Vox Populi

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  1. The Mission Architect is great. It's a shame it wasn't more popular, so that it would have received more attention and improvements.

    I didn't bother with the search function very often, I'd usually play arcs people listed on the forums, because that usually meant they put some time and effort into them. I'd also occasionally play some brand new arcs, just to surprise the creator.

    I don't think farms are what killed interest in the MA. I think MMO players just don't like to be surprised. They want to know what they're up against, exactly what an enemy can do, and whether the challenge vs. reward ratio is to their liking. For many players, the excitment of brand new enemies to face isn't worth the possibility of defeat (and to be fair, a lot of the custom enemies were very tough.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Because the year after that they'll release the Super Platinum Unlimited Edition that includes a fully-functional 1:1 scale Helicarrier.
    I'm holding out for the Ultimate Elite Holy Crap Edition that includes Scarlett Johansson.
  3. I would be fine with a reboot, especially if some changes are made to streamline the game.

    Yeah, I spent a lot of time improving my main character, expensive IOs and Incarnate abilities, but none of it was "work". It's a game, it was "play". And I'd do it again, maybe with an all new character.
  4. I think Archetypes are a good idea. They allow the game to be experienced in different ways, which increases replay value, and keeps everyone from moving towards the same murky middle.

    As for everything else- I think a new City of Heroes would be a very different City of Heroes. The market has changed and I think players are getting tired of the same old level grind.
  5. I'll keep an eye on the Titan forum for news. If it looks like the costs of buying the ip and/or game engine are too high, I say screw it and start a new, crowdfunded game. Titans Online sounds good.
  6. If it went wrong anywhere, it was the very beginning- a lot of half-formed ideas, vague power descriptions and poor balancing. The game spent eight years fixing these problems, getting better and better.
  7. 1400 hours on Vox Populi! That's almost two straight months worth of time playing one character.

  8. Wow- this is a surprise. Issue 24 was looking good, too.

    It's sad to see CoH go, but here's hoping someday soon it will be rebuilt into a brand new game, and I'll see you all there.
  9. The movies don't seem "Ultimate" to me at all, thank god. Iron Man and Captain America especially stuck close to the original stories. Thor probably would have too if his "skinny blonde guy becomes big blonde guy" origin wasn't similar to Cap's.

    Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury, that's about it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
    I'm surprised Star Trek: The Motion Picture isn't on there. We called it "the Motionless Picture" at the time, since it was two hours of crewmembers sitting on the bridge staring in awe at things.
    The list seems like it was written/voted on by under-30 year olds. Most of the movies are relatively recent.

    Sequels/adaptions/director's follow-ups are almost inherently disappointing. They were made because we loved a story and wanted more, but the best thing you can actually do is leave the audience wanting more.

    What made Star Wars so great was the rich, lived-in universe of characters and their history. I thought I wanted to know everything about everyone, but as more movies and books, comics, etc. came out, it quickly became less interesting. A great movie/story sparks your imagination, and no sequel can live up to that.

    Speaking of which- I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark as a kid, and used to write my own stories about a very Indiana Jones-like character. I tried to think up the most ridiculous, over-the-top narrow escapes for him, so the "nuke the fridge" scene made me smile.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Kill Bill is basically one movie split into two movies so movie audience bladders don't explode. Its difficult to understand liking the first and not liking the second or vice versa, so I don't find the movie particularly disappointing or overhyped as a sequel.
    Most of the best scenes were in Part 1, the second half was fairly dull. Kill Bill would have been better as a single film, with most of the edits coming from Part 2.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    So did the Kardashians. Kind of hard to conflate popularity with quality in some cases.
    My point is that internet opinion doesn't have much relevance to reality. If it did, Serenity would have made more money than Avatar.
  13. The Phantom Menace made $100 million this year.

    Obviously a lot of people weren't that disappointed.
  14. Vox Populi

    Of TankMages

    I agree we pretty much already have tankmages in the game, the problem is not everyone has an equal opportunity to get there. The biggest divide is ATs with consistent mez protection versus those without- even with capped defenses and debuffed enemies, squishier ATs are at the mercy of random rolls, and can be taken down with a couple lucky hits.

    Which is why this thread is basically "give my melee character access to the cool powers I normally have to play a squishy to use."
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    How strong is someone with Super Strength?
    As strong as your concept calls for. There's no point in comparing numbers when one person is playing a street-level character and another is playing a demigod. The only right answer is our own.
  16. MMOs are stagnating because they've barely evolved in the past ten years. They're extremely expensive to make, so studios are afraid to take risks. They stick to what has worked in the past, but eventually players get tired of the same old grinding-levels-and-loot routine. It's time for a fresh take.
  17. I'd like to see all the power pools changed to only two tiers- choose one of the first three powers to open up the last two. I think this would lead to a lot of interesting variety and more fun.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    As are tridents.
    You may want to lay low for a while.
  19. Ah I see, I misread your post.

    Anyway, the fact that it is applied differently from other debuffs is probably why it would show up differently. I just know that it's always a 20% damage buff, even if resisted it still works out to 20%.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    According to City of Data, the "Bruised" power is not set to unresistable, meaning that it should be impacted the mob's resistance (self resistance powers are set to 'unresistable' to keep them from being resisted).
    That's just it- Bruised is a self-resistance power, a negative one.
  21. The Dark Knight Rises will make more money at the box office. Probably a lot more, unless it turns out to be terrible. And even then it will probably still make more, it's following a billion dollar movie. Apart from the first Iron Man, the films leading up to the Avengers have been kind of mediocre.

    But the question Warners and Disney really care about is- which will sell more merchandise? I think the Avengers has the edge there, it's more colourful and kid-friendly. Batman is kind of a downer.
  22. I'd actually alter the animations a bit so the kicks don't cause redraw. It would look pretty cool using Martial Arts with pistols or a bow in your hand.
  23. Vox Populi

    Celestial Armor?

    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I really don't care if they sell it in the store, but please don't imply that VIPs didn't pay for the set.
    I said we didn't Paragon Points for it, which is an advantage if (like me) you don't use the consumables, because the Reward Tokens are just sitting around waiting for something halfway interesting to be spent on.
  24. Vox Populi

    Celestial Armor?

    Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if after a while of being cycled out they were added to the store. I'd support such a thing as well, let Tier 9 VIPs get the first shot at it, then after a while let everyone buy it.
    I think they should. The VIPs got it first and didn't have to spend Paragon Points on it. That seems like a fair perk, now let everyone else have a shot.