's not moving.

"Now for the bad news. First, I can't tell from the signal whether...whether's she still alive or not." He swallowed hard before continuing. "To do this, I had to eliminate the ability to get or transmit and voices on either end. And if she's still alive, all she'll get right now is an intermittant static pulse. To her, it'll sound like the radio's gone dead. The only advantage to that is if anyone else finds her radio, it'll seem as if she's not getting any kind of signal.

Also, because my technology is not the same as whoever designed the headset, there's a good possibility that we could lose the signal at any time. I did my best with what I had, but without more time to look at the schematics of the radio, I can't say how long it'll hold out."

He sighed deeply closing his eyes for a moment. "And that brings me to the last problem. To make sure that the signal stays constant, someone basically has to manually hold down the send button. I know it's voice-activated, but there's also a manual override built-in, just above the mike. I'd tape it, but I don't trust tape to hold up in sewer. The button can be let go for brief periods, maybe ten seconds or so, but any longer, and the chance of losing the signal rises."

He held out the headset to Harris, his thumb over the button he mentioned and a deadly serious look on his bearded visage. "You'll have to hold it, Harris. I wouldn't be able to fight effectively having to hold the button down constantly. Same with Dr. Sanstad, when he gets here. As of this moment, you get to be her lifeline to us."



"Listen - she's OK... can you hear me? She's fine, not hurt... I can see her... and she is OK."

[/ QUOTE ]

Had Erik gotten the message? Yes... she could hear him saying something in response.

To do this, I had to eliminate the ability to get or transmit and voices on either end. And if she's still alive, all she'll get right now is an intermittant static pulse. To her, it'll sound like the radio's gone dead. The only advantage to that is if anyone else finds her radio, it'll seem as if she's not getting any kind of signal....

[/ QUOTE ]

He held out the headset to Harris, his thumb over the button he mentioned and a deadly serious look on his bearded visage. "You'll have to hold it, Harris. I wouldn't be able to fight effectively having to hold the button down constantly. Same with Dr. Sanstad, when he gets here. As of this moment, you get to be her lifeline to us."

[/ QUOTE ]

In Vahzilok's lab, the Eiledon turned. Its voice, though slightly muffled, otherwise carried perfectly over the radio. It seems you are more stubborn than you first appeared, it said. You have proved surprisingly resiliant against our normal methods of persuasion. Let's see if some... specialized... arguments will loosen your tongue.

In Erik's ears, Penny's voice shot into one of the most awful screams he had ever heard...

... and then, abruptly, the radio went dead, leaving only a soft fuzzy static whispering quietly in his ear.

((OOC Sorry, absolutely could NOT resist the potential dramatic impact... MUA ha ha ha! ))



(( Bah! I did that intentionally, figuring that someone might pick up on a similar idea. )



"Sanstad? You're awake, thank god." Harris quickly looked around to see if anyone was listening. They were not but Harris still lowered his voice anyway. "Sanstad listen, these guys are just standing around talking. Its a joke. Penny is still in danger. My wife and your family is still down there. We have to do something."

[/ QUOTE ]

"First off call me Erik, Stephen. I think we can go on a first name basis by now. Second, I know they have my wife. The bastards left a calling card at my house, but thankfully my daughter is safe. Third, hell yes I'm comming over there as soon as I can, but I'm going to bring backup. I'm done being subtle with these guys. I need you to ask for a truck to come get me. A BIG truck... Capable of holding about 8 to 10 tons."

Erik looked at Magni and Modi and nodded. He knew that his pets would be able to track Enid though even the worst of the sewer stench, and would be relentless in protecting their "mother." If anything, having these two would be the one thing the Vahz would never expect. Two, four ton bears that stand 20 feet on their hind-legs is just something he knew the good Doctor Vahzliok could not have planned for.

"Erik... I can - hear you..." She swallowed hard, trying to speak more clearly. She was insanely thirsty. "Got - something important - " She swallowed again. "Women here - in the next room - think... think one of them is your wife..." She had to stop and swallow another time. The thirst was awful. "Listen - she's OK... can you hear me? She's fine, not hurt... I can see her... and she is OK."

[/ QUOTE ]

The earpeice cut in and out, but Erik was able to hear most of the message. He put his hand over the mouthpeice on the phone and did his best to listen again.

"Oh dear God... Penny hang in there... We're comming, and bringing hell behind us."

He could hear Stephen ask him to hold on but Erik did his best to listen in on the earpeice more than anything else.

In Erik's ears, Penny's voice shot into one of the most awful screams he had ever heard...

[/ QUOTE ]

"HOLY!" The shout caused Cassie to jump and Magni and Modi looked at their "papa" in a very concerned manner.

Erik clenched his fist and could feel the pain of his mutation surge in him. The anger almost overcame him but he had enough restraint left to take his hand off the phone and whisper fiercly to Stephen.

"You tell whomever you are with to get to 1515 South Claredon in Atlas Park. Tell them to get a truck and to get here now. We have waited long enough. Your wife is in danger, as is mine, and they are torturing Penny. It's time we taught these @$$holes that the dead should STAY dead..."



"You guys are my family," Crystal told them, looking from Paul to Jack. "Don't you ever forget that." She looked at Jack intently... then hugged both of them to herself. "I am so glad you guys are all right. I am so glad!"

Paul was to busy looking at Crystal to see the look on Jacks face as he looked at him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul did not notice... but Many As One did.

"The master ignores a threat right before him."

"We have information on this Jack. Master never cared for him but also never considered him a threat."

"That has changed. He looks at the Master with hatred. reading increased adrenaline and body temperature as well. Irregular thought patterns also prevade from this Jack. He means to harm the Master. If not now then in the future."

The signals were given and interpreted, the messages were clear to Many As One. Jack was a danger that had to be removed for the safety of the Master.

Paul could feel a slight tingle in his left arm. The one he had draped about Jack's shoulders. He didn't notice it at first, but slowly the muscle output began to rise in that arm. The pressure increased on Jack's neck and collarbones as the arm tightened more and more.

~Master... We will protect you.~

That was the only warning Paul got that something was wrong. He let his eyes open and read the data streams and saw the muscle output on his arm had jumped by 60 percent and was rising.

~Jack is a threat Master, and we will protect you no matter what.~



(Sorry I havent posted in a while, couldent think of anything, well, here goes.)
After calming down for a few hours, Experiment was leaping around the city.
"OK PDA, where was the entrance to the sewers from before?"
"536 ft South."
"Hey, thanks... I have to stop these transformations... you got the antidote?"
"Er... yes... but it is VERY risky."
"As in..?"
"Well... I managed to moleculerize the Biological Counterparts to-"
"In English?"
"Oh... well, there is a chance you could transform into an even worse form... and I dont think you want that do you?"
"What are the odds of.. wait... dont answer that." And as he drank the serum... nothing happened. "Well, that wasnt so bad."
"Well... it doesnt take effect for five minutes." then, he landed at the manhole, and entered. He had a strange itch on the back of his neck... apparently the serum was working well.
"Biological signs...."
"What is i- AGH!" then, the darkness was met with light, and then... an evil laugh could be heard, and a hand-held was thrown onto the ground with the words 'Full Mutation Imminent' on the entry...
(Full Mutation is the strongest phase of Experiment, and now he is around the sewers.)



The signals were given and interpreted, the messages were clear to Many As One. Jack was a danger that had to be removed for the safety of the Master.

Paul could feel a slight tingle in his left arm. The one he had draped about Jack's shoulders. He didn't notice it at first, but slowly the muscle output began to rise in that arm. The pressure increased on Jack's neck and collarbones as the arm tightened more and more.

~Master... We will protect you.~

That was the only warning Paul got that something was wrong. He let his eyes open and read the data streams and saw the muscle output on his arm had jumped by 60 percent and was rising.

~Jack is a threat Master, and we will protect you no matter what.~

[/ QUOTE ]

Paul looked at Crystal, and her eyes, as viewed by Many as One, were like... nothing on earth. Eyes that went on forever... kaleidescope eyes. Eyes that were looking at him - eyes that SAW.

There was almost a - split in his consciousness. On the one hand, he was perfectly aware of himself in his bed, hugging Crystal and Jack.

On the other, he was aware of himself in that other plane somewhere, with the metallic, Crystal-like Many as One... and the real Crystal, who looked less than pleased. Many as One looked quite surprised. In spite of the force of his arm, Paul was not harming Jack - Crystal's telekinetic abilities were preventing it.

~I heard that,~ Crystal crossed her arms and glowered at Many as One. ~You don't mind if I crash the testosterone party do you?~

Crystal - he could tell from the set of her jaw - was not pleased. At all.



A lone Anomolous entered a remote room in the Rikti facility. The room remained mostly dark save for a few status lights around the room, in the center a hologram of a shadowy figure appeared.

What is the current status of our plans, Syn?

The shadowed Anomolous seemed to smirk. The heroes have escaped as per our plans, Master. I have no doubt that they will return here with friends in an attempt to stop us, as we have anticipated.

The shadowy hologram blinked lazily at the Anomolous. However, you did not kill Connor MacBeth. His continued existance is a threat to our plans. It is important to those religious fools of our race that they are worshiping gods that have never existed. They must learn that their so called savior is just a man!

Syn shied away from the figure. I apologize my lord, what would you have me do to correct this matter.

The Anomolous felt his body changing shape for the second time in his life. The pain was unbearable, causing him to fall unconscious. The shadowed form looked down at the now human for of the former Anomolous. You shall know what to do when the time comes, Syn. For now you shall rest in another’s hands.

((OOC: And the plot thickens. Oh, and internet hex color codes are fun.))