Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




Jack tried to intercept MW before he reached Syn but was a quick punch from MW push him away. Jack staggered to attack again, to protect the one who had promised him so much.

But when Jack saw that MW's attack on Syn was useless he waited. Smiling, he slowly walked around behind MW. He was in no rush to attack. MW was to busy attacking Syn, blinded by his emotion. Jack thought this was weak. Syn had shown Jack how bliss full it was to be completely empty and void of sadness, regret, fear and love. Jack new only pleaser now...and anger which Syn made sure was aimed at the right person when he allowed Jack to experience it.

In one quick movement Jack brought his hand up under MW's arms and locked them behind his head, firmly holding him in place.



((OOC: OK, alot happening here.))

Satisfied with their accomplishments, the Anomolous went their way. Their bargain with Syn was working out well. There was more to be done, but they were in no hurry.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Syn's psycic shade had watched the proceedings with great amusement. Little did the Lost know that their loyal "follower" had counted on this and started to final phase of his plan into motion. Light visibly flashed from four locations: Paul's tube, Erik's tube, Crystals tube and the tube with the nuclear rod in it. However only three entities reappeared in the lab itself, Erik, Penny, and, again, the rod. Syn spoke in to Erik's mind, Time to wake up, Erik Sanstad. Use your power to destroy all evidence of 'Russian Roulette' and I will reunite you with your wife, no other strings attatched.


The ninja and hunter of dark magics known only as Kagete stealthily explored the strange lab. Looking in any direction he could see devices and notes one would not normally see in one place. Notes on vampires, warewolves, zombies and demons drew the dark figure's attention more than anything, however, this was not what he was looking for. MAGI had been broken into and only on thing was taken, a Japanese relic called the "Ma Hou," or demon jar. Kagete knew that this wasn't the only relic of it's kind. He also knew what it's purpose was, to capture and consume souls. He hadn't yet found the relic when he saw two flashes of light from a, as of yet, unexplored room. The sight that was awating him was both horrible and awe inspiring. The walls were filled with what seemed like an endless array liquid filled tubes with what looked like humanoid figures in them with a set of seven tubes set in the center, two of which were now having an young man and woman placed in them by what looked like robotic assistants. Kagete knew what he had to do. His form seemed to come more into focus as he launched himself at the two machines.


He could tell that Jack was not a well trained grappler, or that his strength even matched his own. He was able to break the mind controled psycic's hold quite easily by a quick bend at the waste and a turn of his hip. Went carrening through Syn's force field knocking the scientist over. Connor attemted another dash attack against Syn, this time he was trown back as the barrier was irrected again.

"I believe it is time for you to show him your true power, Envy," said Syn as he possitioned himself between Master Wonderful and Jack.



"I believe it is time for you to show him your true power, Envy," said Syn as he possitioned himself between Master Wonderful and Jack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack smiled, "Yes."

Since Jack had taken Syn's offer his skin seemed to have slowly grown paler but his ginger hair had and green eyes had gone darker.

Syn had show Jack in his mind new ways to use his powers. New ways he could manipulate people with pain. Jack channeled his pain into Master Wonderful's body. It was a small amount but just enough to make all of his mussels seize up and lock him in place, unable to move.

Jack walked around Master Wonderful confident that he was not going any were. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Jack raised a finger and coursed the pink hero agonizing pain. When he lowered his finger the pain stopped. Jack continued to walk around him in slowly circles while he smiled from ear to ear. "That is only a taste of what I am going to do to you."



((OOC: Jen, PM me with what your plan was/is for what Emily left to do a few sections ago. I'm wanting to work it in.))

Jack raised a finger and coursed the pink hero agonizing pain. When he lowered his finger the pain stopped. Jack continued to walk around him in slowly circles while he smiled from ear to ear. "That is only a taste of what I am going to do to you."

[/ QUOTE ]

Connor sneered, "Bring it on, chuckles."


Kagete made short work of the drones, especially since they lacked any actual offesive abilities. He kneeled before the young woman, seeing that she was clearly overdosing on something. He had seen this plenty of times when he fought Tsoo and those they had used Rage on. He uncorked a small vial and held another similar one in his hand. "Drink this, young one." As the concoction entered Crystal's mouth, she could taste how vile it was, causing her to gag and spit it back up. Kagete uncorked the second vile. "I know it tastes awful, but it will help purify your body faster." She finally swallowed the substance and began breathing easier.


Kagete looked around at the walls. *BOOM* One of tubes shook, it's occupant looked like it was moving. *BOOM* Another tube shook. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* It seemed that five of the tubes' occupants were trying to get out. As the slayer of dark mages stood ready to protect the newest captives he was attempting to liberate, he knew this would probably be his toughest fight yet since he came to Paragon City.




Jack raised a finger and coursed the pink hero agonizing pain. When he lowered his finger the pain stopped. Jack continued to walk around him in slowly circles while he smiled from ear to ear. "That is only a taste of what I am going to do to you."

Connor sneered, "Bring it on, chuckles."

[/ QUOTE ]

Emily dropped down through the manhole with a grunt. The motion detector had been correct: there was nothing moving in any direction. It had taken her a bit of time, more than she had anticipated, to find a manhole cover that was safe for entry.

The stench was as bad as she expected, and she screwed up her face, but jogged on. The waterproof coveralls she wore kept her skin dry. Around her hips was a belt with a number of tools hung on it: on her head, she wore a construction helmet. Digging in her toolkit, she found a bandana, and tied it around her face to try and cut some of the stench before heading down one of the tunnels, watching two gadgets intently. One was the motion tracker - the other looked almost like a game controller of some sort.

She continued down the tunnel until suddenly the screen of the little controller turned green. "Gotcha," she grinned, stopped running at once, and put her thumbs on the controls.


From the shards of plastic and metal which decorated the ground, no one would ever have guessed how carefully the smashed dragonfly unit had been assembled. The pieces had lain unmoving since they had been destroyed by a madman, intent on revenge.

Now, however, one of the pieces moved. It was a curved piece that had once formed a portion of the rounded dragonfly body. It wobbled for a moment, then tipped over.

Underneath it was a tiny, roundish, insectoid-looking thing, which was moving around almost curiously. Its appearance was squat and clumsy.

When it took off a few moments later, however, its flight was graceful, if not as fast as the dragonfly had been, and it zoomed down the tunnel as if it knew exactly what it was looking for.

Emily shook her head with a smile. "Now... lets go find the boss..." She looked at her scanner, showing the tracking device she had secretly placed on Master Wonderful earlier, and sent the tiny unit flying in his direction.



Connor was in pain unlike any he had felt before. He couldn't focus on anything save for his primal need to survive. This forced is already overactive adrinal gland to work in overtime, filling him with strength and increasing his threshold for pain. Could have anticipated what was to come. The wild, animal howl the eminated from his thoat, the swift movement of his arms which were like a man breaking free of his binding, the shock wave that was let loose with that first movement after his holding, knocking Jack out, or even the tackle that went through Syn's shield forcing the mad man to dodge for all he was worth to keep himself alive. The second round that Connor had promised Syn was now officially under way.


The first of the tubes burst releasing what looked like a wolfman wearing typical Warrior gang colors. It snarled at Kagete before it lept to another cell helping the stuggling occupant to release itself. In the mean time, a pale woman with raven hair wearing a black pinstiped buisness suit burst through plexiglass that was preventing her release and seemed to float rather than fall to the ground and grinned a malicious, fanged grin at the demon hunter. As each altered human landed, Kagete knew that they were not truely mystical in nature, which meant that this made the ninja's job both easier and harder.

The five creatures, the vampiress in the mobster suit, the werewolf in cloths of member of the Warriors, an icubus wearing the out fit of a Hellion without the mask, a ghoul that seemed to have bits and pieces replaced with other body parts, much like Vahzilok's creations, in tattered civilian cloths, and what looked to be a lich in a highly decorated Fifth Colmun Nacht uniform, kept themselves in a circle around Paul, Crystal and Kagete as if they were waiting for something. Then that something happened, the sound of a howling wind came from somewhere in the high ceiling and five smoke wisps spead towards the five former humans.

A rattling breath came from the lich before it spoke, "Herr doktor vants us to contain you, preferably alive."

The ghoul started to shake as if trying to hold something back, then let out an earpiercing pschotic laugh and licked his lips. "But he didn't say anything about keeping you in one piece!"

And thus the battle began...

((OOC: Anyone feel free to write fight stuff for Lust (the incubus), Pride (the lich), Averice (the vampiress), Gluttony (the ghoul, who should move insanely fast), or Wrath (the werewolf, and you can have him change between forms at will [these range from full human to wolfman to full wolf and any point in between, Werewolf the Apocolypse might be a good source of inspiration for him, as well as some of the other White Wolf supplements]))



((OOC: O.K. I apologize if I got this wrong. I THINK, as I have read it, Erik Penny, and the canister wound up in one location, while Crystal, Paul, and Kagate are in another. Hopefully this will not [censored] things up...))

Time to wake up, Erik Sanstad. Use your power to destroy all evidence of 'Russian Roulette' and I will reunite you with your wife, no other strings attatched.

[/ QUOTE ]

Erik fell forward coughing and sputtering. He could feel the voice in his head, and having worked with other mentalists he was not totally unused to the sensation.

That's not to say that he LIKED it.

Wiping the green from his naked body, Erik sniffed it and winced. "Cadamite... The bastards." Erik spat again. Cadamite was a common substance used to absorb radioactivity. It had leached much of Erik's latent powers, but now, exposed to the air again, he was recharging quickly. Faster than he had before. He could feel it, and for once it was not painful.

"What in the..." He looked up and could see Penny and the lead lined canister from the core. Erik stood with a shock and ran to Penny. She appeared stable... for now.

Erik focused on the voice again. It was his only contact he seemed to be able to reach. Mainly because he was buck naked and his earpiece was no where to be found. He remembered what another psychic told him... "Focus your thoughts into something heavy and push it. Push it towards the voice who speaks to you."

Check One Check Two... O.K. Brainiac, can you hear me?

He formed those words in his head and pushed... pushed hard and out.

If you can hear me, answer this. Why the hell should I trust you? Where the hell am I? And I can't do crap until the Cadamite wears off. Not like I would anyway. I'm not stupid whomever you are. ANYTHING with the drug in them will be effected if I pulse, which means if Crystal, Paul, Jack, or anyone ELSE who can be saved is nearby would get fried as well. So either pull the other leg or find another option.

__________________________________________________ ____

The gleam in Gluttony's eyes was obvious. Fresh flesh to feat upon. It lunged at Kagate and the prone form of Crystal. The lich however raised its arm and froze the beast in mid-air.

"Touch ze ghirl beast, and you deal with me. Herr Docktor vants her. You may have ze pajama man." he gently nudged the ghoul towards the correct target before grinning an ivory grin.

The wolfman howled and lunged at Kagate giving no warning. "You don;t have to tell ME twice!"

The other two however, hovered back and watched gently. "How very tasteless." Whispered the pale maiden. "What a waste of blood."

"And flesh." The Hellion added. "I doubt there will be much left for us."

"Then shall we secure dinner brother dear?"

"Yes dear sister... We shall."

As one the moved towards Kagate as well. The lich hovered near Crystal and watched her prone form as his minions (for that is truly what they were to him) move on the interloper. They would rend him limb from limb before he could blink, and he would gain the accolades he desired from his master for defending the girl... His new sister when Syn was done with her.

A tube in the back rattled. It began to shake and glow purple. Cracks formed in it's surface and suddenly, the entire thing exploded.

There stood Paul... naked and smoking. His skin had an odd silver sheen to it and his eyes were blank except for the streams of code that flashed across the black.

"Many As One Version 2.0 Beta Backup Online. Reconfiguring Host Body. The Master/Creator will Awaken in T Minus 60 Minutes."

It looked about the room and seemd to pause on each figure. They stared back at this new oddity. The 5 wondered if he was a new brother and hesitated in thier attacks on Kagate.

"Data Corruption Evident. Core memory previous to restart wiped. Assessing. 6 threats scanned and one incidental. Eliminate for Host Safety."

Paul's hand began to glow purple and the air became hot around him.

"Brother Sloth?" Hissed the Lich as he floated to his awakened brother. "Brother?"

And the first shot was fired blowing the lich into the celing. Paul's fists charged again and took aim, but not before the werewolf tacked him and began to bite into Paul's arm.

"KILL THE NINJA!" he roared at the ghoul. The vampiress and the Incubus moved as one towards kagate again. The Vampiress licking her lips.

"Shall we feed then Brother?"

"Yes lets"

And they lunged.

The ghoul however, crept towards Crystal's prone form. The other occupied he cackled again...

"Fresh meats... and no one to stop me..."



The vampiress and the Incubus moved as one towards kagate again. The Vampiress licking her lips.

"Shall we feed then Brother?"

"Yes lets"

[/ QUOTE ]

((OOC: Allow me to say that the Incubus wanting to feed on Kagete is just a little weird, considering what Incubi and Secubi would normally feed on from people. I won't say any more than that.))

Kagete watched the two creatures come at him calmly and silently. He had to time this just right. As the two highly sexual being got to him he did a small jump that caused him to land on the the psudo-demon's shoulders which did a larger jump off of and aimed a flying mule kick at the ghoul. The cannibalistic humanoid reacted almost to late as the ninja landed hard on the floor near the unconscious Crystal. Kagete to a moment to shove her prone form away while proformed a round house kick the ghoul's head.


If you can hear me, answer this. Why the hell should I trust you? Where the hell am I? And I can't do crap until the Cadamite wears off. Not like I would anyway. I'm not stupid whomever you are. ANYTHING with the drug in them will be effected if I pulse, which means if Crystal, Paul, Jack, or anyone ELSE who can be saved is nearby would get fried as well. So either pull the other leg or find another option.

[/ QUOTE ]

You should trust me because we share the same enemy, the Rikti and the Lost. As far as you friends, I have removed any one that is not my enemy from that facility that lacks the abilities necissary to stop their threat to me. I am a busy man, so do not attempt to distract me again.

Any further attempt for Erik to contact his mysterious savior prooved fruitless. He was now on his own.


Syn had spent almost too long focusing on getting Erik to attack the Lost. He'd been clipped twice by the raging Master Wondful's swings and he was hurting. At least now he could focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to get a good shot with his mind blast due to both fighters coninuing to jockey for an advantagious position. He didn't waste his time with killing blows as that would leave him to winded to fight back against Connor's attacks if he were to miss and he needed enough so that he could escape if things got to bad. And so their stalemate continued.



When Crystal came to herself, there were words, as if etched in fire, in her minds eye.

You poor child. Now you teeter on the brink of oblivion. But, you don't have to. I can save you in addition to my other offer. Just say that you will become my servant, 'Avarice,' and I can make it all happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal could not have said what it was that rose up in her at these words. When she rolled over, and spoke, her voice sounded gravelly, but the sound of it gave her strength.

"I... don't... believe you," she mumbled, and the words disappeared. She felt a strange sense of relief. She stayed still for a moment, shaking her head, and then looked around, the world coming into sharper focus. She felt horribly ill.

Kagete watched the two creatures come at him calmly and silently. He had to time this just right. As the two highly sexual being got to him he did a small jump that caused him to land on the the psudo-demon's shoulders which did a larger jump off of and aimed a flying mule kick at the ghoul. The cannibalistic humanoid reacted almost to late as the ninja landed hard on the floor near the unconscious Crystal. Kagete to a moment to shove her prone form away while proformed a round house kick the ghoul's head.

[/ QUOTE ]

When she looked up, the first thing she saw was the face of the ghoul. It had been slammed hard by the kick, but it had kept its feet. Seeing her eyes, it hissed loudly.

Her reaction was instinctive and immediate. She thrust her hands out; power crackled through her body, encasing her in a shimmering field - the first symptom of the changes wrought in her body by the Russian Roulette. The ghoul was not harmed - but it was repelled hard, slammed across the room and into the wall... almost through the wall.

The effort made her double over. Kagete's medicine had saved her life, and helped her to awaken, but she was woefully overdosing. It wasn't as severe as it would have been, but it was severe enough.

In spite of this, she was aware that there was a battle taking place. Rolling over again, she attempted to find her knees: in spite of the devastation of Roulette, she was trying to stand. She was tougher than she looked.


Syn had spent almost too long focusing on getting Erik to attack the Lost. He'd been clipped twice by the raging Master Wondful's swings and he was hurting. At least now he could focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to get a good shot with his mind blast due to both fighters coninuing to jockey for an advantagious position. He didn't waste his time with killing blows as that would leave him to winded to fight back against Connor's attacks if he were to miss and he needed enough so that he could escape if things got to bad. And so their stalemate continued.

[/ QUOTE ]

It wasn't long before Emily found Master Wonderful, who was locked in battle with another superpowered individual - Syn. She had read about him earlier in Conner's files. So far, neither of them seemed able to get an upper hand.

She smirked at her controller. "Time to tip the balance, don't you think?" she said to no one in particular.

She waited until it was obvious that Syn was concentrating for a fresh attack, and then dive-bombed. The tiny, mechanical, ladybug-like drone didn't have much in the way of offensive capabilities... but it could deliver a powerful shock, surprisingly so for its size.

To make sure he got the full effect, she aimed directly for his left eye. He saw her coming at the last second - but it was too late, and the ladybug impacted fully with his face. There was a distinct noise of, ZZZZZT!

Unhurt by the impact, the ladybug bounced off and, after a clumsy moment of spinning in the air, whizzed upwards again, to a piercing cry of "Aaaaagh! My eye!"

The sound of the voice did her good. She just hoped the boss would be able to take advantage of the distraction.



((OOC: Another VG cats fan I see ))

Jack started to come too again. The world was a blur at first but slowly came into focus. He was aware of screaming and hoped it was the annoying pink hero but he saw it was not.

The foolish girl from the meeting had some how gotten into the fight and was attacking his master with a remote device. Maybe if he had enough time Jack could teleport his master to safety he thought to himself. But first he would have to deal with anything that might interrupt this plan.

Still feeling weak from the blast Jack forced himself to stand. He was too weak to use his powers again just yet but on shaky legs he started to walk towards Emily. She would have to be dealt with first.

(OOC: Let me know if you do or don't want Jack to teleport Syn to safety))



((OOC: Another VG cats fan I see ))

[/ QUOTE ]

OOC: Actually, I have never heard of VG cats. I just liked your avatar, traced where it came from, and picked one of my own. ))


Still feeling weak from the blast Jack forced himself to stand. He was too weak to use his powers again just yet but on shaky legs he started to walk towards Emily. She would have to be dealt with first.

[/ QUOTE ]

Em was concentrating on the remote when the beep from her motion detector went off. Alarmed, she looked around, but saw no one... still, perhaps best to move. She set off down the tunnel.

However, Emily was a normal human - if Jack put his mind to it, she had little chance of escaping him...



((OOC: VG cats has a great COH strip here.))

Jack sent out a small pulse of pain like he had earlier with Master Wonderful. It was just enough to make all of Em's mussels seize up and make it impossible for her to move. Jack walked up to her and looked her straight in the face.

"Oh dear....Seems like you got your self in a spot of bother. That's very foolish." He said to her with a smile.



Jack sent out a small pulse of pain like he had earlier with Master Wonderful. It was just enough to make all of Em's mussels seize up and make it impossible for her to move. Jack walked up to her and looked her straight in the face.

"Oh dear....Seems like you got your self in a spot of bother. That's very foolish." He said to her with a smile.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Actually - " she gasped, "You - might have been foolish - yourself." The pain was making tears course down her cheeks, but she seemed quite sure of what she was saying.



Experiment sensed many people... getting closer to the lab, and battling. Then... he sensed a strong pshycic... and thanks to the control on him, he knew who it was... "Syn?" he said, "Well... maybe I can help him... and feed off the death of his opponents." and at that, he launched down the line, going up at every turn, and finally got to the battle, but only seeing... One of the people in the sewers on the last trip... and Mr. Macbeth's assistant? It seemed the assistant couldent move, and the one holding her was looking at her. "You gonna kill her, or do I have to kill the both of you?" Experiment asked, walking towards them.



You should trust me because we share the same enemy, the Rikti and the Lost. As far as you friends, I have removed any one that is not my enemy from that facility that lacks the abilities necessary to stop their threat to me. I am a busy man, so do not attempt to distract me again.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Distract HIM he says..." Erik muttered. He looked about the lab and made mental notes of all he saw. Having worked on Ritki bodies for so long, he had gotten to know their technology fairly well. The lab was impressive. Well stocked and defended it seemed.

"This has got to be one of the main processing areas for the drug." Erik muttered. Penny groaned slightly. Cursing he checked her again. She was still stable, but seemed to not be recovering properly. Erik just had no clue what to do.

Hearing footsteps Erik took the chance and looked out the window. The area was massive. An underground facility for processing the drug. He gave a low whistle and then ducked down as guards passed.

"Hybrids..." Erik muttered. He knew since the Ritki were cut off from their home dimension their only real choice for re-enforcements was to MAKE them. But this... this was sickening.

"Well whoever the mysterman is... he's right. Only way to wipe this out is to irradiate the whole place. But if I move, they'll swarm this area..."

He looked at Penny and then at the canister. Nodding, he knew what had to be done.

"I hope that suit has some radiation shielding left." He whispered.

Slowly, Erik moved to the door and looked out. He could see hordes of Lost roaming about. Hundreds of tubes with people in various states of the change were down there. Vats of the drug and armed guards... It was like some kind of James Bond super-villian base.

And Erik was going to throw a nuke into the middle of it.

So much for being subtle.

Crawling on his belly, Erik rolled the canister out of the door. He let it close gently behind him and then began unscrewing the cap. Every turn he could feel more and more power begin to leech off the core from the reactor.

"HEY!" He heard a guard shout. Erik only smiled and stood. Reaching into the lead lined canister he touched the power of God. He could feel his body soak it in and recharge harder and faster than ever before. The Lost gunner screamed in agony as the workers below looked up.

"Say G'night Gracie..." Erik whispered as he felt the protons and neutrons shift in his palm. It did not take much to alter the properties of the core. It was uranium after all, so making it a bit more purified and then unstable was simple. Giving it UP was hard.

The Anomalous began to fire mental blast after mental blast now. Erik could almost see them fly at him through the haze of green power. The blasts hit and were painful, but he took only a second, no more, to toss the core at the first Anomalous he saw. A very LARGE one.

"Catch." Erik stated, and then dove back through the door.

It took every ounce of energy he had every bit of strength and will to channel the radiation away from the room. Even then he knew some leaked past and prayed that Penny's suit absorbed it.

His healing aura seemed to glow-nonstop to keep the effects of the heat and shock away. He knew damn well that if he had not absorbed as much power from the core as he had earlier... Both He and Penny would have been vaporized by the blast.

ALL of Kings Row shook above them. The shockwave and radiation swept through the tunnels like wildfire.

Somehow... Somehow it did not collapse, even thought the majority of the lab was nothing more than a crater now. Only the strongest of the Ritki construction pillars still stood, and everything was either irradiated, vaporized, or both. The lab took the majority, but even the heat and radiation could not be totally contained and some spread through the tunnels like wildfire.

Only the Ritki construction of the lab saved those above from having the sewers collapse... This was exactly what Erik was counting on.

Of course the EMP pulse wiped out power for those above and in the tunnels... but that could be fixed... Erik looked about as the earth still shook and smoldered.

"God I pray I did the right thing...” he whispered as he knelt down by Penny. “God help me if the mysteyrman lied…”



"Actually - " she gasped, "You - might have been foolish - yourself." The pain was making tears course down her cheeks, but she seemed quite sure of what she was saying.

[/ QUOTE ]

The statement angered Jack. With Syn distracted by the fight his control over Jack had waved slightly. Jack was still under his control but the check Syn had on Jacks emotions had weakened slightly. Jack leaned closer into her face.

"Oh really. Do tell." He said through gritted teeth.

"You gonna kill her, or do I have to kill the both of you?" Experiment asked, walking towards them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jacks head snapped to face Experiment. He didn't seem bothered by the sudden reappearance of the missing hero. Rather, he was annoyed he had been interrupted and he was annoyed that here was someone who thought they could better serve Syn than Jack himself.

"Back off," he shouted.

Then he turned back to Em and spoke more calmly, "Now..... you were going to tell me why you think I have been foolish."

((OOC: Palaquinn, I don't know if you are still reading the Whitemoore RP but Nick is looking for Obsidian. ))



"God I pray I did the right thing...” he whispered as he knelt down by Penny. “God help me if the mysteryman lied…”

[/ QUOTE ]

The explosion was beyond description. The floor shook, bouncing them around. Things toppled. He could hear screams from the other room just before part of the ceiling caved in.

The jarring seemed to wake Penny. She sat up suddenly, disoriented.

The first in the series of secondary explosions was enough to bring down most of the rest of the roof. The next one shattered the intervening wall, sending shrapnel in every direction. It seemed that Russian Roulette, in its pure form, when stored in large vats, was highly flammable.

Thankfully, they managed to scramble out of the path of the worst of it, and stood panting a little ways down the tunnel. "Erik?" Penny sounded perfectly normal. "Where are we - what - "

Then the next explosion went up, and there was no more time for talking - it was time to run, at least until the collapse of the Lost facility blew over.



"Back off," he shouted.

Then he turned back to Em and spoke more calmly, "Now..... you were going to tell me why you think I have been foolish."

[/ QUOTE ]

Em gritted her teeth. Though there was an audible whimper in her voice from the pain, her words were still surprisingly steady. "It was - foolish of you - to think - that I came down here alone..."

((OOC sending MW a PM to see if he wants to take this one ))



((OOC: Catching up... Also drawing inspiration from Norman from "Big O" just a wee bit for Martin. All hail the Giant Gatling of DOOOOOM!))

Martin stepped from the shadows. What amazed both Expirement and Jack was that the aging Scottsman had some how stayed hidden while carrying what looked like an over sized gatling gun. "Hello there lads. I do believe it's time for ye to take yer medicine." Both super powered beings had to dodge quickly as the large shell sped down the sewer at them, allowing Emily a chance to get free.


The "sting" that Syn had felt distracted him long enough that he was unable to dodge a right hook from Connor. The stalemate had finally been broken.

((OOC: Feeling no inspiration on the battle in Syn's lab. Let's just pretend that Kagete is fighting one of the baddies without saying anything.))



Both super powered beings had to dodge quickly as the large shell sped down the sewer at them, allowing Emily a chance to get free.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack had to move, and his hold was broken. Emily, however, was not finished with him. Without batting an eyelash she whipped something from her belt and stuck him with it - a hypodermic needle, filled with pinkish fluid. The Neural Inhibitor that Master Wonderful sometimes took - he wouldn't be using mental powers again until the drug wore off.

Then she dived for cover from the shell.



Jack pulled the now empty needle out of his arm. In anger he through it hard to the ground and smashed it. He aimed the full power of his attack at Em. He felt the pain in his head as it charged, he took aim but suddenly it simply dissipated...nothing happened. He tried again but he couldn't even charge his powers this time.

Even worse, his connection with Syn was suddenly shattered. Jack felt horribly alone and lost. Given time Jack would return to himself. However, right now, he wanted the connection back. He wanted the feeling of peace that Syn had given to him.

"What did you do to me?" He shouted. Then he ran at Em with his fist raised high.



The vampriess and incubus moved as one towards Kagate. Oblivious to the creature attacking their brothers. Gesturing with her hands the Vampriess slowly shed her clothing as she moved. It was an act rivaling the most sensuous desires ever conceived of by man.

Her dark hair seemed to swirl about her pale flesh as she smiled a rictus filled with teeth. Her eyes became red and yet still held some terrible beauty. She reached for the ninja, to wrap him up, to embrace him, to make him hers now and forever.

Her brother moved in much the same way. His clothes burst into flames as wings of fire erupted from his back. His mask faded leaving a face of angelic beauty. An Adonis unbound and wreathed by flames. He was a perfect opposite to the feminine beauty of his sister. A paragon of male flesh with eyes that would charm even the hardest of hearts. He too floated but waited for his sister to strike first.

She needed blood... and binding the ninja would allow her to have him, feed from him, let him heal, and feed again. He too could do the same... feed from his soul as he was bound to his sister. Feed off the essence of this interloper and please his desires of the flesh.

"Come to me..." The vampiress whispered in a husky purr. "Come and be held by me... I can offer you things you never dreamed..."

The Ghoul meanwhile slowly was picking himself up and flipped over snarling at Crystal. "Oooooooh... the meats fights back does it? Let’s see how well the Meats fights with my fangs in her flesh!"

It charged like the brute it was, but faster than any assembled creature had the right to be.

The werewolf however... was having difficulties.

"GAH!!" The healing power of the lupus body was offering some protection from the creature attacking it, but the plasma blasts refused to let up. It slammed into the hide of the beast again and again.

"Target heals at an accelerated rate." The man with the empty eyes stated. "Therefore more drastic attacks are necessary." A massive mushroom of pure energy enveloped the back of the room as what was once Paul blew the Werewolf out of the little room via the wall.

"DAMNITT!" Wrath howled. "Why won't you just DIE?" He leapt to his feet even as his body fought to heal and lunged at Paul again. He could feel his teeth sink into the flesh on Paul's legs and rip the man from his feet, but before his bite could take hold something UNDER the skin of this man literally pushed his teeth OUT!

Pride meanwhile... was embedded in the ceiling and was cursing loudly. He was far from dead, simply stuck. He began to push slowly but hearing the bones in his neck begin to pop, he paused before realizing he was far past the point of needing to keep his head and body together.

With a mighty heave the lich freed himself and landed in the floor between Gluttony and Crystal. His head rolled about shouting "PICK ME UP YOU LUMMOX!" And began to spit black fire at Paul...

It was utter chaos wrapped in sex and fire...

__________________________________________________ ____

Once Erik and Penny had cleared minimum safe distance Erik immediately hunched over and sat in a ball. He began to turn several shades of red and did his best not to laugh.

"Um... Glad to see you're O.K. Penny. A LOT of weird stuff just went down, not the least of which is the fact that I just blew up a huge Lost lab making the uber-drug... while being buck naked."

Again he flushed a deeper red and tried to smile. "You uh... don’t have a way to make some clothes or something huh?"



"What did you do to me?" He shouted. Then he ran at Em with his fist raised high.

[/ QUOTE ]

Em, surprisingly, was quite at home in a street brawl, gracefully dodging Jack's fist. "I've given myself some breathing room!" She spat. She knew martial arts - her foot came up, but it did not connect. Jack was too fast. "And I have given YOU a second chance, you lunatic!"

A second chance... it was exactly what Professor Sanstad had said...



Pride meanwhile... was embedded in the ceiling and was cursing loudly. He was far from dead, simply stuck. He began to push slowly but hearing the bones in his neck begin to pop, he paused before realizing he was far past the point of needing to keep his head and body together.

With a mighty heave the lich freed himself and landed in the floor between Gluttony and Crystal. His head rolled about shouting "PICK ME UP YOU LUMMOX!" And began to spit black fire at Paul...

It was utter chaos wrapped in sex and fire...

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal got to her feet at last. Her hair had risen, as if blowing in a gentle breeze, though there was no wind in this place. She stretched out her arms in fury.

Nothing visibly happened: there was no lightshow or power effects. But everything in that direction - except Paul - was suddenly clutching its head in pain. The werewolf, the lich, and the ghoul were stopped dead in their tracks, howling, holding their ears....



Once Erik and Penny had cleared minimum safe distance Erik immediately hunched over and sat in a ball. He began to turn several shades of red and did his best not to laugh.

"Um... Glad to see you're O.K. Penny. A LOT of weird stuff just went down, not the least of which is the fact that I just blew up a huge Lost lab making the uber-drug... while being buck naked."

Again he flushed a deeper red and tried to smile. "You uh... don’t have a way to make some clothes or something huh?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny's reaction was to put her hand to her helmet, covering her mouth. She was torn between sympathy and the desperate desire to laugh. She didn't reply for a moment because she didn't trust herself to speak.

When she felt she could talk without bursting into laughter, she said, "Erik... the only thing I have on under this is ladies underwear. I would offer it to you but you don't seem the type to be wearing ladies underwear." The glare Erik gave her made her stop, struggling not to laugh. "Er... stay here for a minute... let's see what we can do."

She made it all the way around the corner before bursting into giggles. Poor Erik! She was gone for several minutes.

At length she came back with a bundle of cloth in her arms. "Here," she set it next to him, "It's probably pretty awful, but it's the best we are likely to get down here.... I hope it fits, I tried to pick a guy who was about your size."

There was no doubt that the clothing had come from one of the Lost: there were no underthings, but there was a pair of ragged blue jeans, a tattered flannel shirt, and a pair of mismatched sneakers, one a full two sizes larger than the other. The Lost who had donated his clothes had apparantly had bigger feet than the good Professor, but at least Erik could wear the shoes.

Penny turned around to give him some privacy. "I know they are kind of yucky... sorry about that. I tried to pick the cleanest guy I could but down here..." She shrugged.

She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Erik.... what happened? I don't remember much past the core, and Dr. Vahzilok... where are we? What happened to your clothes? Where is Harris...? Cripes, look at the clock, it's been three days... what happened?"