Things to make the reactor section of the hero respec trial more interesting.




Things to make the reactor section of the hero respec trial more interesting.

  • An in game ebook we can read War And Peace on during the hours we wait for the next wave to attack.
  • A floor show. Carnival can-can dancers circle the room while you wait hours for the next wave to attack.
  • Computer terminals so that our charcters can play MMOs while we wait for hours for the next wave to attack.
  • A trainer, Icon Outlet and Wentworths so we can do chores while we wait for hours for the next wave to attack.
  • A wacky candid camera monitor so we can watch the wacky hijinks of the next wave as they take hours to assemble for the next attack.
  • Online gambling for Paragon Points guessing which door the attack we are waiting hours to attack will will come from.
  • Mystery guests we can fight during the hours we are waiting for the next wave to attack.
  • AE Terminals so we can run missions during the hours we are waiting for the next wave to attack.
  • Ken Burns documentaries we can watch from end to end during the hours we are waiting for the next wave to attack.
  • The enemies to attack with shorter pauses between attacks.



I vote for option number 2.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I would like if the timers between doors were based on when the last foe of a wave was defeated. Say, 30seconds. So you defeat a wave and have about 30sseconds to recover before the next wave. It keeps players on their toes and there's less day dreaming of hoping for those can-can Carnies to show up.

As it is, unless I am required to run TV for a respec token I avoid it.

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Where's Steelclaw for this thread?

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379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Here's another option: talk to your teammates.



The TV Respec trials have needed fixing for a while now, even on a team of 5 with 3 newbies we spent most of the time standing around doing nothing.

Also, fix the motherloving Porters/Rikti Lieutenants so that when they piss off after being hit once they actually *come back* rather than making players periodically search the entire reactor map just to make sure that there isn't a lone mob somewhere preventing the trial from completing.

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I was wondering where this topic was. We, as a community, are clearly slacking. The "Yargh, fix the hero respec!" topic usually comes a lot quicker on weeks where it's the WTF.



While I agree that the last option should happen, I personally would vote for option 5.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



I remember when the hero respecs were some of the hardest content CoH offered. I enjoyed them, and had never failed one, but even so I was willing to admit they might be too hard for the only way people had back then to respec their characters. After all, if you were gimp, was it really appropriate to have to overcome one of the game's hardest challenges to fix it?

But wow did they overdo compensating for that.

I (sort of) get the devs' limited interest in fixing old things, but honestly, I don't think they need to redesign the thing. They just need to lay off the ridiculously long ambush timers or lay off the under-level foes. Honestly, I think it could stand both. Standard code rant applies, but it's not like we need art or powers design changes here. Just tweak some mission parameters.

And yeah, I know, srs post in response to funny OP. Sorry.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I (sort of) get the devs' limited interest in fixing old things...
I would agree with you were the 3 TV respec trials not frequently the WST.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I would agree with you were the 3 TV respec trials not frequently the WST.
Yep. I started to include a sub-rant about that in my post, and it just got too long, so I chopped it out.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
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Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Here's another option: talk to your teammates.
I was on a respec the other day. I tried several times to initiate conversation by sharing anecdotes... No luck. Everyone else seemed content to just stand there not saying a thing and wait for the next wave. One of the most boring respec trials I've ever been on.

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It is my honest suspicion that this is one of those 'legacy code' issues. No one really knows how it is all held together and they don't want to break it. That said, it is a needed part of the game, it is frequently a Weekly Task Force and thus is a really poor place to highlight bad design. Rather than rework it, a new one is fine, but if not how about

  • Enable PVP while in the reactor, folks can farm for pvp ios during the hours we wait for the next wave to attack.
  • Let us run the Dr. Quarterfield task force during the hours we wait for the next wave to attack.
  • Move all costume contests from Atlas Park to the reactor core so we can judge during the hours we wait for the next wave to attack.
  • Give us the option of speeding up the next wave in the Paragon store say 100pp a wave. It would be blackmail most foul, but I would pay it...
  • Praetorian raids, rikti raids, zombie invasions all could help pass the time during the hours we wait for the next wave to attack.