~2700 Merits - WTF Should I Do With Them?!?!
135 random rolls.
Technically you could buy a PvP IO with them by converting them into hero merits. 50 Rewards Merits+20 Million Inf= 1 Hero Merit. I think PvP IOs cost 30 Hero Merits.
However, that would not be the most profitible use of your stockpile. I agree with Chaos that going to a merit vendor and doing random rolls will net you the most profit.
2700 Large Inspirations.
"Hero merits to random rolls" is what I'd do.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
After that there are recipes you can buy directly with 1 or 2 merits that have the same average rate of return as the random roll but are guaranteed . You can mix those in with random rolls to taste, last I looked the kinetic combat set had some very profitable 1 merit items.
If you are going to convert to hero merits, buy the glad +def IO with 30 of the merits. You can sell that for between 2.5 and 3 billion. Giving you 1.5 to 2 billion profit, after paying for the conversion.
After that there are recipes you can buy directly with 1 or 2 merits that have the same average rate of return as the random roll but are guaranteed . You can mix those in with random rolls to taste, last I looked the kinetic combat set had some very profitable 1 merit items. |
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
LOL well I won't be trying to crash and cash in on a market - I have managed to tie up a market or two in the past but they always have a way of suddenly shifting on me...
They are randomly spread out and the most I have on any one toon is 800ish.
Random rolls huh? Better than buying some that I know sell for a certain higher value - like LOTGs Miracles Numina's etc?
And what level to roll them at? I could use 4 LOTG 7.5%s at the time...
I spent 740 merits so far... I got Bat Guano and three decent procs and a couple of Oblits as far as I can see and none that I needed or find useful.
received Positron's Blast: Dam/Acc/End (Recipe).
You received Dark Watcher's Despair: Recharge/Endurance Reduction (Recipe).
You received Touch of Death: Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
You received Performance Shifter*: Rech/Acc (Recipe).
You received Luck of the Gambler: Def/End/Rech (Recipe).
You received Obliteration: Chance for smashing damage (Recipe).
You received Numina's Convalescence: Heal/Rech (Recipe).
You received Force Feedback*: Rech/Endurance (Recipe).
You received Lockdown: Acc/End/Rech/Hold (Recipe).
You received Touch of Death: Acc/Dam/End (Recipe).
You received Impervium Armor: +Psionic Resist (Recipe).
You received Numina's Convalescence: +Recovery and +Regeneration (Recipe).
You received Touch of Lady Grey: Recharge/Endurance Reduction (Recipe).
You received Malaise's Illusions: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe).
You received Unbounded Leap: +Stealth (Recipe).
You received Expedient Reinforcement: End/Dam/Rech (Recipe).
You received Touch of Death: Dam/End/Rech (Recipe).
You received Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets.
You received Aegis: End/Rech/Res (Recipe).
You received Aegis: +Psionic and Mez Resist (Recipe).
You received Mako's Bite: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
You received Sting of the Manticore: Acc/Int/Range (Recipe).
You received Mako's Bite: Dam/Rech (Recipe).
You received Obliteration: Acc/Dam/Rech/End (Recipe).
You received Numina's Convalescence: End/Heal/Rech (Recipe).
You received Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rech (Recipe).
You received Mako's Bite: Acc/End/Rech (Recipe).
You received Luck of the Gambler: End/Rech (Recipe).
Random vs. selection is a very personal choice. A L25 LoTG Def/Rech is between 135 and 180 million, usually. Is that more or less than you'd get from taking those two hero merits and getting ten random recipes? It's random. . . but here are the things you can get from a L35-39 roll that are in the 100-200 million range:
LoTG (at 50)
Kin Combat triple
Oblit quad
Miracle +Recovery
And there's a dozen or so worth 40-60 million, another dozen in the 20-40 range.
Yeah, it's a lot of crafting and there is the chance you get ten "Chance for Vendor" .
I don't have any actual proof I end up ahead. I'm pretty sure a person would, though.
- - -
Looking at your list,above: I see about four 50-millions(TOD/DERs, the Numina H/R, Numina unique), one 100-million (the oblit quad), and a bunch in the 20-million range [Stink of the Manticore triple, other TOD, the Leap stealth, the Mako A/E/R) Not a great set of rolls, but still four or five hundred million inf.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
First off, how much profit do you want per R-merit?
Lv 50 LOTG7.5 is selling for 125 mil. That's 2 A-merits.
2 A-merits = 100 merits + 40 mil.
125 - 40 = 85 mil
85 / 100 merits = 850,000 per merit
1 random roll = 20 merits
20 x 850,000 = 17,000,000 per random roll
100 merits / 20 = 5 rolls
This means that your 5 rolls should make you 85 mill. If it makes you less than that, it is better off converting R-merits to A-merits and selling LOTG7.5s or Kinetic Combat.
Personally, I would convert, since my experience rolling random wasn't profitable enough for me.
I always like to random roll in mass. The experience is always fun and has all, but once been equivalent to selection, or better.
Crayhal: you can also think of it as "your 10 rolls should make you 125 million" - by converting R-merits to A-merits and random rolling.
My experience is not typical because I almost never roll in other than the 30-35 range, but I don't think I've ever had two bum AM's in a row. There's always SOMETHING in the 50-200 million range.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
So I come seeking the market gods advice. I started counting up the Merits I have on my various toons and realized and I have more than a few. I bought a few LOTG 7.5% recipes so I am down off my high but I still have this pile of 2700 or so spread out on half a dozen toons. What The Flip should I do with them? Obviously I have just been saving them up for a rainy day but apparently I have not felt desperate enough to use them in mass. Too bad you cant buy Purples or PvP IOs with them as that is what I seem to be looking at these days...
Thoughts? What is the best, most efficient way to utilize them?