FArt Battle 2012 - May Votes




Ladies and Gentlemen it's time to vote again!

Please read the full FArt Battle 2012 Rules and Settings.

Voting will last for 1 week after this post.
Please keep discussions in this thread, thank you!

Please write down your favourite THREE in a reply on this post, starting with your favourite, then the runner up, then the 3rd favourite.
Don't worry, you don't have to have any artistic knowledge. Only an opinion.
You may, but don't have to, explain why you voted the way you did.
Thanks alot!

May's theme was: OFF DUTY
What do the CoH Heroes and/or Villains do when they're not out playing Hero or Villain?

Influence prizes for this month:
The winner of the month will win 85 million influence in-game.
The runner up of the month will win 50 million influence in-game.
3rd prize is 25 million influence in-game.

This month's bonus prizes for the winner and runnerup:
The winner gets to choose one of the following four prizes.
The runner up will get the second choice.

- a drawing by the great Jonathan Wyke aka Dr. Destiny, of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- a digital coloured portrait drawing by DeeDee of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- a (scanned) pencil drawing by the amazing Temperus of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- an inked and shaded drawing by the most talented Flame_Strike aka CDrysdale, of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
(mind that you will need to provide references to that character if needed)

The entries:



SyrusB / Liz

Now, just for show, the entries that can't get votes this month for whatever reason:
DarthDelicious / DeeDee

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



OK, SyrusB first. Just amusing.
Furryjackal second, personal bias (yay stargazing.)
Can't decide on who for third - Tartyrsauce's is cute (if fuzzy,) leaf is... what I'd do (hang out in front of a computer.. oy.) Decisions...



But you have to make a decision, Bill! I can't make it for you... because if you don't... I can't accept your vote... as it's incomplete *pouts*

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



1 leaf-nin
2 syrus
3 furry



It looks like I've picked the right time to check up on the boards!
And wow, great prices to win this month! Well done DeeDee.

My votes (and my wife's). Difficult month yet again:
1. Tartyrsause
2. Leaf-nin
3. Furry_Jackal



Nice work people.
1.Tatyr (cute and made me laugh)
2. Leaf-nin (lots of great details, like the tattered stockings, and I dig the traditional colored pencils)
3. Furry Jackal (ET in the donut lol)

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Wow. OK Liz, next time you visit, we're drinking Weekend Hamidons.

What's in that, anyway?

Edit: Oh and votes:

1. Leaf-nin because I'm a sucker for the goth girls.
2. Liz because I want to try one of those.
3. Tartyrsause because it's amusing.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



My votes for this month...

1. Tartyrsauce - because it's just amusing.

2. Liz - I still think he looks like one of those fruity, umbrella-toting drinks! Full of deliscious!

3. Leaf-Nin - nice details.






Little less then 20 hours of time to vote left, people!
The participants can use 'm all!


CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Thank you all for voting, and thank you participants!
It's been a real joy to see what you've all come up with for this month's theme, Off Duty.

I won't keep you waiting longer... the winners of this month's battle are....

3rd place, the winner of 25 million inf in-game...
With 8 points, including an Early Bird vote.

2nd place, the winner of 50 million inf in-game... AND...
A drawing of a character of choice by an artist of choice, after the winner picks his/her favourite (scroll down for the options).
With 13 points, including an Early Bird vote.

And 1st place, winner of 85 million inf in-game... AND...
A drawing of a character of choice by an artist of choice, you get the first choice (scroll down for the options).
With 15 points.

Congratulations winners and very well done everyone!

Here are all the results for May:
SyrusB/Liz: 7 points (now has 112 spendable points)
1st place votes: 0
2nd place votes: 6
3rd place votes: 1

Leaf-nin: 17 points (now has 61 spendable points)
1st place votes: 9
2nd place votes: 6
3rd place votes: 1
Early Bird vote: 1

Furry Jackal: 8 points (now has 52 spendable points)
1st place votes: 3
2nd place votes: 0
3rd place votes: 4
Early Bird vote: 1

Tartyrsause: 13 points (now has 50 spendable points)
1st place votes: 9
2nd place votes: 2
3rd place votes: 1
Early Bird vote: 1

This month's bonus prizes for the winner and runnerup:
The winner gets to choose one of the following four prizes.
The runner up will get the second choice.

- a drawing by the great Jonathan Wyke aka Dr. Destiny, of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- a digital coloured portrait drawing by DeeDee of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- a (scanned) pencil drawing by the amazing Temperus of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- an inked and shaded drawing by the most talented Flame_Strike aka CDrysdale, of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
(mind that you will need to provide references to that character if needed)

The winner will receive a PM (on either the boards or Deviant Art) and once a choice has been made, the runner up will then receive a PM.
After that, there will be 2 artists left for the winner and runnerup to choose from in the next round.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



You may wonder.... or not .... how those bonus prizes turned out... so here goes.

The Runner-up's prize is finished now. Tartyrsause choose Jonathan Wyke to draw for him.

Leaf-nin, the winner's choice was Temperus and the result will be up here asap!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!