Giant Monsters fails to award badges.




The last 4 times ive been in on giant monster defeats Blueside with my Rogue character I havent gotten any defeat badges for them.

I get the 'you have defeated', I get the 2 reward merits, I get pre for it, but I don't get the badge.

I first noticed it with Lusca, and then Eochai (twice) and Jack. None of them have given me any defeat badge.

I got herostat logs from at least three of those occations

US: @Gearheader (EU: @Gearhead EU)

Thank you! thank you! thank you! Castle or Posi or BAB or whoever at Paragon Studios restored the abilities of pets to talk and emote!



Sorry for the obvious but, are you sure you do not have the badges already for them?

If you don't, I hope you reported that as a bug in game because they are supposed to grant badges regardless of which alignment you are(though the alignment will determine the name of the badge).



Originally Posted by Gearhead_NA View Post
The last 4 times ive been in on giant monster defeats Blueside with my Rogue character I havent gotten any defeat badges for them.

I get the 'you have defeated', I get the 2 reward merits, I get pre for it, but I don't get the badge.

I first noticed it with Lusca, and then Eochai (twice) and Jack. None of them have given me any defeat badge.

I got herostat logs from at least three of those occations
With Eochai & Jack, if you are doing it in the north of the zone where they fight each other then it's possible that, as they may have been fighting for a long time, you didn't do 10% of the total damage to them to qualify for the badge. This has always been the case. Your best bet is to find the solo spawns of Eochai and Jack.

I have also had the Lusca badge not award to me when others on my team got it and there seems to be no option except to /bug it and try it again. You could try a petition but I have never had any luck with this particular issue.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
With Eochai & Jack, if you are doing it in the north of the zone where they fight each other then it's possible that, as they may have been fighting for a long time, you didn't do 10% of the total damage to them to qualify for the badge. This has always been the case. Your best bet is to find the solo spawns of Eochai and Jack.

I have also had the Lusca badge not award to me when others on my team got it and there seems to be no option except to /bug it and try it again. You could try a petition but I have never had any luck with this particular issue.
Oh, true.

I have an idea for why Lusca didn't award a badge also:

Maybe there was a player trying to solo Lusca, at least just to see if they could survive the entire onslaught of the tentacles and head. They could have done enough damage over time, without killing it, to ensure that your team could not get the badge.

Consider it similar to the "RWZ challenge", maybe even tougher. That is the appeal for such a thing.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Oh, true.

I have an idea for why Lusca didn't award a badge also:

Maybe there was a player trying to solo Lusca, at least just to see if they could survive the entire onslaught of the tentacles and head. They could have done enough damage over time, without killing it, to ensure that your team could not get the badge.

Consider it similar to the "RWZ challenge", maybe even tougher. That is the appeal for such a thing.
Other people got the badge for Lusca. Regarding Eo and Jack, I think other people got the badge for them then too.

US: @Gearheader (EU: @Gearhead EU)

Thank you! thank you! thank you! Castle or Posi or BAB or whoever at Paragon Studios restored the abilities of pets to talk and emote!



Originally Posted by Gearhead_NA View Post
Other people got the badge for Lusca. Regarding Eo and Jack, I think other people got the badge for them then too.
Ok then.
I still suggest going over your defeat badges with a fine-toothed comb.

Also if you were in a league, the credit is still only tracked per team so each team needs to do at least 10% of the total damage done to the Gm to get the badge.
That sucks when you're the "odd man out" put on the second team alone on a league(unless you can cover 10% of the damage on your own, which I have surprisingly at least a few times).



Did other people on your team get the badges for these GMs? Because if so, that's very strange. (I guess it's something of a familiar issue with Lusca, but I'd never heard of that before now.)

Hurting the GMs at all will get you the 2 Reward Merits, but the badge has the damage threshold mentioned above.

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Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Ok then.
I still suggest going over your defeat badges with a fine-toothed comb.
Done that. No joy.

Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Also if you were in a league, the credit is still only tracked per team so each team needs to do at least 10% of the total damage done to the Gm to get the badge.
That sucks when you're the "odd man out" put on the second team alone on a league(unless you can cover 10% of the damage on your own, which I have surprisingly at least a few times).
That could explain Lusca, but for the Croatoa mobs there were only one team fighting.

US: @Gearheader (EU: @Gearhead EU)

Thank you! thank you! thank you! Castle or Posi or BAB or whoever at Paragon Studios restored the abilities of pets to talk and emote!



Originally Posted by Gearhead_NA View Post
That could explain Lusca, but for the Croatoa mobs there were only one team fighting.
Yes but if the GMs have been fighting a long time there is no way you will do enough damage to get the badge for the first AV down. The badge for the second one is usually awarded as normal.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



Originally Posted by Gearhead_NA View Post
That could explain Lusca, but for the Croatoa mobs there were only one team fighting.
For Lusca you have to be near the head of when it dies. You don't even need to hit it.

For the Croatoa GMs, if they were damaged before your team arrived it is quite possible that someone else tried & failed OR, even more likely, that the damage they inflicted on each other was such that your team failed to reach the 10% threshold needed for the badge.

The way it works is that as they heal back damage taken the 10% figure goes higher. Basically, the 10% damage threshold is for both its maximum hit points and its recovered hit points. It can eventually get to the point where 10% of the GM's overall health exceeds its maximum hit points.

Let's say that Jack in Irons has a max of 16,555 HP (level 35 AV, so this isn't his normal HP max, but close enough for an example). Normally your group needs to do 10% of that or 1,655.5 HP. Except Eochai has been beating on him for a while and Jack has healed back all his wounds (quite likely as the GM regen is huge). If left alone long enough, the 10% threshold could reach 17,000 HP, which means if you just beat him to a pulp that you don't get the badge.

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Last time I checked, Lusca should award regardless of how much damage you or your team did; participation is the only thing required. I believe it's because she's technically 9 GMs, and tracking the overall damage on her would be a PITA. I have a recollection of a few of the GMs, Lusca included, being bugged early on to side-switchers; perhaps that has returned.

The invading Nemesis GM and the King's Row Paladin Construct have a similar mechanic; just being in the area and/or participating will award their badges, if successful.

As for Eochai and Jack, what was said about finding the two of them after they have been fighting is quite true. If you want the badges for them in the Grim Vale it's important to catch them shortly after they spawn. If you check out the Vale and see either Tuatha or Fir Bolg there is a 'war' in progress and the GMs will be soon to follow. You can speed up their appearance somewhat by clearing the mobs in that area.

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Originally Posted by syrusbLiz View Post
Last time I checked, Lusca should award regardless of how much damage you or your team did; participation is the only thing required. I believe it's because she's technically 9 GMs, and tracking the overall damage on her would be a PITA.
The tentacles are not tracked for badge credit. It's 10% of the head's total damage received.

I have never known Lusca to be an "in the area" badge because I had never even heard of that mechanic until it was used for the Lord Nemesis GM.
If it had been used for Lusca then it would also be used for the Deadly Apocalypse banners and GM, but I know it did not work for that last Halloween.

What does wiki say?
Defeating Lusca will earn heroes the Devilfish Badge. As defeating Lusca is treated as a zone event, not a giant monster defeat, all heroes in the area when Lusca is defeated will be awarded the badge, whether they actively participated in the defeat or not.
That's interesting.
Has this been confirmed by the developers or anybody with firsthand experience of leeching around Lusca? Wiki has no citation to prove what it says is true.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Has this been confirmed by the developers or anybody with firsthand experience of leeching around Lusca? Wiki has no citation to prove what it says is true.
Gee, me saying so before syrusbLiz didn't count as confirmation? I'm hurt.
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For Lusca you have to be near the head of when it dies. You don't even need to hit it.
Yes, I've 1st hand experience with this happening with both Lusca and the Paladin Construction. I've also been on a team that fully took out Lusca and I didn't get the badge as I wasn't close enough to get it. There is a distance factor (it isn't zone wide, especially not in IP), but I don't think I've ever tested the limit.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
The tentacles are not tracked for badge credit. It's 10% of the head's total damage received.

I have never known Lusca to be an "in the area" badge because I had never even heard of that mechanic until it was used for the Lord Nemesis GM.
If it had been used for Lusca then it would also be used for the Deadly Apocalypse banners and GM, but I know it did not work for that last Halloween.
This does, IIRC, also hold true for the Giant Monster construction. Be nearby when it finally goes down, get the badge.



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
I have also had the Lusca badge not award to me when others on my team got it and there seems to be no option except to /bug it and try it again. You could try a petition but I have never had any luck with this particular issue.
Lusca is actually different. He is a zone event and not the same as some of the other Giant Monsters in the game. Lusca should award the badge for anyone in range when defeated. Next time it happens point this out in your petition. If you were near him you should get the badge.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Yes, I've 1st hand experience with this happening with both Lusca and the Paladin Construction. I've also been on a team that fully took out Lusca and I didn't get the badge as I wasn't close enough to get it. There is a distance factor (it isn't zone wide, especially not in IP), but I don't think I've ever tested the limit.
There you go. That explains the issue for Lusca.
Maybe the original poster wasn't close enough for the badge.

Also, it is good to know that those badges work that way, partially. It sucks if somebody is not in range, but it makes it less of a worry about team size and contribution.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
There you go. That explains the issue for Lusca.
Maybe the original poster wasn't close enough for the badge.

Also, it is good to know that those badges work that way, partially. It sucks if somebody is not in range, but it makes it less of a worry about team size and contribution.
One time I was passing overhead (Lusca's head), solo, didn't even shoot and got the badge. No team or damage is needed for either the IP or KR events, just proximity.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For Lusca you have to be near the head of when it dies. You don't even need to hit it.

For the Croatoa GMs, if they were damaged before your team arrived it is quite possible that someone else tried & failed OR, even more likely, that the damage they inflicted on each other was such that your team failed to reach the 10% threshold needed for the badge.

The way it works is that as they heal back damage taken the 10% figure goes higher. Basically, the 10% damage threshold is for both its maximum hit points and its recovered hit points. It can eventually get to the point where 10% of the GM's overall health exceeds its maximum hit points.

Let's say that Jack in Irons has a max of 16,555 HP (level 35 AV, so this isn't his normal HP max, but close enough for an example). Normally your group needs to do 10% of that or 1,655.5 HP. Except Eochai has been beating on him for a while and Jack has healed back all his wounds (quite likely as the GM regen is huge). If left alone long enough, the 10% threshold could reach 17,000 HP, which means if you just beat him to a pulp that you don't get the badge.
I'm not sure how much damage they do to each other per minute, but I have seen situations where they've been going at each other for over two hours and yet a team was able to bring them down and get the badges. Although it takes some trickery. I was on my Ill/Rad when I was asked to help a small team get these badges, and what I basically did was not use Lingering Radiation for about ten minutes, and then started using it to bring down Eochai, then repeated that for Jack. In both cases, the act of pounding on them for the first ten minutes was enough to give them credit even though they had been going at each other for a very long time. By not debuffing regen, the team could deal an unlimited amount of damage to the monster without killing it, which meant they could rack up a higher damage credit.

But I don't know how to figure out how long you have to beat on them to get the credit if you don't know precisely how much damage they've done to each other. I just guessed in this case.

I wonder if there is a cap on how much healing gets credited against the health pool for the badge credit. If there was one, we could work backwards and say that for damaged GMs like the Jack/Eochai pair, a kill must take at least X minutes for the total damage to be guaranteed to exceed 10% of the maximum possible health pool.

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Either way /Petition is your direction, but from experience:

I was on a team where we'd tracked down a GM that was on a timer (IE: they showed up between Time A and Time B) and we summarily beat the crap out of it. Or so we thought. Even though we got the GM to its knees, we just Happened to do it right as the timer ran out and it despawned just prior to the DMG calculated for a defeat. Needless to say we waited for it to reset and Royally beat the crap outta that one. ;-)