Annnnnd....New Massively coverage about CoH! Add to those comments, peeps!




In never-ending support of the CoH community, Massively appears to be making sure CoH gets constant front-page coverage. Then again, we give them plenty of things to write about!

This time, it's an article about sending letters to NCSoft executives to get them to log into COH and rub elbows with our in-game community! And they mention how the online petition has recently dinged 20k too. Please add to the comments, which were already at 43 as of this posting!

I'm telling you-- after all is said and done here we'll need TonyV and Mercedes Lackey statues flanking the town hall in AP33, providing they're both electronically perusing with their laptop emotes going!



I've been noticing in my not-at-all-obsessive-search for CoH information on the web, that almost everything we do now is getting almost immediate coverage.

I will admit that most of it is 'they're doomed but they have spunk and we kind of hope they succeed" kinds of coverage but, hey, it keeps the word going around and really thats the best thing we can hope for right now.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
I've been noticing in my not-at-all-obsessive-search for CoH information on the web, that almost everything we do now is getting almost immediate coverage.

I will admit that most of it is 'they're doomed but they have spunk and we kind of hope they succeed" kinds of coverage but, hey, it keeps the word going around and really thats the best thing we can hope for right now.
To be fair, considering that they only need to check two forums for news about the #SaveCOH movement, it *isnt* all that hard to get the news out almost as fast as it happens.