Suggest a Fun/Good Build




Hey all. Been away for a bit and seeing how there are a lot of new melee powersets, I want to make a new scrapper. The last one I played was an MA/Regen who, while fun, wasn't always the best. So I ask you, what would you suggest for a viable, but fun build?



I've been hearing a lot about Staff fighting, but Titan weapon seems interesting.






Staff just about anything. From personal experience, staff/willpower.

Under construction



Street Justice/energy is a very fun character.



Staff/aggro aura would be my pick (so 1. inv, 2. wp, 3. ea). Staff isn't particulary impressive in pure damage but it's just a blast to play.

TW is extremely powerful, but people seem split between those who hate Momentum and those who don't mind it. If you don't mind it it's certainly the best choice you can make from a power perspective and also quite fun with plenty of AoEs, some with wide radius. Since you're VIP, I'd say check it out on Test before committing to a purchase on Live.



I vote for Street Justice/Willpower, however, the wise people of the forums say Willpower is better on a Brute. I must not be wise though as I feel equally safe on my Willpower Scrapper as I do on my Willpower Brute.

That said my second choice for a fun scrapper build is also going against the advice of those wise people I told you about above. My Katana/Electric scrap was a joy to level. She went Redside to get Shadow Meld, and ended up falling in love with both Redside and with Water if you see a Katana/Elec scrapper using Water Spout and giggling with pure glee on the streets of Dark Astoria that would be me.

Good luck.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



War Mace / Energy Aura

Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty Strong and Pretty

Also War Mace is a great set with plenty of AoEs, but rather high ST DPS as well. War Mace also comes equipped with two 100% chance of knockdown powers, which can be alternated around other attacks in your attack chain (with high enough global recharge) to create an offensive powerset that keeps targets floored 100% of the time. This is a massive defensive advantage to have in your offensive set, and thus you can really pick any secondary you want.

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I've been thinking about making a Street Justice/Energy Aura guy.



I made, enjoyed and purpled out a SJ/EA scrapper. Here's why I don't play it anymore: it would have been a lot better as a stalker. In exchange for a little bit of recharge and the taunt aura you get a colossal single target attack while keeping all of your aoe and your original colossal single target attack. That's a trade I'd have made easily had I known that stalker buffs were on the horizon when I rolled the character.

Fun combo, though, and it's not like it sucks on scrappers.

Of the three recent melee sets staff is my personal favorite so that's my recommendation. SJ is a much more traditional set which I don't doubt many people prefer. Staff is wild and unique, playing it has felt very fresh to me.



I have 3 different scrappers I could easily recommend; at least I enjoy them a great deal.

Katana/Super Reflexes - My main and still one of my favorite combos out there. You start out fragile though, it takes until you've got your secondary slotted up before the awesome kicks in. And don't forget to take Divine Avalanche, it's a big help.

Broadsword/Shield - It's a bit of an end hog I admit, but it's thematic and BS hits like a freight train. I enjoy it quite a bit anyway.

Titan Weapon/Electric Armor - I did this one purely for visual reasons - then found out apparently it's a very potent combination. Also end-hoggy, at least at first, once you get Power Sink endurance is generally a non-issue.

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on Kat/SR, divine avalanche helps early, but I would respec out of it later as it's superfluous past the low-mid 30's. That combo can dish damage like crazy and do plenty of crazy scrapper tricks. Lots of fun. Claws/SR is also a lot of fun and high DPS as well.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Hey all. Been away for a bit and seeing how there are a lot of new melee powersets, I want to make a new scrapper. The last one I played was an MA/Regen who, while fun, wasn't always the best. So I ask you, what would you suggest for a viable, but fun build?
For big time fun using old school classics, Spines/DA! Running 2 damage auras is pretty sweet. Managing endurance will be an uphill battle all the way to 50 but it is doable and worth it IMO. I used to have a total of 10 damage procs in the auras and on occasion, before even clicking an attack, several minions would automatically collapse the second I jump in.

If you just want to try the newer powersets, I did not really like the momentum mechanic for Titan Weapons. I will only play Street Justice on a stalker as StJ on other ATs do not compare in regards to DPS.

I recommend a Staff Fighting, Electric Melee or Kinetic Melee scrapper. As for secondaries, I like Dark Armor, Regen, Energy Aura, Super Reflexes and Shield.



Your definition of Fun/Good may be a little different from mine, but my favorite character (DM/Shield/Fire) is a good mix of ST/AoE so I can minion munch or AV-hunt whenever the mood strikes me. My other favorites lean toward ST (DM/Regen/Soul and DM/SR/Body) or AoE (Elec/Shield/Mu and Staff/Elec/Mu).

Having concepts you like and characters that you can play based on how you feel when you log in can go just as far in enjoying your City experience as having a really good build.

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?