The situation
Trollfu strong here.
Jesus Pancakes.....
Methinks that you're making a lot more of this whole "anyone who disagrees is a troll" attitude than is actually there.
You seem to have seriously mistaken a couple of posts of mine in which I said that it's poor taste and trollish to come here and post that you don't care about the game to mean that anyone that cares about it less than I do isn't doing enough. I've tried to correct that perception a few times, but you seem to have gotten it stuck in your head so firmly that I can't budge it. That's a shame, and I'll say it yet again so that hopefully you'll go back and re-read the posts that you have so grossly misinterpreted and get what I actually said.
Here it is in a nutshell: I have never demanded that anyone has to do X, Y, or Z to be a "loyal enough" fan to join our movement. I have consistently said that we'll take whatever level of dedication you're willing and able to give.
I've also never said that you have to 100% agree with me or what I'm doing. I won't name names, but I've already run into someone who I suspect thinks that I'm just way off track and has decided to pursue their own path. I've sent some messages basically saying, "I don't think that would be productive, I think this other way is the best of course of action," messages I think have pretty much been ignored. But hey, more power to 'em. I don't think they're being particularly destructive, just not particularly effective.
Also, one of the things that I've been really impressed with is how so many people have done things on their own initiative. Right now, I count my main accomplishments as: 1) rallying support for saving City of Heroes and getting people on board with the notion that it can be done, 2) giving them a place not controlled by NCsoft where they can gather and discuss what's going on, 3) helping to organize the Unity Rally, and 4) generating a fair measure of publicity, again with significant help of others. But creating graphic banners? I didn't ask anyone to do that. Creating videos? I didn't ask anyone to do that, either. I also wasn't the one who got retweeted by Neil Gaiman, Sean Astin, or Felicia Day. I didn't reach out to John Kovalic, Mercedes Lackey, or Scott Kurtz. I've used some of those efforts for publicity, but all of that stuff was other people taking initiative and filling in spaces where they saw a gap. If you really think that I perceive myself as the be-all and end-all of the Save City of Heroes movement, I don't know what else I can say to convince you that you are WAY off. I have consistently done my best to ensure that the credit for all of our accomplishments goes where it is due: to the community that is participating in these activities and making their voice heard. If we're successful, years from now I highly doubt that the world will remember my name, but I'm pretty sure that they'll remember the City of Heroes community that stood up and said, "Not like this."
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Holy ****, I couldn't get past the first paragraph.
This calls for a drink.
I intend to read every word. Soon! < sorry, previous size made it shout out like a car alarm
You're losing me in the second paragraph.
Actually, I was prepared to let it go. My life is changing in a year - long story, my business. No, it's not a special operation <facepalm>. But, I had told myself a few months ago that all I wanted was to stay long enough for Omega slot and one to two good years.. then I was ready to go. I absolutely expected it to end but not that soon.
Like someone ripped the bandaide before either I or the wound was ready. Maybe that's why I feel the way I do now.
Reading and re-reading the fifth paragraph. Digesting.
I like that we're all different. We were different before the announcement. I had PVP friends who "lol'd" at the badgers and roleplay friends who threw a look of disdain at the farmers. But the fact that I was friends with many types of groups and they were friend with one another meant the differences didn't seperate us entirely.
Every couple of dots means I've finished a mission and leaving feedback. My apologies but damn, you typed a lot.
On that note, yes, I am sad that it feels like we're pushing against one another's feelings more accutely now. I actually questioned myself before some posts. "Will this offend someone?" "Is this too soon?"
And I hate hate hate when someone mocks the concept of "being pc". I'm not questioning things to be correct for the sake of being correct. I question myself because I care about people. Did I just type that? So, yeah, I care about people's feelings. This is everyone's game. I say it over and over. Eight years is not a hobby; it's a love affair. How do you comfort someone when you can't even comfort yourself?
I'm pretty worried that it'll get "Lord of the Flies up in here" soon. Pretty sure, I won't even notice when I fall into that myself. Pretty sure, I already have.
For what it's worth, some good has come of this. Will come of this.
As much as I love this game, and I really really love this game, the first thing I did was gather my friends and say, "OK, let's start looking for a new home." Some folks asked how I could turn so quickly but .. while I still play here, it's about the people.
For me, this is carrying everything I learned and loved about City of Heroes:
- City taught me to be bold. Before the announcement, I would never have purchased another game. Giving up the **** ton of stuff I have is hard to do. =) And harder yet, going from where my account is now to being a freshly minted "n00b" sucks massive donkey ****. Oops, self edit. I'd rather not get banned my last days here. On that note, how is picking a new game being bold? Well, ****. I played this game every day for eight years. Trust me, it's bold.. for me.
- City taught me to be open-minded. Before the announcement, I told myself I'd only ever wait for CoH2 because it was a "superhero" game. The game I've purchased has no capes...
- City taught me to be fast and prepared, logical and focused. I collected and sent out fifty emails that first weekend. I have twenty four friends with me now in our second home. Before the announcement, I winced anytime someone suggested we move as a group to any number of new titles. Yes. City has a chance. This means I'll have two homes.
- City taught me me a ******** of way to many virtues to list here. It's humble starting over.
But this isnt one person's blog, this is a forum of COX. All players and everyone that ever dropped a dime into this game, made this possible. So if they invested in it then they should be able to say what they feel just like anyone else. If that is how they feel then that is how they feel. If people cant express how they feel
You've already expressed your opinion of how other people feel, as well.

-Female Player-
I've also never said that you have to 100% agree with me or what I'm doing. I won't name names, but I've already run into someone who I suspect thinks that I'm just way off track and has decided to pursue their own path. I've sent some messages basically saying, "I don't think that would be productive, I think this other way is the best of course of action," messages I think have pretty much been ignored. But hey, more power to 'em. I don't think they're being particularly destructive, just not particularly effective.
So are they not particular effective for what reason might I ask? Because they are pursuing their own path and not the one you or TitanNetwork members laid out? Or are they doing something that is not such a bright idea, that is besides striking out on their own accord?
I'm truly interested in the answer because it's quotes like these that make it seems that the only way is your way. So I rather get it cleared up instead of thinking wrong about the entire situation.
-Female Player-
Um: Attention OP: We ALL know the facts leading right up to this very day. Anything else is pure speculation, with either a dash of hope or a pinch of hopelessness, but either way, the rest is all guessing. And it will all play itself out eventually, one way or another, no matter who wastes time writing great trollin' walls o' text in the meantime.

Nuttin' to see here, move along.....
Hehe, yeah.
Um: Attention OP: We ALL know the facts leading right up to this very day. Anything else is pure speculation, with either a dash of hope or a pinch of hopelessness, but either way, the rest is all guessing. And it will all play itself out eventually, one way or another, no matter who wastes time writing great trollin' walls o' text in the meantime. ![]() Nuttin' to see here, move along..... |
-Female Player-
I'm truly interested in the answer because it's quotes like these that make it seems that the only way is your way. So I rather get it cleared up instead of thinking wrong about the entire situation.
If TonyV had sent out a message saying "WTF do you think you're doing? I run this show, so it's MY way or the HIGHWAY kiddo!"
...then maybe your somewhat excessive reaction might have merit.
However, in the time since Aug 31 and all the threads I've read here by TonyV and over at Titan, I can honestly say that your perception of him as some sort of Machievellian self-serving egotistical political schemer is...baffling to say the least.
I can only assume that there's some sort of cross communication going on here, because from your posts, I can tell you're not a crazed tyrant wannabe, and from HIS posts, I can see that TonyV isn't one either.
The only thing I've seen TonyV say that could remotely be interpreted as critical is his stance that it's better to have a single co-ordinated front working towards set goals than to have countless scattered campaigns singing from different song sheets. Which isn't ciriticism so much as an obvious fact.
I can see from your posts that you want to help save the community - but I'm confused by the way you mention helping the community, and then immediately follow that comment with one saying the community isn't a community, it's a gaggle of trolls.
I'm still betting this is a case of crossed wires, mistakes in communication rather than ill intent on any side. No cause is served by division. Tolerance and patience are the watchwords here if there's going to be any accord.
Seriously, when you make me go TL;DR, something's wrong.
^ Not a flame against your position. I literally never got to what it is. The OP is too dense. Sorry.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
-Female Player-
So are they not particular effective for what reason might I ask? Because they are pursuing their own path and not the one you or TitanNetwork members laid out? Or are they doing something that is not such a bright idea, that is besides striking out on their own accord?
I'm truly interested in the answer because it's quotes like these that make it seems that the only way is your way.
I'm not sure what you expect. For me to actively work on getting people not to trust me? For everyone to just split up and work on everything individually? For me to sit back and let people do things that I know are ineffective or even destructive without saying anything about it and trying to nudge them in a more productive direction? If that's what it will take for you to think I'm not some sort of egomaniacal dictator, I guess you're going to have to think I'm some sort of egomaniacal dictator. It's a shame, because I really think that I am a pretty nice guy that's easy to get along with.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
You can ask, but I can't answer. It has nothing to do with whose path is being followed; it has to do with what is being done. I provided an option that I know would be more effective for what they're trying to do. I never said, "Don't do what you're planning."
To be blunt, this is your problem, not mine. I have repeatedly said that people are free to do whatever they want to try to save the game; they don't have to get my permission or approval. And indeed, a lot of people have taken the initiative to do a lot of things--things that have been very constructive and useful. I might offer my opinion or my advice based on stuff I might know that they don't, stuff I can't explain or expound on, but I can't make them do (or not do) anything. If someone trusts me, great! If they don't, hey, no hard feelings, and good luck. If I'm wrong and you end up singlehandedly saving City of Heroes, I'll be more than giddy at your success. I'm not sure what you expect. For me to actively work on getting people not to trust me? For everyone to just split up and work on everything individually? For me to sit back and let people do things that I know are ineffective or even destructive without saying anything about it and trying to nudge them in a more productive direction? If that's what it will take for you to think I'm not some sort of egomaniacal dictator, I guess you're going to have to think I'm some sort of egomaniacal dictator. It's a shame, because I really think that I am a pretty nice guy that's easy to get along with. |
-Female Player-
To the OP...your post had too many words and I have an attention span of a gnat...just saying.
-Female Player-
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
-Female Player-
To be blunt I expect you to respect those people who dont feel the same with you just as much as you ask them to respect the people that are trying to keep the hope alive instead of jumping on them when they even remotely say, they mayor may not care about the game. ANd if someone decides to go at it alone, just like you dont want people putting down your efforts or saying negative things about it, dont put their efforts down by saying things like "ok, but it's ineffective." Just as you told the people that follow you to keep doing what they doing, I hope the people may have stuck out on their own do the same and dont let you put them down. In a nutshell, the point is, if you expect people to respect your work and efforts and the others on Titan, try to respect others. If you want people to understand and feel what you all are trying to achieve as you stated, then respect them for what they are trying to achieve, even if it's just sitting there and letting the game go and then moving on. That is all.
And a few of those, I was one of the first to say what a *bad* idea I thought that would be - counterproductive at best, and possibly destructive because most people don't respond well to what seems to be crazy behavior - in fact, often, such behavior gives them a "reason" to ignore the position you are trying to promote, which you agree, is trying to prevent the game from being shut down permanently.
My position agrees with TonyV's. Because my experience has been - based on more than 30 years in the working world and dealing with negotiating and politics (yes, this situation involves politics as does any interaction among more than a couple of people) - stating a position calmly and consistently is a better method than taking extreme positions or trying to retaliate.
Evil_Legacy, you clearly have passion. I'm sorry that you feel that trying to persuade with the methods that Titan Network is asking others to use rubs you the wrong way. Generally, we have let TonyV take the point on this - someone has to, after all. But I honestly don't recall seeing him disrespecting anyone.
One thing I have seen, which seems to be one of your triggers - is ask why someone who "may or may not care" or is fine with "sitting there and letting the game go and then move on" cares if others want to take efforts to try for a different outcome because we definitely DO care.
You seem to want to champion their right to state they don't care, which I acknowledge they have, but in response, since this is a public forum, some folks will try to persuade them that it's not absolutely the end yet, we are still trying stuff to get a different outcome.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Evil, you can write this post and stay in this thread, but I think it's ineffective. And good grief, do you perform Senate fillibusters? 'Cause I think you'd be a natural..
Basically, you're telling Tony to STFU when YOU don't like it, and I find THAT to be an excercise in the very thing you're rallying against. Think about that, and I'll see y'all later. *eject*
/Gotta give ya an 8 outta 10 for the troll factor. Nicely done.
//TonyV, you keep on keepin' on, and just exit the thread if you come back in. Evil needs no further replies.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Have I missed something? I'm not sure that I have read any threads that sound like what you are describing, other than a few that started out with an OP that wanted to flamebomb Amazon reviews for GW2 or something of that nature.
And a few of those, I was one of the first to say what a *bad* idea I thought that would be - counterproductive at best, and possibly destructive because most people don't respond well to what seems to be crazy behavior - in fact, often, such behavior gives them a "reason" to ignore the position you are trying to promote, which you agree, is trying to prevent the game from being shut down permanently. My position agrees with TonyV's. Because my experience has been - based on more than 30 years in the working world and dealing with negotiating and politics (yes, this situation involves politics as does any interaction among more than a couple of people) - stating a position calmly and consistently is a better method than taking extreme positions or trying to retaliate. Evil_Legacy, you clearly have passion. I'm sorry that you feel that trying to persuade with the methods that Titan Network is asking others to use rubs you the wrong way. Generally, we have let TonyV take the point on this - someone has to, after all. But I honestly don't recall seeing him disrespecting anyone. One thing I have seen, which seems to be one of your triggers - is ask why someone who "may or may not care" or is fine with "sitting there and letting the game go and then move on" cares if others want to take efforts to try for a different outcome because we definitely DO care. You seem to want to champion their right to state they don't care, which I acknowledge they have, but in response, since this is a public forum, some folks will try to persuade them that it's not absolutely the end yet, we are still trying stuff to get a different outcome. |
"I'm saying that IF you don't give a flip, then I don't care* and don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I still stand by that."
-So basically if they just so happen to not care, even though they may have invested their time and money and maybe not emotion into the game, then they should leave. Kind of disrectful to some one who just metioned that they dont feel sad.
"But if all you (the reader of this post, not SuperOz) want to do is come here and tell us how little you care, that's really pathetic."
-If they care little and that is their feeling, then that is what they are feeling just as some people feel angery, sad, hopeful or what ever. It's like them telling you that hoping for a long shot is pathetic.
"You don't have to be an avid member of a community to have the bare decency to not want to see it go away."
-Ok this one may not be so bad. But what is so indecent about wanting ot not caring about if the game lives on or not? Maybe they didnt have the same cheery good feeling experience in the game as others and rightfully so, just as much so as people with good feelings from good experiences have, to feel a bit jaded about it. That's like telling a **** victim to stop belly aching because it's their fault they got *****.
"So are you the only one who's not upset? Of course not. But please, I see no purpose in advertising your apathy to us. If you want to go, then go, and let those of us who are continuing to fight continue to fight."
-I dont see stating how you feel as advertising anything or anymore than any other post or the Save the COX posts. If that is how that person feel, that is how that person feel. If you expect them to respect those that are trying to keep their minds on the happy times, then maybe they should respect those that may not have such a sunny outlook too. Respect goes both ways not just one way.
Topic: State of the Titan TonyV basically states there is little chance that NCSoft will reverse their decision. People have been saying this since the beginning. Yet, they got called types of names up and down from everything from pessimistic to trolling. Yet TonyV on the 22 of Sept. says the exact same points, and even says he is just being realistic, and not a single negative comment. Yet, when people earlier said the same thing, and said they was being realistic, it was called alot of negative stuff. SO what I gather from this is that it's ok TonyV to be realistic but not others. Or was that they was suppose to wait for TOnyV to get realistic before they could? That is a bit of a double standard.
-Female Player-
Evil, you can write this post and stay in this thread, but I think it's ineffective. And good grief, do you perform Senate fillibusters? 'Cause I think you'd be a natural..
Basically, you're telling Tony to STFU when YOU don't like it, and I find THAT to be an excercise in the very thing you're rallying against. Think about that, and I'll see y'all later. *eject* /Gotta give ya an 8 outta 10 for the troll factor. Nicely done. //TonyV, you keep on keepin' on, and just exit the thread if you come back in. Evil needs no further replies. |
And no that is not what I'm saying, anymore than TonyV, your idol, told other people.
-Female Player-
!!WARNING!!-This is my take on the situation and everythign that is going on. This is not to offend, piss in anyone cornflakes (who in their right mind would piss into a bowl of ceral anyways?), or anything like that. This is just my view and nothing more nothing less. There is no expectation to agree with anything here or meant ot incite anything or hinder efforts, put anyone down, bring down hope, or anything. This may or may not be in the lines of the hopeful way of thinking. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN THE LINE OF HOPEFUL THINKING! Making sure I said it twice just in case it got missed so that no one has to go out of their way to point that out or feel like this was pushed upon them. This way of thinking may or may not be in line with anyone or everyone's view and way of thinking. This is a fair warning. So if that is ok and can handle something that truly may not be anywhere on the same tangent of your way of thinking or view, then read on. If not, YOU ENTER AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! !!WARNING!! How ever you resapond I'm more than likey will respond in kind. Attack me I'll attack you. Nit pick me, I'll nit pick you and so on. So we can actually discuss thing like adults for once, or go to the same thing as usual but you can never say it was forced upon you and stuff. You chose to come here, you chose to either read or not read heed or not heed the warning and that's on you. And yes I realize there may be mispelling mistakes, grammar errors and stuff so no need to point that out unless you never ever ever made a mistake of grammar/mispell in your entire life. !!WARNING!!
Late August, around the 31st, NCSoft made announcement that the game was closing and Paragon Studios was going the way of the dodo. At first I was thnking "meh, it was bound to happen. NCSoft been doing it their games for years. COX is not immune." Yet, what I did notice was the outrage that followed. I thought it was interesting that people got this upset over a game. I had a flashback of a kid throwing a tantrum because his/her parents cut the video game off. Yet, these are adults, and according to some, pretty mature in their 30s adults. I mean it is NCSoft's property and they have the right to do what they like with it. If they decide to cut service, then it's their perogative. Then came the plan to save COX. Then I thought, "Man, people are really attached to this game for real. I'm not sure if it's withdrawal symptoms from an uhealthy game addiction or what but they seem to be serious." For the first few days after the announcement I just watched.
Eventually I enquired of why a routine announcement of a game closing is causing this much out rage? Did people actual expect it to last forever? I think most didnt expect it to literally last for ever but I also think some people woud react the exact same way they did here whether NCSoft gave a two day warning or a 5 year warning. NCSoft never been close to the community especially the forum throughout the life of the game. I guess it would seem they expected it to be Paragon Studio's job so why expect them to all of a sudden open line of coummication when they discontinue a product? Would the community even bother listening to what they would have had to say or was their minds already made up to be angry no matter what NCSoft did or say as all they know is that NCSoft is killing off their favorite game and that is what mattered. They didnt care when NCSoft and or other game studios shut down other titles. There was no rush to rally there. It was that they didnt give a crap. Now, that it is them, now they want everyone to give a crap.
Yet it goes deeper than a company just killing off a game I realized from some people that explained. It was the community that they came to be a part of for 8 years for some. * years is along time to be playing with the same people night after night and maybe day after day for some. Relastionships start to form, even if it's virutal, that made it no less important, they felt a sense of belonging that maybe some couldnt have gotten in the real life world. This is a place where a total outcast rejected bullied everyday person could be king and the most popular person around. This is where a person who is shy in person can form friends easily without people focusing on looks. This where someone that may not be good with speech in perso can be the most eloquent poster on the forum and be respected for it. And now a company want to take that away based on a buisness decision. That can be a hard pill for someone to swallow.
For others, it's just a game that they invested in for years and it came to an end. And many have left already. To others, it's just a game that they have invested money into and rather see around. To others it's game that they invested time and money into and hope that it will be around sometime into the future. To others it's just a game that had a significant impact on some people that would be nice to keep around but there are other games out there. To others it's not just a game, it is life. To other's it's not just a game but a community that they belong to. To other, its a game they put a lot of money, time and effort into and dont wish to let that go down just like that without a fight. And then there are many other views. The point is that there are many views, feelings, and variance in between and there shouldnt be us vs them blac vs white way people suppose to feel about it. Some people dont get attached to games and it's nothign to them to move on after Nov. 30th. While others are seriously attached to the game and will fight forever to try to keep this game alive. Each side so far from what I seem to take the stance that their view is right and normal and every other view is trolling. Me personally, I dont see any point at all in wasting time money effort, to savea community where a simple way of feeling different from each other cant even be tolerated. You get ten random people in a room and ask them how they feel about a random question and more than likely you'l; get ten different answers and ways of expression. It seems that no one like to be told their view is stupid and etc. or jumped on because of their view but many that wish everyone to respect their view are the exact same ones that jump on other people's view when it dont line up there. To me, that is a straight up hypocrite.
Everyone's human and everyone thinks that their view is upmost important and have a right to express that view in and or to the community but so do the rest of the community. If a community member view that this game shouldd burn a horrible death, then that is their view, a view of A member of the community. If someone view that they think every should get on board and follow a certain site ran by a certain person and anyone that dont is against the game and should just leave the community. Ok that is their view. Yet, the hard part and a part we probably should eventually get to, including me, is letting them have that view and leave it alone. As they are just as part of the community as anyone else here. If we cannot get to that point at all, then what is there to save? What are we saving? A community that exist as "us vs them" "we are right and they are wrong" or "our opinons matter more and since that opinon isnt my opinion it is worthless" community? That's not a community. That is a gaggle of people trying to win the "I'm right and you're wrong" fight. Me personally, I'm trying to save a community and not a gaggle of people where only a few people's opinions matter and everyone one doesnt. Or where one cannot express a differing view without being called a troll. Or where hell, a differing view always cause someone to feel like their ceral is getting pissed in. Even Congress cant agree on everything besides when it come time to vote for a raise for themselves. And that is just the affect or effect of having a bunch of people in the same place on an open forum at the same time. The time to worry is when people agree on the exact same thing at the exact same time because one person told them that is how they suppose to express that idea at that exact moment. If that is the way it suppose to be, then there really in anypoint in anyone posting anything or even a forum existing since it is assumed that everyone is suppose to have the same view and way of thinking as one particular person. Might as well appoint one person to speak for everyone and write a blog that says "Hi, I'm one person and I speak for all subs of COX and I say that this and that is the way it should happen because I said so and if you dont think so, then you're a troll."
But this isnt one person's blog, this is a forum of COX. All players and everyone that ever dropped a dime into this game, made this possible. So if they invested in it then they should be able to say what they feel just like anyone else. If that is how they feel then that is how they feel. If people cant express how they feel, then there is no point in complaining about people pissing into the ceral because in way, you might be doing just that by calling their view stupid or calling them a troll, and etc. If that is the way it suppose to be, everyone pissing in any ceral that they view do not match up with theirs, then so be it but stop complaining about it please. Easist thing to solve that problem is for everyone to stop pissing in any ceral and just let people feel the way they want to feel and view the world through their own eyes. If people continue to piss in someone ceral then they piss in other people ceral and it continues on. People calling each other troll and they call them a troll and it continue. Let's not fall apart at the end of this possible last leg of the game as who would want to put in any effort to save a mere gaggle of trolls vs trolls, us vs them, I'm right you're wrong and etc anyways? I cant speak for anyone else but I dont.
If you feel like this game is worth saving, then have it by any means that you ferel is worth it. Dont let anyone make you feel like just because you are not doing as much at them or on this particular site or endorsing this celeb or taking everything they say as hard fact, to mean you are against the effort. If you are a part of a larger organization and just a cog in their efforts and agree to everythign they do, that is fine. It would be best if we can look beyond the difference that really are irrelevant and work towards the goal that both sides want to accomplish.
Captain_Electric- Note:The only person named in this entire thread so anything else and you are are not particularly named, then I'm talking about you.
I think this person have a ratinal way of looking at things, and rational view of the efforts. I think this person is trying really hard as they can to get this game saved without coming across as "god's gift to saving this game effort so every one better bow down or be considered an outcast!". But that is my personal view and some may think different and that is ok.
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.