Blasters and HP Cap




Originally Posted by recalx View Post
why not?
i mean, both have hoarfrost right?
But while blasters have the same HP cap as dominators, their base HPs are higher which gives them significantly less 'wiggle room' when it comes to HP buffs. The issue isn't hoarfrost it's that Blasters and Stalkers (until the fix goes in) have the smallest range between their base HPs and their HP cap out of all the ATs currently in the game. That makes powers like hoarfrost ... not so terribly useful.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Perhaps we're looking at it from the wrong direction here. A cap is instated to ensure that a value doesn't surpass a set number which is considered the border between acceptable and "overpowered," no?

Thusly, the proper question would be: would it become unbalanced if Blasters had a higher HP cap?



Again..those poor blasters at the hp cap. You know what getting to the cap adds? Hitpoints.
I guess since blasters have only the one Epic Pool hp buff, that really, they need their base HP lowered, so they can take advantage of the cap in the same way that all the other squishy ATs do. Isn't THAT a genius fix.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Again..those poor blasters at the hp cap. You know what getting to the cap adds? Hitpoints.
I guess since blasters have only the one Epic Pool hp buff, that really, they need their base HP lowered, so they can take advantage of the cap in the same way that all the other squishy ATs do. Isn't THAT a genius fix.
Are you under the impression that every time an AT gets some kind of buff another one is nerfed by the same amount? I'm fairly sure that isn't how it works. Or are you just sick of how good those damn blasters always have it?



Raising the HP cap wouldn't cause you to receive any fewer additional hit points than you currently do. In fact, you may even receive more, if you had an overflow.

What it also does is, as someone else put it, allow buffers to help make a blaster that much more durable - or with blasters, prolong the inevitable.



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
Perhaps we're looking at it from the wrong direction here. A cap is instated to ensure that a value doesn't surpass a set number which is considered the border between acceptable and "overpowered," no?

Thusly, the proper question would be: would it become unbalanced if Blasters had a higher HP cap?
Since, of all the ATs in the game, the one that is still defeated the most frequently is the blaster, the answer is no, it wouldn't be unbalanced. Buffing stalkers before buffing blasters might be unbalanced. Which is why some of us are responding to this thread.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Blasters get defeated the most? THAT is your argument for giving them a bigger hp cap? The old 'offensive juggernaught, no defences' AT? Oh wait..could it be that they pump out larger amounts of damage, often aoe, and by default..have no way to avoid, resist, or heal from damage? No, no..that wouldn't do it at all! Or perhaps that a good portion of blasters PLAY like nutters? (how else would you play them?)

Again, stop with the 'blasters are at hp cap, and have no benefit.' Every other squishy AT caps out at 1600 hp. Blasters are there already! (with a bit of slotting and accos). Sure, this means Frostwork (you know, the ONLY hp buff in normal play) will not do a lot, at 50. Nevermind that, during the 1-47 (non IOd) progress, FW WILL be nice on them.

So ... the only bad thing about already able to hit the cap at 50 is..those cold dom toons get to use FW on a different team member. Damn it, I want to hog ALL the buffs, even ones that do nothing.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Blasters get defeated the most? THAT is your argument for giving them a bigger hp cap? The old 'offensive juggernaught, no defences' AT? Oh wait..could it be that they pump out larger amounts of damage, often aoe, and by default..have no way to avoid, resist, or heal from damage? No, no..that wouldn't do it at all! Or perhaps that a good portion of blasters PLAY like nutters? (how else would you play them?)

Again, stop with the 'blasters are at hp cap, and have no benefit.' Every other squishy AT caps out at 1600 hp. Blasters are there already! (with a bit of slotting and accos). Sure, this means Frostwork (you know, the ONLY hp buff in normal play) will not do a lot, at 50. Nevermind that, during the 1-47 (non IOd) progress, FW WILL be nice on them.

So ... the only bad thing about already able to hit the cap at 50 is..those cold dom toons get to use FW on a different team member. Damn it, I want to hog ALL the buffs, even ones that do nothing.
What argument would you use? Why is a survival buff for the least survivable class a bad argument? Who is supposed to benefit the most from team buffs? The Stone Tank?

Also you do realize that WITHOUT accolades and just frankenslotting cheap sets you can make Hoarfrost a pointless power for the blaster at level 41.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Since, of all the ATs in the game, the one that is still defeated the most frequently is the blaster, the answer is no, it wouldn't be unbalanced. Buffing stalkers before buffing blasters might be unbalanced. Which is why some of us are responding to this thread.
Completely disagree with the bolded. Blasters still appear on waaaaaaaay more teams than stalkers. I just can't agree that blasters needed a buff first before stalkers.

With that said I have no objection to a blaster cap increase.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I'm in favor of raising the blaster HP cap. But, similarly, I'm in favor of raising EVERY AT's HP cap.

+HP is possibly the ONLY non-broken form of Mitigation we have in this game. Contrast it with, Defense and Resistance, both of which give accelerating returns, each point giving more and more survival time than the previous until near the cap gaining even 5 points of defense doubles your lifespan. Meanwhile, Each HP point you gain increases your Health bar in a linear fashion. Having twice as much HP means it takes twice as much DPS to kill you in the same amount of time.

I'm strongly in favor of not only increasing blaster HP cap to +100% above base, but doing the same for ALL AT's. Mostly for the sake of making Frostworks good.

Those are my 2 cents.

Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.



Blasters get defeated the most? THAT is your argument for giving them a bigger hp cap? The old 'offensive juggernaught, no defences' AT? Oh wait..could it be that they pump out larger amounts of damage, often aoe, and by default..have no way to avoid, resist, or heal from damage? No, no..that wouldn't do it at all! Or perhaps that a good portion of blasters PLAY like nutters? (how else would you play them?)
Blasters are glass-cannons, given. On the flip-side, is it kind to reward them for playing like an "offensive juggernaut" with debt and a count of hospital visits bigger than Beef Cake's badge counter?

Again, too, that's only looking at it from a solo stance. In a team environment, a tank may be sufficiently buffed and one can still expect stray aggro to happen. Is it so crazy that a buffer may want to help their blaster ally handle it? Especially when their mitigation method of "damage, damage, more damage" is what got them the aggro in the first place.

(Anecdotally and only as far as it is applicable, soem friends and I recently played [a certain mmo named after the fate of the Norse gods], and I was given the role of the blaster-type class; the punishment for slipping up even a little was death, the stripping of XP from the character, the consumption of a resource or a teleport to town followed by a long walk back to the dungeon and the beratement of my friends for having made a mistake.)



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Blasters get defeated the most? THAT is your argument for giving them a bigger hp cap? The old 'offensive juggernaught, no defences' AT? Oh wait..could it be that they pump out larger amounts of damage, often aoe, and by default..have no way to avoid, resist, or heal from damage? No, no..that wouldn't do it at all! Or perhaps that a good portion of blasters PLAY like nutters? (how else would you play them?)
Blasters aren't offensive juggernauts, with the buffs coming to stalkers it looks like blasters are somewhere around 4th in single target damage. They may not even be tops in pure ranged single target if you can believe the pylon results thread where you have a soldier doing 270 dps on a pylon with just ranged attacks.

It's a fine concept to trade survivability for damage, but if you give away one you should get the other.



I think the Blaster HP cap is fine, it's in line with the other squishies. If anything the most fair solution is to make all HP caps a direct function of base HP, so that those who start with more HP have proportionately higher HP caps, and then give the four Melee ATs a slightly different forumla with a better proportion. That would level the playing field enough and still let Stalkers have more HP than Blasters. Oh **** I just used logic... and common sense... nevermind the Devs will never do this.

"Look, personally I just want a new issue to feature changes that don't cause a mass exodus of players..."
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Originally Posted by NecroOmNomNomicon View Post
If anything the most fair solution is to make all HP caps a direct function of base HP, so that those who start with more HP have proportionately higher HP caps, and then give the four Melee ATs a slightly different forumla with a better proportion.
To an extent that's kind of how it already works. I don't know if there's any solid equation behind it or anything along those lines, but currently the sturdier ATs have more room between their base HP and their max HP than the 'squishy' ATs. It could likely be a bit more standardized than it seems at a glance but that's mostly how it works.

There are the two notable exceptions of the Stalker and the Blaster in having the higher base HPs but still having the 1606 hp cap. If you count the Mastermind as a 'squishy' then they're an exception too but in the other direction. What with their having a lower base HP but still having the 1606 HP cap.

And you do realize by the way, if your though of a standard equation for the max HP cap being a function of the AT's base HP and what its growth rate's supposed to be were to ever be put into place (and it honestly probably should have been that way from the beginning) ... then the blaster HP cap would almost certainly be raised. So I don't really understand why you'd think the blaster HP cap is fine

That would level the playing field enough and still let Stalkers have more HP than Blasters.
I don't know that anyone's specifically calling to have the same new max HP as Stalkers. Everything I've read is just people saying the cap's too low. Honestly I think the more 'sturdy' ATs should have a larger gap between their base HP and their max HP than the 'squisy' ones. Granted I don't know what the new max HP for Stalkers is, but if it's not at least somewhere around 2200-ish (which would bring them kind of in-line with Scrappers) then I'll be a little disappointed.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Ideally the formula for all ATs except the 4 Melees (and maybe Epic ATs if exceptions are made for them) should still have enough room so that if you take a +Max HP power, regardless of the fact that it may be an Epic power, AND have all the +HP accolades you should still be below the cap (BUT NOT BY MUCH). Thus +HP Set Bonuses wouldn't be useless in those builds. This will assume that every Dull Pain is +60% HP when enhanced (same as the majority of these powers).

If base HP = 1, with accolades = 1.2base, and with a 100% enhanced Dull Pain type power = 1.8base, then the HP cap should be around 2.0base.

Controllers: 1017 -> 2034 (current cap 1606)
Blasters: 1205 -> 2410 (current cap 1606)

That leaves enough room for some HP bonuses to not end up being useless. I guess most people would look at these numbers and say they are too big and that squishies wouldn't be squishy anymore. Well then maybe the ALL +HP powers including Dull Pain clones should be re-evaluted to give less. I personally would say that as the game stands now, HP caps being either 1.9X or 2.0X the base HP seems fair.

For the Melees hitting the HP cap even with a primary or secondary power like Dull Pain and all Accolades shouldn't be so easy, because building for massive HP is a viable strategy. I think a different formula is needed for the "front-line" ATs. If 2.0 is the standard for all others, then Tankers, Brutes, Scrappers, and even Stalkers should have a higher ratio... something around 2.1X - 2.3X the base HP. I am fine with making the +HP Rebirth actually useful by giving the Melee ATs a capacity for huge HP, since they're supposed to be up there getting beat up anyways. I'd like to see more than 2 ally buffs that increase HP as well, but not everyone agrees with that. If the cap was set at 2.3X, then we would see:

Tanker: 1874 -> 4310 (current cap 3563)
Brute: 1499 -> 3448 (current cap 3212)
Scrapper: 1339 -> 3080 (current cap 2409)
Stalker: 1204 -> 2769 (current cap 1606, being raised to 2000ish)

These are pretty ridiculohuge numbers though, especially with the Tanker's current base HP. Again, maybe all the +HP powers in the game should be re-evaluated to give a bit less, then we wouldn't need such huge HP caps as arguments against the powers themselves. On the other hand, who here wants to play a well built Invuln Tank who gets hit with a Frostwork and suddenly has 4310 HP, I know I'm raising my hand. Is it still "overpowered" if we are all equally overpowered? Yes... No... um... I dunno.

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Originally Posted by NecroOmNomNomicon View Post
Is it still "overpowered" if we are all equally overpowered? Yes... No... um... I dunno.
But this wouldn't make everyone equally overpowered - it would be a nice buff for characters with Dull Pain and the like, and do basically nothing for characters without it.

More directly, the answer to your question is "no", at least for PvE, where balance is measured relative to critters as well as each other.

I think +20% hp from set bonuses on top of Dull Pain and full accolades is quite a lot of head room, certainly more than many of my builds end up with if I don't actively pursue hit point bonuses. But numbers are relatively easy to tweak.



Originally Posted by Teeto_K View Post
I'm in favor of raising the blaster HP cap. But, similarly, I'm in favor of raising EVERY AT's HP cap.

+HP is possibly the ONLY non-broken form of Mitigation we have in this game. Contrast it with, Defense and Resistance, both of which give accelerating returns, each point giving more and more survival time than the previous until near the cap gaining even 5 points of defense doubles your lifespan. Meanwhile, Each HP point you gain increases your Health bar in a linear fashion. Having twice as much HP means it takes twice as much DPS to kill you in the same amount of time.

I'm strongly in favor of not only increasing blaster HP cap to +100% above base, but doing the same for ALL AT's. Mostly for the sake of making Frostworks good.

Those are my 2 cents.
That's not actually true about hp scaling linear in this game cause of how regeneration works. 100% regen on 1606 hit points is less then 100% regen on say 3000 hit points. An everyone gets base regen plus health for free so kinda gotta count at least that.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
That's not actually true about hp scaling linear in this game cause of how regeneration works.
No, he is right, because regeneration also scales linearly with max health.



Actually I'm right AND I'm wrong, I suppose. If you look at it in terms how "How much more DPS can you survive" I'm right, if you look at it in terms of "How long can I live against a fixed amount of DPS" I'm wrong.

Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.



Originally Posted by MallNinja View Post
So stalkers HP cap is getting buffed to 2000ish, so that they can actually benefit from Dull Pain, Hoarfrost, High Pain Tolerance, etc.

Blasters start at the same HP base and have the same cap of 1600, are they getting their HP cap buffed?

Stalkers are getting the buff because 3 of their available secondaries have powers that are all but useless with a cap of 1606.

Blasters, on the other hand, only get one power in a single APP that being at the cap makes redundant.

Blasters are also not expected to spend 100% of their time in melee range where things hit harder like stalkers are either.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I would rather blasters follow the "squishy" standard.

I also agree that being able to focus on other things like recharge, accuracy, etc. in slotting with minimal hp slotting is a nice benefit for blasters.



To make best use out of Blaster raised HP Caps we need access to Tanker primaries as our secondaries. I mean, if you raise Blaster HP Caps do it for a good reason. Like me finally getting my TANK-MAGE. And do not take "TANK-MAGE" or any variation of it, I want then for my characters name.



Originally Posted by Rikti View Post
I would rather blasters follow the "squishy" standard.

I also agree that being able to focus on other things like recharge, accuracy, etc. in slotting with minimal hp slotting is a nice benefit for blasters.
Pretty certain that the only build that would benefit more from +HP over recharge are PVP builds from the mechanics of heal decay, and builds with a +HP power, no self heal and where Aid self is either too costly to take, or is not sufficiently usable to be desirable.

Just look at dark regen

at 100% recharge

Its base heal is equivalent to roughly 2% regen/sec

at 200% recharge it goes up to nearly 3% regen

So hasten + 30% global recharge increases the the incoming damage you can take without losing HP by 50%

The biggest HP% set bonus you can get in the game is 3%

Aid Self is a little trickier because it has an interrupt and an insanely long cast time.

But at its base it offers the equivalent of roughly .8% regen/sec (while eating 25% of you available offense potential)

at 100% recharge it gives you roughly 1.3% regen/sec (while eating 1/3 of your offensive potential)

at 200% its at nearly 2% regen sec but you spend half your time firing off aid self.

That is just enhancing the powers for recharge, dark regen doesn't need the heal enhancement, if it hits 4 foes its a 100% heal every cycle.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Blasters aren't offensive juggernauts, with the buffs coming to stalkers it looks like blasters are somewhere around 4th in single target damage. They may not even be tops in pure ranged single target if you can believe the pylon results thread where you have a soldier doing 270 dps on a pylon with just ranged attacks.

It's a fine concept to trade survivability for damage, but if you give away one you should get the other.
Forget about the HP Cap...

Just give my Blasters back the crown. Buff the damage cap!

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Forget about the HP Cap...

Just give my Blasters back the crown. Buff the damage cap!