Farewell my friends
The game isn't over yet - and if the worst does happen, you'll eventually get to take to the skies again.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
On the last night I will be in Pocket D raising a glass to all the heroes, and villains past and present who have supported this great game for 8 years.I have spent the last 6 years playing and have put in excess of 12,000 hours playing time,I will miss the game and all the friends I have made along the way.Unless another game comes on the market like CoH my MMO game time is over yes I know people will say that we have those other 2 games out there but I have tried them and they do not compare.So if anyone wants to join me on that fateful night in Pocket D please do so you are all welcome,the Toast will be City of Heroes the greatest game and community on the market you will be remembered.
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
The game isn't over yet - and if the worst does happen, you'll eventually get to take to the skies again.
I don't doubt that CoH will forever be around in some fashion (maybe with an extended downtime in between), I just doubt at this point it will be under too many devs from the former Paragon Studios banner.
And for that, more than anything, I hate NCSoft. If one thing above all others comes out of this, I hope their bad reputation for poorly handling and then shuttering game after game in NA and EU finally hits rock bottom, and people just avoid them from hereon in. Especially because they waited until the week after GW2 launched to drop the bomb about CoH, obviously trying to avoid a boycott. Blade & Soul my foot. They can shove it.
The game isn't over yet - and if the worst does happen, you'll eventually get to take to the skies again.

No need to give up now...Paragon still needs heroes.
The fight is just beginning to save Paragon City!
Before the final shutdown I plan to boot up my old laptop that I don't use any more. I will start up the game and start creating a new character. If the system still works like it used to I will then be able to keep using the character creator until I shut down the program or my computer dies. At least so long as I never leave the character creator part.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
I still remember the day that I first played CoH. My friend came over and had me download the beta that he had and let me use his account. It was an amazing experience to play as a superhero of my choosing. The daythe game released, I had taken the 2 days off from work and played from 7am until 2 am and returned again at 8 am until about midnight. Truely amazing.
My friends and I spent 1000 of hours building all of our heroes up and meeting new friends that would soon form the Scorpion Alliance. This was not just a supergroup to us. This was a family. This was the online game the I first convinced my girlfriend, now my wife, to play. This game Truely did help to build our relationship to what it is today.
I will deeply miss flying around Paragon City as my Blaster, and running into door missions with all of friends and those that needed help to complete their mission. There was no better feeling in this game than seeing the words "Looking for help with my Cape Mission" and going and running it for the hundredth time, and even the 500 hundredth time.
But, the time has come that Paragon no longer has need of heroes. The city has been saved and the wrongs have been righted. I now stand atop Atlas and remove my cape. To everyone I say, "Safe Journey, Hero. May Paragon treat you well."
To the members of Scorpion Alliance, if any of you happen to read this,
Kosmico, Keso, Cobalt Blue, Legna Kard, Alex Grey, Midget Maurader, and Alora Snow, it was one hell of a ride.