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  1. I'm thinking (depending on how my Storm/Archery defender works out) I may roll a Nature Affinity/Archery defender.

    That or I may see how Nature is for a MM secondary... HOT on MM pets could be awesome depending on how it all works.

    Water Blast I have little interest in at present (may change though) - but Bio Armor intrigues me. I think I need to see it in action before I can really speculate too far with that one.
  2. Niiiiiice <^_^> I particularly dig the background - I know it's not the focus by any means but it's simple and goes with the costume. Very nice composition.
  3. I have just one quick suggestion <'x'>

    Could I please, please, please have a 'normal' assault rifle with a bayonet, specifically for use with the Arachnos Soldier AT?

    I ask because the AT actually HAS a Bayonet attack... but it has precisely one weapon with a bayonet-esque structure protruding from the front - and it's on an SMG which isn't really that appropriate for a bayonet to begin with.

    Not to mention the fact that the Arachnos Soldier AT has VERY limited weapon selection as-is, and what is available is mostly weird looking.

    I just want a completely ordinary real-ish looking assault rifle with a bayonet. It doesn't have to be an actual real life weapon, just something that could fake it in a movie. (Preferably something we can color, too.)
  4. Hrm, yeah, I can fit it in hehe <^_^> I don't have my build all IO'd out yet or anything* - so there's not much in the way of slots that can't be shifted around.

    Thanks for the input <^o^>

    *It's mostly generic level 50 IOs at present.
  5. More specifically the AOE defense aura?

    It just strikes me that all the +Defense/-To Hit that I have is relatively modest, but having been away for so long I'm just not sure if it's worth bothering with.
  6. The ones that surprised me (all on Guardian) were:

    Wildshot - Beam Rifle/Time Corruptor
    Ghostwatcher - Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation Blaster
    Blacksilk - Widow
    Ninja Maid* - Broom... I mean Staff/Ninjitsu Stalker

    To a lesser extent also -

    Brightstorm - Peacebringer
    Battleborn - Shield/Axe Tank

    < . .>

    *Yes it's an incredibly bland "This is exactly what the character is" name... which is precisely why I was stunned to get it!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
    The Squirrel returns?!
    Yeah, I needed a break bigtime <x_x> But I am indeed back, at least for awhile.
  8. Yeah, Mantid doesn't play anymore sadly <;_;> I talk to him on Steam though, so he knows about the award at least <^_^> (Long deserved too imo.)
  9. Your lines, I am envious of them >_>

    Seriously, I like this a lot <^_^> nice job!
  10. Thanks for the responses everyone! I hadn't actually given /Rad any consideration at all; but I've decided to give it a shot. I was unusually impressed at how well I could make it look by turning it turqouise and dark.

    So we'll see if I stick with that or reroll yet again <'x'> hopefully I can stick with it.

    @Darth_Khasei - I should have mentioned >_< I had tried Illusion at one point and it was close but not quite what I wanted. Dark and Gravity end up being pretty much 'on the mark' for me, with Getting the win by a hair.

    Thanks again all!
  11. I'm not even locked down to the powers in the title, I'm just tossing around ideas because I have never been happy with this particular character's powers. >< I've rerolled her at least half a dozen times and it's getting to where I just want to lock something down and be happy with it.

    Dark/Emp - My thoughts here are it fits the "Friendly Ghost" theme I'm after; Dark I've heard is a good control set, and I love the animations for it, so that's a big plus - and Empathy lets me heal and buff, which is something I generally like doing.

    The only things stopping me from just doing this are -

    1) Fortitude - I know it's one of Empathy's big features, and I like to be a good team mate so naturally I'd want to be able to spread it around as much as possible. The problem is given the short duration it looks like I'd be re-casting it pretty much constantly. Is it as obnoxious as I'm thinking to keep Fort up on multiple people?

    2) Solo play - I'd rather group with this character anyway, but I can't always find a group when I'm on (I tend to play at off-peak times); Empathy isn't exactly known for being a good soloing set and controllers start out pretty painful to solo as is. I've heard it gets better, but I've never taken one above 25 thus far.

    Dark/Dark - An obvious choice and one I'd probably go with as an alternative except that I hate Shadowfall - or rather more specifically I dislike the cloud it places at your feet. It just bugs the crap out of me. I'm also not keen on Fade visually - not that it doesn't look cool, but between that and Shadowfall it's sort of hard to see your own costume.

    It also lacks direct heals, which while not essential does (imo) hurt the concept just a bit. I'm willing to put up with that, but less happy with the other elements.

    On the other hand it would be a lot stronger when forced to solo, there's no constantly spamming one buff except the occasional AOE. Visually it's also a good match for Dark Control (naturally), so there's that too.


    Ultimately I'm open to all kinds of ideas; I'm just stuck trying to pick a secondary I'm going to actually enjoy both playing and conceptually.

    <x.x> So yeah, if you've got an idea, I'd be happy to hear it.
  12. mistformsquirrel

    Kheldian Fashion

    'llo Kheldian forum <o.o>m

    Just wanted to post my Kheldian, Brightstorm >.>

    Not totally happy with the costume yet, but it's getting there.
  13. I have 3 different scrappers I could easily recommend; at least I enjoy them a great deal.

    Katana/Super Reflexes - My main and still one of my favorite combos out there. You start out fragile though, it takes until you've got your secondary slotted up before the awesome kicks in. And don't forget to take Divine Avalanche, it's a big help.

    Broadsword/Shield - It's a bit of an end hog I admit, but it's thematic and BS hits like a freight train. I enjoy it quite a bit anyway.

    Titan Weapon/Electric Armor - I did this one purely for visual reasons - then found out apparently it's a very potent combination. Also end-hoggy, at least at first, once you get Power Sink endurance is generally a non-issue.
  14. I was giving this idea some thought earlier and I have 2 possible ideas - one would probably preclude the other getting in any time soon as they have a somewhat similar theme though.

    These are just my crazy ramblings >_< I freely admit they may be unworkable or at least not what most folks want. (They are very much what I want though.)

    1) Cimerorans - I have an interesting idea for a mechanic for them too; instead of the usual "3 minions, 2 Lts. and a boss" setup, what about:

    6 Underlings - Pilum attack at range, Gladius up close - they have some defense from their shield abilities, most crucially Phalanx Fighting and Grant Cover, so an individual Legionaire is easy pickings, but the whole pack might actually be relatively resilient.

    2 Minions and a Lt - all from the second power; - 2 Immunes Surgeon-like Minions and an Oracle-style Lt with Time Manipulation powers.

    1 Boss, a Centurion who acts like a much much much superior version of the Underlings, and has Leadership abilities instead of Grant Cover and Phalanx Fighting.

    For personal attacks - sword abilities! I figure the bonus for being a squishy that melees might actually make them worthwhile, though probably still not great. Might theoretically be worth taking for the -Def though. Maybe.

    For a level 18 Support power I can think of a few options, but the one I like best is "Reinforcements" - which would replace your henchmen instantly, the replacements already being upgraded and equipped with some kind of short term "vengeance" buff. Of course the ability would be on a long-ish cooldown.

    The main idea is it's a very careful consideration when you want to actually use it - the only henchies who'd get the Vengeance buffs are the ones that arrive via the power, so if you use it when just your Underlings are dead, it might not be as valuable as waiting until your army is wiped... on the other hand if you do that you may get KO'd for your trouble.


    The other is more traditional MM - Knights!

    3 Footmen (Sword and Shield, with a crossbow at range, but they prefer melee), 2 Knights (Similar to the footmen but stronger, can use a weaker version of Shield Charge), and a Paladin to top it all off. The Pally is a Titan Weapon/Empathy type.

    Sounds pretty plain so far right? Here's the odd bit about this set - similar to the above I see a sword for the MMs personal attacks... and at level 18 the MM gets a very unusual support power called 'Warrior-Leader'.

    The idea here is it's a shield-looking toggle (and grants you a token amount of personal defense and damage resistance, but those aren't the point of the power) that has a Fury-like effect on your henchmen. As you fight with your personal attacks, they gain confidence in your ability to lead them and do more damage as a result.

    I figure it makes sense for this kind of theme to allow the mastermind to be more directly involved in combat, and indeed provide incentive for them to do so.

    Just my crazy ideas < . .>
  15. Ahh, thank you both < . .> I hope it's sooner rather than later at least.
  16. I was fiddling around with an idea for a new arc < . .> but then I noticed a problem: I can't use Beam Rifle on architect critters! Nor Staff, Dark Control, Beast Mastery or any of the new sets.

    So... will we ever see those show up? Maybe? Please? >.>
  17. Option 2 imo.

    Menu clutter is a very small issue in the grand scheme of things.

    One possibility that might help that though, if t really is an issue - Allow a checkbox in the corner of the screen that says "Show Legacy Pieces" - those who would never use the old pieces can simply leave the box unchecked; while those who think there's still some worth there can keep it checked.
  18. Bolt Pistol from 40k >.>

    Obviously a copyright design - but it would need modification to fit a CoH character anyway; and the basic design is something I love. It has that beautiful 'chunky' look to it. >.> That and I've always liked the clip being out in front like that.
  19. Huzzah for bigger arc size says I!
  20. Hehe, that's a good way to do it <^_^>

    I've been working on a story I started when I was 16. It has changed greatly since then <,< but it's finally taking shape at least!
  21. Hehe <^_^> I'm already engaged <._.> I've done NaNo every year the last 4 years. Never won yet... maybe this year is mine though eh? <,<

    @Aliana Blue - One of hte key things is that in NaNo - your work doesn't have to be *good*.

    It's an exercise to just get *something* done, no matter how crappy. Once it's done, if it's not too awful, you can always edit it for improvement <^_^> It's basically a chance to write without consequence; get your confidence up, and move forward.
  22. <^_^> Huzzah for this! Easily a favorite of mine, and a worthy addition!
  23. Congrats to the winners <^,^>

    I'm going to have to play some of these soon >.> I have been 'distracted'.
  24. Congratulations to the nominees <^_^>m

    Now I understand why I wasn't nominated! <,< I only adhere to number 2! Well ok there is technically a mad scientist in A Super Team is Born, but he's kind of a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere >.> so that doesn't count.

    Now I must go console myself with a large bottle of cherry Pepsi <T_T> *sob*

    (Seriously though - congratulations to everyone <^_^> being beat out in the first round isn't nearly as bad when the competition is this damn good <^-^>b)
  25. Hehe, danke again Aisynia <^_^>b Sorry for the length of all that info btw <X_X>; it's one of those things I always wished I'd had a chance to explain to people; but the opportunity in-mission just isn't there. <._.>; (Thanks for listening while I nerded out about my own arc <X_X>;