The situation

Ad Astra



Tony, I hope I'm not the only one that would much rather not see you defending yourself. Good lord, man, if there's anyone here who doesn't have to defend himself, it's you. I have tremendous reservations about Plan Z, but hey, that's just one letter in the entire alphabet and you know what? These efforts need a leader and you're the man who made the stand.

I do appreciate the sentiments in your post, Evil, but I stand 100 percent behind Tony's plans to save the game. Sure, I'm doing stuff on my own. But please realize, this is about ten miles shy of making me special or single-minded. Lots of people are doing stuff on their own. In fact, if they're not, I've got a bone to pick with them. Tony has encouraged us to do stuff on our own. Also, nothing I've done on my own has made a dent. I'm sure it's added to a larger chorus, though.

Remember the bit I wrote in the link above, about great development teams being able to work together? About being able to follow the lead, even when you hate his or her directions? Do you honestly think Paragon's developers never spat on a team lead's idea before having to implement it anyway? In a perfect world, teams would agree with each other on every front, but this isn't a perfect world. If we make it through this, we'll do it as a team. We'll only fall divided. Because I assure you, if we're divided, then it gives NCSoft an insurmountable edge over us.

Unfortunately, you should also realize that for as vocal as I've been around here lately, hardly anyone will know who you mean when you mention 'Captain-Electric.' I have little or no earned credibility within this community. Again, I'm just trying to shout from a larger chorus, not spread dissent or something (and I'm not the person Tony referenced in his reply, for anyone who misread that).

Speaking of dissent, it probably takes an average of four or five hours for any positive thread to scroll off the front page of General Discussion. There's a reason for that--most of the chorus has moved their forum activity over to the Titan Network already. This is exactly why I haven't bothered to sign up over there even though I'm one of their biggest fans. All it takes is two or three negative posters (or well-intentioned debates that spin into pages of arguments) to drown out dozens of positive messages, and I believe it's more important for people to keep posting good news on the main forums, than it is to give negative messages so much attention that it looks like we're practically begging NCSoft to acquiesce to our sense of apathy rather than to our sense of hope and determination.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



"You don't have to be an avid member of a community to have the bare decency to not want to see it go away."
-Ok this one may not be so bad. But what is so indecent about wanting ot not caring about if the game lives on or not? Maybe they didnt have the same cheery good feeling experience in the game as others and rightfully so, just as much so as people with good feelings from good experiences have, to feel a bit jaded about it. That's like telling a **** victim to stop belly aching because it's their fault they got *****.

You actually went there. I had a long post responding to each of these quotes individually, right up until I got to this one.

Comparing this one response to telling a (guessing you were referring to a victim of a sexual assault) that it was their fault they were assaulted.

Obviously, you are willing to take anything TonyV says and twist it to see it as something negative and disrespectful. Have fun with that.

Basically all of the responses you quoted are to someone stating that they did not see the point in any of the efforts to save the game. Responses made by someone who wants to save the game. Whatever floats your boat.

I guess TonyV really must have pissed in your Cheerios at some point for you to try so hard.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Tony, I hope I'm not the only one that would much rather not see you defending yourself. Good lord, man, if there's anyone here who doesn't have to defend himself, it's you. I have tremendous reservations about Plan Z, but hey, that's just one letter in the entire alphabet and you know what? These efforts need a leader and you're the man who made the stand.

I do appreciate the sentiments in your post, Evil, but I stand 100 percent behind Tony's plans to save the game. Sure, I'm doing stuff on my own. But please realize, this is about ten miles shy of making me special or single-minded. Lots of people are doing stuff on their own. In fact, if they're not, I've got a bone to pick with them. Tony has encouraged us to do stuff on our own. Also, nothing I've done on my own has made a dent. I'm sure it's added to a larger chorus, though.

Remember the bit I wrote in the link above, about great development teams being able to work together? About being able to follow the lead, even when you hate his or her directions? Do you honestly think Paragon's developers never spat on a team lead's idea before having to implement it anyway? In a perfect world, teams would agree with each other on every front, but this isn't a perfect world. If we make it through this, we'll do it as a team. We'll only fall divided. Because I assure you, if we're divided, then it gives NCSoft an insurmountable edge over us.

Unfortunately, you should also realize that for as vocal as I've been around here lately, hardly anyone will know who you mean when you mention 'Captain-Electric.' I have little or no earned credibility within this community. Again, I'm just trying to shout from a larger chorus, not spread dissent or something.


Speaking of dissent, it probably takes an average of four or five hours for any positive thread to scroll off the front page of General Discussion. There's a reason for that--most of the chorus has moved their forum activity over to the Titan Network already. This is exactly why I haven't bothered to sign up over there even though I'm one of their biggest fans. All it takes is two or three negative posters (or well-intentioned debates that spin into pages of arguments) to drown out dozens of positive messages, and I believe it's more important for people to keep posting good news on the main forums, than it is to give negative messages so much attention that it looks like we're practically begging NCSoft to acquiesce to our sense of apathy rather than to our sense of hope and determination.
-yea the point wasnt to gain you reconition. Just thoughts that I wrote nothing more nothing less. That is why I didnt say any other names as it was talking about in general of what I viewed and was directed at no one in particular. But since, some people made it about them in particular, I went with it. Especially TonyV as this probably is the best opportunity to understand him since he came on in. Hey the warning was there. surrounded by bold letters. As I said, they were just mere thoughts and what I been observing, nothing more nothing less.

-yea about that. If we are to stand as one, then we should look among each others as equals as all with a stake in this game. Not "oh that particular opinion dont matter" Or they are a troll because they disagree, as a few posters here already done with no hesitation" or even "they are more popular than you so your opinion is invalid". And I'm not talking about even ideas of implemention of anything. I'm talking about basic opinions. If I'm going help to save a community, I'm going to help save a community. So far I'm not exactly sure which this forum is over all. An actual community or a gaggle of troll callers that call anyone that dont agree with them a troll. While I prefer that my efforts go to saving a community, I dont mind saving the animals either. Until figure it out, I'ma try my best to save this game even if it's just to ensure that these troll callers have a place to go instead of going around and possibly dragging other communities down. Then not only would I save this game and make sure they have a home to stay in, I'm helping saving the entire gaming community from these troll callers. Yet, the problem with troll callers, is that they do drive away people from an already relatively slim community. If one of our hopes is to get another company to pick up the game, I doubt they will be itching to pick up a game with a community that is quickly falling apart. Sure some people might come back. But after spending double digit millions, some companies probably are not looking for that type of risk especially given the age of this game. And quicker this game falls apart, easier it is for NCSoft to go "Whew glad we killed that game quickly or else we would have started to lose money keeping it going." Or easier for them to just wait us out, which what they might already be tryign to do. From what I see, I dont think it got to the point of no repair but alot of pieces are falling off and going else where.

First thing to get united is to understand there will be differences of how to get there, but remember the common goal and respect those difference. If not, then no one will respect anyone, sides will be chosen, and then it will be about as divided as a community can get. I'm not sure about anyone else as I dont and never speak for anyone else but myself, is that I see some divisions forming already. And Im overall good either way. While I rather see this game kept and saved, especially after all the effort that has been placed into this cause, I wouldnt lose any sleep if the over all forum rather fight among themselves over petty stuff that is really not important, (well it seems as long as they win an online arguement and percieved as right, nothing else matters), and let this game fall off the face of the earth to be forgotten in four years. Then so be it. I'm only one person, and what happens to this game is up to the memebers. If they want to save it, then save it, and I'll join. If the forum decides overall they rather watch it burn and win as many online arguements as they can before it goes off, then sure, I'll bring the gasoline and hope they dont migrate to other games that I might be playing and wreak havoc over there. Hopefully this will be the last game that we have to do this to save. Now we all know it can happen to any game at anytime, profitable or not and people should be weary about investing that much time and money and not wanting to go down the tube at a flick of a decision from a CEO and a few board members. I think some may have learned the old lesson of "never invest and or gamble with more money and time that you will miss in something that is not guranteed." The COX roll system pulled a snake eyes on us and now it's up to us to see if we can at least leave with someone out of the effort to save this game.

But if push come to shove and fish hits the shan (exactly how I meant to type it) at the every turn, and Nov 30th comes and things all blackout, and maybe this forum too or maybe later than Nov. 30th, that is the real test. Right now, this is the warm up stage and so far already seeing some division. Now when the ideas for the new game really start popping off, and more people depending on which route is taken, put more money into it, and this and that and things start getting complicated, aka, the tough gets going, the petty stuff really will have to be put on the back burner or might as well hang it up now. So what if a person dont agree with another person. Maybe they are on to something, even if their entire statement is hard to understand. Too many people choose to focus on one little thing that they find questionable and focus on that and forget the rest of the post and point even existed. Right now, it's relatively harmless. In making a game, that is how many games dont survive beyond the beta stage if it barely makes it past the alpha stage. Someone with power, who may or may not have an idea how to create a game but think their opinion is worth ten time everyone else, and their friend's opinion are worth 4 times everyone else, and those that dont agree with him opinion dont matter. Unless that person is super popular, not many people have that many friends to keep a game going and profitable and usually have a high turn over rate in staff. And if people believe their opinion wont even be taken into account without being called a stupid idea, then some people will not speak and that could be lost opportunity on a great idea. Some people will not invest, and that could be more money going to maintaining and or creating the game. Some people will leave, and that decreases the population. And when it do crashes, no one will give a crap.

I've seen the reasons many want to save the game, NCSoft ill treatment of the situation, especially the devs, who put in alot of hard work to make this game work, was open minded, communicated, and basically about as close to a just another player as a dev could get. Now flip it and imagine if they didnt accept any feedback from the player base, thought they was better than everyone else and treated the players like that, and basically built a game for the devs themselves to play and you're nothing but a mere money drop to keep it going. The game would have been dead a long time ago and I bet there would not even be 1% of the type of outrage that has been seen here.

What I hope dont happen is that this effort and tough road to save the spirit of this game pays off only to be replaced by people like mentioned in the end of the above section (paragraph). Then what would have been the point of it all? A vision of the spirit of COX as a select few view it or is this for a vision of the spirit of COX for everyone that played COX?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post

You actually went there. I had a long post responding to each of these quotes individually, right up until I got to this one.

Comparing this one response to telling a (guessing you were referring to a victim of a sexual assault) that it was their fault they were assaulted.

Obviously, you are willing to take anything TonyV says and twist it to see it as something negative and disrespectful. Have fun with that.

Basically all of the responses you quoted are to someone stating that they did not see the point in any of the efforts to save the game. Responses made by someone who wants to save the game. Whatever floats your boat.

I guess TonyV really must have pissed in your Cheerios at some point for you to try so hard.
I dont eat cereal.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!