504 -
I love having Taunt on Tanks and Brutes. Brutes more for the 'ZOMGFURYAGGROGIMMEGIMMEALLMINE' than you know... to protect teammates or something. However, I don't always have room for or the want to take Taunt.
That said, if you as a Tank need Taunt to well.. tank, you are probably not doing your job. When I am on a Tank or Brute I am very aggressive. I don't need Taunt to pull mobs off someone or get attention. I do it by being in an enemy's face, and I generally don't mind having to chase a guy or two.
Is Taunt useful? Of course it is. Is it required? Of course not. Actually, the -range component is the best part of Taunt, to me. All those things that refuse to close to melee when I don't have a corner or something to pull to? It's like having a City version of Scorpion. "GET OVER HERE!"
Taunt or no, if I have a teammate going out of their way to make trouble, steal aggro, run off on their own, etc, I let them. You can be suicidal, I have no problem with that. But I'm also not going to be suicidal to save you. I don't subscribe to the 'no deaths is a successful team' motto. Occasionally, no matter what you do, a player is defeated. Being defeated is a momentary inconvenience. Get yourself back up, continue on.
Here's the thing that gets me about the 'Tanks without Taunt are not Tanks' argument. You've absolutely boiled down the roll of an AT to -one- power. What if all that Tank did was Taunt? I guarantee you I could pull aggro off them with any toon. Because any AT or toon is more than just one power. In this case, if that Tank can get in, get the attention and keep it without that one power, they are doing their job. Would you even notice if they didn't say anything?
Would you as [insert AT/set] feel off-put if you were accused of not being a good [insert AT/set] here because you skipped what another player considered an essential power? Even if you did your job well? I mean personally, I dislike it when say, Empaths skip Fortitude, but provided they can still do their job I move on. Because a set/AT is more than one power. -
Quote:Unless each month the medium is one in which all participants can easily disguise their style (say screenshot entries) I guarantee when the pieces are put up for voting everyone will know which artist did what piece.I have thought about the option of participants e-mailing their entries (or PMing a link to it), so I can gather them and put them up anonymously, so the voters will not know who made what untill after the votes are in. But even then there are still ways to make voters do what you want. In my opinion...that's a way of cheating, really...
Apeing another style can be quite time consuming and challenging. If artists were forced to work in an anonymous capacity every month you would quickly find yourself out of competitors. Not just because it's difficult but because artists like to express themselves in their own style. I like doing fan art as much as the next person, but I prefer to do so in my own style rather than that of the source material.
You could institute a rule that entries be submitted privately and then all go up on the same date, so for voting purposes no artist gets a lead time.
Unless you hire a panel of independent judges who are not part of the CoX community and are not buddies with any of the participants there will always be voters who only vote to their artist preference regardless of other factors. You have to just shrug off the favour votes; the point of the competition is really for the artists to challenge themselves each month.
If you are serious about hosting the 2010 competition and what you want is more participants and/or voters, I would suggest contacting an OCR person (such as Zwillinger) who can help advertise the competition. -
Avatea you are amazing, wonderful and one of the sweetest people I ever met.
I wish you and your husband all the best in your latest journey. Safe travels. -
Quote:Wow dude, good luck with your move and make sure you insure that PC! Take back up HDs just in case. That way if it doesn't arrive you'll get the cash to buy another and not lose your data. :]... but with moving to the UK in January, it'll depend on how time consuming the move and getting sorted will be, and how long i'll be without internet... and when, where and even 'if' my pc turns up, lol...
I wish you a speedy, safe and non tedious relocation. -
I've marked the date and expect to be there.
Woo! Sorry I missed this post earlier. Love the Coffee Talks!
DeLorianne's Outtatime:
Herding Demons:
Mender's Last Stand:
Cosmic Chimeran
Summons Fluffy and Fire
I too am having this issue and I am VIP.
I would like to participate in the MR & MRS PERC thing tonite...
ETA: Closing the client and restarting seems to have resolved the issue. -
I'd just like to update that since my reformat over a month ago I haven't had any issues of being locked out. I do have the map pack installed, I do not have the icons pack installed. (Would like to install it.)
Since my issue was sporadic; often several lockouts in a several day period then none for a few weeks, I am going to continue to wait a few months to install the icons pack, just to be sure. -
Quote:This is about where I am, too. I'm not up for spending points every week to buy something. I'm not up for buying points to do so. With limited points to work with I'd rather not be blown away each week and feel the need to buy it all now.Wow, the sense of entitlement lately is a bit odd. I mean, we used to go months with nothing and now people re complaining that there aren't amazing new releases every week.
For me, part 3 of the SSA is just fine on it's own. If the new aura is nice, I would be fine with that one item. I personally don't need to be blown away on a weekly basis.
While last week's offer was, imo overpriced since it was a single-toon pack, I thought it was appropriately themed. I didn't have interest in buying it, but I didn't think it was a bad offer. I still haven't bought the Halloween pack (can't decide if I just want Bats aura or the whole shebang), or the Circle of Thorns costume pack. Or many other things that were featured on the market. -
I would like if the timers between doors were based on when the last foe of a wave was defeated. Say, 30seconds. So you defeat a wave and have about 30sseconds to recover before the next wave. It keeps players on their toes and there's less day dreaming of hoping for those can-can Carnies to show up.
As it is, unless I am required to run TV for a respec token I avoid it. -
Hey Tony, I'm glad to see you so on top of things. Sucks that the Titan network was attacked, and I'm sorry you have to jump through so many hoops to get everything back the way it should be.
Thank you for everything you for us players. -
I've had this happen once before and I imagine it's a random bug. I bet if you ran it again you'd have the full team of simulacrums.
His Illusion/Sonic guide is what inspired me to make what has turned out to be a fun controller build. And I am pretty picky about Controllers.
I didn't know him, and we never really interacted, but I wouldn't wish his senseless end on anyone. My condolences to his friends and loved ones. I hope he finds better in the next life. -
I didn't know him, but his Illusion/Sonic guide is what inspired me to make what turned out to be a surprisingly fun controller.
My condolences to his family and loved ones. -
Would have absolutely loved to make it this year. I remember the bacon and waffles place you all spoke of during 09; looked like good fun.
But the short notice and my location completely work against me for this event. I wish they had announced it in say, April. I'm hoping they didn't because the tickets are limited and not because it was poor planning.
I will cross my fingers for 2012, and I hope you all have a fantastic time this year. -
I'm.... sensing a theme here. No no, don't tell me, I'll figure it out.
(Much for the mecha love.) -
I'm on a fresh install of Win7 with the 11.9s and have had no trouble thus far. I've only logged a handful of hours since the reinstall so here's crossing fingers.
I had fun, I enjoyed it.
Awesome robots fighting? Liz squees.
Awesome robots with growly noises? Liz squees.
Awesome robots that move in realistic but not a clunky manner? Liz very happy. It looked like either they had people in robo suits or they filmed people in the black suits with ping pong balls against a blank screen method then translated that to a CGI rig. Most importantly, the robots did not look pure CGI.
I do agree, I would have liked to see a little more personal reaction from Atom since it was hinted that he had some kind of reactive personality AI.
Plan to grab it on DVD release. Wouldn't mind seeing it in the theater again. -
Yup, heard good things about 11.9 so that's what I'm running now. Played for a few hours last night with no issues.
So I'm now on a fresh install of Win7. Tomorrow will have to reinstall all my art programs and such.
But yeah, fresh install of Win7, no add ons for City. Let's see if it works out.
Clearly it's the last thing I can do on my end. -
What do you think was the best theme? What was the worst? Did you have an overall favorite piece? Was there any specific part that I did differently with this contest that I got "right"?
Best theme, prolly the most challenging, Anonymous. So many varied styles and themes in one month.
An overall favourite piece out of the competition? Don't think I can make that call because I have a top 2:
Airhead's Anonymous - the most clever entry of that month, brilliant execusion
Battlewraith's Movie Poster - amazing presentation, reminiscent of the classic Star Wars posters.
Having not participated in past f-art battles, I can't speak for how you challenges were different from years past. I have to say I loved and hated you for the extra challenges on months like Anonymous and Movie Poster. That's a good thing. -
You didn't deserve 90%* of the drama and shenanigans thrown your way this year, but you still put up with it all and smoothed ruffled feathers where you could.
*(10% drama and shenanigans is pretty healthy, I believe.) -
Many thanks to all who have shown support for me in this.
I think it's important to let it be known I was always in this for the challenge and the competition.
I acknowledge this doesn't make up for the first months I was not participating. I offer these only as a good faith effort to bring my image tally up to match the other competitors.
January theme Fire (Infernal):
February theme Ice (Ice Mistral):
March them Secret Message (Diabolique):