Got my butt kicked by Carnies....




This did not seem right to me, but I thought I'd ask here in case I missed something.

My soft-capped Fire/SR (46% to all positions) was running the Mask Heist Tip mission at 0/8 and got creamed, three times. The first I chalked it up to a bad luck streak, but then the same happened the next two attempts. My Def was not debuffed, that I coudl see. The group I fought had 2 Master Illusionists and their spawns which did most of the damage, all the minions went down easy.

On the fourth, I opened a tab for Hit Rolls, and saw that certain attacks had chance to hit well over 5%. Blind was 66%, Spectral Wounds 53%, Energy Torrent and Power Bolt were 31% and 28% (I forget which was which).

Is this normal? Do they have Acc or ToHit bonuses that I'm unaware of?



Well, that explains why I was getting my butt kicked by carnies as well. I have been doing +1/+8 on my FM/SR Brute and I decided to pick carnies to see how I do and wow they hit me A LOT. That dot drove me crazy when trying to use aid self also. I understand we all need weaknesses, but it does not really seem fair to me that a pet can make your soft cap seem useless, especially as many as the master illusionist summons + the phantasms.

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It has always seemed strange to me that pets have higher to hit than regular enemies, but there aren't all that many pets in the game outside of AE. As weaknesses go, it's fairly benign most of the time. You could always build for 70% defense and laugh at Master Illusionists, but I really don't think the sacrifices would be worth it. Also watch out for Devouring Earth in tip missions, who clock in at 64% to hit before they even drop a Quartz.

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Also, you're SR. Blind and Spectral wounds have no positional component so you'd be using Psi defense.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Carnies set for 8 people are extra nasty. Between the Master Illusionists and Dark Ring Mistresses they have enough debuffs to destroy any Scrapper if you're not careful.

My best Scrapper at fighting large mobs of them is my fire/shield, and that is using a lot of hit and run tactics.



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Also, you're SR. Blind and Spectral wounds have no positional component so you'd be using Psi defense.
Spectral Wounds is Ranged/Psi. Blind is Psi only**. The Blind can catch you off guard in a number of ways, not the least being a Master and three Illusionist pets have enough hold magnitude to hold right through Practiced Brawler in theory if they get lucky and hit often enough: two volleys would do it. Once held, your defenses suppress and things get ugly from there, even if you aren't detoggled and PB stays up.

A couple other pieces of good news regarding Carnies. MI's Dark Servant's Darkest Night and Chill of the Night are both autohit so it doesn't matter what their types are (and they will interrupt Aid Self if you were counting on that), and while the terrify blast from the spectral terror is ranged, its cloak of fear is actually untyped, and PB offers no protection to terrorize.

Carnies are one of those groups that seem like such pushovers at 0x1, and then start to get really scary for everyone at 0x8. They have something for everyone: end drain, non-positional attacks, heavy psionics, debuffing, mez, and of course phase-shifting bosses. If they had earthquake and vengeance they'd be perfect.

** That's always struck me as being weird. Spectral Wounds is a purely illusiary attack in the mind of the target, and yet ranged defenses work against it. Blind is a painful attack to the eyes that can temporarily paralyze or put targets to sleep, and its considered psionic only even though its not an attack against the mind. That was not one of Geko's better days in the spreadsheets.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Carnies are one of those groups that seem like such pushovers at 0x1, and then start to get really scary for everyone at 0x8. They have something for everyone: end drain, non-positional attacks, heavy psionics, debuffing, mez, and of course phase-shifting bosses. If they had earthquake and vengeance they'd be perfect.
You forgot the phase-shifting lieutenants and the fact that all their phase-shifters can attack/use powers while phased.

OTOH, my Claws/WP scrapper using mostly generic IOs tore through the Carnies like they were Council. For every perfect storm, there's a countermeasure.



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
You forgot the phase-shifting lieutenants and the fact that all their phase-shifters can attack/use powers while phased.

OTOH, my Claws/WP scrapper using mostly generic IOs tore through the Carnies like they were Council. For every perfect storm, there's a countermeasure.
Really? If you can elaborate on why, that would be interesting. Because my experience with Carnies on a soft-capped Kat/WP (except the ranged and ae smash and psi holes) are not great. I can handle +1/x4, but two of those groups can utterly destroy me if I am unlucky (ok, I wasn't fully e/n softcapped when I last did this, but close). I have not done any longer fight-testing against them to increase my tactics, mostly because the phase-shifting annoys me too much to fight them for fun.

There are multiple problems I am facing with Carnies, the increased pet to-hit is one of them, although very manageable in lower quantities it can get ugly when there are 6+ pets around you. At the same time this pet armada also makes targeting problematic/time consuming. Phase-shifting prohibits me from taking care of Master Illusionists as fast as I would like to (and since there are 6+ pets around it's hard to see whether they are currently shifted, wasting a few hits), they will generally summon all their pets before I can kill them and both the Phantasm (plus it's decoy) and Dark Servant will stay alive after the Master Illusionist kissed the ground. Dark Servants have substantial auto-hit to-hit debuffs which are very annoying especially if there are two of them. To counter the to-hit debuffs I always have Focused Accuracy running. The biggest problem however is that as soon as a Mask of Vitiation goes through, I am done. It reduces my WPs power (-regen), my soft-capped def (-def) and even creates end problems (-rec) that I don't have until this point even with all the ae death-drains and Focused Accuracy running. The Mask is survivable if there are only a few other mobs around other than the Mistress, but if I fight an x8 mob a mask means pretty much instant death.

If anyone has some great tips, please share.



Originally Posted by rina_ View Post
Really? If you can elaborate on why, that would be interesting. Because my experience with Carnies on a soft-capped Kat/WP (except the ranged and ae smash and psi holes) are not great. I can handle +1/x4, but two of those groups can utterly destroy me if I am unlucky (ok, I wasn't fully e/n softcapped when I last did this, but close). I have not done any longer fight-testing against them to increase my tactics, mostly because the phase-shifting annoys me too much to fight them for fun.

There are multiple problems I am facing with Carnies, the increased pet to-hit is one of them, although very manageable in lower quantities it can get ugly when there are 6+ pets around you. At the same time this pet armada also makes targeting problematic/time consuming. Phase-shifting prohibits me from taking care of Master Illusionists as fast as I would like to (and since there are 6+ pets around it's hard to see whether they are currently shifted, wasting a few hits), they will generally summon all their pets before I can kill them and both the Phantasm (plus it's decoy) and Dark Servant will stay alive after the Master Illusionist kissed the ground. Dark Servants have substantial auto-hit to-hit debuffs which are very annoying especially if there are two of them. To counter the to-hit debuffs I always have Focused Accuracy running. The biggest problem however is that as soon as a Mask of Vitiation goes through, I am done. It reduces my WPs power (-regen), my soft-capped def (-def) and even creates end problems (-rec) that I don't have until this point even with all the ae death-drains and Focused Accuracy running. The Mask is survivable if there are only a few other mobs around other than the Mistress, but if I fight an x8 mob a mask means pretty much instant death.

If anyone has some great tips, please share.
First I should say that my Claws/WP is organically-grown and probably not what most people would consider an "optimal" build. She just rocks against Carnies but she struggles in other circumstances; she won't be soloing a pylon any time soon. Unfortunately, I don't have a current Mids build to share.

Carnies' defenses are weakest against lethal attacks, so Claws or Kat should be about equal there. However, most of my attacks are slotted 1 Acc, 1 Rech (if needed), 3 Dmg.

I think the first real difference is that I built my scrapper with stupid-high Recovery so that I could run with no End slotting whatsoever, except for Focused Accuracy which I also use. I'm talking QR, Stamina and Phys. Perfection all slotted with PS Procs. That pretty much nullifies Mask of Vitiation.

On top of that, I went very strong on both psi-typed def and res. So all those psi-based attacks (which also includes Mask of Vitiation if I'm not mistaken) roll off her back.

She's also not a softcap build. Instead, I went for a combo of +hp, +res and +regen with def mostly relegated to the f/c/e/n roles. Between those buffs and psi mitigation against the debuff attacks, I think that's where the differences lie.

I tend to view WP, especially on scrappers, from a viewpoint of a slower regen with thicker skin, not a defense build.

EDIT: I'll also throw in that all Carny phase-shifters shift on a fixed cycle. Get a feel for that cycle in relation to your attack chain and you can generally know when to attack the boss and when to lay back or shift targets. Also, you can time your alpha for the maximum window of opportunity. On my blaster, I know that if I start my BR + PB + Aim + BU cycle when the target shifts, my snipe and follow-up will land while she's solid; that will take out a lt. and put a hurt on a boss.



Hm, ok. Considering that, as you said, you are working mostly with standard IOs, I am not really sure where the discrepancy comes from. I have my end passives underslotted (musculature alpha will give me more recovery once i get the first rare) but as far as I remember I haven't died of toggle dropping the last few times against Carnies. The main problem of the mask is the def and regen debuff, which are the main defenses of a WP toon (aside from s/l res). I am not sure how high the regen debuff is, since I am only monitoring my defense normally, but the defense debuff is utterly crippling without ddr. My psi def is around 28%,psi res around 30% and I am not sure how you would be getting much above that without extensive IO slotting. I have all the important accolades, so my hitpoints are around 2200 (around 2300 when fully slotted) and regen with one enemy in rttc is around 700%.

I know that the phase shift cycles are fixed and there is certainly improvement possible there to time this better and avoid a few unaffected hits. But it's not like my defeats were close enough to put it on a phase shift timing issue. This all just makes me think that I suck at priority killing against Carnies or am oblivious to something. I will certainly be looking into this over the next days and monitor all my stats to see what my cause of death is, so I can work towards minimizing the problems. The fact that you are doing fine with a WP toon gives me hope that I can improve here.



Before I give 'my solution' I just want to say I actually didn't know 'pets' had 75% to hit. And I still think this is why defense based sets have a harder uphill climb than those sets that assume you're going to get hit.

With my 50 DM/Shield, I typically have the difficulty too high for Carnie folk, and I refused to turn it down. And I figured out the true strength of the Carnie are two fold- debuff, and pets.

Now when I go into a Carnie mission, I zero in on the master illusionist. And there is no doubt she is getting out her pets. I ALWAYS deal with them first. No doubt.

I used to make the mistake of trying to make sure I was dealing damage to the master illusionist in some way. Now I zero in on the pets, while she fades in and out, doing her floaty phase out thing. This has made the missions a lot more doable. The pets must go first.

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Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Heh. I didn't even think of that. They're just bad mojo for Super Reflexes. If it's any consolation, anyone with substantial defense debuffs rips up my Katana/Dark, who is otherwise my most survivable toon, Tankers included.
MY DM/DA scrapper is red side ATM has a very difficult time against PPDs with their -defense attacks and Longbows with their -resistance attacks. Since both groups are heavy with energy attacks, if I'm even slightly off my game, frequent face plants ensue on mission set for +8.

Yet Carnies, she can rip through with relative ease. Stacked holds are a serious threat, but only thing that really annoys me about Carnies is that damned Mask of Vitiation...that's just too evil.

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Originally Posted by _Elektro_ View Post
The pets must go first.
And I try to make the supplement to that: "The Dark Servants must go first."

The to-hit debuff they put out is nasty, and if the spawn has more than one Master.... ick. You squeeze whiff-whiff-whiff into your attack chain pretty fast.

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Good to know, thanks for the info, all. Now that I think of it, I actually read here previously that pets had higher to-hit chance, but it totally slipped my mind. Good to know about Blind, they were throwing that around a lot and I think it was the attack doing the highest damage.



Originally Posted by Sir_Lionheart View Post
Good to know, thanks for the info, all. Now that I think of it, I actually read here previously that pets had higher to-hit chance, but it totally slipped my mind. Good to know about Blind, they were throwing that around a lot and I think it was the attack doing the highest damage.

If you happen across a mob with 2 MIs in it, watch out. You will end up with EIGHT Blinds hitting you at once, which is enough to hold you in one volley.

My BS/DA goes through Carnies like prunes through a short grandmother, but they make my DM/SR brute cry.

Non-positional psi attacks suck for positional defense based builds.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Carnies set for 8 people are extra nasty. Between the Master Illusionists and Dark Ring Mistresses they have enough debuffs to destroy any Scrapper if you're not careful.

My best Scrapper at fighting large mobs of them is my fire/shield, and that is using a lot of hit and run tactics.
This and the hit and run tactics and a well placed shield charge + aid self

My spines/da has done well against them as well and my katana/wp I am working on is not in that level range yet

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



If I expect to go up against large mobs of Carnies with my Claws/SR some of the things I do are:
1) Use Elusive Mind. For 60 seconds that's another +20% vs Psi attacks which puts me around +36% def (psi) from there a small Luck gets me soft capped vs Psi. It also has Psi resistance though not amazing amounts it adds to the Oranges I'll be using (have used).
2) Monitor my Psi defense. Making sure to keep and not combine my purples into other inspires.
3) Monitor my +To Hit and Last Hit Chance. Eat those yellows I've been hording as needed and pay special attention to ensuring my Follow Up buff lands and keeps me buffed. True ugly and I hit Geas which has both +To Hit (25%) and large amounts of +recovery. (and eat a small Luck to counter Geas' -def)
4) As others have said the Fluffy gets attention sometimes over the MI, though I tend to focus on her (them) first then the Fluffy.



My spines/da and kat/da dont have issues that I recall. But I build for a high recharge heal as well as decent defense.



It's kind of funny. I typically run my tip missions at x5 on my claw/SR (though she just got her level shift and I am thinking I will probably go to x8 now), and she doesn't usually have problems with Carnies, even though I frequently see two Master Illusionists in a spawn. The biggest problem I do have with them on my SR is the AoE end drain when they die, which has a 30% acc bonus baked in. If I take down two many at once (easy to do with a Claw), my blue bar can nosedive really fast, especially considering my build is BARELY end sustainable as it is.

Of course, the difference between x5 and x8 on a Super Reflex scrapper is pretty significant. The random number generator gets to take a lot more potshots at you on x8. Part of me kinda regrets not running on x8 before getting my level shift, because it would have been an interesting challenge... but I'd never have been able to finish my tip missions every day like that. Takes too long.

That said, my Master Illusionist strategy is pretty straightforward.

1). Kill the Dark Servant(s)
2). Kill the Phantasm(s)
3). Kill the Master Illusionist(s).

Mixing Spin into my attack chain in crowds generally takes care of the summoned illusionists along with the rest of the spawn.

I have *some* psi defense from Weave and Combat Jumping and the +3% defense IO, which helps. I also run Focused Accuracy which helps a LOT at dealing with the tohit debuff from the Dark Servants. I still kill them first, because if I let them live too long, bad things start to happen, but I don't start whiffing the first time they hit me.

Having high regen (around 300%, when my build is finished it will be 335%) and as many +HP bonuses as I could cram into my build helps a lot here.

All of that said, Master Illusionists are pretty high on the list of things that are dangerous to my /SR. They fall somewhere behind Devouring Earth (in general, and especially Quartz droppers), Rulaaru eyeballs, and the masses of Bane Spiders you get in any high spawn size Arachnos mission.

My Willpower, on the other hand, utterly laughs at Master Illusionists... and then gets whomped by the Dark Ring Mistress I didn't see at the back of the spawn. Regularly. I am not sure what it is about Dark Ring Mistresses that just destroy my /WP scrapper, but I have just learned to accept that they must go down first always. I guess it's probably the Mask.

I think the biggest shock I have had recently, though, is realizing that with the prevalence of defense debuff at high levels, my /SR is much harder to kill than my /WP on the whole these days. And more fun, too.



Originally Posted by Wildwind View Post
The biggest problem I do have with them on my SR is the AoE end drain when they die, which has a 30% acc bonus baked in.
Really? Because my non-softcapped defense builds usually seem to shrug off the death drains, even in large numbers. I do get drained occasionally, but that seems consistent with "die rolling;" it's more frequent on the lower-defense characters. But, for example, my Fire Tanker had 0 defense and her endurance flatlined all the time when defeating Carnies (it was a crisis!); now that she's raised her defense to 32%, she only occasionally sees her end bar dip a bit when masses of Carnies scream and vanish around her. If they had a big acc or to-hit bonus I'd think it would be worse.

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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
If it's any consolation, anyone with substantial defense debuffs rips up my Katana/Dark, who is otherwise my most survivable toon, Tankers included.
That's because you don't have a Dark Armor tank.

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Originally Posted by Wildwind View Post
My Willpower, on the other hand, utterly laughs at Master Illusionists... and then gets whomped by the Dark Ring Mistress I didn't see at the back of the spawn. Regularly. I am not sure what it is about Dark Ring Mistresses that just destroy my /WP scrapper, but I have just learned to accept that they must go down first always. I guess it's probably the Mask.
It's the mask, and that Twilight Grasp (which is pretty damn likely to hit you if the Mask is on you) is going to zero your regen. Oh, and of course she's also owning your End recovery.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
That's because you don't have a Dark Armor tank.
Why would I do that? Everyone knows Dark Armor sucks!

Actually, I should try it on a Tanker some time. I loves me some Dark. Leveling a Shield/Dark Tanker at the moment, though. I wanted a DPS Tank, was jealous of everyone's Dark/Shield Scrappers, and figured that might satisfy both urges at once.

And of course the only reason I don't have Tankers tougher than my Katana/Dark is that I haven't tried. It's pretty easy to build a Tanker tougher than the toughest Scrapper.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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