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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I haven't tried the new alakazamreact yet, but I like the variety. What I don't like is when they made it last for only a few seconds. I'm pretty sure when it was first introduced it would last untill you moved or something happened to you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tis true - and the emote for it was just /em Alakazam - the pumpkin used to remain until you moved or typed the /em Alakazamreact -if memory serves me well.
  2. Warbaby

    Just Saying Hi !

    Just extending the hand of friendship and welcome.

    There's nothing wrong with being a 'newbie' (that's where we all started) its being a 'noob' (totally stupid) which you will find is frowned upon.

    Oh! and my tip to get your started is READ - read everything from the tutorial level onwards - and drop by here frequently of course. Another tip the guides forums are specifically helpful - if a touch out of date - where you can find all sorts of helpful advice on building your special hero.

    Oh!...and beware the dreaded Altitus (the excessive making of alternative heroes) J/k.

    Last but not least - just have fun.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Meh.. it keeps giving me a server error now when I try to sign back in after patching.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because the servers are not back up again yet. Best to check the state of the servers before trying to log on - it will usually say Server Error (or some such) if they are not back up again.
  4. I heard somebody say it was "Halfway to Paradise"
  5. Lol - I've been waiting 5 years for 'them' to get the timing right on the tram doors - bet I'm waiting another 5 (if my god spares me) before they do.

    @OP as those before me have said. You won't be able to access The Hollows before lvl 5 and the advice you have been given to go to Kings Row to do stuff from your Radio Mission contact in order to gain a couple of levels before going to the hollows is sound. The radio missions and the subsequent reward of a temp travel power (flight) will help you no end (scuse pun) to get about The Hollows safely.

    Good luck on your travels.
  6. Miracle Mick.
    Mick the Good
    Saint Mick
    Saint Micheal.
  7. Vet rewards are earned retroactively - after the time you have paid for has elapsed. For example: I payed 12mnths in advance for my 5th year but did not get the 60mnth reward until the sixty months had passed.
  8. Warbaby

    So frustrating

    Amen! to that.

    I remember trying to solo Maestro back in the day and having to wait 3 levels before I even came close to finishing him. *Shakes head and sighs*
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe I'm hallucinating, but I swear I saw an option for "Earn XP" as if someone would want to turn it off.

    Why would you want to turn off advancement?

    Do you get any bonus influence like when you're exemplared?

    Is it just for people to tweak out a level xx build for running yy TF?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most convenient way to complete story arc etc without outleveling contacts. It most certainly beats purposely having to die to earn enough debt to slow leveling down, which used to be the only way. It's a QOL thing and took way too long to be implemented imho.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm pretty sure this isn't the optimal way to play. Actually, I know it's not. There's a lot of times I hit the "Next tray" arrow instead of the first power and likely end up dying as a result. I just can't seem to get my fingers used to reaching up to hit the 1 through 5 buttons with any kind of accuracy. For some of my most used powers, I have binds on q, e, t, g, v, and c, but those powers are usually the things I don't want in a tray, like fly and leadership pool powers, or pet summons. I just started a kheldian (yay 50 club) and I know I'll be using the q and e keys for shapeshifting binds.

    What are better ways to play? Should I force myself to use the number buttons? I've heard of using the numpad, but I don't want to take my hand off the mouse.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Like many before me I still click my powers. I used to accidently click the arrow too and had many an aggravating moment getting the next tray. Now I have all power trays showing but leave the first slot in each empty. This seems to work fine for me but I find as I hit the higher levels and the trays fill up I need to slot Tray 4 with my least used powers such as movement, Oro, team recall etc.

    I'm certainly not tempted to use a game pad as I'm pretty sure I would be all fingers and thumbs with that.
  11. I worked it out that they were running away to a place where they can use there range attacks again as they are pretty useless in melee imo. I think any range mob AT will do this as well as the CoT.
  12. The short answer is no. They do leave a corpse after they die but it fades as in any other npc. This is okey though as the pet power recharges very fast. All you can do to affect them in any way is to dismiss them - which comes in handy if they get stuck at lift doors, rocks or any other protuberance that they bump into.
  13. If the OP wants Shivians then he wants Shivians, regardless of what he's fighting.

    As far as I can see he asked a perfectly civil question in the correct manner for these forums, except for the lack of capitals and punctuation, but this is about the norm these days.

    He also got one or two very helpful replies and the onus is on him to acknowledge them in the same manner as they were given and be thankful that someone was able to help him.

    Time and time again I see these forums degenerate into a slanging match between parties that have been members long enough to know better.

    Why don't we all try to set a good example and be polite to each other and just get along?
  14. Which means - to put it succintly - that for the 60mnth vet reward you can claim your travel power - which is tier 3 - at lvl 6 instead of waiting until you are lvl 14 and you don't have to have tier one or tier two in order to do so.
  15. Warbaby

    Midnighter club

    It's all just a plot to make you exercise your index finger more. Just run around and click everything in the library hall and the three rooms past the upper library door - don't forget the pillars in the central room - took me blinking ages to find the last one.

    Good luck! and Happy Clicking!
  16. I quite like PvP myself, but there is always something else to do in the game that is way more important, so I only go in the PVP zones rarely. When I do, like you, I find them mostly empty so don't stay long.
  17. Don't let your SG so big that members get swamped by numbers, ignored and/or cligues form. I left a SG today for precisely that reason.

    Don't offer ridiclous amounts of inf to the member that earns the most prestige in a given time. As most members starting date will surely vary and the oldest group members will get an unfair advantage leaving the newer members no chance of catching up, hence no chance of winning an unobtainable prize.

    Always acknowledge members when they log on and encourage older members to start teams as and when the opportunity arises.
  18. Did you also notice that there are no mobs close by when you exit that door when you log on. It's the same in game when you exit any mission, unless you have an ambush owing as part of an arc. I think it's queued that you don't get all beat up before you have a chance to orient your char when logging on.
  19. I can't for the life of me think that the devs were naive enough to believe that players wouldn't make farming missions, knowing that pro farming appears to be the general attitude of most players.

    Having a jaundiced view of the world as I have that was my first thought when they announced that MA was going live.
  20. If I'm playing a blaster it has to be me. If I'm playing a scrapper it has to be me. I win whatever I'm playing, it was then, it is now and ever more shall be so.

    Heckus! the glory is in the battle, the outcome is a foregone conclusion.
  21. Warbaby

    5 Year Badge?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was supposed to get mine two days ago. This is based on my NCSoft account showing that it was created on May 15, 2004, and my recollection that I played CoH for the first time on a Saturday (which May 15th was in 2004.)

    Now it's May 17th, and still no 5-year Veteran badge for me! Even if I'm not remembering correctly, and I actually starting playing the game on Sunday the 16th, that's still earlier than, you know, May 17th.

    For now, I'm going to write it off as the badge just doesn't kick in on a weekend (although, the 15th was a Friday,) and I'll have my badge after tomorrow's Monday Maintenance. If I don't have it after that, then complaints will be submitted. Full travel power at Lvl 6 is too good to not raise a ruckus about!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I created my account on April the 18th 2004, but didn't appear to qualify for my 60mnth badge until May 7th 2009 and I got it on that day. What the 'rules' are for vet rewards seem to be anybody's guess. Some get theirs on the day they created their account others have to wait - it looks like me and thee are the latter.

    Hope you get yours soonest.
  22. I'm finding them much easier and quicker to negotiate. Though it's a shame we're without the rest of it. Still...as my old mum used to say..."Half a loaf is better than none"
  23. Remember devs:

    You can please some of the people all of the time.
    You can please all of the people some of the time.
    But you can't please all of the people all of the time.
    My take on Abe Lincoln's quote "You can fool some of the people"

    Happy Holidays! Ho! Ho! Ho!
  24. Warbaby

    In My Pants

    Great Balls of Fire in my pants (Jerry Lee Lewis)
  25. I would like to know why we can't have the choice of either a number of merits or a random roll for a rare recipe at the end of a TF/SF. You could replace the useless SO choice - which nobody ever wants since the invention system was released - with Merits instead. I hate the fact that we no longer get to choose.