1909 -
So, if I'm wanting to get the best of everything (vs. AVs); I might be in the market for a Rad/Sonic Defender or Sonic/Rad Corr with Degenerative Core?
I think I'm beginning to get it. :/
Regen =/= amount of HP returned; Regen = how fast you get it back
Max HP affects amount of HP Regen returns to you at a speed determined by Regen's own percentage rate?
Assuming base regen rate = 100% = 12 sec; then each additional (+)100% cuts that time by half? At 450% we hit 1 second cycles of 5% HP returns?
A Regen debuff would slow that cycle down while a Max HP debuff would decrease the amount of return.
So, when they say that optimal regen is based both in increased Regen percentage and Max HP buffs they are also saying the opposite is true for optimal degeneration...
I think I can use this to compare Regen vs. HoT vs. Burst Healing now that I think I understand it a little bit better. -
lol, thanks.
So Absorb HP is essentially a second and separate HP stat unaffected by mechanics that would normally affect the main HP stat. -
So both methods would actually reduce the amount of HP regenerated over time; one just does it directly and the other indirectly?
And one would be more consistent and 'permanent' while the other would fluctuate more?
Would the percentage of the regen debuff be equal to the Max HP debuff that spawned it without regard to debuff resistances? (ex. I debuff an AV's max HP by 10%; that means his regen rate would drop correspondingly by (a full, un-debuffed) 10%?) -
We now have four Heal/Health attributes and honestly, I'm kind of confused on how they work and interact with each other. Help, in layman's terms please?
Heal/Heal Over Time
Regen vs. Heal Over Time
Max HP (and how it affects Heal and Regen)
Absorb (affected by Heals? Absorb stacking?) -
Does the application of a Max HP debuff also debuff the subsequent regen of an affected target?
So is this free placement because TBBT's production team happens to like CoX or is this a planned marketing thing?
Quote:I agree with this but if they go that route, they can't call it Whip Assault/Melee.Well... I mean, Fire Melee has sword attacks, even though Fire Melee isn't a sword set.
So just sayin'.
One of the AVs in the Summer Blockbuster Event seems to almost exclusively use the Hellfire Whips from the DS set.
I could almost see a Hellfire (or other elemental based) set(s) of some sort using cheaters (modded versions) from other sets for animations (stand-alone or as companions to the current whip animations) for the whip-based powers within the set(s):
The Vine(s) portion of the Carrion Creeper power
Midnight Grasp
Living Shadows
Tenebrous Tentacles
Soul Tentacles
...and getting more mileage out of the set by allowing players to choose their element (ie. DP or SF) -
Right now, I'm looking at its potential pairings with EPPs and Side Pools:
This might actually break me out of using Force Mastery (thanks to the random BU and TP attack)
I can see layering the BoS attack on top of an enhanced Bonfire or Oppressive Gloom; so //Fire and //Soul would be my primary choices (followed by //Electric)
Would definitely have to fit in Hasten, Burnout and Spring Attack (which I'll have to reevaluate for use without MC and consequently Force... thanks to MC)
Going from there (in order of initial preference):
Sonic/MC/Soul - Defiance, -Res, Stun and BU stacking
Water/MC/Soul - AoE damage and Stun Stacking
Water/MC/Fire - AoE damage and mitigation
El-Blast/MC/Electric - AoE damage, sapping/mitigation
Psychic/MC/Soul - Stun and -Rech stacking/mitigation -
See, now you've gone and made me download the latest patch for nothing.
Well, with all the talk of power usurpation in the Isles and the potential fallout from Nova Praetoria being nuked and Praetoria losing its main line of defense against P-Hami... maybe this is just a pose-down poster that lets us know that we'll have to deal with the fallout.
(Even Malta's getting a leg up with Praetorian help.)
It would be kind of crass just to leave 'all things Praetoria' in loose-ended shambles. -
Quote:So from watching the vid... it was mentioned a few times that snipes will now need 97% to get the insta effect? Wasn't it 22% before? I don't have a problem with this mind you I just want to be sure I didnt misinterpret what was said or miss some sort of dialogue where they announced/explained the jump from 22% to 97%.
Depending on what the 'chance of' percentages are for MC's BU power activation; snipes could actually find a more comfortable home here compared to some of the other sets. -
Quote:Proc, proc, proc!Its a teleport aoe damage power yes but when used it instantly recharges and can be used another 2 times before its normal recharge time takes affect. This power can be used to say teleport into a group, nuke and then teleport back out very quickly. It also has a 120ft range
I like Reaction Time and Ki Push the most so far; any approximation of RT's recharge time? Duration of debuff once the toggle is deactivated?
Reach of the limit should be very interesting (passive?).
Burst of Speed is nice too. -
One more thing to consider is the use of damage auras (if that's the route you're going). Fury does wonderful things for a Brute's damage auras that just can't be matched by a Scrapper's.
If you're looking at a neck-and-neck race between the two ATs; the modded aura(s) could push the Brute ahead considerably. -
That would be an interesting turn of events; especially if you could apply and change this between individual missions of an arc.
In the spirit of the 2012 Olympic Games, we bring you Couples Hand Farting!
The Mist was on SyFy yesterday and it was like a who's who of comic adaptation actors.
There were three people from The Walking Dead: Melissa McBride [also in Fantastic Four], Laurie Holden and Jefferey DeMunn
There were two people from Marvel movies: Thomas Jane (Punisher) and Toby Jones (Captain America)
There were some other notables there as well. -
From what I could glean from the forumites, Kinetic Melee is near the top because of Concentrated Strike's ability to keep BU recharged almost indefinitely; meaning that you're running at 80% higher than listed damage... almost indefinitely.
There's a proc coming that may allow the same effect but a lower chance that could help fill that down time (slotted into a different power)
Throw a Decimation proc into Focused Burst and a Gausian proc into BU and you should be golden.
And the attacks give you added survivability. (I do have a question about the extent of that survivability; I know that the damage debuff doesn't stack when delivered from the same power... but does it stack when chaining different attacks?)
[Another question: Are Stalker Snipes going to be affected by changes in i24?]
Personally, I like MA because the Base damage for almost all of its attacks start out at above 110 (which may ultimately mean nothing... but it makes me warm and fuzzy to know I'll get more benefit from damage slotting here than I would with most sets) -
Personally, if I wanted good crits; I'd go Stalker:
Guaranteed crits from Hide (w/both a proc and a power that can put you back into Hide)
10% chance to crit outside of Hide (regardless of critter rank)
+3% to crit outside of Hide per nearby teammate (assuming max 7); +21% (=max 31% chance to crit on teams)
Assassin's Focus buff to Assassin's Strike crit % (out of hide)
Other than that:
Brute damage buffing is more consistent than Scrapper crits; especially when dealing with Lts, Minions and below.
Built in Brute taunting creates fewer runners than Scrappers for more consistent damage.
More control over your bonus damage. -
All input noted. Triage it is.
(and I do have Dehydrate)
I notice that you have the KD proc in Caltrops; how does it behave in that power? (I tried asking elsewhere and got nothing)