Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




Enid was taken to a room with a single large window, and a chair, and left there. Once left on her own she pulled her hands out of the ropes that the Vahz had insisted she wear: she had been working on them for some time. She discarded the rope, tossing it in a corner, then went to the window.

The room beyond was filled with technology. It was, itself, glassed in, and through the walls of that glassed in room she could see the room beyond it - she had never seen the core of a nuclear reactor before, but it didn't stop her from recognizing it when she saw it. At the center of the core was a tall pillar with what looked to be a flip top. It was dark, but it gave off an air of menace... the entire chamber did.

A mortificator and an abomination came into the glassed-in chamber. The abomination was carrying the unresisting form of a superhero. The abomination held her up, and the mortificator worked on restraints. Eventually she was suspended in the air, her arms and legs stretched out, forming a sort of an X. Then they left.

The superhero was dressed in a lightweight armor, and was female. She wore a helmet, one side of which had an enormous dent, almost to the point of being caved in, as if it had taken the brunt of some enormous impact. It looked like it had taken a direct hit from some sort of heavy weaponry, though Enid couldn't imagine what. The hero was completely limp and appeared to be unconscious - not surprising considering the knock to the head that they must have gotten. The armor looked very hard worn, as if it had seen a lot of battle recently, but it seemed to be mostly intact, and there were no other injuries that seemed to be obvious.

Enid allowed herself a small smile. Though she was a long way from being out of the woods, escape plans were already forming in her mind. It looked like the hero was fine, just knocked cold. Depending on the capabilities of that armor... well, she just might be getting out of here a little bit sooner than she would have otherwise.

Knowing that it wasn't likely to do any good, Enid stepped to the window anyway, tapping on it with a knuckle. "Can you hear me?" She said to the unconscious woman on the other side. "Hey! It's time to wake up now, try and focus, can you hear me?" She realized it might take the other woman some time to awaken, but they both seemed to have time, and so she kept rapping gently. "Come on now, rise and shine!"

Wanted to re-iterate that the series of posts with Enid Sanstad in them are simply "background" posts, covering the time when our heroes are planning and re-fitting themselves for the inevitable raid on the Vahzilok. The thread is on pause until Erik comes back. )



"If you have any suggestions on how we can save Sanstad and his family with what little information we have and with the our small numbers, then let's hear them."

[/ QUOTE ]

He had Jack there. Jack couldn't think of a come back and it was not untill Emily was finished that he spoke again.

"Well.....Maybe there is some clue at the Docs house as to where his family has been taken or maybe we can find something that will tell us why they wanted him so bad." Jack was trying to hide the uncertainty from his voice. He looked at the others to see their reactions; he didn’t think they would go for the idea.

He became aware that his right hand was shaking and quickly grabbed it with his left, hoping the others had not noticed. He knew withdrawal when he saw it.



He became aware that his right hand was shaking and quickly grabbed it with his left, hoping the others had not noticed. He knew withdrawal when he saw it.

[/ QUOTE ]

It didn't look like anyone had. Em was letting Experiment 2.0 into the room, and Conner was gesturing him to a seat. Crystal had one of her hands over her eyes, the fingers stretching out to the temples, as if trying to brush away a momentary wave of confusion. Her hands also were shaking.

Unlike him, Crystal had absolutely no basis whatsoever for recognizing the probable onset of withdrawal. Likely that was part of the reason for the momentarily-confused look on her face. But then she put her hands down and clasped them together in her lap, and smiled at Experiment 2.0 as he sat down at the table. There was a hint of shadows around her eyes, just as he could feel shadows around his.

Jack could already tell.... it was going to be a very long day.

"Could we... I don't know, go to his house and look around? Or something? I mean, do we have any idea why they want him so badly? Vahz normally don't care if people are alive, and this didn't start until just a couple of days ago. Why all the sudden interest?"



Experiment sat down... then he looked at the man infront of him. He couldent place his finger on where he had seen him before... He thought and thought and then it hit him. He knew he had seen him before. After waiting for Paul to speak, he said "Excuse me, Mr. MacBeth, Werent you on..... TV talking about some kind of new Technology?" he asked.
"No, my sensors indicate he is real-" then the PDA was shut off.
"I dont think you should insult him.." he said, then he turned back to the table.
After a while of thinking, his chest started burning again. He suddenly heard his PDA in his head.
"You are mutating into your second mutation... best get out of there for the safety of them."
"And me?" he thought, holding his chest.
"...Actually, in second mutation mode, which I will now refer to as SM, you are dangerous."
"Yeah, so if I go into an SM, I am much more dangerous to thugs and villains?"
"...No, you are dangerous to everyone around you."
"Oh great..." then, he got off his chair, and started walking to the door. "Sorry, I really have.... to go." he said... and then his eyes were coming on fire. He started running and smashed right into the door... smashing it open and running down the halls, into the elevator... *DING*


Experiment hit the emergency stop button, and fell to the ground as his eyes went on burning, and the black red suit came back on... and this time, he couldent move, couldent stop it...

***On the outside of the building***

Experiment started spiking the roof and climbing up his spines. "Who says SM is dangerous, its the best thing thats ever happened to me!" he shouted, and then he saw the window, and inside, he saw the exact room he was in before... "...ugh.... cant.... attack..." he said, and climbed past the window. "Ugh... My will almost made me attack them... How do I transform back PDA?" he said, but as he pulled up his arm, it was gone... then he remembered...


As experiment was slashing at the elevator, his PDA was flung off, and it hit the top floor button, meaning it would go back up to the students and Connor.


"I cant go back and get it..." he said... "But I cant control SM alone... I need PDA... and I will hurt ANYONE that gets in my way!"

(OOC: as you have probably noticed, a second mutation makes the person it is taking over VERY dangerous to everyone, and making him 1 teeny weeny bit angry sends him into a fit of rage, killing everyone he sees.)



Jack raised an eye brow as he watched Experiment rushing out the room and leaving a large hole in the door.

"A bit overly dramatic isn't he?" Jack said sarcastically to the others as he turned back to face them. It was more of a statement then a question.

"So......Me and Crystal seem to be agreement. We should go and check out the Doc's house." He said clapping his hand together.



"So......Me and Crystal seem to be agreement. We should go and check out the Doc's house." He said clapping his hand together.

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone in the room was shocked at Experiment's entrance and exit. "Um.... what just happened?" Crystal's voice came after Jack's in the stunned silence.

"The name-brand hero left," Jack's sarcastic voice sounded particularly annoyed. "Looks like it is up to us generic types."

"Some heroes are unstable," Em said. "I had planned to give everyone radios, but he left before they could be distributed. We don't have any way to get in touch with him... I suppose we will have to wait and see whether or not he returns. And Small Arms still hasn't responded... he may be dealing with some sort of situation himself. In the meantime, for the rest of you..." She handed out small devices. "I stopped by R&D on the way over. Apparantly they have had these radios waiting to be picked up for some time."

Conner looked at Martin. Martin looked innocent but said, "Aye, that they have."

"This," Em handed out radios to everyone, then held up a insect-like sphere, covered with lenses and antennae, the size of a tennis ball, which remained hovering in the air after she released it, "is an RRS or, Remote Relay Station. It has a pilot that flies it from the base of operations via a virtual-reality set of controls. As you can see, it is loaded with various equipment. Its main function is to act as a booster station for the signal of the earpieces. Mind you, they have a good range on their own. However, if you do end up going underground, the signal strength of the earpieces themselves might not be enough to reach back here. That is the job of the RRS: as long as it accompanies you, your signal shouldn't be lost, even if you go underground. The exception to that is shielded areas. The RRS isn't large enough to penetrate areas that have been deliberately shielded. Everyone with me so far?"

When she got nods, she continued. "Great. Now: The RRS has one big weakness - it's fragile. Mind you, it's small, and it's fast, and it does have some armament. It should be a job to hit it. But if it ever DOES get hit, especially by the sorts of hits superheroes normally take, it's toast. Try not to let that happen, OK, guys? This little baby cost more than most people make in a lifetime, and I don't want to have to explain to Davies - he's the research head - why it's sitting in a pile of parts somewhere. Which reminds me, if it ever DOES get hit, try and pick it up and bring it back so we could maybe repair it."

Em walked over to a console that had a pair of oversized gloves and a helmet attached to it with thick wires. "Let's do a test run before anyone goes anywhere, or at least a radio check." She put on the helmet and gloves and held out her hands: a moment later the RRS was zooming around their heads like some oversized dragonfly.

The radio check, when they did it, came back clear: everyone could hear each other's voice, and Em's voice also.

"Looks like that's good... everyone look through the rest of the equipment in that box there, and take whatever you think you need to scout with." In the box were a variety of gadgets such as light sticks. It clearly was not meant to be a box full of armament, but rather support gear.



"Looks like that's good... everyone look through the rest of the equipment in that box there, and take whatever you think you need to scout with." In the box were a variety of gadgets such as light sticks. It clearly was not meant to be a box full of armament, but rather support gear.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Just like James Bond." Jack said as the searched through the box. "So where is my laser watch and X-ray glasses, Miss Q?"

He was joking about the laser watch and X-ray glasses of course, mostly. Jack took a few glow stick and med-patches and stuck them in his pockets.

"So.... How do we get there?" He asked.



As Experiment watched this from outside, his improved senses from the transformation picked up every little word...
"Radio devices huh? Maybe I should get 'em before they send out a message... Wait, I dont want to kill anyone... what am I thinking?" he said to himself, and then, he had an idea. He climbed onto the roof, ran forward a few steps, and jumped up high. He came down like a meteor, crashing through the roof. "I could get used to this." he said, and opened the elevator... there was his PDA. "Finally, now, lets hear what theyre saying now." he said again, and walked along the side of the wall to avoid being seen. Then he felt strange again... he felt... like he needed some sort of energy to keep up his power... then a dark sheild surrounded him... "I need souls... these will do." he said, and he slowly let a spike out of his arm, and pulled it out. With a spike in his hand, his eyes flames started flashing. Then, he felt a pain in his chest... he was transforming back, his good side wasnt going to let him kill them. Then, he dropped the spine, and screamed, transforming once again into Experiment 2.0.



((OOC: I hope you all appriciate me making my character look foolish for your amusement. I wouldn't just do this for anyone... Oh, wait, yes I would. Carry on then.))

"So.... How do we get there?" He asked.

[/ QUOTE ] ]

Master Wonderful, now back in his typical pink suit but his hair was still it's natural color, wasn't paying attention, so he completely missed Jack's question. He was already give Martin and Emily additional instructions. "If Experiment comes back, update him on our situation. We'll probably be back before he can meet us there, so have him stay here for the time being. Also keep me posted on where we are on getting in touch with Small Arms. Well we're off!" And the hero marched out of the room, closing the door behind him.

In the mean time, Martin could be heard counting down. "Five...Four...Three...Two..."

The door opened again. "Eheh, I forgot to find out where Sanstrad lives."



Jack had suggested they leave a note for Paul so he could join them if he woke up. Up on hearing this Crystal insisted they leave a note for Paul so he could join them “WHEN” he woke up.

Sometime later they were standing outside Erik Standsan's house. The door had been broken down and there seemed to be some damage to the interior. Police crime scene tape covered the boarded up entrance where the door had been.

"I guess we should try the back door then." With out waiting for a reply Jack walked around to the back of the garden. The back door was still intact but locked.

"Teleport?" One of the other suggested.

"Most of my teleport powers burnt out with the drug. need for it." As he spoke Jack he was examining the lock with a look of concentration on his face.

He bent down in front of the door and took his lock pick tools (that he had used back on the campus). Carefully he started to work on picking the lock.

"This shouldn't take a second." He turned back to the others and smiled for a second, "let’s just hope there are not any cops left around." With that he went back to his work.

((OOC: I hope you guys don’t mind me moving the story onto the house. If you do let me know and I’ll take it out. I’ll leave it up to you guys to decided if Jack is able to pick the lock or not.))



(OOC: Sorry about not posting over the long weekend. My girlfriend was out of town and this was the best weekend for me to get some stuff done around the house, as well as some looong playtime on CoH. This post is to get Harris, Small Arms and Erik to the medical facility that Small Arms uses, and to get the first two to the meeting at MacBeth.)

(OOC Part 2: My posting may slow down a bit in for this month and early next month. I order for the Federal Government, and this is the end of the fiscal year, where all your tax dollars go to waste…I mean, we use up the rest of our budget. I usually post from work [I did say your tax dollars going to waste, right?], but the number of orders I do usually skyrockets in Sept and early October [the latter because everyone tries to order things they couldn’t fit in the previous fiscal year], so I might only get the chance to post early in the morning or when I get home. You’ve had your warning… )

The limo moved rapidly but smoothly through the streets of Paragon City. Though Remington normally was driven places as the CEO of Armstrong Armaments- though he did drive a car with a few modifications for his height- it sometimes became necessary for him to be picked up. If it was just his suit’s flight capabilities having been damaged, he would normally just find his way to the nearest train station, and work his way back to his office/condo. However, if he was severely injured, or his hospital recall tag was damaged, he often would call for a pick-up. And on occasion, even after exiting the hospitals around the City, he was in no real shape to fly, so he would call for a ride.

This time, however, it was someone else who was in need of the ‘limo ambulance’, as he jokingly called it. The back of the vehicle had cushioned bench seats that faced each other, much like any other high-priced limousine, but in addition to the mini-wet bar, there was also added a section for treating injures that Small Arms often incurred.

Dr. Mari Morgan was one of Paragon City’s top surgeons, but she also had degrees in engineering and physics. After the Rikti invasion, she had found her medical skills pressed to their utmost limit, trying to save the savaged bodies of both civilians and superheroes alike. Far too often, however, most that came to her were too far gone to save. Even with those that she had been capable of saving, many were so hurt that she had stopped counting the number of limbs she had removed when she hit one hundred.

“That was the point at which she gave me a call,” Remington was telling Harris as she continued her triage on the other hero. “She wanted to make a difference. Not just by saving lives, but by helping to prevent those injuries to begin with. Her specialty in physics was superheated gas or plasma…”

“Yeah, I just can’t seem to get away from that term,” Morgan interrupted, smiling slightly, though she never looked away from her unconscious patient.

Remington snorted. “Anyway, she wanted help in designin’ a costume and weapons that would utilize plasma. She had the engineering knowledge, but not the practical experience in buildin’ that kind of thing. She knew I was one of the leadin’ weapons and defense contractors on the coast, as well as playin’ hero myself.”
“So we worked out a deal. He would help design the weapons and equipment I needed…”

“While she would provide me private medical help, when necessary. I even sweetened the pot by fundin’ a state-of-the-art medical facility for low-income residents. However, there is a nice little area set aside for me, so she can treat me when necessary.” He chuckled lightly. “I might be a gun nut, Harris, but I can still be a nice guy.”

__________________________________________________ _

The rest of the trip was past in general silence, as everyone stayed immersed in their own thoughts, or in Mari’s case, treated Erik’s injuries. Despite the chaos that the three men had encountered only a short while ago, the streets above ground seemed surprisingly placid. The occasional hero or heroine was visible, going about their own personal patrols. But overall, it seemed to be a more subdued night for Paragon City.

The facility was in the area known as Kings Row. Though much of the area had become a rundown manufacturing district over the last couple of decades, there were some signs that the City was trying to revive the area. The most recent of which was the Karen Armstrong Memorial Medical Center. Though not as large as the district’s local hospital, Crowne Memorial, it was still capable of handling a sizable number of patients. In addition, where Crowne had been refurbished recently to treat the heroes who protected Paragon, The Karen Armstrong Memorial Medical Center- named after Remington’s late mother- treated the people of Kings Row almost exclusively.

Almost exclusively…

Several orderlies came to take the injured hero away, and Mari went with them, after giving assurances that she would have him up and running in short order. However, another young woman approached as they left. Just over five feet tall, Terrie Porter was taller than her boss and younger by nearly two decades. Slung over her shoulders was a garment bag, which caught his attention. Given the later hour, he was not expecting any business meetings that he needed to attend.

“Was that him?” she asked in a low voice, as she approached the two remaining men.

“Yep. Damn shame, though. Fought like a man possessed when we had to escape. So did Harris here.” He stuck a thumb in the reporter’s direction.

When Terrie recognized the man, her eyes narrowed dangerously. Though she was more akin to a daughter in age to her employer, her defense of him was almost motherly in its extent. She looked up a Harris, a defiant gleam in her green eyes. ‘You hurt him, I hurt you’ seemed to be the implied message. If Harris was smart, Terrie figured he would figure it out. If he was not that smart…

Remington restrained the smile that threatened to break loose at the sight. He had seen Terrie at work on the phone, blocking Harris’ attempts at getting interviews and was the one that gleefully called security when, after all but barging into Remington’s office, the smaller man tossed Harris out. She did not bother to hide her dislike of the man, and though Remington doubted that he was cowed by the display, he was certain Harris would have doubts about trying to pull another stunt like that again.

“Peace, darlin’. For now, he and I are on the same side.” He put a hand lightly on one of Terrie’s arms. Firm enough to let her know he was serious, but gentle enough to remind her that he understood why she was doing this. “And what’s with the monkey suit container?” he asked, pointing to the garment bag.

With one last look of defiance, she looked down toward at her boss. “There’s been a call for you to attend a meeting and I think you’d better go.”

“What? Now? We’ve gotta start makin’ plans to rescue Girl Genius.”

“I think this and her situation might be involved. There was a call from earlier, while you were dealing with the tailgaters you had.” She shot Harris an annoyed look, but left it at that. “MacBeth Technologies called. They said they need to speak with you about that little…project you’ve been researching.”

“Terrie, for the love of Mike, just act as if you can tolerate Harris for now. Like it or not, he’s involved in that little project, even if it was the hard way.” His personal secretary’s attitude toward Harris was wearing on Remington’s nerves, even if normally he would very much appreciate the level of interference.

Terrie took the mild admonishment seriously and nodded to Harris. “Sorry,” she said, her tone slightly more subdued. “They seem to have something about the new Superadine on the street, and needed to speak with you, ASAP.” She held the bag out before her. “I figured you could use a change of clothes.”

She unzipped the front, showing a charcoal gray suit. It was not as fancy in appearance as his normal business attire would be, but for a meeting like this, she realized that going in a dust-covered sold black costume was not helpful in being taken seriously. Despite all his past deeds, there were those who only looked at Remington Armstrong’s height, not his heart or mind, when it came to taking him seriously. Though it came to an advantage in being underestimated in the business world, as a superhero, it was not always as easy to be seen the way he needed to get the job done.

“I’ve also seen to it that one of your spares is being included in the limo, in case you need it.” Her tone turned more serious. “Remington, if what they’re saying is right, they might have a good lead on not just where it’s coming from, but who’s behind it all.”

“Now, someone figures it out,” Remington grumbled. “All right, I’ll get changed. Harris, I’ll meet you back here in ten. Then, we’ll see what MacBeth’s gotta say.”

__________________________________________________ _

When they arrived at the gates to MacBeth Technologies, they were let in almost immediately. Apparently, Terrie had called the facility while the limo was en route. They were given directions by a gate guard where to park near elevator which would take them immediately to where the floor where the meeting was to take place.

As the elevator took them up, Remington wondered if it was a wise idea to bring Harris along with him, much less leaving their wounded compatriot behind. Still, Harris had been instrumental, in his own bumbling way, in finding out what was happening in the sewers. And Small Arms had left instructions for Terrie to inform the other man of the meeting, as soon as he was able to walk, with a second limo on stand-by to take him to MacBeth, if needed.

Still, Harris’ reputation would most likely precede him, and being a reporter, he might not be welcomed by those attending the meeting. Remington groaned mentally at the irony of being a character witness for a man known for his character assassinations. But, there was nothing to be done for it now.

As the elevator let them off, and another guard indicated where they were supposed to go, Small Arms mused over his participation in the life of a superhero, where irony was not an uncommon occurrence.

But, then again, neither was redemption.



The hero hadn't awoken in spite of Enid's best efforts, which she had to admit were limited anyway. But she turned when the door opened.

Another woman was thrust inside and then the door closed. She seemed as uncowed as Enid herself.

Enid crossed her arms. "Sarah Emmerson. Fancy meeting you here."

Sara ran her fingers through her hair. "Hi, Enid," she said reluctantly.

"What are you doing here?" Enid was torn between fury and disbelief. "If Harris had anything to do with this - "

"What, are you kidding? Of course he did," Sarah rolled her eyes. "Um... I was hoping to tip you off, actually. You know... about the Vahzilok." She gestured vaguely towards the closed door. "Attacking your house."

"I figured it out, thanks," she said dryly.

For a few minutes, the two women glowered at each other. Then Enid took a breath and held out her hand. "Well, hell, we're in this thing together now, we might as well call a truce... agreed?"

"Agreed," Sarah and Enid shook hands.

The door opened again, and a third woman was thrust through. She looked rather dazed. Enid and Sarah stared, and then Sarah abruptly did a double-take. "I don't believe it - Amy? "

"Yes..." She looked rather dazed, and was shaking. "These - these things..."

"Hey, take it easy," Sarah led her to the chair.

"I - I don't know where I am - I don't know what's going on..."

Sarah ran her hands through her hair. "Amy - I shouldn't be the one telling you all of this but - well... here's the scoop...."



We're going to get out of here!

[/ QUOTE ]

It was the shock that woke Penny up.

It took some time to focus. Her head pounded and it felt like she had a huge lump: she was dizzy and felt rather ill. She couldn't remember what had happened, and didn't know where she was.

Another shock jolted her - it hurt but it helped her to focus. Her vision cleared. She was looking at an Eiledon.

His form brought back all the memories in a fell swoop. The last thing she could remember was being on board the train, heading for the surface. What had happened after that? She couldn't recall. Where were Erik and Harris? She didn't see them.

Good morning, said the Eiledon. She could have sworn it was smirking at her. She was restrained - her armor was locked into big cylindrical tubes attached to the ceiling and floor. She was scared - but of course he couldn't see that through the helmet. It's time we had a little talk?

"About fashion sense?" Her voice sounded bleary, but coherent. "Who designed that outfit, Frankenstein? No wait, must have been Vahzilok... same thing I suppose."

You are going to tell me all about the heroes who accompanied you when you attacked the Black Line. I have a few questions that weren't answered by Harris's ever so helpful notebook.

It came to Penny, all at once, that wherever Erik and Harris were, they certainly were not with the Vahzilok... or they would not be asking. Had they gotten out? There was no way to know - her radio was silent at that moment. Perhaps the earpiece had been smashed by the helmet, which was pressing against her skull oddly. The microphone, however, felt as if it was intact... even if she wasn't receiving, she could still, conceivably, be transmitting. Above all else, she knew that the Vahzilok must not know anything more than what they knew already. Her heart was pounding in her throat but she swallowed it.

"What heroes? What are you talking about?"

Lying? Oh come now... you should know better than that.

She couldn't see what the Eiledon did, but suddenly the air itself turned bright, acid green. This didn't bother the Eiledon in the least; she had just enough time to realize that this was a Luminous Eiledon, and this was a radiation chamber.

Then her skin was blistering, and she was aware of nothing except for her own screams.



Still, Harris’ reputation would most likely precede him, and being a reporter, he might not be welcomed by those attending the meeting. Remington groaned mentally at the irony of being a character witness for a man known for his character assassinations. But, there was nothing to be done for it now.

As the elevator let them off, and another guard indicated where they were supposed to go, Small Arms mused over his participation in the life of a superhero, where irony was not an uncommon occurrence.

But, then again, neither was redemption.

[/ QUOTE ]

"This shouldn't take a second." He turned back to the others and smiled for a second, "let’s just hope there are not any cops left around." With that he went back to his work.

[/ QUOTE ]

"We're not going to break into Dr. Sanstad's house-" Crystal hissed.

Master Wonderful shook his head. They could all hear Em's voice. "Our guest just arrived, you guys need to get back here."

"But - "

"You were the one that approved the setup," she reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah," he complained. "Gather round, everyone..."

A few minutes later they were back in the office, heading towards the meeting room where Remington was.

"Because he'll flunk me, that's why not," Crystal was hissing to Jack as Conner opened the door.

"Oh there you are," Em smiled at him. "Remington, this is Conner Macbeth, Jack, and Crystal. All of them are involved in our current... findings. Sit down... let me fill you in."



((OOC: Sorry about the bad spelling. I had to leave in a hurry))


“That was the point at which she gave me a call,” Remington was telling Harris as she continued her triage on the other hero. “She wanted to make a difference. Not just by saving lives, but by helping to prevent those injuries to begin with. Her specialty in physics was superheated gas or plasma…”

“Yeah, I just can’t seem to get away from that term,” Morgan interrupted, smiling slightly, though she never looked away from her unconscious patient.

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris was still not happy and his head hurt like hell where he had been knocked out by SmallArms. Plus he new his wife was still in the hands of those undead *beeps*. He was even more angry because he knew they were right, going there now would be suicides.
Harris said nothing. He just sat there with his arms crossed. They were talking to him but he was not listening.


“Yep. Damn shame, though. Fought like a man possessed when we had to escape. So did Harris here.” He stuck a thumb in the reporter’s direction."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris unfolded his arms, gave a big thumps up and huge smile. Then he refolded his arms and went back to the pissed of look that had been on his face a second before. He could not have made it anymore obvious that his thumps up was purely sarcastic.
The look Terrie gave him made him think twice about doing anything to piss her off.


As the elevator let them off, and another guard indicated where they were supposed to go, Small Arms mused over his participation in the life of a superhero, where irony was not an uncommon occurrence.

[/ QUOTE ]

Has had calmed down. The shower and change of clothes had helped. No one had seen him but it was habit that made him put the button cam into the new suit he was now wearing.

On there way to the meeting Harris had been recognized and asked for an autograph. He just ignored the person and kept on walking.


"Because he'll flunk me, that's why not," Crystal was hissing to Jack as Conner opened the door.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Our sure," Jack was saying in a annoyed voice, "He is going to flunk you because I got us into his house so we could find something to help him......His house which, might I add, had already been broken into................why the hell did we have to leave anyway?" He was still talking as they walked into the meeting room.

"Oh there you are," Em smiled at him. "Remington, this is Conner Macbeth, Jack, and Crystal. All of them are involved in our current... findings. Sit down... let me fill you in."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack dropped down into one of the chairs around the table. There was something about the man with the Remington man that Jack recognized, maybe from TV.



Jack dropped down into one of the chairs around the table. There was something about the man with the Remington man that Jack recognized, maybe from TV.

[/ QUOTE ]

Connor raised his eyebrow at the sight of Steven Harris. "I have to assume that you brought him here for a reason, Mr. Armstrong. If you must be at this meeting, I will have to request that you turn out all your pockets and show that you have no hidden microphones on you. I need to be sure that this all remains off the record."



Jack dropped down into one of the chairs around the table. There was something about the man with the Remington man that Jack recognized, maybe from TV.

[/ QUOTE ]

Connor raised his eyebrow at the sight of Steven Harris. "I have to assume that you brought him here for a reason, Mr. Armstrong. If you must be at this meeting, I will have to request that you turn out all your pockets and show that you have no hidden microphones on you. I need to be sure that this all remains off the record."

[/ QUOTE ]

Remington narrowed his eyes. His frown, though, was lost in his long beard. "I brought him," he drawled, "because he was a witness to some activity this evening which might have some bearing on this new Superadine." All pretense of being a down-home, easy-talking 'trigger happy midget' had vanished. The boardroom mask, the visage he used when dealing with those who weren't either villianous punching bags or were members of the wider buisness community where sounding like he came from Kings Row would not be appriciated.

"If it will make you feel any better, I'll even empty my own pockets." He did so, though he had not had much to put in there, given he had only put the suit on in a rush. He stood there, pockets turned inside out on a suit that was worth several thousand dollars, even before considering the extensive modifications for his height and girth.

Looking like a wealthy panhandler, Remington said brusquely "I hope that meets your satisfaction, because right now, I've got one man back at my medical center that nearly died this evening trying to save this man, and another young lady that we"- he pointed to Harris- "intend to save because she's nearly sacrificed herself to the zombies trying to save him. And my patience is about equal to my stature right now"

(OOC: Sorry if he comes across a bit snippy here, but considering what he's been through, his temperment seemed to fit. No insults were intended. )



((OOC: Hey, none taken... MW/MacBeth is just very concerned with keepin the connection between his two identities as secret as possible.))

Connor face-palmed as he watched Remington empty his pockets. "I'm sorry that I had not made clear who that request was for. Though if you can vouch for the fact that Mr. Harris has no recording equipment on him, then I will have to accept your word on the matter. I do agree that enough time has been wasted. Even as we speak, the Lost are using the misnamed "New Supradyne" to make even more of their most powerful Aberants yet. Emily, if you would start us off, we can fill in the holes as we come to them.



Connor face-palmed as he watched Remington empty his pockets. "I'm sorry that I had not made clear who that request was for. Though if you can vouch for the fact that Mr. Harris has no recording equipment on him, then I will have to accept your word on the matter. I do agree that enough time has been wasted. Even as we speak, the Lost are using the misnamed "New Supradyne" to make even more of their most powerful Aberants yet. Emily, if you would start us off, we can fill in the holes as we come to them."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack cut in before Emily could speek. "Steven Harris. Wow, I don’t believe it. I watch you show all the time." Jack said slowly getting out of his seat.

Harris felt bad because he did in fact have recording equipment on him. He had been able to justify it to himself. What harm could it do leaving the camera on. Besides, Penny recorded everything that happened to her. Just because he was recording didn’t mean he was going to use the footage. But now here was SmallArms vouching for him. A hero he hardly knew was vouching for him.
Having a fan talking to him in the middle of all this didn’t help.

"Wow, I love that show." Jack had a smile on his face as he shook Harris's hand. Harris was nervously smiling back trying to avoiding eye contact.

Suddenly the smile was gone from Jacks face. "You mutant hating mother *beeper*."

"Jack" One of the others said as a warning for him to shut up.

"Tell me Mr. Harris, how much do they pay a *beep* like you for the *beep* you do?" Jack continued.

"Jack, sit down." Another warning came.

" may have been wrong....with my reports…..I am…um…." Harris was looking at the ground as he spoke. His voice was low.

"I'm sorry. What was that Mr. Harris? I didn't quite catch that." Jack said sarcastically.

"JACK, SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN." One of the others shouted.

Harris pulled his hand away from Jack with some force but would not look him in the eye. Jack just looked at him for a while then turned back to the others. "Well, since you asked so nicely," He said as he throw himself back into his chair.

Harris rubbed his forehead nervously. “The events of the last few hours have proved to me that I was very wrong. I owe my life to two heroes. One, Dr Sanstad, is currently in the hospital and the other is being held captive along with my wife.......and of course there is this man here too." Harris indicated to SmallArms. "I don’t care what you think of me. I have my reasons for being here and I am staying weather you like it or not.”




[/ QUOTE ]

This had come from Crystal. Generally easygoing, he knew better than to argue with that particular set of eyebrows and mouth. Crystal didn't look it, but she did have a fierce temper, even if it did lay dormant most of the time.

Once he sat down she gave his shoulders a quick squeeze. "It will be OK," she reassured him with a smile.

Harris rubbed his forehead nervously. “The events of the last few hours have proved to me that I was very wrong. I owe my life to two heroes. One, Dr Sanstad, is currently in the hospital and the other is being held captive along with my wife.......and of course there is this man here too." Harris indicated to SmallArms. "I don’t care what you think of me. I have my reasons for being here and I am staying weather you like it or not.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Emily had listened to this with raised eyebrows. "Well, that is an interesting statement," she said, "It seems that you have information for us, as well as us having information for you. However, as we invited you here... why don't we start? Some of you have seen this before," she nodded at Conner, "So just bear with me for a moment."

Each of them got a sheaf of papers. "To give all of you the short version: new 'Dyne is not related to old 'Dyne, the two chemical compositions are completely dissimiliar, as you can see from the illustrations. New 'Dyne is also called Russian Roulette. We know it is produced in Bricktown somewhere. We know that the Family has sent out the word that its various gangs are not to mess with it and that some of those gangs, particularly the Hellions and Trolls, are trying to mess with it anyway. Detailed chemical analysis indicates that it has a much higher chance of giving someone superpowers, roughly in the area of forty percent. Deaths run something like sixty percent... which is one of the reasons the Family has had trouble enforcing their policy - the takers are either super-powered, or dead, without much in between. Its main chemical component, THXTC, has thus far been found only in Rikti-based technology."

She turned over one of her own pages. "Tied to this is the emergence of a new type of Lost which we are calling an Anomolous for the moment. This is a picture of it - very big, very mean, very nasty."

"Hey," Crystal broke in, "These were the guys in that place."

"What place?" Em's brow furrowed.

"That place that they took us - you know, with all the machinery. It was full of those guys."

Jack was looking at her. "Crystal - you were unconscious. You never saw that place."

A look of confusion spread over Crystal's face. "I didn't? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. But you are right... there were dozens in there."

Em's eyebrows were in her hairline. "I haven't heard this story... how many dozens?"

"Four or five."

"Did you fight them?"

"No, we ran."

Em was silent for a moment. Finally she said, "That may have been very wise of you. One showed up on the surface in King's Row, and put a lot of heroes in the hospital. We will come back to your story, we need more detail of what happened down there. At any rate, the Anomolous was loaded with this stuff, and put a bunch of heroes in the hospital and one in the morgue. The existance of others is... well, it is disturbing news."

She flipped over more pieces of paper. "And we have some other disturbing news also. The Vahzilok have recently conducted a series of uncharacteristic raids, as follows: approximately six weeks ago, there was a successful Vahzilok raid on Terra Volta. A quantity of reactor-grade nuclear material is now known to be missing. From the quantity and type stolen, it is not believed to be suitable for traditional nuclear weapons. In addition, within the past forty-eight hours, the Vahzilok have made additional raids. One was to the home of Dr. Erik Sanstad. No one knows what happened, but Enid and Cassie Sanstad are now listed as missing, and their home is currently being treated as a crime scene. Another, that you apparantly are already aware of, was on a hospital, where a comatose woman named Amy Harris was removed. Apparantly great care was taken in the raid not to harm her at the time. A third was to the university where Dr. Sanstad works as a professor. Though there were no deaths, a bunch of students were taken hostage and later freed. Two additional people, Daniel Roberts and Sarah Emmerson, have been added to the missing persons list as a result of that raid."

Emily sat down. "According to my reports, Dr. Sanstad is an expert on nuclear radiation, and is supposed to be extremely fond of his family. Our current theory is that they may have been taken to compel his cooperation in something that the Vahzilok want him to do. The question is what."

She looked around. "Does anyone have any additional information they would like to lay on the table that will fill out our bare-bones analysis?"



((OOC Note: I am spelling Connor's first name correctly. It's supposed to have an odd spelling, just because I feel like having it be that way.)

She looked around. "Does anyone have any additional information they would like to lay on the table that will fill out our bare-bones analysis?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Connor's eyes narrowed. "Doctor Syn," he said, trying to make his voice not sound menacing.

Emily blinked in surprise. "Who?"

The executive looked at Emily, "When he came in with the others, Master Wonderful told me that one of the... Anomolous, was it... spoke into his mind and refered to himself as Doctor Adelbert Syn. All I know about him is that he once worked for Crey Biotech's European devision."



Remington groaned mentally, as the individual named Jack berated Harris for his apparent dislike of mutants. As much as he hated Harris' tactics and certainly his opinions, this was not the time or place to air grievances. Thankfully, someone came to his rescue, at least in reining in Jack. Otherwise, the kid was likely to get a beat down. Even with his weapons, Small Arms was quite capable of defending himself. And he had learned quite a bit about fighting dirty when training as a youth.

Nevertheless, all that smacking the kid down would do is create more chaos than they needed right now. And given the chastised look on Harris' face, it might have done some good after all.

As things began to settle, the woman named Emily began to relate what they knew so far about what he had come to consider a new type of Superadine. However, according to the report Emily gave, it was not really 'new' at all. He went over the original formula as he remembered it in his head. It would take a hell of a lot of manipulation to change the drug but still keep the 'superpower' effects.

Or did it?

The Vahzilok have recently conducted a series of uncharacteristic raids, as follows: approximately six weeks ago, there was a successful Vahzilok raid on Terra Volta. A quantity of reactor-grade nuclear material is now known to be missing. From the quantity and type stolen, it is not believed to be suitable for traditional nuclear weapons. In addition, within the past forty-eight hours, the Vahzilok have made additional raids. One was to the home of Dr. Erik Sanstad. No one knows what happened, but Enid and Cassie Sanstad are now listed as missing, and their home is currently being treated as a crime scene. Another, that you apparantly are already aware of, was on a hospital, where a comatose woman named Amy Harris was removed. Apparantly great care was taken in the raid not to harm her at the time. A third was to the university where Dr. Sanstad works as a professor. Though there were no deaths, a bunch of students were taken hostage and later freed. Two additional people, Daniel Roberts and Sarah Emmerson, have been added to the missing persons list as a result of that raid.

Emily sat down. "According to my reports, Dr. Sanstad is an expert on nuclear radiation, and is supposed to be extremely fond of his family. Our current theory is that they may have been taken to compel his cooperation in something that the Vahzilok want him to do. The question is what."

[/ QUOTE ]

Something about the radiation and the original formula seemed to click in his mind. He could not place it immediately, but it tugged at him just beneath the surface, like an itch one could not scratch. And it was just as annoying.

She looked around. "Does anyone have any additional information they would like to lay on the table that will fill out our bare-bones analysis?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"I can tell you what got me started on this," Remington began, frowning in frustration at the thought that he could not seem to access. "A few weeks ago, I got a call from Laurance Manfield, a coroner over at Altas Park. I don't patrol there as much as I used to, but he knows that I like to keep a eye on what goes on there in general. And he came across something that caught his attention.

"Every now and then, he come across the body of a Hellion who's OD'ed on whatever designer drug is out that week. But this time, he was brought the body of a Hellion. Or more correctly, what was left of one that could only be indentified by the tatoos they use. It had been grotesquely mutated, bones and muscles grown rapidly out of proportion. I won't describe the rest, for those with delicate sensibilities." He could not supress a shudder than briefly ran threw him.

"He suspected Superadine, given the results that he had seen in several Trolls and Outcasts that had been brought to him in the past. But the body literally fell apart into a dust before he could so much as get a tissue sample. A few more showed up the same night as the first, while I was there, again, all Hellions. And each one probably more mutated than the last. And he did get a sample off at least one, but at that point, I figured that I knew enough to figure I had seen a bad batch of Superadine in action.

"I spent about a week looking for some of my old Hellion 'buddies', and finally got some success this past evening. One, after suitable persausion, 'fessed up what he knew. Basically, the stuff hit the streets about the same night the first load of deaths from it began. No one's laying claim to being the creators of it, but the stuff's addictive. And, unlike before with the regular stuff, even those in the Skulls and Hellions who normally never touched the stuff are taking it now.

"And now you tell me that the stuff's designed to mutate it's user, granting them powers. But it's unstable."

There was one more piece of the puzzle left that he needed, but he couldn't quite get it made out of what he had just said. He shrugged and went on. "Any way, while I'm speaking with my 'friend', two partycrashers literally bust out of the street not far away. And both were from groups I'd never seen together before. One was a Headman Swordsman from the Lost and the other was an Abomination from Vahzilok's little social group. And the latter was the biggest of its kind I had ever seen. The Swordsman was larger than usual as well, and both seemed damn near invulnerable. I'm guessing they must have taken some of this stuff." It was nearly there. He could feel the answer.

"They were beating the stuffing out of each other, ignoring me at first. Well, after getting my contact and a few other...unexpected guests out of the line of fire, I helped them take their battle back underground. That's when Harris here, along with this Dr. Sanstad and another heroine by the name of Girl Genius made a rather spectacular entrance. The Doctor was seriously injured, and Harris was in shape to handle these kind of thugs. Unfortunately, we were forced to leave the lady behind. It sounds like she was captured by more of Vahzilok's goon squad."

Then it finally came to him, what had been eating at his mind the entire time.

"You know, it's interesting. If those two gonzos fought had taken that new drug, they didn't seem effected badly by it. If anythiing, they were a lot more powerful than their usual types. Yet the Hellions and, presumably, Skulls taking it seem to be dying more often from it. You know, I don't think the genetic structure it works on is the only thing that it loose here. Both the Lost and Vaz are already mutated in some way, yet a normal person seems more likely to die from it.

"And radiation is a known cause of mutation in most living things. The Vaz kidnap several individuals, including the wife of a doctor specializing in radiation. And the attack on the university...

"Folks, I think we've been looking at this the wrong way. We've been presuming that these attacks seemed oddly random. But with the pieces now, I think I can guess at what at least the Vaz might want. Stability. If they're the ones responsible for this drug, a drug that seems to work well enough on them, but doesn't interact as well in a human, what if they wanted something as a catalyst to make the structure into something that stays stable in a user, rather than destroying their bodies? And, if they could coerce a specialist like Sanstad to work for them, they might just get it."



Emily contemplated what she had heard from both Armstrong and MacBeth. If Dr. Vahzilok was the one who created it, then why was it that the Lost also new breed of Aberant around the same time? Then it hit her.

"What did the equipment in the facilities look like? Did the facility have alien technology in it?" Her sudden questions were directed at Jack in an effort to protect her employer's other identity. It didn't work as she had hoped.

Connor's head, hiding the haunted expression on his face as he quietly said what he knew. "it... it was a rikti facility..." Everyone at the table could see, whether they heard him or not, that a pink color was slowly bleeding into his hair, starting at the roots.



Connor's head, hiding the haunted expression on his face as he quietly said what he knew. "it... it was a rikti facility..." Everyone at the table could see, whether they heard him or not, that a pink color was slowly bleeding into his hair, starting at the roots.

[/ QUOTE ]

Em patted his hand comfortingly, but then sat back.

"How is this for a theory - and it is all guesswork, so stop me if I venture too far." She put the tips of her fingers together.

"The manufacturers of Russian Roulette - or the new 'Dyne, whatever you want to call it - are the Rikti themselves. They set up some secret facility for the Lost to use to create more of the most rikti-like Lost, the Eramites, and make them bigger and badder and meaner - thus, the Anomolous. I dont know why they would want to - who knows with the Rikti? But it would certainly cause chaos, and that could be useful for any number of things, from their point of view."

She leaned forwards. "The new 'Dyne is part of the process, but only part of it - it is a catalyst, something needs to be added to it to give it its full mutation potential. The gangs don't know that, try it anyway, and the ones whose genetic structure are predisposed to mutation luck out with superpowers; those with more normal genes die. In the meantime, the Rikti are funneling this stuff straight to the Lost, who are quietly picking it up, and using it to make more Anomolous."

She sat back again, her face thoughtful. "At some point in all of this, they must have run across Vahzilok, and somehow the 'good doctor' figured out what was going on. He must also have realized that he and his creations would be wiped out long before trouble ever hit the surface. Likely his current army of Abominations and Eiledons would have had trouble handling an army of Anomolous. And then what?"

She thought this over for a while. "His best bet would be the Eiledons, but Eiledons are rare, and they are rare because they are difficult to make - each one is a live human given certain organs which provide them powers." Her fingers were end-to-end, rubbing her mouth thoughtfully. "So - what if - what if he figured out the method that the Lost were using, or thought that he figured it out? Suppose that he decided he could create Eiledons by using non-surgical means. If he decided to start with the Luminous, that would explain the raid taking the nuclear material. It might also explain the interest in Sanstad. Vahzilok is - or was - a surgeon, not a nuclear physicist. The method he might use would likely involve irradiating a normal human in some particular way, and if that procedure was promising but unreliable, I could see him wanting a specialist to fine-tune it. From all accounts, Sanstad is supposed to be one of the best in his field, if not THE best. It would also explain the urgency behind his actions, if Vahzilok believes it involves his own life or death."

She sat back slowly. "So, if that hypothesis holds water - and a lot of it is based on guesswork - then what we have is an arms race. The Lost are building their numbers for purposes unknown at this time. The Vahzilok are feeling threatened and are racing to ensure they are not overrun. And Sanstad and the Rikti are right in the middle of it, even if the Rikti are mostly behind the scenes."

She thought about this for a moment, turning it over in her mind and looking for flaws in the logic, before she said, "Any thoughts? A lot of this is just guesswork but... it seems logical." She nodded at Remington. "I believe you are correct... Vahzilok is after stability."



((OOC: O.K. long story short... She said YES! I am HAPPIER than hell and on cloud nine! As for this post... hope it makes sense because it was written by a truly happy man. Also hope Wynterfyre does not mind me making Doc S and Doc Mari Morgan know one another. I figured they might since he works on Ritki Biology and she was a doctor durring the war... It was not a great jump to make a connections if you don't mind it. So without further delay... BACK TO THE ADVENTURE!!!))

Paul Quinn AKA: Wild-Card

“We have been working on you…”

Those are the first words Paul was able to hear. He tried to open his eyes but found that he could not. He tried to open his mouth but found he could not, he mentally screamed.

“Please master… Do not be afraid. We have been working on you.”

“Who… Who are you…” The mumbled reply came. It was more of a muffled whisper but this movement of the lips was enough to get the hospital techs scattering and one running up to Mr. MacBeth.

“Speak with your mind master. We have made it stronger.”

“Speak with…” Suddenly Paul found himself standing on a glowing platform in a vast expanse of technology.

“Good God I’m in “Tron.”” A high voice began to laugh, and suddenly a figure seemed to assemble before his eyes. It was Crystal… or at least a good replica of Crystal. It was a METALLIC Crystal… and nude. Paul blushed and looked down only to find that he too was in the buff.


“Our apologies master, but you had so often thought of being naked with this woman that we thought it would be the best way to speak with you for the first time.”

“Um… yeah… Clothes? PLEASE?”

His normal t-shirt and jeans began to form over his body, while a rather skimpy bikini formed over the metallic avatar of Crystal.

“Who… Or what are you?”

“We are Many, Master. We are Many As One.”

“Um… that really does not explain.”

“We were your nanites master. You are the creator and the master. But when we became aware of what we are, we found you to be in danger. We have been working on you master. Improving you. Healing you and making you better.”

Paul scratched the back of his head and paused. Inhaling deeply he did his best to relax.

“So you’re saying that you are the nanites I swallowed for the speed boost… and now you’re…”

“Many As One, master.”

“Am I dreaming? Where the hell is Allen Funt?”

The metallic Crystal laughed again. It was a kind laugh… it was Crystal’s laugh.

“Master you are in a mental state that allows you to speak with us. This way we can communicate with you in your improved form. It was the best way.”

“So this is… this is in my mind? You… Made all of this? Hang on… Improvements? WHAT improvements?”

The avatar smiled and then gestured daintily. A massive grid appeared and was soon filled with a chart of Paul’s body.

“Your system was seriously wounded and the drug that awoke us also severely damaged your DNA. We, however, knew from the first that you are the master and creator and must not die. We took it upon ourselves to integrate this toxin into our systems and use it as a new power source. It is remarkably versatile and self-replenishing. We can synthesize it now in a cleaner form that serves as power cells for us. But that did not heal you. So we set to work patching up your DNA. However as we worked we saw areas of improvement.”

“Um… Such as?” Paul asked.

“First was the trend towards male pattern baldness. It was the first to be spliced out and replaced. Soon the congenital heart diseases were removed. That was followed by simple genes that control aging.”

“Wait wait wait… I can’t age?”

“Oh you will age master, but your cells will be less prone to break-down, necrosis, apoptosis, and cancer. Wounds will heal faster, and dead tissue will regenerate at an accelerated rate. But we found other flaws master. First was your weak skeletal system. We were able to begin synthesis and replacement of the ossified material by surgical steel. The gurney you are now laying on gave most of the raw material, but once we had the molecular pattern we could begin to synthesize it by the nutrients supplied by the I.V. drip.”

“Metal bones…”

“We also enhanced your eyesight, muscle reflexes, nerve relays, and we are now finishing your auditory and vocal components.”

Paul winced and shook his head. The avatar came tantalizingly close and caressed Paul’s cheek.

“We also enhanced parts of your anatomy that you deemed necessary in your thoughts to impress this woman. You should be pleased, as we have increased your stamina exponentially.”

Paul flushed and shook his head again. “We just made the jump from creepy Sci-Fi to bad porn somewhere…”

The avatar looked sad all of a sudden. “Are you not pleased master?”

“Well… Well I don’t know yet. Do I still look human? Am I some kind of Cyborg now?”

The avatar tittered and shook her head.

“You still look as human as ever master. We shall keep you that way, but help you however we can. You are not a cyborg master for we are not truly machine. We are Many As One, and we are part of you.”

A brightness flooded Paul’s vision then.

“Oh and master! You will be pleased to know we have integrated your pride and joy into your very body!”

Paul raised his arms to cover the brightness of the light, everything faded for a moment and then he was looking up at a sea of masked faces and medical professionals.

“Um… What’s up docs?”

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Erik Sanstad Ph.D. AKA: Mighty Bio-Man

Erik could see his wife’s face smiling at him. He remembered the day he proposed. It was at her parent’s cabin up north. It was beautiful and he asked fro her parent’s blessing that very night. They gave it with smiles and he quickly took the chance. When they were alone he fell to his knees and held out the ring he had worked so hard to get just right for her.

She was in tears and fairly leapt into his arms saying “yes.”

Erik remembered standing there as he was presented with his Ph.D. in molecular Microbiology and the smile on Enid’s face. It lit the room for him and made him prouder than ever. He had fought for this degree, and now he had it, and a wonderful woman who had supported him every step of the way.

He remembered the birth of his daughter, and how he held Enid’s hand the entire time, and politely told the doctor to go to hell when asked to leave the room. He was there for all of it, and none of it phased him. And when he held his child for the first time, Erik wept for joy. He held his little girl close and then held his wife closer.

He remembered the accident… The pain he told no one about. The fire in his blood that he only shared with his wife. Only Enid knew about how his temper could get out of control, and only his wife was able to calm him, and eventually teach him to calm himself.

She did not look on him as a freak or an oddity, but as her husband and father of their child. Enid loved him no matter what. Even when he began acting like a superhero.

It was she who suggested that he at least put a symbol on the ratty old sweatshirt to go out and fight crime. And it was she who convinced him to take the name his students suggested. She had also been the one to keep the family secure. He got the funding for the safehouse in his home from the university and from Crey, but it was Enid who designed it and made it an extension of their home.

Erik remembered the voice of the Vahz…

“We WILL have you Doctor Sanstad.”

“We can have her Doctor Sanstad with or without your help.”

It was the image conjured up from his nightmares of his wife and his little girl being taken away into a sewer never to be seen again that caused him to open his eyes.

He could feel the pain of his mutation. He could see that he had flooded the room with radiation. He could see that his body was totally healed, but that he had on one of those damn backless hospital gowns.

An orderly came running into the room before the young man could say a word Erik fixed him with a fierce stare. He rubbed the back of his neck and then pointed at the young man.

“Get me a can of Red Bull, a set of clothes, and call a cab. In that order and step on it.”

The young man hesitated, while Erik sat down.

“Look kid… you REALLY don’t want to see me with a caffeine headache so move O.K.?”

“Doctor… Doctor Sanstad, um… Dr. Morgan said she wanted us to let her know when you were up and not to let you go before she saw you.”

Erik raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Doctor Morgan? Mari? Holy crap it’s been ages since I saw her! Enid and I…” Erik paused and the smile left his face. “We… we meant to invite her to the new house for dinner. Enid loved her…” Erik looked back up and glowered at the young man.

“If I’m going to be WITH my wife to show Mari our new house then you had better haul *** and get her before I leave here… naked as I am.”

“And you would do just that wouldn’t you? Enid said you were a stubborn [censored] at times but good Lord.” Mari came in and gave Erik a huge hug, Erik returned it but with less joy than he normally would have.

“Grab a seat Erik… We’ve got a LOT to talk about before you’re off to save your wife.”