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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Strawman much? I didn't see anyone complaining about the existence of the pack, only that the devs left the weapons out for no clear reason, which makes it feel like they just botched an attempt to fulfill what has been a frequent request since Freedom, if not much earlier. As customers, we have every right to voice our opinions (preferably calmly, as this thread has so far been) on the product we're purchasing. That is, after all, what the feedback thread is for.
    I just wish the majority of our forum could calmly voice their opinions. Most of the time, when new 'stuff' is released I see a tendency to focus on one small, mostly insignificant thing that is wrong with it and parade around with it like it's the most disrespectful act of vengeance recently visited upon the playerbase by the evil developer corporation.

    I know it's a small group that has nothing to do but complain, but I don't have much enthusiasm for this forum anymore as a result of it.
  2. I'm not sure it's even safe to say that our TIMELINE is consistent. Things seem to happen on a level based time-line as often as they do actual time. For example, if I start a new character, right now, States is alive and well. Then I log into my 50 where we're all mourning his death.

    Point being, I don't think we should analyze age and timeline too strictly.
  3. *pats Blue Centurion sympathetically* That was building up for awhile, wasn't it?
  4. But then the game is pay to win, and that's bad. You need to suffer for your power.
  5. With the new changes to Stalkers, I foresee at least 3 of my characters getting recrafted yet again. I'm not sure if Stalkers actually out-DPS anyone now in Issue 22, but it sure does FEEL awesome playing them.
  6. I'm skipping the entire conversation because it looks like it got really stupid really fast. Instead I'm just going to state the obvious and ask nicely for the powers not to detoggle you when you use them and call it a day.
  7. Obliteration has some *really* useful set bonuses. Accuracy, damage buff, global recharge, and S/L defense all in one package? It's a skip and a hop away from being a purple.

    As for why the quad in particular is so popular all of a sudden, I don't know. It's hard telling with something as volatile as our market tends to be as it could be a number of different things ranging too "things just got weird." If I had to guess, a few impatient rich guy just wanted them all NOW for whatever they where building and all wound up competing with each other.
  8. I refuse to believe you've never envisioned yourself riding a motorcycle through your office workplace. Awesomeness beats practicality in a super hero game.
  9. I think this game is pretty generous already with the street clothes options, although naturally I'm not going to turn down more. *Most* of my characters wear normal clothing as it is.
  10. I have a hard time believing they're all 60-70. Time for a retcon or something.
  11. Yes. My main was a Broadsword/Regeneration scrapper. Now he's a Titanic Weapons/Willpower Brute. Gotta min that max, yo.
  12. Warkupo

    fix weapons!!!

    You tread upon a discussion older than time itself.
  13. Unless you're looking for a soft-capped demi-god, they both preform pretty well, but have a major difference is play style. Willpower is 'easier' in the sense that you just turn on your toggles and rock faces. Regeneration is going to require that you pay attention to when you need to heal and then hitting one of those nice little heal buttons. Assuming you have a decent attention span, Regeneration will work just as well as Willpower.

    It isn't really until you get to IO's, a special type of enhancement, and building for defense that their differences in potential really start to become apparent. At that point Regeneration can still be made *very* formidable if you don't mind using a purple every now and then, but Willpower can still preform "better", I feel.
  14. I just play around and do whatever. The only rule I have adopted recently is trying to avoid using too much black. It's far too easy to just garb my characters completely in black clothing, and while it looks good, it isn't very creative/interesting.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    What is Dark Control?
    What is love?
  16. ITT: Didn't do the research.

    Really, come to us BEFORE you purchase something, we usually know what's up.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    People really have got to learn not to feed the troll.
    Eh, they're bored, he's bored, seems to work itself out.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post

    Or you could attack and vilify me, I guess.
    Hopeling is a MAD MAN and he will lead us all to our DOOM. Follow not the words of this vile trickster! :O
  19. Probably Willpower. It's my default, go-to, totally lacking a theme powerset.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    I'm still trying to get over the fact that every time I see Statesman "flop up into the air" as Wade tightens the final thumbscrews that will faceplant ol' Marcus ... HE SCREAMS OUT OF HIS BUTT FIRST before getting flipped over and lighting up from the inside out while spastically writhing in agony as his life force is burned away and his powers stolen!

    No seriously! Watch the cutscene again, and pay especial attention to when Statesman first screams "AAAUUGH!" and where the word balloon is pointing at before he flips over and continues screaming (and then goes into his "This Was Your Life" sequence, which actually WAS done very well!). I'm telling you, the timing on the appearance of that word balloon ... and its placement on screen is ... most unfortunate.
    ...I hate you now.
  21. Well, if you want something more... positive, maybe something like: the death of one hero can inspire the rise of a thousand more. You know, since we'll probably finish these missions heroically and all.

    Or not.
  22. This is, I believe, a full list of all temporary powers that you can acquire in the game. Aside from Envenomed Dagger, which you throw, I don't see anything else daggerish.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    the end proc is better number wise...but remember it could just not go off in that 1 minute time. :/

    On average it's better, but it has it's drawbacks.

    That said, I have yet to find a build that shouldnt slot QR or Stamina with at least 2 IOs worth of EndMod and a Proc.
    Not entirely accurate and somewhat biased opinion. There is an equal chance that the power will activate six times in a row within the period of a minute and greatly out-perform a standard endurance recovery IO. Unfortunately (and fortunately) there is a very small chance for both of those scenarios to take place. Minor fluctuations around the average are a far more likely occurrence, which is precisely why we use an average as the most accurate prediction of what actually happens.

    Regardless, it's a somewhat superfluous debate. I assume most people have *at least* two slots in stamina with the majority having three. So long as one of those slots has a performance shifter: chance for endurance, and the rest are filled with the most powerful endurance modification enhancement you can use than the power is operating optimally.
  24. Warkupo

    Red is dead?

    If they want to pump some LIFE back into villain zone then they need to add content specific to that area that is absent from hero-side. Villain side started very strong for it's mayhem missions and newspaper dealies, but grew weaker when Heroes got the same exact thing, and while I do like the feature, it's really hurting pretty badly now that I can make any arche-type on any side.

    So if they add in something like 'territories', or what have you, it needs to stay villain specific.