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  1. Xieveral

    Blade and Soul

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Wrong race. The Lyn can be male or female.

    However, I do think that will be the downside to them in the western market. To play a Force Master, the players will have to play the all female race, or one of the tiny animalofchoice-girl/boy race.

    There's just some players who don't want that, male or female.
    Yeah... I just glanced over the info and blobbed it all into a thing made up of the things that stood out ._.

    In my defense... that pic posted in the thread did not help with the all-female assumption. And your clothes fall off as you take damage.
  2. Xieveral

    Blade and Soul

    I can summon a cute cat to beat the snot out of my opponents but to do so I have to roll as an all-female race of bunnycatgirls that are supposedly over 18 but look like they're 6 years old and wearing little more than some dentalfloss and a few bits of lace.

    I am all for sending kittens to slaughter my foes but this game is crap.
  3. Last night at dinner, I noticed a posting behind the hostess counter that said "Dress-up day 9/28 Theme: heroes and villains"

    I had no idea that restaraunt even had a dressup day.

    Makes me wonder if the manager was a CoH fan.
  4. I'm guilty of responding to Angry_Citizen but the back and forth arguing is overshadowing the original topic.

    I'm sorry, Vengeance_MK2. Congratulations on getting the article vetted, I thought it was nicely done. That should have been the first thing I said in my other post.
  5. Xieveral


    Caerula Sanguis of Virtue... I reported your name because I hated your costume. You represented the character only in name, as a die-hard Gunnm fan I was very disappointed. (even though its against TOS anyway to make an in-game representation of a copyrighted character)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    This is disturbing. You folks want to hijack a feature designed to bring attention to things like warlords in Africa and other things that escape a WORLD WIDE NEWS SERVICE ... to save a game?

    Y'all are little better than crack addicts desperate for a fix.
    Then what of the official articles posted by actual CNN reporters for WoW seeing a dip in subscribers, hype surrounding the Pandarama expansion, the recent Blizzard security breach or the ruckus created by ME3 fans over the ending of the game?

    If you don't care about the situation, fine. But please don't belittle the people who do.
  7. Crosspost from the thread about refunds


    I think making events like these a weekly occurrence sounds like a good idea.

    Week 1, we've made plenty of noise but we need to keep at all the way up to the potential end. And if the end does come, we still need to keep going.
  8. I recall a thread from a long while back that was asking about the tentacles past the sonic fence. Maybe this is related.

    During the unity rally former dev by the name of PaulNeverGotRedNameG said there were easter egg "counters" that cause a Hamidon tentacle to spawn when the count was reached in some amount of time. He didn't say what the time limit was but when I found the Nova Praetoria one it was at about 2 and a half hours with 33/100 as a count.

    The count was for PPD officers killed. I brought it up to 100, heard a roar and saw a tentacle come up out of the forest. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a screenshot until It ducked back into the trees so I need to try again. Unfortunately the counter has vanished.

    Here's the bit I managed to copypaste from the LFG channel. He said more but I missed it.

    [Looking For Group] PaulNeverGotRedNameG: One of the zone event volumes is over a bridge. The bridges in Imperial City to the posh side out town... a simple jump height off the top of one of the struts will get you into the volume (it is about the size of a normal character)

    another ZE volume is in Nova Praetoria... one of the taller buildings near the biggest building... it has four boxes with Xs on them at the top... stand in the X closest to the river, and jump straight up. (OP note: this building is the stairstep building on the east side of the island)
  9. What if we got Korean celebrities to help our cause?

    Hell if I know anything about that though. Is that Rain still the new hotness? What about PSY? He seems like Weird Al.

    On that note... Weird Al.
  10. I mentioned this over on the info masterpost thread.

    Thanks for doing this!
  11. I'd like to mention this thread concerning a bump for Adult Swim


    The bump is here http://www.adultswim.com/bumps/elvnsword/savecoh.html

    Vote and encourage others to vote for it so we can get it aired!
  12. As long as there is no profit being made from the private servers, they might turn a blind eye to it.

    They might be as militant as Blizzard but then again, there is a different situation. As far as NC is concerned, there is no longer anything to gain, they've shut down any way to pay for the game and its services. Compared to WoW private servers which are taking away profit from Blizzard because the actual WoW is still up and running.
  13. Though she's not my main in CoH, Larieve has been a constant character. My fun-loving red-haired gun-toting troublemaker. Her CoH incarnation is and will always be my favorite. From top to bottom: WoW, Phantasy Star Online 2 ("male" because I hated the female outfits) and The Secret World

    My main, Hyakki is one of a kind though. I've remade her on both PSO and TSW but she just isn't the same.

    The smooth and shiny graphics of newer games can eat it, I still like CoH's look over all others.
  14. Those who think they are perfect, loved by all and can do no wrong (even when they do) and solve all matters with freezing and lolololidrownjoo tactics and/or werewolf biker dragon gods with serious control issues when it comes to people making decisions for themselves without said dragonwolfgod's approval.

    There's always one (or two... or many) in every game. Such is life in an MMORPG :|
  15. Oops, poor reading skills on my part.
  16. For a minute I thought this was lost to time when my first laptop died. This is my first, my favorite, my main character.

    I had discovered Pocket D and emotes at the same time that day and it blew my little cat ninja mind.

    Little Xieveral here grew up from a little cat ninja robot whatchamacallit to a slightly more normal kind of ninja named Lady Seiko when I came to Virtue. Once I started getting into RP, she became Hyakki.
  17. Excessive sweets and spicy food make it sting a little less, yeah?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RoleplayerX View Post
    Paragon Studios folks,

    If buying City of Heroes and continuing development interests you, Kickstarter could be the way to go. Marc Miller, creator of the classic Sci-Fi roleplaying game "Traveller" had been working on version 5 of the game for years, but never seemed to get any closer to publication. He used Kickstarter and set a goal of $24,000 so he could get the game published. In the end, he raised an unbelievable $294,628. Let me say that again, because it's just so amazing, he raised OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS to publish the 5th edition of a very old pen & paper roleplaying game. With this community, I think you stand a VERY good chance of raising a lot more than that.
    There's the problem of kickstarter being trustworthy. Most of the people here genuinely want to see this game continue but there are some who would start a kickstarter claiming that the proceeds would go towards keeping the game afloat but instead take the cash for themselves.

    I would trust it more if it were one started by an ex-dev but they probably can't do that because of one legal tieup or another.
  19. Would it be possible to update with the current parts if someone had the knowledge on how to do so? Or would it have to be something started over from scratch?
  20. Well, what games would you all recommend that give you a choice between being sweet or sour (and nobody dare recommend SWtOR... that was godawful)

    Honestly... are there even any games that allowed room for creativity like CoH did?
  21. The Briggs, If you still want the base, its yours, free of charge. Considering the end is near... money won't do a whole lot of good, yeah?

    Just send me a tell and I'll give you the keys.
  22. Hyakki sits alone in the branches of a tree in Croatoa.


    An appropriate song for the end of her story.
  23. On removed faces and costume parts...

    Why were they removed and would it even be possible to bring them back?