2071 -
Quote:Mids could be used as a great tool to make Table Top RPG characters!You mean they aren't updating Mids to I24? Heck 99% of the builds ever made with Mids never saw the light of day in-game, what difference will it make now? They should just keep releasing versions like they come from a parallel dimension or something.
I will miss all of you. -
I tried it. It was the same game...but not. The whole feel of the game was different. The text had been translated, and then re translated. The hairstyles and NPC locations were different. It has been heavily altered to fit the Asian market. So, not really the same game.
And there ya go.
I do too, I think the game had a lot of potential. With the advent of DLC and patching, potential has become something very important to me. There were whole years that I stayed subbed to CoX not because of what it had, but because of it's potential. -
Quote:Except they may be losing future customers. Now, to be fair they may could care less about their reputation in the western market. I know there are HUB people who have not played CoX in years that are stating they will never touch an NCSoft product again.I am sure there are a few within NCSoft's ranks that want the game to keep on going. Same way I think the game has been under the axe for a long time, not due to performance but due to it being a "waste of time and resources" on the mind of way too many at NCSoft. Those few that believed in the game, kept it alive. They may also be right now the ones making sure there are talks.
But I doubt there is any actual interest in the game in any way from the main Korean side. The way I think it is, and this is purely speculative, they feel about the same way a restaurant feels about the bums feeding of their garbage cans. They lose nothing, but they still dont really like it either, even if the bums were to toss a few pennies the restaurant way.
Thankfully, for now, a few in the restaurant do have sympathy for the homeless.
I think social media has really changed the effect of waves by closing a game. Gamers are an odd lot (I am included in this) the fall of one game has a way of being offensive even to those who don't play that game. I am not going to say I understand it, but my lack of understanding doesn't make it less true.
This was a bad PR move on NCSoft's part. There really is no way around at this point. How long ago did Flagship close? People are STILL talking about Flagship and HGL. Gaming as a whole has developed a much larger culture thanks to the internet. -
Quote:In the given situation, and the level of emotional distress people have, any rationalization of the action is going to look like defense of the action. There is one poster in particular that is doing it in multiple threads. I note in one of them that they may not intend it, but it comes off as defending NCSoft.
I have not seen anyone defend NCSoft. I've seen people point out that it is a business decision - and it was, we may not understand WHY the **** they decided to do it in this pants-on-head-stupid way, because we weren't in their boardroom, but we can be assured that the NCsoft bosses are not out there twirling their mustaches and laughing. Does that make their actions any better for us, less stupid, less hurtful? No. No one has defended what they did, that I've seen.
I am all about freedom of posting, however I do feel that right now posting in a way that appears to be defending (even if it isn't intended) may be in bad taste. With this level of emotion people are going to take it that way, and snap.
I am glad I was out of town the first few days, and had a really slow connection that was unstable. I couldn't post, and that is a good thing looking back on it. There is no telling what I would have said.
As long as people understand that anything that comes off as defense is going to cause arguments, cool with me. Just don't be shocked when you post something positive, or not negative, about NCSoft and people attack. It is just the nature of things right now.
People are really hurt right now. As much by the their fear of the death of the community, as the murder of the game. When something someone loves dies there is grief, when it is murdered/killed there is grief and anger. What we are seeing on the boards is a combination of the two. In this case NCSoft is the murder in the eyes of many people. People just don't want anything positive to be said about the murder. I really don't see this changing any time soon. -
Surge Warrior on Virtue. lvl 50(+3) KM/Ela Scrapper
This became my main as soon as the incarnate system was announced. I didn't have a scrapper that felt more than street level, and I wanted to make something that really felt like it could be an incarnate. So, I did.
In beta I had no clue how to play /Electric Armor, but then GoliathBirdEater (GBE) gave me some tips, and all of a sudden I was bottoming out mob's blue bars with the end click. It was AWESOME. It led to a few arguments on the scrapper boards about what /Ela could and couldn't do. For some reason that end drain was never accounted for in survivability numbers, and Werner finely admitted it. I was pretty happy about that.
People trashed KM left and right for a while, and I just laughed at that... a LOT.
Really though the reason it is my favorite is because I got robbed in a costume contest. You guys may remember it. It was the one where you could win a 5 year sub (fat lot of good that would have done me ow) or one of 10 one year subs. Well I won none of the above.
What was cool though was the amount of PMs I got saying that I got robbed. Those compliments were better than winning. Now that my current sub will not even be used up, those compliments mean even more.
That contest burned on me ever entering another costume contest, and I would have loved to have cut Posi's hair. In the end though the praise of my peers was better than any prize I could have won. -
I am subbed till Jan 30 I think. If Nov rolls around and we haven't found a way to save the game I will contact them. It is not much, but pushing for a refund would my last thumb in their eye.
As it stands, in Jan I would have subbed for another year. I bet I would have dropped several hundred dollars on Paragon points too. -
It is also fair to note that not just CoH players are planning on Boycotting NCSoft for this move. There are posters on the WoW boards, and the D3 boards saying the same thing.
This was just flat out a crappy move, and I hate ArenaNet is caught in the crossfire between unhappy consumers, and NCSoft. That is how it works sometimes though. -
I just would not feel comfortable giving NCSoft any of my money right now. Really, I am not sure I want to give any MMO my money right now. There just seems to be no security in anything except for WoW, and the community there really turns me off.
I personally will not support NCSoft. I don't hold it against anyone who chooses to, but I feel no need to give them smiles and thumbs up either.
Yup I dislike NCSoft right now, for a few days there I hated them. So, I guess it does annoy me when people attempt to rationalize what they did, or suggest that I should support one of their other products.
This may not be ArenaNet's fault. I actually enjoyed GW 1 for a time, but again sadly they are an NCSoft studio, NCSoft makes money off of their product, so I will not be purchasing it.
This is my first ever Boycott in 37 years. I guess I am doing it right. It has moved from anger though, and now it is just a mater of me voicing my opinion of their company by not giving them my money. It is the best I can do, but I will still support other movements like petitions and facebook pages. Maybe in year or so I will feel differently about NCSoft, but as it stands now if I play a new MMO it will be Secret World, or WoW.
I get that Joe is angry, and that is just his way of expressing it. Not my way, but on the other hand there are two or three posters that seem to want to rationalize and borderline defend NCSoft. I do not feel this is the place to do that. Emotions are high, and there is no surprise that people are lashing out. -
Not sure how you mean it, but I swear every time I see you post it looks like you really like NCSoft.
The art style just kills me. It makes me thing of those magnetic cutouts you could stick on a background. I have not seen them since I was a kit. They look almost like firdge magnets.
I loved the idea of the game, but could never get past the art style to try it. I did read their boards though. I looked all over the web to see what people were saying about CoX closing. -
Who were the angels everyone saw popping up?
Why were there no churches or kids in Paragon city?
Why were we not given all of the CoT costume items. I know you gave an answer once, but with the clipping trend it didn't really fit.
Why did we never get the Kheldian sash?
Were we ever going to get a player version of the Black Knight costume? -
I spent for a year sub last Jan (losing on that one
) And an extra 300-400 during the year on points. I really don't see that changing if the game stays alive.
Enemy or not Tony, I can not allow myself to give NCSoft money again. I agree with Coyote, they no longer care about western gamers. I feel my money would be better spent else where.
More than anything, they way this was handled was horrible. I am sure the person you met from NCSoft was nice. There are a lot of nice people working at crappy companies. -
And some people hate jerks. It is a jerk move when people are dumb enough to come to these boards and defend NCSoft for closing Paragon. There are plenty of other places to do that on the internet, here is a bad place to do so.
I think I may be done with MMOs. I am still really sad about this though.
Quote:I have been fighting tears all weekend, this got me though.Oh man, when this is all over, I am so going to exploit this.
I hate to admit this, but when I saw the picture of you with your kid, I thought, "Well, damn."
Today, we're all in the good fight together. All petty battles are meaningless and we must all come together to save our very existence. These past few days, I've been touching base with people that, frankly, I've cussed at a lot more that you and said that there's no time for that now.
Just like the threats we've seen virtually played out in the Rikti War Zone, Dark Astoria, Pocket D and other such places, there comes a time when you take up the cause of people you never imagined you'd be working with and fight for the opportunity to argue over who the heroes are and who the villains are another day. -
If I had a tinfoil hat I would say some of these people work for NCSoft. There is no intelligent reason to defend this action to a bunch of people that are loyal fans of a game being shut down. Bottom line, defending the closing of CoH on the COH boards only makes you look like a jerk or a corporate lackey, perhaps even both. I know the internet lacks some common sense, but it would be awesome if it didn't appear to be totally dead.
I was out of town and my wife and I were about to sit down and have lunch at my favorite pizza place with my ex-wife and her current boyfriend. So, take me at a comfortable place that I have eat at all my life (37 years), in an uncomfortable situation, and dump a text on my that a game I love is shutting down, and people I have come to care about over the years are losing their job. Wow that sucked.
Over the weekend I have really considered giving up on MMOs all together. There just seems to be no security anywhere except WoW. Even if I do decide to keep playing them, there seems to be even less security with NCSoft.
I get closings, the first LARP system I created went out of business last month. Table Top games I helped test and write are no longer in print. Life goes on though, I am ow writing a new system, and working on another degree to become a counselor.
Even with life going on, it hits me that I will no longer see names and people I have become comfortable with. I will no longer be able to create costumes when I get ideas for new heroes (I can't draw for crap). I will no longer to revisit characters who are as comfortable as a well worn glove. For that I blame NCSoft. I would not feel safe investing my money, or emotion in another one of their products.
Arcanaville, thanks for giving me another perspective on Jack, and on NCSoft buying the game. I needed that. It still can't change how hurt I am over this though. I have been stumbling around all weekend wanting to say more, and only having my mother's slow *** connection in rural VA.
I will miss you Posi. I will miss all of you folks.
As a huge lover of scrappers, finding out that bASS became one of the Devs (you guys are all devs to us) made me smile. I have been sad since I heard about the game closing today, it was good to smile though.
Quote:GG, through the years you have pushed every button I have. Posts like this however are why I never even considered putting you on ignore. The info you have blows me away at times. I will forever back this game, no matter who has it. I love CoX, and I will support it in a kick start.An emulator is one of the options being considered - but right now, the focus is on trying to get NCSoft reverse its decision, or sell off the game to another publisher or to a Kickstarter fan project.
If that doesn't work out, we're going to try getting them to release the IP, and maybe even the server code.
If that doesn't work out, things get complicated - but not impossible.
The devs seem to not be able to post much info, so I am going to keep an eye out for whatever you find out about. -
Sorry. I will never give my money to NCsoft again. As another poster said, it is just not a smart investment. They as far as I am concerned that company no longer exists.