77 -
No (I'm still using Guardian as my primary server).
looks like I'm having the same problems everyone else here is having (and I tried logging on with 3 toons now).
Oh well, time to wait it out. -
In my opinion no. I also started playing a DP/Devices blaster (after a lot of hestation) and (having gotten it to 22) I'm having the time of my life doing so. While I see the point of it being somewhat leaning to soloing it can be a great team player IF you use some creativity (and some awareness on who's on your team).
For example Caltrops can be used to herd a group toward the tanks, or close of their escape forcing them to the group proper. Targeting Drone is great-period (it's nice to have a near 100%-to hit with a range power). Web Grenade can be used to hold a boss down so everyone can pound on it. And so forth.
(and did I mention how fun it is to see baddies run in slow-mo running thru you Caltrops as you mow them down with DP's various AOE attacks, just thought you want to know)
So keep running the toon and allow it t grow on you. With luck you'll find a way to best run it-and have a lot of fun doing so. And that is the point, right? -
All I can say is "what happened"?
(and should I think about switching servers now) -
Not much. Just cornrows and dreadlock hairstyles for female toons
All my hero's will stay as heroes. However I will create a MM, and a Demon summoner that will probally do the crossover to join them.
Quote:My thoughts exactly. So I do plan to pre-order Going Rogue (hopefully) tomorrow (and by the full game when it comes out) simply because it will add to what I think is a very fun (and reasonably costly) game to play. And in the end IMO the cost is low enough so that it wont kill be to do so (being modest wealth-wise). Besides, in the end that is what you're paying for. Isn't it.Everyone has different situations and to me ranting about how little money you have and telling us about your credit is just ridiculous. I am broke half the time, but I dont tell the rest of the world my troubles. The main arguement is, if you can afford it, play it...if you cant, don't.
So far I have 2. A mastermind villian (my first) whom I want to go 'rogue' and become a hero. And (if possible) a Ill/Dual Pistols hero.
Dual Baseballbats perhaps for tankers (and scappers also).
Hey, between this and the tanker event I'm now a happy camper. Bring it on CoH (but please keep the lag and mapserver crap down).
With the exception of PvP (which I avoid like the plague) add me to that list.
Having Martial Artists that can actually throw punches and kicks instead of being all kicks based from the start (instead of buying boxing and air sup to simulate this).
I'm in the same situation. And yes it does suck.
Ok, this is now getting old (having to wait until this thing is resolved before creating a new toon). Hopefully they'll get this fixed ASAP or I see a lot of PO'd folks about this over the weekend about this.
Me? Well I'm still thinking on the making a new toon part (But I'm leaning towards a controler of some type). However the first thing I will do is to respec my electrical blaster toon to make it more of a blaster/blapper type-with more approvate visuals. Then I'm going to slowly tweak my other toons (if needed) over the week.
Well, there goes the rest of my day (and night).
Same here (just got finished downloading it). Now just waiting for everything to go back on line.
And they now are-and I wont expect them back up until noon EST (though I wont be surprised if its sometime after 11 EST).
If it is (or it's to fix some of the 'bugs' that popped up during the double xp weekend) then the extra down time is worth it.
Agreed. If it produces a better game then I can deal with the wait. Still this is starting to get "annoying".
If you're talking about the Science booster, then I hope so. That to me will make all of this worth it.
Ok, the Server Status page says the Servers ar UP.
Still unable to log-in. Says the log-in server may be down....don't know, it's a secret apparently.
So they take the servers down on Non-Normal Maintanence days to fix AE farming abuses....so how does PLing/Farming not affect me again...oh right I can't play.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah. I figured that may be it. Still, like you say don't they risk PO'ing AE and non-AE folks by this? -
No. It's not just you. I'm having the same problem. Something's definatly going on here.
As someone who's new to COH (4 months so far and no I'm not a "AE baby" prefering to play the norm missions) I'm really looking forward to the invasion-lag and all. So bring 'em on.