Friday Night iTrial; Saturday Badge iTrial




I want to thank everyone who showed up this last week for the Badge runs of Lambda Sector. Many thanks for those who stayed for the fourth run, to help me get Synchronized ( I really appreciate it, and have no Idea how I didn't have it before now).

This week is going to be the same, with a few tweaks. Because this weekend is Double XP weekend, I will attempt to form an iTrial at 6:30 PM EST (3/16). I will start with Lambda Sector, and then do a BAF; neither for badges.

Saturday the 17th (at 9PM EST) I will do a single Badge run of BAF. Trying mostly for Gotta Keep em Separated.

As an aside, I will also be trying to run many low level TFs over the course of the weekend.

Hope to see familiar faces, and remember, this is all on Infinity Incarnates!



Thanks again for hosting the Lambda runs. Happy to cross that Master set off my list!

I will totally be there for the BAF as Keep 'em Separated is the one badge I need for Master.

Also, love the signature. Reread that series sometime last year.

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

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Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Good that you noticed that you didn't have Synchronized before we all left

I should be on this weekend and more then happy to help out.