291 -
Quote:PS's "super secret project" was actually a strategy war game. I'm not sure if it was turn-based or real-time, but it showed up on Tim's LinkedIn Profile. So apparently you and they were already thinking along the same lines. I was disappointed at first when I saw that, but really, that genre isn't oversaturated the way the MMORPG market has been for years now, so I can understand the change in direction. And it was probably much less expensive to produce than a full-boar MMORPG would be, too.I'd love to see the devs do a superhero MMO with the Cryengine 3. Though doing a quick search seems to have a license cost of around 1.2 mil. Still it would be awesome to see that engine being used for a superhero MMO.
I hope that the devs can do something together with a small studio even if its just smaller games for now so that they fund larger games in the future. Perhaps jump on the turn based strategy influx that xcom reintroduced many players too and do something with that game genre that hasn't been done before or done lately theme wise.
Personally, I'd rather see a new superhero game from the PS dev team (under a new name of course) that was real-time like Tera, with some version of that gorgeous Unreal Engine 3 that Bluehole used. Granted, that engine is old by FPS standards and I think direct X 9-limited, but still, Tera is breathtaking graphically. And Tera's FPS-type interface with third person real-time combat in a massively multiplayer setting with little mirroring really hasn't been done much before. There's room for a high quality superhero game like that. And of course it would have to have CoH's level of customizability.... But the money it would take.... Eesh.
*sighs* -
Quote:Yeah, I saw this on Massively.com today as well.Thirteen years ago today, Microsoft launched the award-winning Asheron's Call, now recognized as one of the first major MMORPGs along with Ultima Online and Everquest (both of which are still around, incidentally). Although subscription numbers gradually declined—especially after a certain 800-pound gorilla hit the genre in late 2003—Microsoft sold the game to Turbine in 2004 rather than shut it down.
On Twitter, Turbine sent this shout-out: "A huge thanks to our community for sticking with us through the years. AC is older than children!" AC's active community includes two wikis, independent guides, and numerous blogs and can look forward to celebrating more anniversaries down the road.
However, I couldn't help but think that the fact that Turbine has self-published for years (as Funcom does with fellow oldie Anarchy Online) significantly helps matters in the longevity department. I mean, I can't really picture Asheron's Call having passed even its seventh birthday never mind its 13th if Microsoft was still publishing it. Let's face it, more often than not, MS initially invests in MMOs and then dumps them mid-development (Marvel Universe Online and Vanguard immediately come to mind here) never mind not keeping them running for years. -
I keep sporadically checking Hosun Lee's, Melissa Bianco's and Matt Miller's twitters, but nothing yet.
I suspect they're trying to pull something together for a new project although who knows....but if they are, it may take them months longer, even into next year sometime, to fork over an announcement of any sort....
You know, after all this time, I still want to stab the NCSoft powers that be in their collective eye.... My anger over this situation has not resided in the least.
I can't wait until Blade & Soul is ready to launch: I'm going to continually spam-bomb every article and forum post about it that I can possibly get my hands on so that every potential player knows what NCSoft is really like to deal with. -
When is TOR going F2P?
I didn't like it well enough during beta to buy it (too linear, simplistic and solo-based) but for free I might give it another try. -
I do find myself not logging in these days, not because I'm tired of the game-- on the contrary, I still feel like I had way too much still left to do even after over eight years-- but because it is too painful.
I do still haunt the forums, though, not really hoping for that miracle save anymore, but wanting at least a good chunk of the team to stay together and announce that they've begun a kickstarter project or some other endeavor which I would hear about through the grapevine here.
Even if it ultimately never saw the light of day, I would be thrilled and proud to donate $100 ( a lot for me, a single working mother with two kids) if only to openly show my continued support for the dev team that gave so much of themselves to bring us CoH for so many years.
And hopefully there would be a great enough burst of initial fan support to show a pro publisher or two that Paragon Studios is worth investing in no matter what new form they take. -
Quote:Well, you never know. When Cryptic launched City of Heroes, everyone on earth said,I don't believe Plan Z will really get anywhere - I think people are being very unrealistic.
"Cryptic? Who the heck are they?"
They're both just groups of people who decided to make a superhero game. And one of those groups has been fanning the fires of outrage against the forces of injustice since August 31st besides. I'd imagine that could be a pretty potent motivator. -
School was called off for our town and every town around us here in MA. I called out of work.
It's supposed to hit us around noon. It's 8AM and quite blustery and rainy here already, though, so I've got candles, books, and a fresh pot of vanilla chai tea on the stove just in case. -
Quote:Yeah....I know.I'm done with the game and the forums, but before I go I will say a few things.
1) This game meant a lot to some of us and the community has done much to help many noble causes and charities.
2) The passion I saw arise in the SaveCoH movement should carry forward with a new game once this one closes. It is doubtful NcSoft will release the IP.
3) To my friends in Whisper X (the greatest non-SG ever), to the members of the All Stars on Virtue, and to most of the community herein, hold your heads high and your hearts close. To former Paragon Studios Devs, get out there and find a new game I will follow you anywhere.
4) Lastly, good riddance to those that have come in and made some of us feel our only recourse is to leave the forums early. FACT, my mind is made up. NcSoft is dead to me. The cyber bullying I've seen the last few days here only strengthens my resolve.
"She who must not be named... signing off"
I only check into the forums here hoping for A.) info on where each dev winds up and B.) that miracle save.... But I feel the same way you do. Even Hit Streak has begged the trolls to stop, to no avail.
There are certainly several people on these boards whose families and co-workers (if they can even sustain jobs) I truly feel sorry for, having to put up with their "instantly go for the throat to every person they come in contact with" personalities. No matter what the comment or subject, if it's in the least positive, they make nasty comments right away.
All I can think is that they must be totally desperate for attention to go after people they don't even know on a gaming forum for Pete's sake, lol. Just pity them. Apparently this is all they have. And it's obvious when you read their posts why that is. -
Actually, that's a bit foolish on their part. What happens on these boards and in-game is seen by no one outside the CoH community; what happens on the big sites like Massively, etc., becomes EVERYONE'S business. Banning people's accounts here will only inflame them to go into overdrive in front of the public at large.
Although that said, bannings are easily avoided here by doing things with alternative logins in more public places, where you'll get a bigger bang for the buck in the attention department anyway. :P -
Quote:Are you Contrary Mary in your home and professional life too? You are one nasty, negative chick who is mad at the world and taking it out on every person you come across, no matter what the situation, and no matter what the post on these forums.yeah. I need a good laugh at watching something like that burn.
Did you not read Hit Streak's plea to stop attacking other forum posters? Your English is generally not too hot, but are you really that illiterate?
The best thing about CoH closing down will be that no one will have to be subjected to your posts anymore. You should start dating Brillig. The two of you were made for each other. -
Quote:I actually read that Bluehole Studios, the makers of Tera, are arch-enemies of NCSoft.Despite people still hoping that there will be some savior for City Of Heroes I think this is it for our beloved game. This game has had declining revenue for years and I do agree that the market is working against it being sold in any reasonable capacity. Even if it were saved, I have my doubts that most players would even come back because Paragon Studios won't be at the helm.
Play while you can guys and never, ever pick up another NC Soft title. I know I won't.
Suddenly, Tera looked so interesting that I started playing it, lol. Every swing of my Lancer's polearm stabs a hole right into NCSoft's wallet. Bahaha! :P -
Quote:Yeah, haha, I remember when my first toon (a katana/invuln scrapper) finally hit 50. It didn't take 8 1/2 years, but it sure felt like it had. :PI officially dinged 50 for the first time! Moonsun marked his 50th on a shadow shard mission tonight. I wasn't sure if I would ever have a lvl 50, but now I can say I did. Mark one off the bucket list!
Grats! -
Quote:They themselves categorize this as a rumor only. That should tell you something. If NCSoft isn't going to sell to Paragon Studios, I doubt they'll sell to anyone. And if there was some real investor with the money to do it, why wouldn't they partner with Paragon Studios? What good is investing millions into a game without its original developers on hand to fix, maintain and expand it? It is incredibly hard for any pro devs to pick up other devs' code, and this "investor" would still have to pay *some* sort of team, so why not PS?Just saw this little tid-bit on the Facebook page.
Don't know if it's been posted as it's three days old, but it brings up some interesting notions of NCSoft possible parlaying CoH for a more profitable offer.
Any investor of the scope needed to truly work with NCSoft isn't going to do it without Paragon Studios.
I'm sure there are lots of dreamers out there, though. -
Quote:What I meant by NCSoft never doing so well again is that by closing down CoH, they are not only losing all of us as customers, but they are smearing their already-bad reputation across the internet in an even worse way than usual. All these videos are only spreading the word even more about how poorly they handle their western market.Yeah, except CoH had nothing to do with NC's losses. You can seat that blame on Aion being a total piece of crap and making up a good chunk of their downturn. It's no surprise either-- the game (like Blade & Soul will be) is a Korean anime-fantasy fanservice grindfest with no story or endgame and terrible PvP that's at least 2 content patches behind the version overseas.
Hence, they will lose even more money in the future as more and more players simply avoid having anything to do with NCSoft. -
Quote:Well, they're entitled to their opinion, although it sounds like none of them actually played CoH, so they'd be a lot less likely to care. Oh well, at this point it's all water under the bridge anyway. Nothing is going to change NCSoft's minds now.Hail Heroes!
Although it is not exactly what anyone had in mind, at least the crew at Game Informer i.e: Adam Biessener, kept true to mention City Of Heroes closing but did not go any further than, '' It's Western-developed title City of Heroes had a good run, and Guild Wars and its just-released sequel from Seattle-based ArenaNet have found success, but the company's Korean games have yet to click with Western audiences. ''
Under previews, page 111.
The review is about?
Blade & Soul
Although there is mention it doesn't truly do justice to the cause in my eyes. Also instead of running a CoH focused highlight they went with the upcoming release and have actually played it up leaving behind this closing segment -
'' This looks as likely as anything ever has to finally smash through the Korean-American cultural MMO divide where so many other games have failed. ''
I must admit, good team, that I am actually stumped on this one. The words that rile up inside of me are not that of what should be said. I'll try to get a picture (able to be read) up soon, but for now just know they did make good on their promise to an extent by giving us a moment's notice. It's a nice gesture from Game Informer.
Still a honorable mention is nice!
Just wanted to share the news.
Plan Z emu, time to rise and shine! :P -
Wow! Amazing!
Tim's, Voodoo's, yours, they're all so different and yet so poignant. By 1:27 I was already tearing up here.
Every time NCSoft has another bad quarter, we should send them all these links to remind of them why they'll never do so well again. -
Uh, I hate to break the news, but CoH has had virtual "merged server clusters" of sorts for years, since they moved to the "new" hardware. From what I understand, one cluster may be hosting Atlas 33 in Virtue, Croatoa in Freedom and Praetoria in Pinnacle, all simultaneously.
"Separate servers" have been a thing of the past in CoH for years now. -
Didn't anyone see the 10/10/12 Twitch TV yesterday? Hit Streak's one request, stated multiple times, was that we stop all the negativity at one another.
No more religious, political or mega trolling junk, please! Hit Streak seems to be moderating pretty much alone, and he can't keep up with it all.
And is this how we really want to be remembered as a community? A burning ball of flame better snuffed out? -
To be honest, though, if NCSoft isn't going to sell the IP in the thick of our campaign, with their public "black eye" being the freshest and darkest it will ever be again, and with Paragon Studios still having been together enough to have taken the helm again, then they aren't going to sell it later.
PS is disbanding/has been for a while now, so we're already at "a pale shadow of what once was" development-wise even if someone small and new rezzes it later. We have a better chance at the public at large attempting reverse engineering. It will leave CoH in about the same state as the "pale shadow" thing anyway, and it's a lot more likely to happen eventually.
Sorry, but I think all our fight is really about now is "going down fighting." We're flipping NCSoft the bird one last time, and educating players about any new releases like Blade & Soul and Wildstar that NCSoft tries to foister off onto an unsuspecting public, so they know what a mess they'll be getting into and will instead just avoid NC products. -
And it looks like Eliot Lefebvre is still in our corner!
Don't forget to leave any comments you might have down below the article.... -
Wow! Thanks, Leandro, for making this, and thanks, GG, for posting it!
Rips my heart right out as usual, but that peaceful, upbeat sound track and the graceful videos actually cheers me up simultaneously.
:P Sorry, my fingers have minds of their own. -
Lol. That about sums it up for me, too.
Sorry, Tic Toc, if you're out there. I did try to like it.
I guess it's off to EQ2 for me. I always played that one on and off too; I'd say the big gaping hole that CoH's demise is leaving behind in my superhero gaming time is doomed to stay just that-- a big gaping hole. -
Quote:As it was grossing 10 million a year, I too seriously doubt anyone would ever pay 80 million for it, even if every PS employee simultaneously won the lottery and had the money to pool together. I love CoH, it's one of my fav MMOs of all time, but it's just not worth that. You'd never see a return on that, ever, let alone be able to support the game and pay the team to keep updating it beyond that kind of investment.As much as we all love CoH, there's totally no way that it's worth 80 million on the MMO market.
OP: You really can't believe most of what you hear. If you don't see it mentioned by a red name, ignore it.
And I'm sure that, as the months go by, we will hear bits and pieces of what really did happen. I mean, severance packages don't last forever. It's like when 38 Studios closed; different personal stories from the devs eventually leaked out.