Selling Panacea: Healing - Lvl 32
I think this is a perfect example of using this board to buy or sell items. It is a useful item, but no one is going to toss up serious bids on it on the market and sit back and wait to get filled.
Good luck OP. I'd have interest in it but we are probably off by a couple of orders of magnitude because I am a cheap SOB.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
Why is it unsellable at WW? And how much are you asking? I need that one and one more to finish off the set for my Claws/Fire Brute.
Enjoy your day please.
I'd think it's perfectly sellable on Wentworths, just have to list it for the price you actually want to sell it for and then wait for a buy to notice it's for sale.
That said, doesn't hurt to sell it here. ^_^
Normally I like level 30-33 range IOs, but since the PvP IOs exempt down I'd probably prefer the higher level ones if possible. But then again, depends on the price. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
In all honesty, though I'm entirely negotiable, I'd be willing to sell it for half of what it's big brother (Panacea Lvl 50) is worth.
Now, that being said, I have no idea what Panacea 50 is at right now, with the servers being down, so I'm going to ballpark it and say 700m.
Again, let me know if you're interested.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
How the heck did you get a PVP IO to begin with O L? and it's prolly worth 350-500 mill tops. Congrats though.
BUT I just checked the market for you.. Apparently 2 (TWO) lvl 32 Panc Heal sold for 1 bill each... not sure why. but there ya go. amazing.
I put a market bid in for one at 540 ish I think. If that is enough for you thats yaaaa for me. Let me know.
Oh yeah. Is it crafted?
Or maybe it was a lvl 33 I bid on.
Nope I'm bidding on the 32 that is listed.
Enjoy your day please.
I look at it from a value perspective. I figure a lvl 32 Panacea heal is worth a bit more than a lvl 32 Miracle Heal, based on potential set bonuses and the fact that it exemps down to any level. So I figure it is worth something in the 2-5mm range.
Keep in mind I don't PvP, so maybe this is much more valuable than I think. But rare does not necessarily equal valuable, at least in my eyes.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.
ABout to log in and see if I bought it. I will let you know. Wish me luck.
Enjoy your day please.
I look at it from a value perspective. I figure a lvl 32 Panacea heal is worth a bit more than a lvl 32 Miracle Heal, based on potential set bonuses and the fact that it exemps down to any level. So I figure it is worth something in the 2-5mm range.
Keep in mind I don't PvP, so maybe this is much more valuable than I think. But rare does not necessarily equal valuable, at least in my eyes. |
Compare the three:
Key bits:
Miracle: Recovery, hp, and AoE Def
Doctored Wounds: 5% recharge
Panacea: 7.5% recharge, recovery, regeneration, HP
* 2: Increases Recovery by 2.5%.
* 3: Increases maximum Health by 1.88%.
* 4: Improves the Healing of all your powers by 5%.
* 5: Increases Area Effect Defense by 1.88%.
* 5: Increases Fire and Cold Defense by 0.94%.
* 6: Increases Psionic Defense by 1.88%.
Doctored Wounds:
* 2: reduces the duration of Fear effects on you by 2.2%.
* 3: Increases Fire and Cold Resistance by 1.26%.
* 4: Improves the Healing of all your powers by 4%.
* 5: Improves the Recharge of all your powers by 5%.
* 6: Increases Toxic and Psionic Resistance by 1.26%.
* Two enhancements increases Recovery by 2.50%.
* Three enhancements improves your Regeneration by 10.00%.
* Four enhancements increases maximum Health by 1.50%.
* Five enhancements improves the Recharge of all your powers by 7.50%.
* Six enhancements improves the Healing of all your powers by 6.00%.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I picked this up on the idea that 'another man's trash is my treasure'. It's unsellable as far as WW is concerned, so I figured I'd give the boards a shot before I allowed it to collect dust in my base rack.
In-game E-mail @Obsidian Light if you're interested.
Remember it is LEVEL 32
[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted