All known Emotes!




Use the rest power



Rest just doesn't cut it... I think he wants something more like this.



hey, i didnt know about the martialarts one, but i found out since warmup wasnt working that ;kata worked instead, also, i saw someone doing a bow and arrow emote, where he would shoot an invisible bow and arrow, he wouldnt tell me the emote, think someone could look into this? maybe its the japanese name or something?

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I think you may have seen the emote which makes you go through the bodybuilder poses - name eludes me right now...

One of them looks remarquably close to drawing a bow string at about a 30 degree angle upwards on the side.

Players Guide to the Cities



hey, i didnt know about the martialarts one, but i found out since warmup wasnt working that ;kata worked instead, also, i saw someone doing a bow and arrow emote, where he would shoot an invisible bow and arrow, he wouldnt tell me the emote, think someone could look into this? maybe its the japanese name or something?

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I think you may have seen the emote which makes you go through the bodybuilder poses - name eludes me right now...

One of them looks remarquably close to drawing a bow string at about a 30 degree angle upwards on the side.

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As already gone into, some people with drawn weapons can sometimes do a bow-and-arrow pose by using the fancybow emote.

I do not know how, when or why this happens, but it used to work with the bow emote and from what I've heard no longer does.



Actually, minor point I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, but has anybody noticed you can just use a semicolon in place of /e or /em? Just something I noticed that I haven't seen anybody else point out.

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Doesn't work in binds tho, useful for the quick ;wave or ;yes (thumbs up) ;no

One of them looks remarquably close to drawing a bow string at about a 30 degree angle upwards on the side.

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As already gone into, some people with drawn weapons can sometimes do a bow-and-arrow pose by using the fancybow emote.

I do not know how, when or why this happens, but it used to work with the bow emote and from what I've heard no longer does.

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Really? I'll have to go back and test your theory, I think it has to do with having an enemy targeted, even just the unconsious body, kind of like how you go into the combat stance instead of akimbo when there are enemies around. I still have the character with the katana.
Certain weapon weilding characters will do that with the taunt1 action IIRC... if not then taunt2.

I do not know if you have to be in combat stance for this to happen or not.

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You have to have the weapon in hand, even just hitting an attack that has a weapon when you aren't targeting anything, or the target is out of range will draw your weapon. Great for reducing the animation time of that first attack.

Having the crouch emote would be cool, I have the same idea for an afk bind. Having the rest kneel work as an emote would be nice too. Great for the ninja style 'bow', too bad there are no ninjas in CoH tho, oh wait . . .



My friend and I have discovered this by accident: if you activate Ice Sword or Fire Sword, so that the weapon appears in your hand, then the "fancybow" emote will cause you to pantomime shooting a bow-and-arrow, instead of the usual expression of politeness. I am guessing it's an easter egg.



New commands added for the boombox sounds:


Lemme know if I missed one! I won't bother trying to describe the "music."



To toss your weapon from hand to hand you must use taunt with your weapon drawn.



sorry for the bit of the necro post but ...

I saw the Vamps in Striga doing This

They were sitting on a hill in a circle. 3 of them were in the arms crossed as if in a coffin and the others were doing that crouch. so the animation and art is in there in some form as of issue 3. If I can get a screenshot up Ill try and post it later.



I am not sure exactly when it changed, but you used to only be able to do a couple of emotes while flying, but now they all work. Some look quite odd as you change to a standing stance in mid-air.



I would imagine that the ability to do these emotes mid=flight would be some kind of bug that will probably get fixed eventually... In the mean time enjoy the ability to fly and dance at the same time...



The truth about the hidden bow and arrow emote...

First off you MUST be using a toon that holds any kind of weapon... i.e. summoned like fire/ice sword or solid like broadsword/axe
Second activate any power that puts you into a fighting stance with your weapon drawn... you do NOT have to have anything targeted
Finally use the BOW not fancybow emote before your toon relaxes with the weapon drawn.

If done with the proper timing your toon will use your unsheathed weapon to mimic the firing of an arrow.

When the timing is off and the emote is done too late then you will end up impaling yourself with your weapon depending on the type of weapon you have.

Hope this clears a few things up and makes everyone laugh as they impale themselves.



There's a (likely temporary, likely a bug) emote by the name of "paladinawaken"

Now what this does is buggy. If you don't have hover/fly going, you'll get a rumble sound and look like you're about to cast Nova(minus Nova glowies) - then your character will disappear(glowies will remain).

However, if you do have hover/fly going, you will do the full Nova hover animation(minus glowies) without disappearing. However, you won't get the rumbling sound.

Note: I say Nova animation but I've never really paid any attention to the actual Nova animation, so it might just be something unique or the animation of another power.



How on earth did you find that out?

Ok, two word combos, left off yesterday with "paladinaverous", lets try "paladinawaken" . . . SUCCESS!

Got a lot of time on your hands? Or is that a power name for the kheldians?



I saw someone today doing a sit emote but their legs were out straight and flat and they were leaning back on their hands. It's what The Lost do when they are sitting around listening to speeches.

Does anyone know how to do this?

"I have great faith in fools - self-confidence, my friends call it." Edgar Allan Poe



Nice list, keep it up to date plz!



I saw someone today doing a sit emote but their legs were out straight and flat and they were leaning back on their hands. It's what The Lost do when they are sitting around listening to speeches.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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hehehe. What server was this on?

"You're the sun and the moon to me..."

My Antiquated Earth/Storm Controller Guide!




A group of mid-level heroes that stand under Atlas on the Guardian server do this a lot. They do it in combination with the dance emotes and hop up and down. It looks like they are breakdancing. Very funny. Everyone that asks them how they do it gets shot down. It's a status thing I guess. If everyone starts doing it...they won't be special. No disrespect to them. They know who they are...and I won't name any names.



The leaning sit apparently just has the character model get up from that position after a fraction of a second pause within it. So just in case anyone thought you could sit down and rest like that- it's not so. I haven't asked them how to do it, either. There are a few elitist groups that hide things like that and I tend not to try and get involved with any one of them.



Tried that out with fly and that looks pretty damn cool. Love to know how you figured that one out, wow.

And since I3 you would THINK there'd be a way we could do all of the cool emotes that the vamps do. Of course I'm silly and want us to be able to do just about any emote animation that any mob can do



Perused the whole topic to make sure.

You missed one.

The yoga emote can also be triggered by the word lotus



The key to things like the lean back is boredom. Start combining emotes in macros... you will get all sorts of weird looking movements Try making a macro with the two first flex emotes... and click it once a second or so.... great stuff!

"You're the sun and the moon to me..."

My Antiquated Earth/Storm Controller Guide!




Here's a fun trick with hover/fly and the boombox emote:

If you trigger the boombox while just a few feet off the ground, then turn off hover during the animation, you'll drop to the ground and begin dancing while the boombox floats in midair. With careful positioning, you can place a boombox on another character's shoulder.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



I love it! Thanks for starting this Lus!

Emotes sometimes are greatly ignored, dust them off and use them!

Tried the 'emoting firing a bow' a FF/Eng defender, I have no weapon...but have the Crey for that as well, heh.

Fire it when not targetting a mob, do the 'fancybow' emote...yep, when timed right, I was 'plucking a bow'.



I didn't find the paladinawaken thingy. I saw it in another thread in(I think) the guides forum where someone perused the .pigg files to look at the available emotes.

Thanks for adding lotus for yoga to the list and other tricks with emotes, guys!