Blasters and HP Cap




So stalkers HP cap is getting buffed to 2000ish, so that they can actually benefit from Dull Pain, Hoarfrost, High Pain Tolerance, etc.

Blasters start at the same HP base and have the same cap of 1600, are they getting their HP cap buffed?

I recently started playing a blaster, and between accolades and IO bonuses it isn't hard to reach the cap of 1600hp. Hoarfrost, for my blaster, will be a heal with a really long recharge.

Are my numbers off? Are we getting the same buff and I just missed it?



I think of blasters being able to easily reach their hp cap as a feature, personally. Granted, this does make Hoarfrost an odd power to have in the Cold pool. But I don't think the reasoning for buffing the Stalker HP cap applies to Blasters here.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I think of blasters being able to easily reach their hp cap as a feature, personally. Granted, this does make Hoarfrost an odd power for them to have in the Cold pool. But I don't think the reasoning for buffing the Stalker HP cap applies to Blasters here.
It applies in every way. Stalkers and blasters have the same job (damage) and the same HP base and the same HP cap. If one were to have their HP cap raised, for the reasoning that it is easy to reach making certain buffs worthless, why wouldn't the other set get the same?



Originally Posted by MallNinja View Post
It applies in every way. Stalkers and blasters have the same job (damage) and the same HP base and the same HP cap. If one were to have their HP cap raised, for the reasoning that it is easy to reach making certain buffs worthless, why wouldn't the other set get the same?
Because blasters don't HAVE those buffs.
How many stalker secondaries have HP buffs? Four out of eight. Three of the four HP buffs put a stalker over the current cap with no accolades or slotting at all. This is a serious limitation to the usefulness of core powers. It's not "we can reach the hp cap with a good build, could you raise it?" so much as "did you even know what our powers were when you chose our hp cap?" A very large fraction of stalker builds run into the HP cap, hard.
How many blaster primaries or secondaries have HP buffs? Zero. Blasters have access to two HP buffs: Rebirth Core (which almost nobody uses anyway because it's terrible) and Hoarfrost, in an epic pool.

What is the purpose of a cap if not to cap something?



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Because blasters don't HAVE those buffs.
How many stalker secondaries have HP buffs? Four out of eight. Three of the four HP buffs put a stalker over the current cap with no accolades or slotting at all. This is a serious limitation to the usefulness of core powers. It's not "we can reach the hp cap with a good build, could you raise it?" so much as "did you even know what our powers were when you chose our hp cap?" A very large fraction of stalker builds run into the HP cap, hard.
How many blaster primaries or secondaries have HP buffs? Zero. Blasters have access to two HP buffs: Rebirth Core (which almost nobody uses anyway because it's terrible) and Hoarfrost, in an epic pool.

What is the purpose of a cap if not to cap something?
The Devs don't consider simply solo factors. There are outside buffs that raise total hit points (like Frostworks) these are a waste to use on stalkers and blasters (the ATs that actually benefit most from team buffs) at the moment. If the devs plan on adding more of these type powers then the blaster HP cap should be looked at as well.

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Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
How many blaster primaries or secondaries have HP buffs? Zero. Blasters have access to two HP buffs: Rebirth Core (which almost nobody uses anyway because it's terrible) and Hoarfrost, in an epic pool.
Well, I don't know, I'm making pretty decent progress to my healing badges with rebirth core.

A thought occurs to me. Since blaster's HP buff is in an epic pool instead of either a primary or secondary then doesn't that almost make it easier for a blaster to get a HP buff than stalkers? I mean I'm aware that's a bit of a stretch, but still any blaster that wanted to could get Hoarfrost. It's relatively easy to pop in and out epic pools whenever you want after all.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
The Devs don't consider simply solo factors. There are outside buffs that raise total hit points (like Frostworks) these are a waste to use on stalkers and blasters (the ATs that actually benefit most from team buffs) at the moment. If the devs plan on adding more of these type powers then the blaster HP cap should be looked at as well.
Frostwork, as far as I know, is the only one besides Rebirth Core. It's also a single-target buff. I can count on my fingers the number of times I've ever had anyone put Frostwork on me, across all my characters (admittedly, that's probably partially due to me not noticing). Most ATs cannot benefit fully from Frostwork due to their HP caps, but they're not getting their caps raised either.
Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Since blaster's HP buff is in an epic pool instead of either a primary or secondary then doesn't that almost make it easier for a blaster to get a HP buff than stalkers?
No, it doesn't make it easier. An /ice or /regen stalker can go past their current HP cap at level 4 with no slotting, and later can pretty easily make that perma. A blaster cannot take Hoarfrost until 41 at earliest, and requires considerably more recharge to make it perma.

Again, what is the purpose of a cap if not to cap something? Other than Hoarfrost, the cap does not severely limit the usefulness of any blaster powers, and I'd rather see Hoarfrost changed (say, to a heal/resist buff instead of heal/hp buff, which functionally is very similar anyway) than the health cap.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
No, it doesn't make it easier. An /ice or /regen stalker can go past their current HP cap at level 4 with no slotting, and later can pretty easily make that perma. A blaster cannot take Hoarfrost until 41 at earliest, and requires considerably more recharge to make it perma.
My point basically being that any blaster regardless of what primary or secondary they've chosen can take Hoarfrost. If a blaster has chosen not to take the cold mastery epic pool they could change their mind and easily respec into it. On the other hand not all stalkers can take self +max HP powers (outside of rebirth).

Again, what is the purpose of a cap if not to cap something?
Given that line of reasoning why bother to buff the stalker's HP cap? They can already hit their HP cap. Mission accomplished.


If for some reason you think that last bit was a serious comment please think again.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Doms get Hoarfrost and Trollers get Earth's Embrace so they obviously should be buffed too, my fire kin hits the cap with only rech slotting >:/

(j/k I don't think Ats should have HP caps raised because of one epic power)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Doms get Hoarfrost and Trollers get Earth's Embrace so they obviously should be buffed too, my fire kin hits the cap with only rech slotting >:/

(j/k I don't think Ats should have HP caps raised because of one epic power)
The issue isn't the HP cap being raised, or really just the one power personally. It's more that way back blasters got a significant HP boost, but their HP cap wasn't changed at all. This wasn't much of an issue since there wasn't a way to buff their HP cap at the time. Currently though with accolades and a couple IOs (about 90 hps from 5 bonuses) I'm 66hp away from the blaster HP cap on my energy/dev.

It's just absurdly easy to cap a blaster's HPs as compared to (with the buff for stalkers going in) every other AT. What's so special about blasters that they have to be penalized like that? What would be harmed by bringing their HP cap in line with the other ATs?

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Like you said, blasters got their HP raised a long time ago, but not their cap. I don't think that was an accident. Thus, I think of being able to easily cap a blaster's HP as a feature, not a problem.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Like you said, blasters got their HP raised a long time ago, but not their cap. I don't think that was an accident. Thus, I think of being able to easily cap a blaster's HP as a feature, not a problem.
At the time there was also no real way for a blaster to easily get to that cap so it was a non-issue. If there's no way for them to easily get to the HP cap then why bother raising it right? Now that there is why shouldn't it be revisited?

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
The issue isn't the HP cap being raised, or really just the one power personally. It's more that way back blasters got a significant HP boost, but their HP cap wasn't changed at all. This wasn't much of an issue since there wasn't a way to buff their HP cap at the time. Currently though with accolades and a couple IOs (about 90 hps from 5 bonuses) I'm 66hp away from the blaster HP cap on my energy/dev.

It's just absurdly easy to cap a blaster's HPs as compared to (with the buff for stalkers going in) every other AT. What's so special about blasters that they have to be penalized like that? What would be harmed by bringing their HP cap in line with the other ATs?

Still trying to get my head around your logic here. Or, lack of it. How is blasters being the easiest AT when it comes to hitting the hp cap..a PENALTY? Oh darn it, I was slotting my blaster for acc, rech and def, and I hit the hp cap AGAIN! Poor me.

As people are saying, stalkers can also hit the cap as easy, but have a larger number of secondary powers that give +hp..that do nothing but a heal with the current cap. Listening there? Secondary powers. Not one little power in an epic pool.

Why should it be changed? They are not a 'tough' AT. When you hear blaster, do you think..oh bags and bags of hp! Gotta have as many as melee ATs, for sure. More to the point..I know I have seen a heap of 'stalkers need something' threads in my time here. I bet you have too. How many have you seen asking (with logical reasons) to buff blasters? Could be a reason for that difference?



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
This wasn't much of an issue since there wasn't a way to buff their HP cap at the time.
actually there was: IO's.



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
actually there was: IO's.
Although I disagree with Oliin's reasoning, he's got the facts right: Blaster HP was buffed in i5, IOs didn't exist until i9.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Still trying to get my head around your logic here. Or, lack of it. How is blasters being the easiest AT when it comes to hitting the hp cap..a PENALTY? Oh darn it, I was slotting my blaster for acc, rech and def, and I hit the hp cap AGAIN! Poor me.
I'm failing to see how the easy ability to cap HP is in any way a benefit. The ability to hit a cap does not add anything special to my character (or anyone's).

Blasters (and Stalkers until the buff goes in) have the same HP cap as most of the ATs without defense sets (Dominators, Controllers, Defenders, ect) but have more base HPs. That's a survivability benefit on the low end without any +hp buffs/IOs/ect, but once you start factoring those buffs in that benefit disappears and in some cases buffing a Blaster's (and currently a Stalker's) max HPs is nearly pointless as they'll barely get any benefit out of it at all.

Please, explain to me how that's a positive thing. It's certainly not a gigantic 'needs to be fixed now' sort of thing either, but it's also not really a good thing.

Don't think I begrudge Stalkers their HP buff (or any of their upcoming buffs) since I don't, but I don't really know why Blasters have to have such a low HP cap for their base HPs.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'm failing to see how the easy ability to cap HP is in any way a benefit. The ability to hit a cap does not add anything special to my character (or anyone's).

Blasters (and Stalkers until the buff goes in) have the same HP cap as most of the ATs without defense sets (Dominators, Controllers, Defenders, ect) but have more base HPs. That's a survivability benefit on the low end without any +hp buffs/IOs/ect, but once you start factoring those buffs in that benefit disappears and in some cases buffing a Blaster's (and currently a Stalker's) max HPs is nearly pointless as they'll barely get any benefit out of it at all.

Please, explain to me how that's a positive thing. It's certainly not a gigantic 'needs to be fixed now' sort of thing either, but it's also not really a good thing.

Don't think I begrudge Stalkers their HP buff (or any of their upcoming buffs) since I don't, but I don't really know why Blasters have to have such a low HP cap for their base HPs.
wanna ask the same about doms then?



Blasters and stalkers on live are far closer to their HP caps than dominators are, is the thing. Stalkers' cap is being raised and this is being touted as a fix. It does make you wonder what part of "Blaster" says "can't buff your HP very much," conceptually.

However, to answer that question in the way I suspect Oliin might as well, what if they did up the HP caps for everyone who currently caps at 1606? Would that be a bad thing? One thing it would do for everyone is make frostwork suck less.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Why do you hate blasters so much?



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
wanna ask the same about doms then?
Um. Because dominators don't have the same problem that Blasters and Stalkers have when it comes to their base HPs and capped HPs.

Of course, if you're saying they should revisit HP caps across the board then that'd be just fine. I'm sure all sorts of arguments could be made about HP caps for different ATs. This one just happens to apply to Blasters and Stalkers(until it's fixed for the latter in I-22 anyway).

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Um. Because dominators don't have the same problem that Blasters and Stalkers have when it comes to their base HPs and capped HPs.

Of course, if you're saying they should revisit HP caps across the board then that'd be just fine. I'm sure all sorts of arguments could be made about HP caps for different ATs. This one just happens to apply to Blasters and Stalkers(until it's fixed for the latter in I-22 anyway).
oh so you're saying blasters should just get the same hp as doms then?



Originally Posted by MallNinja View Post
Why do you hate blasters so much?
You asked a question, I answered it, and provided my guess at the reasoning behind it, namely, that the Blaster and Stalker HP cap situations are not identical. If you want to argue that HP caps in general should be looked at, sure, go ahead. I just don't think "because Stalkers got buffed" is much of a reason by itself.

Or you could attack and vilify me, I guess.



Originally Posted by recalx View Post
oh so you're saying blasters should just get the same hp as doms then?
I have to say I'm not sure what your thought processes is here.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post

Or you could attack and vilify me, I guess.
Hopeling is a MAD MAN and he will lead us all to our DOOM. Follow not the words of this vile trickster! :O



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I have to say I'm not sure what your thought processes is here.
why not?
i mean, both have hoarfrost right?