DB or Kat?




I'm rolling my first scrappe, but I'm terrified that I'm going to pick a dud power pool to roll it with. I'm fairly secure with my defensive (WP), and was wondering if DB or Kat gets the nod over one or the other?



There aren't really any duds in the scrapper pools, it's all about your preferences. Kat has the option of Divine Avalanche which is a very strong boost to your defense (lethal/melee), will however reduce your dps. DB has combos which give you things like an ae knockdown, ae -tohit -def, +dmg +tohit or a dot. Kat is very single target centered while DB has some cone damage (the combo dot is landed through a cone power). Both sets have easy to reach chains that don't need a lot of recharge but they also have high dps single target chains that can be achieved with a lot of recharge, somewhere around 230% if I am not mistaken.

I would play both to lvl 10/20 and then decide by look and feel.



Depending on how much your gonna spend IO'ing, Kat will be more survivable. They are both really fun if you ask me. Kat still has some good Aoe, a small arc, a pbaoe, and one of the last powers can hit 2-3 if u use it carefully/luckily. DB can suck if you miss combos but with wp that won't be an issue. I have a db/wp scrap at 50, and he is a lot of fun. I had a kat/fire at 50 but don't have him any more cause I didn't like /fire and redrawing all the time for healing flames, although i had melee softcapped with 1-2 DAs, cant remember now been awhile. I'd probably do as Rina up there said, and play them both for awhile, I would say 32, and see which one you like. 32 so you get all the attack powers, some fresh SOs, and play for a bit with each. It really doesn't take too long to get to 32 these days, but Ive found tahts about where it starts to go slower, least for me anyways. I think kat hits harder, but db has more aoe and is flashier, although kat is plenty flashy itself really.



Depending on how much your gonna spend IO'ing, Kat will be more survivable. They are both really fun if you ask me. Kat still has some good Aoe, a small arc, a pbaoe, and one of the last powers can hit 2-3 if u use it carefully/luckily. DB can suck if you miss combos but with wp that won't be an issue. I have a db/wp scrap at 50, and he is a lot of fun. I had a kat/fire at 50 but don't have him any more cause I didn't like /fire and redrawing all the time for healing flames, although i had melee softcapped with 1-2 DAs, cant remember now been awhile. I'd probably do as Rina up there said, and play them both for awhile, I would say 32, and see which one you like. 32 so you get all the attack powers, some fresh SOs, and play for a bit with each. It really doesn't take too long to get to 32 these days, but Ive found tahts about where it starts to go slower, least for me anyways. I think kat hits harder, but db has more aoe and is flashier, although kat is plenty flashy itself really.



Personally, I love my kat/wp.

When DB first came out, I played it to about 30 and got bored with it, but that's just my opinion. I know dozens of people who love their DB characters.

I loved my Kat from 1-50, and /WP is a solid set.



I'll echo rina in saying that there are no duds in the Scrapper primaries or secondaries. There are only combinations with different strengths and weaknesses. I prefer what Katana brings to the table (defense), but there's nothing wrong with Dual Blades, and I've played both to 50 and enjoyed both.

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