
Ms. Infinity 2011
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    ...If you own a butchers shop and everyone comes in asking for bread there is no point saying 'I don't sell bread', damn well make some and sell them it, even if it means you have to stop selling meat.
    I'm sorry, I know others have said it but... Wow. Seriously? Wow.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    ... but this is a different type of relationship and the standard quote is 'the customer is always right'.
    While I agree the the idea of giving squishies long-term mez protection is not the best idea, especially buyable on the market, and I'm pretty against it, really, I want to address this one point.

    The Customer is Always Right is a horrible, outdated and misinterpreted ideal that does not work. It does more to encourage and reward bad behaviour/bad customers at the expense of beleaguered employees than anything else. (This article does an excellent job of summing up why.)

    Do I wish that, upon feedback from the community, the mez protection was removed from that Amplifier? Absolutely. Did I expect them to? Not really, unfortunately. But I wouldn't use 'the customer is always right' as a reason as to why they should have. The community did give great feed back but the devs didn't take that direction.
  3. It's kind of a tricky area.

    Technically, the character designs made in the CC are owned by Paragon. So, even if you made your own rendering you aren't supposed to sell prints, etc, because it contains designs made by Paragon and/or NCSoft.

    But, if you are just using it for promotional material tho', to show your skills, I think you'll be ok. If you were using it on a commercial web site, that could be another legal grey area and I would personally have something more original constructed instead, just to be safe.
  4. syrusbLiz

    Enriche Recipe

    Yeah it has been my understanding that Enriche is some kind of water with special.... additives, ala Emperor Cole's directive.

    Why not try Beefy Pop, the Reistance's favourite beverage?
  5. I'll be there for the MoDD with Dark-stream.
  6. Why don't you install the older drive into the new computer? Not as a primary/OS drive. Then when you have your new pc running you can just drag the info from one drive to another. What Arcanaville said about keeping the older drive handy for a few months is excellent advice.

    With a few exceptions, you'll have to reinstall your programs (and/or drivers) onto the new computer anyway, so make sure you grab the latest versions and save them on the old drive. Then you don't have to scrounge about for 'em later, assuming you install the old drive into the new machine.

    Externals can be handy if you regularly move around a HD's worth of information. I like to buy enclosures and put internal drives in them to save few bucks. But I use them as back ups and don't remove them from the enclosures often. If you just have to move a few gigs worth of info, use discs or USB thumb drives instead. Easy and cheap to replace. If you don't have the space or the connections for your old HD in the new computer, an external enclosure for it is an excellent idea. Once you get all your important data (and wait a few months) you can wipe that drive and use it as a clean back up.

    As far as photos and files go, having a back up is a solid idea. Two is even better. I prefer to have the OS and programs run off one drive while my music/art/photos/etc are all on their own drive that gets backed up regularly. Less chance of something important being lost.
  7. I have been checking back on the Day Trader/Marketeer locations in Imperial City and Underground City for well over a year now. I have been sending bug reports each time as well.

    The icons for the day job do appear in the trading house (Imperial City) and at the truck (Underground Imperial) area but logging out in those locations still gives no progress or benefit toward the day job badges.

    I get why Commuter and Law Enforcer aren't active as they are Hero-only badges, but Day Trader/Marketeer is dual-side. (As is Fashion Designer.)

    If we can't earn these badges as Praetorians the icon needs to be removed; it's misleading. If they are supposed to be obtainable the areas need to be activated so we can work on them.

    And as another request, if the Fashion Designer day job could be created/activated around the tailor in Imperial City that would also be fantastic.
  8. Last time I checked, Lusca should award regardless of how much damage you or your team did; participation is the only thing required. I believe it's because she's technically 9 GMs, and tracking the overall damage on her would be a PITA. I have a recollection of a few of the GMs, Lusca included, being bugged early on to side-switchers; perhaps that has returned.

    The invading Nemesis GM and the King's Row Paladin Construct have a similar mechanic; just being in the area and/or participating will award their badges, if successful.

    As for Eochai and Jack, what was said about finding the two of them after they have been fighting is quite true. If you want the badges for them in the Grim Vale it's important to catch them shortly after they spawn. If you check out the Vale and see either Tuatha or Fir Bolg there is a 'war' in progress and the GMs will be soon to follow. You can speed up their appearance somewhat by clearing the mobs in that area.
  9. 1) Leaf-nin
    2) Tartyrsauce
    3) Furry Jackal

  10. I was so excited when this month's theme was announced as it allowed me to launch of an idea from my entrance to fArt last year.
  11. Eeeeee Zwillinger is using it as his forum icon now.
  12. Inspired by today's broadcast.

  13. Because of the Ustream I did one too!

  14. Hey all, with so few in the competition now I haven't felt it fair to vote. But some of our eager voters (thanks guys!) don't seem to be in the know. So I will lead by example.

    Remember, you have to vote for your favourite 3, and if you don't label them with 1,2,3 their order is taken based on their placement in the post; top is your #1 and so on. You can explai your choices or leave them as is.

    1. Furry Jackal, because it's a well executed piece and the manticore is adorable.
    2. Leaf-nin, because I too wish I had the points for the flying disc power.
    3. Tartyrsauce, because I appreciate your wacky sense of humor, and I just now got that's his kilt around his neck in the final panel.
  15. Explore Paragon and the Isles!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaShuk2381 View Post
    Interesting, I could of sworn I was getting shard drops in BAF the other night, but maybe it was threads and I just wasn't paying attention, it was pretty chaotic in there.
    Occasionally shards will drop while you are in a trial hospital. I'm pretty sure it's a bug.

    In regard to the original question, where possible I prefer to run trials for components and break down Notices into threads. There are pros and cons to either path.

    Aside from the Shards you need to make the Favor of the Well and Uncommon components, it's obvious what you need to do to build each step of the tree. Each of the end-game TFs awards a specific component and the weekly always awards a Notice. You could spend a considerable amount of time collecting the 40 Shards, however.

    Trials tend to be faster for building/collecting components, but aside from the Underground, you never know which component tier you'll get. You may spend a considerable amount of time just waiting for that last Rare/Very Rare to finish out a tree, and building them from Threads is difficult given how many Commons you'll need to make as well.
  17. I don't need any of these badges on my main, so I will keep an eye on the Infinity Incarnates channel in case you have room for a tag along. If there's space I'll be on a Corrupter or Mastermind, both are +3.
  18. Thanks Snow Globe; I figured it was in there but my eyes kept missing it.

    To the drawing board!
  19. It's possible I missed this info, but are we allowed to enter with multiple posters? (Each its own entry.) I have something I can modify from last year's fan art contest, but I would like to do something new as well.
  20. Thanks again for hosting the Lambda runs. Happy to cross that Master set off my list!

    I will totally be there for the BAF as Keep 'em Separated is the one badge I need for Master.

    Also, love the signature. Reread that series sometime last year.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camille Thompson View Post

    Saw this on Tumblr. It is awesome and hilarious!
  22. Mandy | Candy

    Who’s got two thumbs and a date with TWO gorgeous super models tonite?

    This guy!