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Quote:I think the reason it sends some people into a tizzy is that it has a definition that is clear and possibly applicable to those peoples' professions. And a lot of other people don't really know what the word means, or if they do they suffer from Vizzini Syndrome, where that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. So I think there is an attempt at education aspect to it as well.Given that this entire thread has been about people trying to redefine the term so it doesn't apply, that would be exceptionally sensible.
We could have another thread on why the word sends some people into a tizzy, but that would be another thread.
I got in a huge battle with a well known and respected forum authority years ago because I refused to accept the term "temporal arbitrage" that she used for buying salvage when it was cheap and selling it when it was more expensive. Why? Because there was no arbitrage about it and the trading method was hardly temporal. It was educated risk-taking, buying when demand was low, and selling when demand was high. But there was nothing riskless about it. Was I correct in opposing the definition? Absolutely. Did anyone care? Absolutely not. Did it change the way the game was played? Nope. Did we all move on with our lives? I think so, I can only speak for me...
Semantics may not make a difference here, in a game, but it makes all the difference in real world economies and markets. -
I accidentally read the title as "Things Not to Say During Your CoX Intervention."
One thing I would add to Fulmen's four points is: sometimes you have to be willing to defend your market. Try to keep bids in on both the crafted and the recipe. Otherwise you lose all control. But you have to be careful so that you don't choke on "worthless" supply.
Here's an example I saw last night that I thought was a good example. It's not me, and it doesn't look like much of a profit maker, but I thought it was someone who was doing a good job of keeping reins on their niche. I apologize if I am outing anyone's area.
Last night, I decided to pick up a full set of lvl 50 Blood Mandate for my grav troller for the defense bonuses. Normally, since I am OCD about these things, I would buy the recipes and craft them myself, but I looked at the crafted IOs first. All were ranging from about 1mm to 4mm apiece in the last 5, and last 5 were all in the past day. Ok, I'm willing to shell out 10mm on a chump set, but then I saw that there were 10-25 bids on each of the crafted. I really didn't feel like bid creeping (for 1mm to 4mm?! Did I mention the OCD?) in the face of competition, so I went to look at the recipes.
All recipes of that set are uncommon, and have cheapo salvage, and there are no outstanding bids on any of the six. So I throw in 555 inf bids on each of them and get filled. Then I throw in 17 inf bids on the common salvage and 777 inf bids on the uncommon salvage. All insta-fill. So I craft them all and get the full set for about 3mm total (crafting cost on each was 490,400 I think, so total cost per piece was under 500,000).
Now I'm thinking to make an example, because surely the crafters of this niche are not defending it! So I throw in 50,000 bids on each of the crafted enhancements that I know cost 500,000 or so to make, smugly confident that I will pick up dozens of them at 1/10 the crafting cost.
Nothing. Ok, I'm a little surprised, but that is good. So today I decided to take it a step further. Crafted another one of each of the set, again for under 500,000 each, and posted them for 600,000 each, figuring smugly that I'm going to hit their bids then rinse and repeat until all the 20 or so outstanding bids are gone. Nothing. Now I still have no idea where the highest outstanding bid is, or the lowest outstanding offer is, which is vexing, but is good for whoever is running that niche.
Assuming that is one person running that set, I see this as a great example of protecting their market. Put in defensive bids that are low, but not too low, and that are high, but not too high. Color me impressed. No smugness allowed for me, which is sad. Good job! -
Is this a real thread?
I am mostly convinced that this is some sort of Candid Camera stunt designed to draw people out and make fools of themselves. -
I look at it from a value perspective. I figure a lvl 32 Panacea heal is worth a bit more than a lvl 32 Miracle Heal, based on potential set bonuses and the fact that it exemps down to any level. So I figure it is worth something in the 2-5mm range.
Keep in mind I don't PvP, so maybe this is much more valuable than I think. But rare does not necessarily equal valuable, at least in my eyes. -
Matching them is so much more impressive. Just pull out enough to tie/win.
I think this is a perfect example of using this board to buy or sell items. It is a useful item, but no one is going to toss up serious bids on it on the market and sit back and wait to get filled.
Good luck OP. I'd have interest in it but we are probably off by a couple of orders of magnitude because I am a cheap SOB. -
Quote:Graystar, if you need people to agree with you to validate your opinions, you need to form more solid opinions! I disagree.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation
we seem to have prices going down in the last week or two but overall we DEFINITELY have hyperinflation.
Seriously I have on a toon all my old emails dateing back 3 years. We are at the point where 3 years ago 10 mill influ is now about = to 350mill to 450 mill influ.
that is hyperinflation.
this is a statement and i am curious if people agree. Please let me know if you do if you do not please let me know why you disagree
thank you for your support
Hyperinflation is NOT "OMG, military cybernetics doubled in price!" Hyperinflation is a loaf of bread yesterday cost 10 units and today costs 100,000 units. It hasn't happened frequently in developed nations in the real world, but when it does, pow! -
"You're Thor? I'm tho thore I can barely..."
Quote:I looked at it, and I got caught up in the semantics of "godhood". This is about power, not divinity, I think.Check out this thread ::
Character Conception :: Not a God
To earlier posters, I think there is a huge difference between going from level 40 to 41 and going from non-incarnate to incarnate. A new power for the former (epic even!) versus affecting many/most/all of your powers? It's unfair to make that comparison. Incarnate powers are a quantum ahead.
That said, I was really just looking for an opportunity to post a Marvin and Wendy picture... -
Thanks for saving the planet, Wendy and Marvin!
Quote:I would be quite happy to serve as bondsman and back up Fulmens' business. I figure that Fulmens gives me all his PvP IOs to hold as collateral, and I'll charge a small holding fee of, say, 1.5%.I'll add that I don't doubt Fulmens' reputation.
I was just curious about whether there really was a bond in place and how it would work if so.
So, Incarnates are the best of the best. We are talking iconic figures here, fantastically super powered folks like Statesman, Lord Recluse, etc. The best of the best. I have a bunch of noble and/or super-evil characters who are qualified to go that next step and become the best of the best.
But then again, I'm looking at my list and wondering if some of the following really deserve going to that next level.
Like: Emu Kid, a AR/fire blaster who is the teenage son of a mutant crime fighter who saddled him with stupid useless wings and who burns himself in order to feel alive. Or Noob Cow, a Mind/Kin troller who was a bovine with mad cow disease before scientists tried to cure her with Superadyne. As two examples.
Don't get me wrong, they are Incarnate now, but I wonder if when a meteor is about to hit the planet, are these the folks you want to be in control of saving us all?
Quote:I am curious as to if the AE farmers pay any attention to the rare salvage prices. During Monkey Fest the markets got flooded, but I suspect that was more because no one wanted to bother with anything other than insta sales.10X seems a bit much for the rares. I could see capping prices at half a mil for a common, 1.5 mil for an uncommon, and 8 or 10 mil for a rare. Because those prices ARE ridiculous in my eyes.
Pangean Soils trading at 20mm would definitely get interest from the AE crowd (probably at 10mm, I have not run any kind of break even). so a 40mm cap would be more than sufficient.
Of course, my stance is against anything else being buyable from stores. This game is in its mature stages, and not getting a lot of new players. The new players we get probably don't understand the system. sounds like a great opportunity for old players to squeeze out some influence by running lowbies. -
Quote:Good point on it being a better influence sink than the market. I wouldn't mind your pricing if it were a factor of 10x higher. That would provide a high enough ceiling that people could play around in trading the space, but still give those who have to buy it now an outlet.Lets see
Plus side
1. really great inf sink
2. Makes the crafting process friendlier and more accessible to everyone
Down side ?
Some people lose their ability to play with luck charms and alchemical silver ?
Oh, yeah its another venue closed for the people that view the market as their personal domains. A plus as far as I am concerned
Edit most people wouldn't like the pricing I would set
50K commons
150K uncs
4mil rare
But I suspect guaranteed instant fills would be worth it for many. -
That's how it starts, duping rares...
My teeth are gnashed and my garments rent (rended? rent?).
Gratz! -
As you kill mobs more quickly, you would expect purples to drop more quickly (again, random is random) but you would also expect inf and other non-purple goods to increase more rapidly. The amount of purple supply should go up more quickly, but the amount of inf produced (aka money supply) will go up more quickly.
I think that this is a fantastic and overly good reward for those who like to really use the market, and useless to those who do not. The former are probably going to make a lot more inf, and the latter are going to be throwing up a lot more temporal analyzers mid-mission to glut the market.
I could see this as a base addition too.
Most of the vet rewards are meh, but c'mon, give the developers a break! How many new ideas can they come up with? I've found that over the years about once a year something comes up that is very useful (Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, etc.) and I'll never level a new character without spending my first few minutes selecting my vet reward attacks! -
Quote:This is why when I have someone who needs a full set, I usually use those 14 or so slots to work and bid on blocks of 5 to 10 of what I need. Then I log back in a week or two (hey, I have a fair number of alts...) and see what I've got. Generally I will have picked up most if not all of the set I needed, and usually in multiples. I then craft them and either put it in storage in the base or put them back out on the market.Now lets take a look at your positrons blast example
If you want to get the recipes at anything but buy it nao prices you are going to have to wait and wait. I am pretty certain every piece in the set requires at least 1 rare and IIRC there aren't any pieces you can make with less than 4 pieces of salvage.
The base character has 16 slots ? @50. So they need 5 slots for patient bidding another 5 for patient bidding on the rare salvage. Uncommon salvage seems to be a target for manipulation lately so call it 2 slots for patient bidding there and call it another 2 of the 10 common pieces you can't just buy and ignore.
At that point you have 14 out of 16 market slots tied up bidding for one set. You may need several of these for your build.
How long it takes for this dead time to resolve and how often you have to go through it really determines if its more efficient to just buy it nao.
Edit: SOs are the best buy in terms of my use of time and money and market opportunity. Spending a few 100k for the changes of SOs I need when I need them, and being able to play what I want when I want is well worth it.
So if you are going to tie up the market slots, I figure you might as well tie up those slots with multiple bids. Almost all of the time, buying three sets and selling two pays for the third.
In fact, I think I still have about 20 or so Damage/Ranges recipes that I picked up for under 5k. Time to get to work!
RE: SOs, I agree. Great bargain from levels 22 onward, although I will usually replace them with IO commons as they drop for me after 35 or so. -