291 -
Quote:Have you read Johnny's link of the Sept. 26th dinner? http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=297727No. I don't believe NCSoft will sell CoH to another party, and expect them to C&D any open attempts at emulated servers. I'd like to be wrong, but I don't think that I am.
Brian, Matt and Melissa are very much there with bells on, still fighting the good fight to get PS and CoH saved. And NCSoft is apparently still talking, something that no, we never thought they would do, you're right, Intrinsic.... But they're actually talking, still, after a month! Servers, accounts, a new publisher, the Paragon Team, the IP, the engine...it's going to take some time. Nothing like that is going to happen overnight. But I really feel, deep inside, that it will happen. Talks wouldn't still be ongoing after this long is progress wasn't slowly creeping along.
So, still yes here. -
You know, Massively.com puts CoH back onto their front page most every day. Are we linking this petition in the new CoH blogs there as they happen? It's subject-appropriate, shows fan support (for both CoH and for Massively's coverage of this situation) and is a positive public voice like the PS heads said at the dinner 9/26 that they still need. We can get this a lot higher than 20k names.
And have you sent your stories to Game Informer? They're writing an article on the Save CoH campaign, too! I just saw a Titan thread on it in the Save Paragon section at the top of their forums. And send Game Informer the link to the petition, too. Imagine the scope of coverage they can bring to this movement! -
Haha, yeah-- I was 10 when SW hit the drive-ins. Ah, the junk food, ah the cold, clammy blankets, and ah, the freaking mosquitos! :P
Thanks a ton, Johnny!
Wow, this is incredible. And the best part-- Melissa, Matt and Brian are NOT employed with anyone else but are still obviously fighting hard to save CoH! WOO!
I truly hope they can hold out with what they have for severance packages, and I wouldn't mind starting a fund for them and the other Paragon Studios employees that are trying to hold out to go back to work on CoH. How could we go about this I wonder? -
In never-ending support of the CoH community, Massively appears to be making sure CoH gets constant front-page coverage. Then again, we give them plenty of things to write about!
This time, it's an article about sending letters to NCSoft executives to get them to log into COH and rub elbows with our in-game community! And they mention how the online petition has recently dinged 20k too. Please add to the comments, which were already at 43 as of this posting!
I'm telling you-- after all is said and done here we'll need TonyV and Mercedes Lackey statues flanking the town hall in AP33, providing they're both electronically perusing Massively.com with their laptop emotes going! -
Go for 25,000! Go go go people! Re-link that petition, we still have two months to go until D-Day. -
*flings thread back on the rail, as it has been de-railed*
Yes or no, sí or no, now.....go! -
No monologues, no soliloquies, no walls of text here please. Just one glance into your personal crystal ball, just a simple yes or no based upon what your gut instinct tells you about CoH:
Will it be rezzed in some fashion, either by some publisher via the talks already in the works, or even just eventually in the months or years to come, or will it not ever be saved/rezzed?
My intuition says and has always said: Yes. -
As we now know there will be an ongoing Rikti event at the time of shutdown, I shall be wheelin', dealin' and healin' with my favorite 50 fire/empathy troller, All Hallows Eve, on Virtue.
Look out, AP33, Mama's coming to heal and rez y'all right until the lights go out....
temporarily (I have the feeling anyway....one way or another).... -
Hehe, yeah.
Um: Attention OP: We ALL know the facts leading right up to this very day. Anything else is pure speculation, with either a dash of hope or a pinch of hopelessness, but either way, the rest is all guessing. And it will all play itself out eventually, one way or another, no matter who wastes time writing great trollin' walls o' text in the meantime.
Nuttin' to see here, move along..... -
Yay! Whew!
I'm not saying Valve is even remotely going to buy CoH, but they're a fine company and I'd hate to see anything bad happen to them regardless. -
Jeez, and here we were sending Gabe emails at Valve asking him to buy CoH! Someone should warn him about NCSoft's terrible support for the west if he's even remotely thinking about actually doing this.
Let's hope this horrid thought stays a rumor only!
http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/09...-valve-buyout/ -
And as soon as new info goes up, Massively.com is right on it!
If this game does get saved, besides putting up a TonyV statue in AP33 (which of course will be built into every server's permanent AP instances), I think we should have that statue in a pose perusing Massively.com on a laptop. :P -
Quote:Awesome! I can go to lights out healin', wheelin' and dealin' against the Rikti in Atlas.Let's go out with a bang!
Summer Blockbuster - October 5 - October 8
Double XP - October 18 - October 22
Halloween Event - October 26 - October 29
Winter Event - November 9 - November 12
Rikti Invasion - November 23 - November 30
Live Server Shutdown - November 30 12:00 AM PDT
I say we all meet up in AP33 on Virtue for the final Rikti showdown.... -
Yeah, I saw that in another thread, and I must say again, this is most impressive! I think this is the best game-related video I have ever seen, bar none, and I'm an MMO freak.
Quote:Haha, yeah.Heh. This community as a whole has never done well with dev silence!
And perhaps Alpha Wolf was pointing at VV as she is a trustworthy source with insider knowledge? I don't know, but I know Mercedes Lackey/VV has said she's had early contact with War Witch after disaster struck, and I think she's said she knows Brian Clayton as well. I don't think too many here can claim that. I know I can't. And there's probably a gag order on VV as well regarding some things, even if she does know things.
But there are still ongoing talks, and I *do* know that it took a couple YEARS for Hellgate London to be resurrected, A.P.B. was down for months before it came back, too, and Fallout and Gods & Heroes have been rezzed over time (I think G & H took multiple years, actually). And for that matter, Saga of Ryzom's original devs went bust back shortly after it launched, and it was rezzed later on too.
It can happen. It may not be within the timetable we'd like to see, or with some or most of the PS team intact, but it could still happen. Let's face it, we're already expecting possible complete wipes on the slim hope that anyone at all can pick it up later..... -
Tim! You and everyone who worked on this video is AMAZING. It is simply AMAZING.
And I just saw this most impressive video on the front page of Massively.com to boot!
Go go go! Total awesome sauce. Jeez, and to think these boards were getting me down. Thanks for doing this! -
I tried it during beta. I'm sorry-- it nearly put me into a coma. Plus, I figured that, it being a Funcom game, launch would be a buggy disaster like AO and AoC were.
I'm still hoping against hope that CoH can be salvaged, although that's admittedly looking less and less likely as time goes on, especially as something run by PS and anywhere near its current form.
I'll probably just read more books. :P -
I don't care for CO and can hardly believe some of the same people are actually responsible for it, but I don't think Cryptic is the problem here.
BABs (Tic Toc on these boards) seemed genuinely surprised the whole thing was going down, and he said he asked Jack Emmert point-blank about the engine and was told that yeah, they gave the rights to use it "in perpetuity" not just for CoH but for a second game as well.
And we know that some Paragon Studios peeps have already been taken aboard Cryptic, to work on STO I think. If they hated PS, they wouldn't be hiring them now.
The whole thing is a downright shame, and it all boils down to NCSoft's inept handling of their MMOs in the west. Yeah, CoH had an 8-year run, but NCSoft only owned it for the last few years of that. And they've shut down most of their other western MMOs in even less time.
I hope Blade & Soul fails miserably here. It will mean that western gamers are finally recognizing NCSoft for what they are: Box fee grabbers who don't support nor continue what they start. Even CoH had GR released under NCSoft. -
Quote:+1 I was just going to type this very thing. Shutting these forums down would be a mercy killing at this point.Totally. If the forums are going to devolve into this kind of utterly pathetic, childish bickering, then maybe they SHOULD be closed down sooner rather than later?
I'd rather remember them as a fun place than what some people are trying to turn them in to. -
Negotiations are going to take a lot more time than this, Johnny. And we're not saying they can't or won't ultimately fail. However long it seems to you, though, this is nothing. I took A.P.B. what, a year and a half to be rezzed? And it was in beta forever after that. Hellgate London was rezzed several years after its demise. Gods & Heroes was down well over a year or maybe two before it came back.
I'm not saying it will take anywhere near that long with CoH, if it happens, but it will probably be somewhere in between. And as PS are looking for work and rightly so, probably precious few of them will come back if or when CoH gets rezzed.
And picking up another dev team's code is one of the hardest things to do as a programmer.
No finger snapping will be going on here. No instant anythings are even remotely going to be happening. All we can do is hope (and keep making noise publicly about it) that eventually CoH is salvaged in one form or another. -
Quote:I understand your feelings-- believe me, NCSoft has shut down about 8 MMORPGs now counting CoH. They seem to go for the initial rush of box fees, get a couple years' subs out of people if that, then shutter them. CoH has had a much longer overall run than that, but NCSoft only bought them out a few years ago from Cryptic Studios, so actually, this closure time-wise is right in line with all their others (if not still longer than Tabula Rasa, Auto Assault, Dungeon Runners, Dragonica or Exteel got anyway).Id rather play it as a stand alone game with end user multiplayer option than not play it at all...
Im thinking of possible options NCSOFT and us players have. If you think the only option is NCSOFT sells the rights to another company to maintain it as an MMO..what happens when the company they sell it to cancels it? We do this all over again?
If they come out with a stand alone game it will be around just about forever. I mean I dont know about you but if I buy a game I want to be able to put it away and play it later. Hell. I still have a PS1 game I play. And a couple Sega Saturn games I will probably get out once the game goes offline.
I figure Ive spent over $1000 on this game. As of December 1 what will I have to show for that?
MMO publishers, and NCSoft in particular, really need to start considering this "lack of anything to show for it come shut-down time" and what it's doing to their reputation and future sales. I agree.
I just don't see how an entire game can be reprogrammed from massively multiplayer to single player, especially with the entire dev team having been pink-slipped three weeks ago. Not that they would want to do it, anyway, even if they were still there. -
My parents, my daughter and I all made completely identical radiation/gravity controllers years ago on Virtue. Their names were all Emerald Image. (Image actually means identical copy.) The way lowercase Ls and uppercase Is work for in-game names is that they look identical (except in I.D.s) even when they aren't. So we all appeared to have the name Emerald Image over our heads.
And our looks were all identical, even our skin tones, faces, costumes, magic background and powersets, lol.
In a game where two heroes never looked remotely the same, man, people used to freak when they'd see us all fighting together! And when they'd circle us and ask how we did it, we'd say in unison,
"Somebody's had one too many drinks at Pocket D!" and stuff like that. :P
But boy was it confusing when we teamed them all! Hey, did I just cast that immob or did you? Whose pet just ran off? And it was bloody hard to kill anything with a troller in those days, and gravity pets weren't too hot besides. We finally quit playing them in the 30s because of it all, but it was fun while it lasted.
We also did it on Pinnacle with four broadsword/regen scrappers. They were all named Blade of Glory-- except for my Dad, who at that point made one "virtually similar" in the same costume, except that she was eldery and overweight where ours were all young and trim. And he called his Oldest Blade. And he refused to use sprint, so he would lag behind us everywhere we went, huffing and puffing, rofl.
We also briefly had a supergroup on Pinnacle where each of our characters was named after a credit card. My daughter was American Express, I was Visa, my Mom was Mastercard, and my Dad was Discover Card. The battle cry we'd yell altogether was,
and our Supergroup name was....Chapter 11. :P
Ah, those were the days. -
Quote:NCSoft has already confirmed that they are shutting CoH down come November 30th, period.Im thinking NCSOFT would be the ones to release it. Not sure how Steam generates revenue but I wonder if this would be attractive to both.
I doubt a game programmed for massively multiplayer servers could ever "come back" as a single player game hosted entirely on an end-user's machine, though. If anything, our slim hopes depend upon another MMO publisher picking it up. -
Quote:One never knows-- even long after MMO servers are shuttered, games sometimes come back under different publishers. A.P.B. came back. Fallout came back. Hellgate: London came back. Gods & Heroes came back.The game isn't over yet - and if the worst does happen, you'll eventually get to take to the skies again.
I don't doubt that CoH will forever be around in some fashion (maybe with an extended downtime in between), I just doubt at this point it will be under too many devs from the former Paragon Studios banner.
And for that, more than anything, I hate NCSoft. If one thing above all others comes out of this, I hope their bad reputation for poorly handling and then shuttering game after game in NA and EU finally hits rock bottom, and people just avoid them from hereon in. Especially because they waited until the week after GW2 launched to drop the bomb about CoH, obviously trying to avoid a boycott. Blade & Soul my foot. They can shove it.