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  1. Sounds ebil. I'll go on my brute or corr. I'll send tell.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jdblaze View Post
    Kinetic Combats. The bane of my existence and easily the most expensive low level set there is. Each piece costs like 50-150 million on WW's.
    Another alternative if you can cap AE tix fairly quickly is to roll silver 30-40 recipes and craft them. Based on my experiment, 9999 tix of crafted silver 30 rolls net about 200 mil of profit after sales.

    Take your profit and buy kinetic combat recipes which are cheaper. Also, sometimes the lvl 30-34 recipes are much cheaper than the lvl 35 ones.
  3. First off, how much profit do you want per R-merit?
    Lv 50 LOTG7.5 is selling for 125 mil. That's 2 A-merits.
    2 A-merits = 100 merits + 40 mil.
    125 - 40 = 85 mil
    85 / 100 merits = 850,000 per merit

    1 random roll = 20 merits
    20 x 850,000 = 17,000,000 per random roll

    100 merits / 20 = 5 rolls

    This means that your 5 rolls should make you 85 mill. If it makes you less than that, it is better off converting R-merits to A-merits and selling LOTG7.5s or Kinetic Combat.

    Personally, I would convert, since my experience rolling random wasn't profitable enough for me.
  4. If you don't have Going Rogue, but have merits, exchange 50 merits + 20 inf for 1 A-merit. Exchange 1 A-merits for a Kin Combat recipe.
    You can do this over 4 days, and you have your set.
  5. I'll join with my rad/therm, Radria. I'll be right behind you, Yan!
  6. If you play villains, just ask in Cap for an invite to Dark Kingdom or Sovereign. We have a mix of east coast, west coast, Australian and Europe players, so there's usually someone on.
    There's folks running lv 50 strikeforces everyday and WSTs. Some of our members PL for free.
    I'm usually on from 7 pm - midnite pacific time. Just send a tell to Voltez Y or Avsolut Zer0.
  7. Hi All,

    It's been a while, so I'll run lowbie SFs on Villainside this Saturday, July 2.
    Start time is 10 AM PST or 1 PM EST with Operative Renault SF in Sharkhead.
    Below are the approximate start times:

    10 AM - Operative Renault (Shark), lv 25+
    11 AM - Tarikoss (Cap). lv 15+
    12 noon - Silver Mantis (Shark), lvl 20+
    1:30 PM - Mortimer Kal (Shark), lv 20+
    2:30 PM - Ice Mistral (St. Mart). This is also the WST, so reward merits and completion XP are doubled. lvl 35+

    The format will be speed, ie, team will not clear the map.
    If you would like to join, simply show up at the contact, pst me at Voltez Y or reply to this post to reserve one of the 7 spots.
  8. Midnite led my team:

    Please list me as tentative for next Monday's run. I'm not sure if I can make it.
  9. I got 2 purple drops yesterday during 5 tip missions, 1 paper mission and 1 morality mission. Difficulty is +2x8 and the team cleared the map.
    Purples are 1 ragnarok and 1 Grav anchor.
    All I can say is: you mileage may vary and random is random.
  10. crayhal

    Speed Records

    LGTF: 23:41.

    STF equivalent for villans, LRSF: 23:49.
  11. crayhal

    LAMDA bites

    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Good advice. but afaik, the temp doesn't work in the trial.
    Eep, you're right. I forgot temps don't work during trials. My bad.
    If there is a buffer in the league, you can try asking for buffs. Most folks will buff without drama. Just use the info window to check their powers and ask for a shield. Even if the toon is not on your team, they can still buff you.
  12. crayhal

    LAMDA bites

    Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
    And don't bother telling me it will get easier once I've level shifted because I doubt I will EVER play it once I have the absolute minimum from there.
    It is possible to play Lambda w/o being level shifted. I did it on my 5 squishies and my stoner who did not have any good stealth powers.
    If you don't have stealth, then other folks have recommended inspirations and base buffs. Be prepared. This is incarnate content. It is not a walk in Atlas Park.
    For my squishies, I always get an invisibility power and craft the Kinetic Dampner temp. The stun grenade and smoke bomb are useful as a distraction to make a quick get away. The stoner actually died more often than the squishies because of lack of stealth. It also doesn't help not being to escape easily since he moves like a turtle.
    If you have range, use it. There is no need for you to stand in front of the crate/chamber and shoot it with a ranged power.
    A lot of people have made good suggestions. Give it a go and try again. We can post as much as we want, but in the end, it is you who have to figure out what works for your toon and playstyle.
  13. I forgot to mention that the toon doing the rolls is a lvl 50. This means that the recipes I got are at the max lvl for the recipe range. In Fulmen's case, his rolls are at lvl 15, which probably isn't as profitable as lvl 50 recipes.
  14. I can run a Lambda if you are in the pacific time zone, 8 pm - midnite. If you are on during that time, let me know when, and I'll save you a spot.
  15. Even after a year of subbing, I still haven't gone through a lot of content and ATs. I'm addicted to speed SFs, and always like to try how fast I can accomplish something.
    Stuff that I'm planning to try:
    - all the villain ouro arcs
    - Dev choice arcs in AE
    - publish a story/puzzle-solving AE arc
    - give hero side another try. My initial foray as a hero didn't pan out very well.
    - complete more accolades

    My typical weekday is something like:
    - recruit for VG, promotions, and see if VG mates need some PL or mayhems
    - marketing. I love the crafting part in this game and I love selling my overpriced stuff to AE babies.
    - strikeforces and trials if any are forming
    - tips

    On the weekends, I try to do more organized stuff for the VG, like a strikeforce or mayhem marathon. Sometimes, I just run lowbie teams for several hours. Incarnate content is great, but new players won't see it until they get to 50, so I hope that my teams will help in that direction. Occassionally, I see a new player (no vet badges) and give them some start up inf.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    Set your difficulty slider to +4. Form your own teams
    When I run my lv 50 missions and tips, I run +2 to +4 x 8 and only invite levels 1-49. No one else incarnate but me.
    Romans at +4 can be quite challenging. See the General by the fountain in Cim for repeatable missions.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pendix View Post
    Question 1 – What is the current effective inf value of a Merit (conventional Merit, not Alignment Merit)?

    Question 2 – If I have a large bundle of Merits, what is the best way to spend them if all I want is wealth? Is it more cost effective to do a collection of random rolls or just by up a premium recipe (craft it?) and sell that on the Market?

    Question 3 – What is the current effective inf value of AE Tickets?
    I did an experiment on 9999 ae tix. I wanted to know how much profit bronze or silver rolls will be when sold crafted.
    Bronze 30 rolls crafted: 419,410,192
    Silver 30 rolls crafted: 419,410,192
    Avg profit per bronze: 2,890,846

    1 rare salvage = 540 tix = avg of 2 mil if sold
    1 Silver roll = 525 tix
    525 tix = 7 bronze 30 rolls
    7 Bronze 30 rolls avg profit: 20,235,924
    Compare to Avg Profit/Silver roll: 12,198,533

    Bronze 30 = 70 tix, so 2,890,846/70 = 41297 inf / 1 tix
    1 Silver roll = 525 tix, so 12,198,533/540 = 22589 inf / 1 tix

    However, crafted silver rolls sell faster than bronze. For 9999 ae tix, there is also 7x more crafting time involved in bronze vs silver, since 9999 tix yield 140 bronze rolls.

    If you don't like crafting, I suggest selling rare salvage or common salvage lvls 1-40. Alchemical silver is going as high as 300k sometimes and 1 common salvage roll is 8 tix or 300,000/8 = 37500 inf / 1 tix

    For merits, I suggest going hero and villain and exchanging those R-merits to A-merits, like what other people suggested. Depending on the market, exchange A-merits for Lotg7.5, kin combat or Miracle.

    Organica did a A-merit roll test. Her results were an avg of 77 mil for 5 crafted rolls/1 A-merit. This means that an exchanged recipe worth 1 A-merit must sell for 77 mill or more if crafted. If 1 a-merit crafted IO sells less than 77 mil, then it might be better to roll random for 5.
  18. Please sign me up as a regular on my scrapper, Kiyoshiii. Yes, 3 'i's. Kiyoshi and Kiyoshiii were already taken, and I wasn't feeling particularly imaginative...
    This is my only hero and I've procrastinated too long in playing her.
  19. crayhal

    Late nights

    Dark Kingdom and Sovereign have a few Australian and European players. Some of our Pacific coast members are on as late as 2 am. If you have any villain toons, just broadcast in Cap for an invite to either VG.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJKyo View Post
    And I'm sorry, but this game is starting to turn into work, it seems to me. Five tip missions and two Incarnate Trials per day, plus the alignment mission every other day, plus the WST once a week...just for one toon, just to keep up with the current "stuff" in City of Heroes.
    Why do you need to keep up with stuff? Who is pushing you?
    Are you being forced to run tips?
  21. I have 2:
    ACER Aspire 5253-BZ661 ($450) - dual core. slower than ASUS but trials are still playable with minor lag. Very lightweight. This is my travel gig.
    ASUS N71J ($1300) - almost as fast as my quad core 3.4 Ghz PC, Nv9600GSO/384. However, this monster is a 17" and very heavy.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by angelo55 View Post
    I read, then I tried out his tactic for making inf and in 2 hrs I made roughly 10mil. I'm sold on this idea plus i got stuff that would make my lowbies happy.
    You've made a step towards epic ebilness! I hope to see you in a top hat and monocle while drinking tea soon. >:3

    For you evildoers, I'll try to run the 2nd respec at least once a day until Saturday. The server is Freedom. However, I will be on from 8 pm to midnite Pacific time on weekdays. If you are interested, just gather at the Nerva ferry around 8 pm. FYI, for the last mission, the team will ghost to the tree. Free teleport service provided to those who need it.
  23. crayhal

    New to 50

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    I recommend starting with the Alpha Slot mission in Oroboros to unlock your first Incarnate slot.
    Alpha slot and morality missions are only available if you have the Going Rogue expansion.
    My first 50 was a dom. It did very poorly in lvl 50 content. To save you from experiencing my grief, do a search in the forums for elec/fire builds. Import the builds into Mids Hero designer. See how the builds are put together and why some IO sets are used over others.
    To be more survivable in level 50 content, I suggest you get Tough, Weave, Stealth and Invisibility if you don't already have it. An alternative to invisibility is to get Superspeed and put a Celerity +stealth IO. However, Cel +stealth is expensive, so I suggest invis for now. If you are a villain, consider getting Mace mastery for the Scorpion shield. I heard the ice/cold APP is good too.
    Plan out your powers in Mids. When you are satisfied, use your 2nd build slot or respec your 1st build slot.