All known Emotes!




You can still get the bow and arrow animation by using the fancybow emote while any weapon is visible.

Question: In the quick menu, under combat, is an entry titled Come Get Some! It features a taunt that continues after the initial critter beckoning with your character punching his/her fist into his/her palm.

I tried taunt, taunt1, and taunt2, and none of them feature the fist into palm animation.

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I got the Bow and Arrow pose with my assault rifle blaster, but it doesn't replace the weapon - instead, she holds her gun way out in front of her and does a drawing-back motion with her other hand - makes for a nifty screenshot.

The taunt animation depends on the character, it seems. My friends all do the fist-into-palm motion, but my mace tanker draws his mace and tosses it back and forth between his hands. It looks really cool. I haven't had the chance to try it, but he might do that even if I try the taunt emotes. Your character might also have a special taunt because of his/her weapon.



Can I find all these emotes in the in-game emote menu?

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Not all, akimbo/wings is not listed, at least. Most of the rest of them are, though many come with sayings attached.



wow nice emotes im going to add this thread to my favorites.



Thank you!



Just a bit of interesting iinformation for anyone wondering:
As it has been stated, the /e warmup can also be /e kata. A "kata" is an imaginary fight between the person performing the kata and several imaginary opponents. Puts a new meaning to what your character does when you type it when thought about that way.
Awesome list by the way!



I've seen some katas that work that way. I've also seen some that were very stylized, and would probably not work well if done in a fight, but still required some skill to perform.

A kata is an exercise routine (or a 'warmup') that is particular to a certain skill level in a certain martial art. At the higher levels, it becomes unique to the martial artist, as well. While it could be useful as image training, similar to shadow boxing, the primary purpose is more of a general workout, improvement of motor skills, and to identify and demonstrate your skill level.

The easiest source I can think of to see some weird ones would be to look at the 'Weapon Practice' videos in Soul Caliber 2, where you can unlock each character doing a kata. Mitsurugi, Taki, Sung Mina and the new Hwang clone all do some fairly traditional stuff, while everyone else has something to suit their style.

BTW, what we do in CoH looks more like a beginner's Tai Chi workout, which is also a kata, but a very weak one.



I always wondered how the hell I did the bow and arrow animation that one time with my tank... now that I've moved on to a new character, I guess that it's too late to try



hey, i didnt know about the martialarts one, but i found out since warmup wasnt working that ;kata worked instead, also, i saw someone doing a bow and arrow emote, where he would shoot an invisible bow and arrow, he wouldnt tell me the emote, think someone could look into this? maybe its the japanese name or something?



nvm i guess i was a lil late on that post



also, i saw someone doing a bow and arrow emote, where he would shoot an invisible bow and arrow, he wouldnt tell me the emote, think someone could look into this? maybe its the japanese name or something?

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You have to have a weapon drawn (Assault Rifle, Sword, etc.), then type ;bow.



Great thread! Thanks for setting this up.

There are a couple options from the drop down menus in-game that are missing here, which I would imagine would mean you cannot get them via typing /em. Is this correct?

I was trying to figure out how to bind the "On my mark..." emote to a key, but I guess it's impossible. If anyone has figured out what that emote is, please post it here.



Whats the emote for the CONVERSE>Arrrrggggh!

i try typing in /em arrrrggggh! and different variations, but nothing works. i want to try to make is that emote goes off before i do inferno.



I was trying to figure out how to bind the "On my mark..." emote to a key, but I guess it's impossible. If anyone has figured out what that emote is, please post it here.

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That is the "/e stop" emote




Whats the emote for the CONVERSE>Arrrrggggh!

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That would be "/e frustrated"



The thread is an interesting read. Handy for making macros.

Thanks for starting it.



I've heard that there is an emote that will show your character falling down, as if defeated by an enemy. Is this true? If so, what is the emote to do this?

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



AFAIK its a running joke with people and no such macro exists. What they are likely talking about is suiciding with the absorb pain power.

Edit: Although if I'm wrong, I'd more than like to have someone proove it and let us all know.



also, i saw someone doing a bow and arrow emote, where he would shoot an invisible bow and arrow, he wouldnt tell me the emote, think someone could look into this? maybe its the japanese name or something?

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You have to have a weapon drawn (Assault Rifle, Sword, etc.), then type ;bow.

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I think that might not be true. I bound bow to a key for my katana scrapper, and a lot of the time she whould do a 'bau' (phonetic) with her sword piercing her torso. I think it happens when you have an enemy selected, when it becomes 'boh' as in bow and arrow. I thought it was random before, but it would happen 3 times in a row one time when I wanted to do the 'bau'.( Bow dammit!) It would be cool if the emotes were contextual.



Is there a way to have colored text that you say when you do an emote? I have tried an I may have dorked up formatting, but is there? Here is what I have attempted...

/bind button5 "<bgcolor #4682B4><color #FFFFFF><bordercolor #000000>$$say Electrifying Flying!$$em attack$$powexec_name fly"

Thanks for any help you can render me.



I figured out my problem:

/bind button5 "say <bgcolor #4682B4><color #FFFFFF><bordercolor #000000>Electrifying Flying!$$em attack$$powexec_name fly"



the other day I saw this BS scrapper tossing his sword back n forth from one hand to the other. Is this an emote?? Looked pretty cool



Certain weapon weilding characters will do that with the taunt1 action IIRC... if not then taunt2.

I do not know if you have to be in combat stance for this to happen or not.




"/e afk" not "/afk"
or "/em afk" if you like

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Actually, minor point I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, but has anybody noticed you can just use a semicolon in place of /e or /em? Just something I noticed that I haven't seen anybody else point out.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



Cool, you learn something new everyday!




I wish they'd do a crouch emote. You know,

/em crouch

Kinda like you're waiting for some poor loo-hoo-za-herr to get dumb enough to stumble across your path. Coiled, ready to spring. (Picture Batman crouching on a gargoyle, or Spidey on top of a building. THAT kind of crouch.)

When I have to go AFK for a few, I'd like to perch my character on a building corner and crouch. Sit just doesn't look real good.
