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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    This won't be a problem with a soft-capped SR.

    It is virtually impossible to debuff an SR with any resistable debuffs (which Romans and Arachnos have) An SR hits 95% defense debuff resistance almost by accident.

    Now, the average defense debuff is 7.5%. 10% of that would be 0.75%, and an SR will only be affected by 5% for a total of 0.325% debuff per attack. If you have 46% defense, you would need to be hit with 4 of those debuffs within 10 seconds to drop below the soft cap. The odds of being hit by 4 debuffs within 10 seconds are not good when you have that much defense to begin with.
    I am quite unsure why you quoted me here. I said unless you have low defense (which you don't have as an sr), you will be dead ("have negative hp") before you get debuffed for 100% (which was referencing an earlier statement that somebody regularly gets debuffed by 100% - effectively 5% - and does build for 50% + def because of this.)

    Anyway... carry on.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
    Fightning Romans, or Arachnos can stack -def pretty easily..
    If you don't have a lot of def to begin with, then yes. Otherwise the attacks with -def that actually go through are far too low to stack up to anywhere near -100%. If you get hit frequently enough such that ~10s def debuffs stack up to 100% you have other problems (like your hp being negative).
  3. There are already threads around for kat/wp, just need to use the search. These are the most recent three I found, they include a ton of sample builds.



  4. No, I didn't toggle FA because you will not be able to keep it up constantly in long fights, that's its disadvantage. Personally I only have it running if I know that I will face defense heavy and/or to hit debuffing enemies (nemesis, carnies, CoT,...) or obviously when I see that I got debuffed. To check accuracy against +4 go into Mids under Options -> Configuration -> Exemping & Base Values -> Base ToHit -> 39.

    I just checked it and my build doesn't reach 95% for GC and SD, without the Kismet it doesn't reach it anywhere.
  5. Tactics has a lower end requirement which means you're more likely to be able to keep it running all the time, plus it buffs teammates. Focused Accuracy on the other hand has to hit debuff resistance, which is why I prefer it.

    Concerning the build: I would try to get the Kismet unique back in there. My build doesn't have much global accuracy and afair I am not at 95% against +4s with the Kismet, so I would really try to keep that in there. All else looks good.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
    And yes, I confess that I have sort of poo-poo'd my Broadsword/Willpower. That's why I made the post; I felt that if someone really did have a great experience with a Broadsword/Willpower, then they would certainly let me know about it.
    You can search the boards for Kat/WP or BS/WP (they are more or less the same) and I am sure you'll find lots of stories of how strong they can be. ITF solo, pylon with double RWZ challenge and stuff like that.

    You can get a BS/WP soft capped to l/e/n/c/f and melee with only ranged/ae smashing and psi holes left. This all while you have 50%+ s/l resist, 2300 hp and 700+ regen against one enemy (way over 1k against a whole group). Doing this is only possible through the use of Parry which supplements the base defense that WP already brings with it (that's what I call synergy here).

    BS/DA and Kat/DA can do a very similar thing because of Parry and basic defense in the secondary. Here you'd go for positionals, have a different resistance mix and a ridiculous heal instead of regen.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    But what if I'd rather use IOs to add things other than defense? Broadsword is more flexible in that regard than the other sets. I can use a lot of Mako's Bite and Scirocco's Dervish to softcap to Ranged and AoE, and use Parry for melee defense so I don't have to take things like Maneuvers in order to softcap.

    I would still get melee defense up to 30% so I can softcap with one Parry, and that's a lot easier to do than getting 45% to all 3 positions without Parry.

    My theory on Parry is: If I'm in melee with something, I can hit it with Parry and have melee defense. And if I'm NOT in melee with anything, why do I need melee defense in the first place?
    Sure, if you feel like there is something terribly more important and you simply can't waste a power choice on maneuvers or something, then this is perfectly valid. But in practice there really isn't anything else that is so important and would give BS an edge because of this. You also need to remember that once you use Parry, your dps takes a dive, so whatever you are offsetting by using Parry, has to make up for it double. You know, I think you would actually have problems keeping melee defense at 30 or below (and parry can give you up to 23% def, so your melee defense should actually be at 22 to make full use of it) which means you would waste parry's potential.
  8. I am not sure what your budget is, so some of these might not be an option for you.

    - Slot 5 Hecatomb (all but the dmg one) and the Achilless' Heel proc into GC.
    - Change the DA slotting to 4 Kinetic Combat (those can be easily earned with a merits) and two Lysosome Exposures (below 10 mil each, last I checked), doing this will soft-cap you to lethal with one DA and increases DA's accuracy.
    - Consider slotting 3 Eradication and 3 Cleaving Blow into some ae powers (at least instead of the current GD slotting) to get more e/n def, which might free other powers up to get you other things that you are missing (like some more melee def)
    - c/f def is not very important, it's nice to soft-cap it, but i would advise you to first see that you have lethal and melee def capped with one DA, next is e/n, only then f/c.
    - Try not to build for double stacked DA. You will miss with it from time to time and when switching mobs you always loose time. It is far safer and more convenient to only have to rely on one DA in normal situations. You can always double/triple stack it when fighting defense debuffers.
    - The res you get from High Pain Tolerance is minuscule, you don't have to feel obligated to slot for it. I see that it's also for f/c def atm, but there might be other options.
    - Consider slotting a Kismet unique.

    As was already said, cardiac alpha is generally not necessary with WP. I'd suggest either spiritual (recharge/heal) or musculature (damage/end mod), depending on what you like better/need more.

    Originally Posted by Bonnes View Post
    Then again, less Defense for S/L isn't as big of a deal when you have significant resistance to it, not to mention the regen.
    If you build your WP toon towards soft-cap your biggest problem are def debuffs. Most def debuffs are lethal/melee and resistance will not help you against them. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to soft-cap against l/m first.
  9. I am not sure you understood me right. What I said is that DM/SD actually has synergy, while BS/SD does not, once you're IO'd out. Also, BS/WP has a far better synergy than BS/SD.

    Your question was whether BS/SD compares to DM/SD and while BS/SD certainly is fun it does not compare since there is no great synergy like there is in DM/SD. I added the part about BS/WP because you discarded it as lacking in favor of a BS/SD.

    And yes, I do have a DM/SD, as well as a Kat/WP.
  10. BS/shield only has synergy during leveling when you are not soft-capped yet. Once you soft-cap shield on it's own you can throw parry away and you have not gained any survivability over any other primary (yes you still have the small control effects of BS, but nearly all primaries have some control or debuff, DM has -to hit). DM on the other hand supplements shield no matter how well slotted it is. A BS/WP which you seem to think is lacking, has a far better synergy.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Titan_III View Post
    The big reason this is important is that in the late game the types of damage you must deal with shift significantly towards energy and elemental and away from the S/L that dominate the early levels. This is especially apparent with the Rikti, Praetorians and (to a lesser extent) Arachnos who rely almost exclusively on energy attacks.
    Since I don't have a WP toon without a parry buff I won't weight in on how to slot, but there are some things here that aren't quite right. Most energy damage from Riktis is either in weak attacks or only on lieutenants and minions. The strong hitters are psionic and energy/lethal (coverable with lethal defense). Praetorians have pretty much one of everything, but they are far from a common enemy and the ones that are fought often (for farms) are fully s/l. Energy is only a part of Arachnos damage and in no way their single biggest source. They have strong s/l and psionic components which include the crab's lethal based def debuff.
  12. rina_

    An Inquiry

    Kat/WP: DA > GC > GD > GC > SD > GC or DA > GC > GD > GC > DA > GC > SD > GC
    Soft capped with one DA, so my normal attack chain is the first one to maximize my dps. However, if I am fighting enemies with increased accuracy or defense debuffs with attacks (partially) covered by lethal or melee, I switch to double stacked DA. Also, if I see that I missed with DA in the first chain, I will change to the second chain until DA hits and then revert back. The beauty of these two chains really is that the first is a subset of the second and you can change between them without interruption.

    DB/SR: Blinding Feint > Attack Vitals
    Low recharge necessary, cool animation, good dps.

    DM/SD (to be once she's leveled up): Smite > SL > Smite > MG
    For dps and heals.
  13. One of the goals of pretty much any build is that you do not die. This is especially the case for a BS/WP that can become incredibly tough. Additionally resurgence is quite frankly the suckiest of self-rezzes out there. The only thing it does is replace a wakie. Since it does not have any ae control-type effect to give you a second to breath after rezzing (you will in fact already get attacked during the rezz animation even though you can't yet do anything) you can only use it out of reach of enemies or when somebody else holds aggro. Since it has such limited use and you generally do not intend to die, hardly anyone takes it.
  14. I will just list all that has jumped out to me (There may be some deeper reason behind some of your choices that have to do with your alpha choice, which I do not know):
    - Kismet unique in an attack power (especially DA) is a no-no, there is so much more beneficial stuff you can put into it, the Kismet goes into some defensive power like CJ.
    - Best slotting for DA if you have four Kinetic Combats in it is imho two Lysosome Exposures, they increase accuracy and def (the two most important things in DA) significantly and are very cheap (around 10 mil last i checked)
    - You are slotting a lot of generic IOs for no apparent reason. Heightened Senses for example is way overslotted and would do much better if you'd replace the two generics with one +Def LotG. There are also a lot of +End Red generics slotted, like in RttC, which really isn't end heavy. Plus as a WP you already have a high recovery. Additionally you have many generic heal IOs slotted, which, when replaced with numinas, could give you very nice regen and hp bonuses.
    - You've slotted things like shield breaker that gives mainly ae def and only secondary f/c but all your powers with Aegis in it have only two of the set even though Aegis gives an incredible f/c boost with three slotted.
    - Serendipity is a waste in weave, slot LotGs
    - Gambler's Cut is best with five Hecatomb and the res debuff (your s/l def is already way high, especially with an improved DA slotting), but you might have avoided purples on purpose.
    - Your hasten has 40 seconds downtime between applications. Generally you either have hasten (near) perma or not at all since you want to use the same attack chain all the time. What is your target chain? You will only really need Hasten for the top end chains that do not include DA and your GD recharge is too high for that.
    - Why did you decide to get Soul Mastery? Shadow Meld seems a waste on a Kat/WP, you can get soft-capped in most defenses without it and it is nowhere near perma without insane recharge (and even then you won't be coming close).

    In conclusion it seems to me that you have not really worked towards a clear goal with your build (like hp/reg/def or hp/reg/rech) and because of it you're lacking in all areas. I hope this didn't come off too rough, I was trying to point out some glaring problems and explaining the common thinking. I would recommend looking at some other Kat/WP builds here in the scrapper section and draw inspiration from them for your own build. I can post my build(s) later tonight as a point of reference, but I currently do not have access to them.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    You will be facing +4s in the Apex and Tin Mage TFs, as well as the +4 AVs in the Statesman TF. Keep in mind that a Nerve Alpha enhancement will give you a good part of the accuracy you need for these guys.
    However, accuracy is one of the easiest bonuses to come by, which leaves nerve as one of the more useless alphas unless you're building for insane amounts of defense and need every little bit.

    I don't think it's worth getting your defense higher than a bit over the regular softcap. There are too few things that will break through it to justify sacrificing what you would have to sacrifice (pretty much anything else that doesn't come as a byproduct from your def slotting).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    I am, however, bothered that Tanker Rise to the Challenge and Scrapper Rise to the Challenge are both 300% taunt when Tanker Invincibility is 400% and Scrapper is 300%. I think Scrapper Rise to the Challege should be 225% taunt.
    Considering that RttC already sucks donkey balls in the taunt department i'd rather have it changed such that it's stronger for tanks.

    Personally i love taunt auras on scrappers. It might be a bit iffy when you take aggro away from the tank when leveling (happens to me all the time with AAO) but once you're fully slotted it is incredibly useful to be able to hold aggro of a whole group when there is no tank around. Since there are secondaries with (only 3 afaik, and WP is weak, so more like 2.5) and without taunt aura, everyone should be able to choose what he likes best.
  17. It gives you +rec (and all the res of course) while it's active and drains 50% of your end on expiration, which is generally not a problem on a wp toon.
  18. Hm, ok. Considering that, as you said, you are working mostly with standard IOs, I am not really sure where the discrepancy comes from. I have my end passives underslotted (musculature alpha will give me more recovery once i get the first rare) but as far as I remember I haven't died of toggle dropping the last few times against Carnies. The main problem of the mask is the def and regen debuff, which are the main defenses of a WP toon (aside from s/l res). I am not sure how high the regen debuff is, since I am only monitoring my defense normally, but the defense debuff is utterly crippling without ddr. My psi def is around 28%,psi res around 30% and I am not sure how you would be getting much above that without extensive IO slotting. I have all the important accolades, so my hitpoints are around 2200 (around 2300 when fully slotted) and regen with one enemy in rttc is around 700%.

    I know that the phase shift cycles are fixed and there is certainly improvement possible there to time this better and avoid a few unaffected hits. But it's not like my defeats were close enough to put it on a phase shift timing issue. This all just makes me think that I suck at priority killing against Carnies or am oblivious to something. I will certainly be looking into this over the next days and monitor all my stats to see what my cause of death is, so I can work towards minimizing the problems. The fact that you are doing fine with a WP toon gives me hope that I can improve here.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
    You forgot the phase-shifting lieutenants and the fact that all their phase-shifters can attack/use powers while phased.

    OTOH, my Claws/WP scrapper using mostly generic IOs tore through the Carnies like they were Council. For every perfect storm, there's a countermeasure.
    Really? If you can elaborate on why, that would be interesting. Because my experience with Carnies on a soft-capped Kat/WP (except the ranged and ae smash and psi holes) are not great. I can handle +1/x4, but two of those groups can utterly destroy me if I am unlucky (ok, I wasn't fully e/n softcapped when I last did this, but close). I have not done any longer fight-testing against them to increase my tactics, mostly because the phase-shifting annoys me too much to fight them for fun.

    There are multiple problems I am facing with Carnies, the increased pet to-hit is one of them, although very manageable in lower quantities it can get ugly when there are 6+ pets around you. At the same time this pet armada also makes targeting problematic/time consuming. Phase-shifting prohibits me from taking care of Master Illusionists as fast as I would like to (and since there are 6+ pets around it's hard to see whether they are currently shifted, wasting a few hits), they will generally summon all their pets before I can kill them and both the Phantasm (plus it's decoy) and Dark Servant will stay alive after the Master Illusionist kissed the ground. Dark Servants have substantial auto-hit to-hit debuffs which are very annoying especially if there are two of them. To counter the to-hit debuffs I always have Focused Accuracy running. The biggest problem however is that as soon as a Mask of Vitiation goes through, I am done. It reduces my WPs power (-regen), my soft-capped def (-def) and even creates end problems (-rec) that I don't have until this point even with all the ae death-drains and Focused Accuracy running. The Mask is survivable if there are only a few other mobs around other than the Mistress, but if I fight an x8 mob a mask means pretty much instant death.

    If anyone has some great tips, please share.
  20. rina_

    DB or Kat?

    There aren't really any duds in the scrapper pools, it's all about your preferences. Kat has the option of Divine Avalanche which is a very strong boost to your defense (lethal/melee), will however reduce your dps. DB has combos which give you things like an ae knockdown, ae -tohit -def, +dmg +tohit or a dot. Kat is very single target centered while DB has some cone damage (the combo dot is landed through a cone power). Both sets have easy to reach chains that don't need a lot of recharge but they also have high dps single target chains that can be achieved with a lot of recharge, somewhere around 230% if I am not mistaken.

    I would play both to lvl 10/20 and then decide by look and feel.
  21. Looking forward to it. I will be playing a dark/dark defender (starting at lvl 2, gotta get that third power before we go underground), name is ".lethe".
  22. Great idea, i am in as well. Global is @rina. not sure what toon I will make for it, probably a scrapper or troller.
  23. I haven't taken Hover in a long time, when I last did it didn't seem viable for anything other than quickly switching to it in combat with fly active. I stand corrected then and will check it out once more when making a new Character that I can see hovering.
  24. My pointing out of defense holes etc. was not supposed to attack your build, as you seem to have understood (or I misunderstood your understanding). As a Kat/WP I was trying to point out to you where you will run into problems with this character, there is no way to close the ranged and ae smashing and psionic holes, those are simply a fact of life for a Kat/WP, the same for the problem with defense debuffs.

    If you avoid problematic mobs you will obviously not run into many problems, ever. I was simply trying to point out some problems that might occur if we consider any mob as a possible opponent.

    The reason I mentioned Focused Accuracy is that unless there are still mobs (which you can hit) around to bash on, waiting is not an option. A Kat/WP relies heavily on DA hitting at least once every 10 seconds (if your enemies are to be taken serious and you have aggro). Without an active DA, you have a huge defense hole that will get exploited instantly.